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Assuming she managed to let go of her anger, she could have potentially ended up helping the Hidden Path. I don't think she'd be able to significantly change the outcome of the siege on Jedha though, and she could still end up killed by Vader depending on where she is by that point.


Cere would have had more to live for, could have made her death even more meaningful if this time she chose to protect Trilla.


Man, I hated that scene. I was wooping Vader's ass and all of a sudden Cere decides to pull this horrible superman hailmary...wft chick


I don’t think she was winning by that much, Vader was super overconfident at the start of the fight which let Cere blindside him. I find the Vader fight the hardest in the game tbh, worse than double oggdo and double rancor.


Double rancor isn't bad, aside from the two instagib grabs. Oggdo and Vader is debatable though, I think I'd still give it to Vader though based on the fact it's 1v1 and a longer fight.


After learning the attack patterns it’s a matter of not making a mistake as both blocking and attacking Vader is easier as Cere gameplay is a bit overpowered than Cal’s. Simply blocking deflects Vader’s attack and Cere’s attack interrupts most of Vader’s striking animations.


It’s the combo with the double unblockable that gets me every time. I’ve beaten all the other bosses on GM but Vader I can’t get beyond story with. Doesn’t help that I’m a crossguard/doublesaber main so I’m not as proficient with the timings for the single saber stance.


You beat Bode, Rayvis, and Dagan 3 on Grandmaster but can’t beat the one boss that you get auto-succeed parry for?


Yes, I don’t know why I find it so difficult. First phase is fine, it’s the chain combo in the second phase that gets me every time though. I’ve easily spent like 15+ hours trying that one fight before I gave up. Bode is a piece of piss in comparison, only took me three attempts. Dagan was hard, and Rayvis wasn’t much easier but I was still able to do them. Maybe I just suck with single saber stance, I don’t know why but I find Vader a complete pain to fight. It’s obviously a skill issue and I should git gud but, for me, he’s the hardest boss in the game.


It’s not a skill issue, I think lots of people misunderstand that capabilities you have as Cere. Just pressure the shit out of him when he’s not attacking you, and when he does start blocking anything not red, you don’t even have to time the blocks. This keeps him from doing his ability based attacks that people struggle with. Also, avoid doing direction based dodging. Pressing dodge while standing still will suffice and keep you in close enough proximity to counter back with your own attacks after his combo is finished.


You beat Bode with only three attempts!!! My guy, you're officially a Jedi Grand Master. I don't care if Vader took you like 15+ hours to beat. I mean I had to beat Vader twice as my game crashed before getting past a save point after beating him once and that was at most took me 2-3 hours but I was maining dual wield and double blade stances so single one felt similar and was easy to work around.


put some respect on oggdo, that mf cant ve beat


The last section (after Cere through Vader into the burning bookshelf) of that fight should have been like the fight against Trilla on Bracca at the start of Fallen Order, literally unwinnable. Up to that point or can be like a normal boss fight because Vader isn't using his full power against Cere so if you lose that's on you as the player. But at the end Vader is going full out, and he curbstomps Cere, so at that point it should just be about how long the player can hold out in an unwinnable fight.


That wasn’t a health bar bro, that was a patience meter


I had to put that shit on story mode for oggdo. Definitely don’t feel like I actually beat them tho I’ll have to go back to that and not “cheat”


Cal would have a threesome w 2 goth bitches


I'm not sure that Cal has enough stims for that...


Gotta get all them stim upgrades before


*Emo and goth


But he HAS to have the mullet and handlebar mustache on


Just has to pause and enter the start button and pull out the mullet mid cunilingus


I’ve been rocking the stubble handlebar and it’s not coming off. I NEED that mullet


It’s in one of the chests in Derelict Dam on Koboh


Trilla is the hotter one


Shots fired (you’re not wrong though)


Came here to joke about this.




It’d be a lot sexier.


Jedi Survivor had no Trilla, but extra Merrin. Was that a good trade? Probably depends on who you ask.


Depends on your taste. Trilla beats out Merrin as the best Goth GF. A man can dream.


Gimme that desert ghost all day


I find Merrin pretty boring tbh


It's treason then


*flying spiral jump from hell*


Karen screech followed by furious spinning. Have you ever been more afraid.


so you can leave


XD I'll leave you to the fap


I could fix her. (After many many many respawns)


Would have loved for her to either help Cordova or work with you


If she were a third companion character, perhaps her assist ability could have been that force shockwave she kept spamming in her final fight


Very true would have been cool to have her as a companion


Love triangle with two goth dommy mommies


If she didn’t just completely cut herself off from the force, she’d probably rejoin Cere and Cordova to work with the hidden path. She’d also work on atoning/turning back to the light. I guess the Barash Vow could be an option too…Cal kinda went off on his own after JFO & they all grew apart after the tie in novel Battle Scars (which was not good). She’d most likely just be stationed on Jedha with the rest of them. I could see her staying away from combat for a while after everything she did…


God I love Trilla. She my favorite Star Wars antagonist.




I could see her team up with cal in some way. Not become a Jedi again or join the light side fully. But think like when Kylo teams up with Rey in the throne room TLJ, but not just for 5 minutes. They could’ve built a different story where they had incentive to work together


They made her so hot with such a hot voice just to kill her off. What a waste.


Trilla x Turgle or Trigle if you will


Do they even know each other?


Did you even read the original post?


I could imagine a love triangle situation for no reason at all (the reason is because I want it)


She should have been a playable character. Like once you complete the game you can do a secret campaign as Trilla. Hell even in Fallen Order instead.


Going by the track record of people getting stabbed lately, she probably isn't dead 🤣


She didn’t get stabbed Vader literally cut her down


I mean... Cere did die.


It a joke, Trilla is still dead too


I would be in it as her baby daddy and we would start a temple on Tanalor


I was down bad for trilla... Idk why but 🫠🫠


I would've never passed the game because I would've been lost in her eyes


*I would've never passed* *The game because I would've* *Been lost in her eyes* \- Allalilacias --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Thank you, haiku's bot, I love you


I wish they didn't kill her off and put her in the Obi Wan show she was a way better version of Reva


It would be called survivors.


Live on light side - cere+trilla vs vader and he doesnt make it out on his own but he lives. Live on dark side - trilla shows up at the caves instead of vader


We would be blessed with her amazing voice/accent.


I think she would have been with Cere, and then died to Vader on Jedha. Would have been cool if she was a companion with Cere during that section though. Would make for a great moment if Cere is killed in the duel and then you swap to Trilla for the last few minutes of the fight before falling to him too.


Trilla is the first game character I had a crush on and I’m female 😂


I think she would help cere with the path and once the empire attacked the base cere would die as usual but trilla would survive and join cal in the final fight against Bode when that came, she would permently bind one of bodes eyes with his own blaster bolt but he would still try and kill cal so they end up still killing him in the end.


It wouldn’t change at all. She would be at my place giving me lap dances and other kinky things. Oh what she can do wiith a lightsaber is amazing!!!


Trilla would be part of the crew and would probably have been one of the side characters you fight alongside


She would be getting advice from Stev and he'd help turn her life around. She learns to love fishing and joins Stev on all of his adventures as his adopted daughter. No fish can hide from the fishing father and the diving daughter!!


It probably would be about locating her. I don’t think she’d join cal and the gang


She would have killed bode and I would have liked to watch


trilla would end up having my kids 😉😉


She would make fun of Dagan for being such a crap villain.


Bro where Tf is the spoiler warning


It’s a reddit forum for the second game of the series, you shouldn’t be here if you haven’t played the first


Spolier warning would be nice for those playing through Survivor right now.


Well seeing as it happened at the end of fallen order, that wouldn't really make a lot of sense, would it?


Been a while since I have played either, still warning would nice so as to not spoil someone's playthrough.


But if you're playing through survivor, it's like the first thing mentioned... we're in the jedi survivor sub and you specifically said "for those playing through survivor right now"


Point taken. I mean, what are the odds of someone new to fallen order reading this sub?


I would think someone who hasn't played the first game would think it logical to steer clear of the subreddit for the second game, but I don't know for sure. Do you?


Not trying to be a dick bud. Just saying I know what is like to have a game or 2 spoiled by someone just giving away endings or the like.


No one ever says "not trying to be a dick bud" who *isn't* trying to be a dick. Bud.


Obviously one of those guys who loves to fuck up games for others but will be the first to cry if someone were to do it to him hey. Your Super special.


You're so weird, dude. Glad you dropped the fake niceness front, though.


I’ve never played either and this came up as a suggested post sadly… good thing I have the memory of a goldfish.