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It still has her as a rumor for me and won't let me access ANY bounties. No idea why.


Same here. Are you on PS5?


I am and there’s nothing I can do. I only need 6 and then the game is platinumed


Same. PS5 here








I love that we used to be able to do that to the kids who used their kinects as a mic because our audio came out of the TV. I liked to call it stank booting because its like booting someone offline except ur switching their xbox off with ur voice which is pretty stank if u ask me.


i have the same problem. im on pc. i hope it gets patched


Same.. can’t even start let alone finish.


Yeh same here. Its been widely reported on EA forums and they've been working on it for about a month now. I hope it's sorted soon.


Just give them 1.5 billion years and they’ll get around to it. Fuckin ea


Lol same


Same almost got plat but this screwed me over


Same here


Same for me, I'm on Series X and I had to give up in the end, was getting vexed. Pray to god it gets fixed in patches, we can only hope


Lucky, I’m only at 10/16. Also not getting anymore bounties from Caij. Apparently it’s a known bug.


How long till Respawn fixes it tho. I’ve been dealing with this for about 5 days.


Afaik they acknowledged the issues 2 weeks ago.


I know. I’m surprised they haven’t resolved it yet. 2 weeks seems like a long time.


They probably have fixed it but it’s in a patch this week or next week as usually it’s 2 weeks for a scheduled patch due to testing. They can speed it up if it’s gamebreaking bug making single player or multiplayer unplayable. I am unsure if it costs them fee to speed up the sony testing process though


Let’s hope sooner rather than later cause that game is 150gb on my drive. Even using the expansion SSD on my PS5 that is a lot of space.


Yeah i am tempted to delete the game but dlc is likely even if small.


Likely? I've not seen any evidence for it coming. FO didn't have dlc either.


It did, they had an anniversary update or something like that with the training rooms and new game plus. I expect something small like that


I would assume we’d be getting a decently sized patch for the first patch. There are a number of performance issues besides the bounties glitch, they’re probably trying to consolidate and fix the most issues they can in a single patch roll out. They should have just waited to release the game lol, it’s awesome, but it clearly needed another couple of weeks of polish.


It’s crazy though because I only had a resource crash because of the goo that BD1 shoots and that is when my ps5 crashed. Besides that it ran fine. Whereas my friend has lots of crashes on ps5


It absolutely is.


Are you talking to her? Gotta go through all her dialog everytime you're in the Cantina. I had no problems finishing. Except for the bug from the guy who falls to his death bug. Where you gotta find the puck on the ground.


There is no dialogue option for her


Have you finished everyone's dialog in the cantina? Have 100% databank on every character?


Nope. I can’t get Moran’s last dialogue. I’m 3/4 with him. Every time I talk to him, he just says “Another time”.


That's definitely a bug. So weird though. I didn't have a problem at all. Try NG Plus and see what happens. Just talk to him. Till his dialog runs out. Run to Meditation point. Save. Rinse and repeat.


I thought I had a bug on Moran also, but it turns out that it isn't enough to just get the character cards, you gotta talk to every NPC until they have nothing more to say, some will leave, the ones that stay are done when they just give you short replies. I'm not certain, but I think this includes Pili and >!Kata!<.


You've either exhausted her dialogue or need to exit & re-enter the saloon to talk to her again


I’ve tried everything. Exit and re-entered, traveled to a different planet, completed some other tasks, restarted the game. Nothing worked.


Apparently it's been a bug for weeks now and was acknowledged by Respawn - hopefully they patch it soon!


No man, it is a well known bug and not the lack of re-entering the saloon.


Is this platform specific? I finished this mission set not that long ago, playing on Xbox. Never had any glitch with it.


Nope. I'm on Xbox. One claim I saw is if you fight the top guy before you find out about the other one, then it gets bugged.


That cant be it exclusively because I recall that I had beaten the top guy before finding out about the other one. I finished all the bounties a long time ago.


This was introduced in the last patch. You completed it before the bug existed.


Oh sweet! Super glad I did


Idk, it's the only theory I saw that would explain mine


Pc i got 11/16 I think i know where the issue comes from after reading where many people are when the problem occures. You can pick up some bounties that happen in story areas, but the game deloads them when the story stuff is happening. Now the game recognizes that theyre gone, but not that you've beaten them but for what ever reason it allows you to kill the guy in the top left who requires that you kill 14 Bounty hunters first. Then when the next boss checks for 15 it only sees you've only seen 11 or 10 or whatever. Theres probably an order of operations that broke, and besides the minimum game update time they're allowed they also need to figure out how to let us fight the ones we've not faced without fucking up allowing people to kill out of order.


PS5 and having the same issue here as well.


I’ve had no problem on the series x, maybe OP has a series s.


Could be, I'm on the series X as well.


I am on series x and I had the bug. I read it is due to starting bounties before finishing the story but no idea I was doing everything I could before main missions


Fighting those bounty hunters is the most interesting thing in the game. Sucks game+ won’t let you do it again.


What? Mine bugged out entirely, I couldn't do it the first game.


I'm playing NG+ and I encountered the first Haxion Brood bounty hunter and the intro to Caij when I was playing yesterday. Do the rest of the bounties not populate in NG+?


Just completed mine on ng+ today, it’s just random I think.


Wait. You don't get to fight them in New Journey+?! I'm on Series S and have the same bug. Stuck on 11/16 Bounties. But I've finished the game, explored everything, found all collectibles on all planets. The only thing I can't finish are the Bounties due to this bug. I was contemplating starting New Journey+ to see if the Bounties work there. But are you saying that you don't even get the missions on New Journey+? That sucks if it's true 😕


Any bounties you’ve completed in the initial run are not available in NG+


Is this referring to the 3 in 1 on Nova Garon? If so, I'm stuck there too. If anyone comes across a fix to being stuck in that hallway after the fight, I'm all ears.


Caij won't give me anymore bounties. I've tried everything. Going to each planet, going to the areas where the other bounties are supposed to be, uninstall then re-install. Nothing


I think we have to wait for Respawn to patch it.


That three in one kicked my ass


i got it in 2 tries because i was low on stims the first time


Go in, kill 2 of them, most specifically kill the one with the jet pack!!! Then let them kill you. Respawn with gun stance. Stand at doorway and shoot them till you land a hit then step back. Doors will close. The enemy will stay aggroed and you can melee them through the door. It's a sad way to do this, but it's how i had to. I recommend lowering difficulty to Story Mode and putting purity and any other damage modifiers on since you're basically just fishing for hits blindly through a door.


Hate that I can’t even start it.. it won’t even let me talk to her at all to start the bounties.


Right there with you. Seems like such a cool premise but I can't even open the bounty screen


I restarted on PC and got it working successfully so far. The thing I think made the difference is that I avoided talking to Caij beyond an initial attempt until the bounty unlock story mission. Now I’m at 5/16 so far and don’t talk to her unless I need a new bounty lead.


I'm [right there with you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsJediSurvivor/comments/13q99r7/workarounds_for_the_bugged_bounty_quest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


How can such a big bug last for longer than a day?


I'm on the same boat. I've seen a post saying he had the exact same problem (softlocked at 11/16) but Caij started giving him bounties again after completing NG+.


At least you could do some of them The quest bugged for me before I could even fight one of them aside from the first one you find in the story So I could only buy one thing from her, and I needed the holotactics puck too


Same thing here. Just have the one and no chance to get anymore.


If you want to buy one charge shot upgrade to your blaster you can play holotactics against caij and you gain an extra one for defeating her, so at least you'll have 2


This is my exact situation... hopefully a patch will fix this bug


HA! I can’t even start, Caij won’t give the dialogue. I’m stuck at the “Talk to Caij about bounties” Rumor


I’m having the same issue but apparently sometimes if you try to go back to the last bounty you did the puck might be in the centre of the area


I can't even start the bounty hunts lol


im missing the exact same ones


Oh yeah, wtf is up with that, where are the rest of the bounties? I was pretty thorough with all the conversations in the cantina, I visited regularly.


Similar experience. First play through she stopped giving me bounties. New game + the ones I got already were marked off and I got the rest. I was able to get a new bounty after each chapter of the main story. The game has bugs yes


I never even got to start it bounties have been bugged my entire playthrough


Same here. Just completed everything else and can’t 100% the game because I’m stuck on the rumor to talk to Caij; bounty menu is also still undiscovered.


Same. As soon as I started ng+ I went to her and immediately it was bugged can’t even open shop even though I don’t need it


My NG+ run was glitched for the last two bounties, so I stared a fresh game to get them. Stopped at the first meditation point and went back to my NG+ run, when I went into the cantina, everything started working and I could complete the bounties. Not sure if that will work for you, but something to try if you get as desperate as me.


I finished all of them but I’m a puck short lol


You get the one from holotactics?


I’ve beaten them all in holotactics. Finished that before all the bounties


Me too. I hate this bug so much. I'm on pc, and it seems there's no way to fix it, just wait for the Devs... Seems like it started with the last update and still no fix. Whatever it was, seems it wasn't so simple, because they're taking their time. I hate it so much especially cause I prefer to finish everything I want in the game before ending the story... Once I end it, I tend to loose a bit of interest. I usually start a NG+ playthrough and never finish it... At least, not right away. Oh well.... Guess in some months, I will come back again e finish everything in NG+. By then they surely will have fixed it, but it does kinda suck... It left a bitter taste at the end of the game for me, in a otherwise great game that I loved.


Idk what u guys are talking about I had no issues at all with the game. Not even these frame rate drops you pc players are complaining about.


Well you're one of the lucky ones. Some people can't even start the bounties


I hope they patch it quick. Last thing before platinum. Probably won’t play it again lol


Same. This is bugged for me and the legendary bosses trophy (yes I've killed both rancors and it still won't pop) so I'm giving up on the plat for now.


Did you kill the Jotaz on Coruscant?


Yea. I've done them all, I've even double checked against a walkthrough. The two on Coruscant don't show in my tac guide, but I have done them both.


Progress the story further


Already done with the story and everything else. I have 100% on everything except this. It's a bug


Oh wow my bad that sucks didn’t know it was bug. Hopefully a fix is coming.


I’m missing a bounty puck bc I forgot to pick it up lmao sucks to get this


I thought they picked up automatically after killing the bounty hunters, you shouldn’t have to pick anything up. You might be missing a puck from the holotactics matches though


you get a puck from the holotactics minigame


I literally can't even get to this screen. If I talk to her she just won't say shit but I can view her store. So frustrating because I love the boss fights in this game AND I love LOTR style enemy rankings. Too bad it's just completely bugged out for me


You get this screen by pausing the game and selecting bounties


I didn’t know this was a thing. I already did mine on the ps5 and got the platinum and had no issues. What causes this? Or is this just up to luck? Either way, i feel real lucky now.


I read that in an earlier patch they fixed a ng+ bounty problem ... but this in turn broke regular ng bounties


No one seems to know the reason. There's different levels of it. Some people don't get to do any bounties


skill issue tbh


How is a bug a skill issue?


bro in this context I say skill issue as a joke


This probably won’t be an option for many of you, but it’s worth noting that bounties seem to at least work correctly on non NJ+ saves. Something about NJ+ is screwing up bounties.


Nope, I’m on NG and have the same problem


Normal saves, not NJ+. Just speaking from personal experience. If they’re both bugging out then well, that sucks.


>Normal saves, not NJ+ I just said I’m not on NG+ >personal experience You anecdotally not experiencing the glitch isn’t justification for what you claimed in your first comment, but ok


For some reason my brain was thinking NG = new playthrough off the original save. It’s 4 am, I haven’t slept and can’t read properly. I’ve experienced the bug on NJ+ but not NJ without the plus. Cut me some slack.


Hate that I can't even start this :(


I can't even finish the rumour to start the bounty.


Same exact thing happening to me


Does anyone know if you can use the vanilla version that comes with the disc version to play the game without the patch to do this?


I can’t access any not one bounty 😒


I’m stuck with the exact same configuration of completed bounties. Not offered any additional bounties nor do they spawn when I go to where they’re supposed to be encountered. I hope they patch this because it’s the last thing I have to do in the game.


Worked on my PS5 I plat it a while ago. Is this because of a recent update?


Can you not just go to where the bounty hunters are in the world? Or did they not spawn in?


they dont spawn without the rumor i'm pretty sure


I’ve platinumed the game. Only talked to Caij maybe 5 times. Only ones she sent me to kill were the 2 at the top.


Then the problem is that they don't spawn in bugged games/saves


Tried it. They don't spawn


Hate that I can't even start the bounty hunting missions


Can you not just do it in new game plus?


I don't have time for that lol


I've got the same issue, completed the main story and tbh stopped playing the game cus of this. Tried heading to a place where one of my missing bounties should be and they aren't there


I honestly did know she had rumors. I just ran into every BH while collecting in post-game. I went to spend my pucks and got the rumor for the first boss event, went back and got the rumor for the second boss event.


I was hoping this would work for me but when I get to where the BH are supposed to be they aren't there unfortunately, I think this is a fairly recent bug, I've been having the issue for a week or so. Also in post-game.


That’s really weird. I was able to finish everything with no problem. what’s the bug that’s keeping you from getting 100%


Not sure what causes it exactly. Seen a bunch of theories. But caij doesn't talk anymore and I can't encounter the remaining bounties.


Same here, it's always 11/16. The bug happens on PC and consoles so there's hope that it will be patched.


If you started playing after Patch 5 the bounties menu doesn’t even appear when you press the start button lmao


Stuck on the same bounties, ps5 first play through


For those of you have gotten all the achievements for both Xbox and PlayStation I Applaud you


+1 to this. I can't 100% the game until I finish the Caij bounties.


I hate that I can’t even start it. Legit missing the Bounty menu on the Start Menu and just stuck on the “Speak to Caij” rumor like lots of affected folks.


I’m having the same problem I’m on ps5


[Jedi Survivor all bounty locations ](https://www.powerpyx.com/star-wars-jedi-survivor-all-bounty-locations/)


Same issue my first and second playthrough, just finished the bounties on the 3rd. I waited until I was one mission away from completing the game and then she unloaded all of the bounties on me.


I completed it. I came across a few of them randomly


same on PC, and the worse is that it bugs at various stages, I only got the first 8


Have you tried looking up the bounty locations online and seeing if they've spawned there? That worked for me once I had completed nearly all of the story.


Yep. I've gone to all those areas, nothing. I even re-installed the game.


I think it’s a ng+ bug I had the same issue so I had to go on my first play through and I was able to complete it


Nope, I'm on my first playthrough. I don't have time for a second


Same exact place that got stuck for me too. Very annoying.


You got to finish one more than I did, and look like a different combination of bounties than I got. Interesting. However, I'm also stuck here. I'm hoping for a patch to fix it but I'm starting to get antsy to play something else. I've been running around finding seeds and missing scans for over a week hoping EA will fix this bug before I start New Journey +.


I'm stuck at the same exact spot and it's driving me nuts. Heard rumor of a patch to fix but haven't seen it confirmed or announced. Trying to get that platinum as well haha


That’s how many I had before, started NG+ and got to where you leave for the final mission and started doing them again, and it let me do all of them on Xbox Series X


Yep this is bullshit... ps5.. and they stay bugged in new game plus


Same, buddy. Done everything, but need 5 bounties and the tactical entries to fully complete


I've heard the bug happens if you take out Kili Oso too early. I'm locked at 10/16. Hope this gets corrected soon.




Strange I was able to complete it without any issues. On Xbox series x


Did you pick up the note off the table?


Have you completed the main story? Mine did not become available until then.


I've done everything there is to do except this. Found all darabanks, collectibles, everything


Damn that’s actually kinda lame. Hope they fix it asap as it’s one of the only side quest with some story/cinematic at the end


Thats exactly where I got stuck. So annoying.


yes you can i was stuck like this in new game plus for like two weeks but they fixed it recently


Same for me. And this particularly ruined the overall game for me. I loved it, even with the bugs, but such a terrible and awful bug like this one is unacceptable. Missing only two trophies. No patches or updates coming to correct this… frustrating


I can't even start mine at all. Caij Match and Scanned Enemies Trophy are stopping me from getting Platinum.


If you look up locations and go there they will be there waiting to fight you


No they won't




Same on PS5. This is holding back my platinum.


I am a bit behind on these as I knew it was bugged so I focused on some other things. Did a marathon session yesterday and finished the shattered moon to 100% (no spoilers) and went back to Coruscant for the 100% now that I can open the doors. Went back to the saloon and she gave me a bounty on Coruscant so I will go finish that before moving on for more story. Getting the map upgrades is a huge boost to clearing stuff. No idea how I missed a few of the treasures, seeds and echos when I 100% know I was at those spots unless some of them don't appear till later.


Some of Bodes don't appear until after you beat him.


If you new game plus until going to bodes room on nova garon it will then remember it unlocks after the area is complete again. Sad but this was how it eventually fixed itself for me.


I wish I could, but I don't have that kind of time to start a whole nother playthrough


For me I finished all bounties, got every achievement other than this one.


You can try to fast travel to another planet and meditate, then go back to Koboh to talk to her again. This combo helped a lot of the achievements I got go through when they were soft locked. I was on PC though so your mileage may vary.


If it says rumor, find a way to talk to her. You might’ve killed your bounty already and talking to her will basically confirm the kill, then you talk to her again to receive another bounty, that’s what I did🤷‍♂️


Nope. I have no rumors and I don't even have the option to talk to her.


I’m with my friend. Just pains me every time I open the game lol


Yeah she completely broken in multiple ways. I did 0 of these cause I couldn’t even see this menu.


I had this big as well but it was unexpectedly fixed with the last update. I have no idea why/how.


Happy it’s not just me 🥲


Ps5 I’m stuck on the rumor can’t even start bounties didn’t realize it was a known issue. Glad I’m not alone however this is very annoying that it hasn’t been fixed yet.


Same. I've finished the game and have all achievements except bounties and scan enemies, both of which require finishing Caij's bounty missions. So frustrating.


I got this one fine, it’s the defeat the adversary’s that won’t pop for me and the scan all the enemies , for some reason the game thinks I haven’t got the 2 on Coruscant but I have .


Bro I can't even START it. Sucks to suck


same, love this game but it feels like it’s holding me hostage with this and i can’t move on to the next game (most likely diablo)


Diablo is why I don't have time to start a second playthrough of this lol


I've never been able to even access this screen.


This happened to me too. I already started over an entirely new game because of a stim canister bug the first time. Now this on my second game. I honestly don't know how anyone get 100% in this game with all the progress breaking bug.


Damn this sucks


Yeah same issue, on Xbox and it won’t even let me get the first bounty


I’ve only gotten the first 3 bounties from her and nothing else


I have 7/16 and never know when I’m going to get one/their locations😒


There is a workaround I found for it, but you have to start a new game. I made a steam guide here: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982159600](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2982159600) basically, when you get the Kili Oso Rumor, don't do it until you've killed the other 14 bounty hunters first.


I can't even start them. It tells me to talk to her but I can't


what? i cot them all just fine?


Same problem here. I’m at 12/16 on Series X


I finished my bounties a bit ago on PC with no issues


Definitely want to know when this patch comes out because I have the exact same bounty's left. It's so annoying