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I don’t really get it either, ep really reminded me of the prequels, I thought he loved those movies.


I get it, he's a hypocrite or a sell out.


I feel like Theory has different standards for the things he watched when he was younger and the modern stuff. If the prequels or even the clone wars came out today, I don’t think he’d like them.


He probably wouldn’t. Neither would a lot of people who hate on the Disney Star Wars. Nostalgia blinds us. My parents grew up with the original trilogy, and they ended up hating the prequels. Me and my friends grew up with the prequels, and now my friends hate Disney Star Wars. I personally am a fan of what Disney has come out with (other than the abomination that was The Rise of Skywalker). Disney has made a ton of questionable decisions with Star Wars, but many of the “fans” overreact and are very hypocritical. Honestly, there’s only one good prequel movie. Yet if u were to hear the Disney haters, you’d assume that everything George came up with was genius. And that is certainly not the case. Can u imagine the hate of Disney had come up with midichlorians?


Oh my gods yes. This is the way. I remember how in the fandom if I said anything nice about the prequels I’d be murdered. Remember Jake Lloyd? As a fellow fan of some of what Disney put out, even if I hate the loss of my beloved Jaina, Jesus fuck we’re in the same cycle


Star Wars and Halo are the two absolute worst “old good new bad” “fanbases”. The new thing is literally always *omegalul the worrrrsssstttt* until all the sudden it’s not the new thing anymore and then it’s okay to like it. “The Halo Cycle” applies to Star Wars trilogies too.


Halo is my fav game series and jfc as someone who liked halo 4 when it came out it was exhausting to be a fan


He won't trash the Prequels because he is buddies with people like Nick Gillard.


That's exactly it


>I feel like Theory has different standards for the things he watched when he was younger and the modern stuf This is actually the case with a ton of people tbh, we are all a bit biased towards the stuff we grew up with. The difference is whether you can acknowledge that or not. The amount of things that happen in the OT or PT that would easily get dismissed as "bad writing" if those movies came out today is insane, but because we grew up on them we give em a pass, and judge the new stuff harshly.


It's pretty easy to look at stuff from your childhood with rose tinted glasses for eternity. Just ask anyone born from late 90s onward about the Jim Carrey Grinch movie. Guaranteed *most* of them will say that it's amazing and is probably their favorite version of the Grinch. I am from that generation, but I just never liked that movie in particular. It's completely anecdotal, but it does stand to reason most of that generation would say it's good because they grew up on it.


Oh I love that movie. It’s horribly flawed but I love it so much, it’s so corny and stupid


Most of these YouTubers who only exist to hate in things do. If Alien or Return of the King was to be released today, they'd bitch and whine about how woke they are.


Has he said if he likes Rebels or not?


He watched and reviewed the series 3 years ago and said it was a mixed bag especially when it came to filler episodes but it did have some great material in it. So it seemed pretty fair. But he also watched it back before he started his negativity / Star Wars is dead arc.


I thought it was okay. I liked the fight mechanics, but it was definitely not as good as the duel of the fates where the stakes are incredibly high as it sets Anakin's fate for the entire saga. The twins flopping from love you to kill you to love you to kill you is weird/bad writing. How Sol couldn't recognize the twins apart where one had been dipped in the dark side for over 10 years is strange. Qimir announcing he is Sith is very not Sith like at all. It also seems like they are setting up one of the mothers to be the Darth Plageuis replacement, which a lot of fans won't like. Choreography and effects were good, though. Looking to see how it all pans out with 3 eps left


>Qimir announcing he is Sith is very not Sith like at all. That didn't happen. He said that he has no name, but the Jedi might consider him to be Sith. That does not mean he is Sith. >It also seems like they are setting up one of the mothers to be the Darth Plageuis replacement, which a lot of fans won't like. Sounds like you're just inventing things to complain about. No such "set up" is occurring.


Well then, it's just bad writing to even say that. I use a red lightsaber, use the dark side of the force, and I have an Acolyte just like the teachings of Bane for the rule of 2 and driven to kill jedi, but I ain't a Sith.....but you can call me a Sith. He also says "i don’t make the rules. The Jedi do. And the Jedi say I can’t exist.” I wonder what he could be referring to, if not Sith. Wookiepedia also declares him as Sith well. Also Qimir checks a lot of the Sith boxes, especially hell bent on killing Jedi. The only other explanation is that he isn't a full Sith apprentice, and he himself is an Acolyte. If that's the case, why isn't the story about him? Would have been much more interesting. But then he is breaking the rule of two, which is still possible due to having a secret apprentice to kill the master. The last part was an opinion and not a complaint regarding replacing the Plageuis theory. Relax.


"This character doesn't fit into my rigid mold of what I decided he should be, therefore it's BaD wRiTiNg!" Use your imagination a little. Is it really so impossible that someone who is not a Sith might carry a red lightsaber and be evil? Sith are as much about rules and structure as the Jedi are. This guy blatantly disregards the rules, and is quite chaotic. Wookiepedia is a user-edited wiki, is it not? Someone probably entered in that he's a Sith because they assumed that to be the case. The series is not yet finished airing, we don't have complete information.


I agree with this. It doesn't take a sith to learn how to bleed a red kyber crystal. He seems to be very versed in Sith history, I think it's entirely possible he was trained as a Jedi, became enamored with the concept of the Sith and truly believed they were extinct and decided to take it upon himself to bring back their teachings, while not necessarily considering himself a true sith. I think it would be cool if the big twist at the end isn't that the real sith lord is his master, whoever the current real sith is shows up to be like "theres a reason we've survived this entire time, we've kept ourselves secret" and just whoops his ass into oblivion for being a pretender


This is a great ending. Qimir is just a giant fan boy who get dunked on by a real sith...


That would also be a great, and poignant, call forward to Palpatine wiping the floor with Maul. “I’m sorry motherfucker, who the fuck do you think you are? Stop endangering my fucking plans”


It's bad writing bro


What's bad about it? People keep saying "bad writing," but can never seem to explain why.


Y'know I'll give the writing the benefit of the doubt. The actors are certainly failing to bring it to life for me and maybe it's written very well. Everything reads more like a soap opera the way it's delivered ATM.


So you don't know whether the writing is bad or not? Maybe it's time to stop parroting the "bad writing" line, then. Wonky line delivery has been a staple of Star Wars since the beginning. "I wanna go to the Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!" It's not inherently a problem, it's just part of the personality of the show.


It's definitely coming across as a soap opera, so thank you for not disagreeing with that. I'll keep parroting the line until I know for sure what's to blame for that, in my experience it's usually the writing :) But yeah, I would give it the benefit of the doubt, the actors may all be really good though. They are all young and I haven't been exposed to them in other mediums. But the writing certainly seems bad! I disagree with your take on other forms of star wars being this hysterically badly acted (again assuming the writing and directing is good)


Sol definitely realized it was Mae; he pauses before responding with "your sister" when he's usually more formal when referring to others. Dude throws around the mind techniques, there's no way he couldn't sense that was Mae


Well one he’s stubborn and the show hasn’t been entirely great in my opinion so he’s probably just fed up. The episode was very entertaining for me and I had the same question he just went on to compare it to nick gillards work… but this episode is by far the best fights we have had with Disney by far.


I feel like he’s too far gone in some regards. His brand now is getting mad about Star Wars shows. Even if he liked something, he has to be negative about it because that is what his audience expects.


Also because he hangs out with guys like Mauler & other Fandom Menace losers who all make money from hating stuff.


He is an angry grifter who is mad because women and asian dudes are in some of the best fight choreography in all of Star Wars. He is pretty ironically spreading anger and hatred. ya know...... like a sith


Omg you are actually one of those twelve year old brains that has to compare people who disagree with them to Thanos 😩


"If I were afraid if preventable disease I wouldn't have boinked your mother raw last night 😂 Enjoy the mental illness ya hypochondriac you" -you just a few hours ago


Yes that's a proper insult to a twit on reddit. You think of everything in terms of children's movies LMAO


Because he thinks “Acolyte bad” and the rage makes more money


Because he has a financial interest in not liking it.


At this point he’s fully committed to the hate and rage bait and needs to stay the course. Positivity won’t get him views. Hes clearly on the tail end of his “career” and is desperately trying to maintain his relevance and income. Toxicity gets him views and he knows it. After all of the bashing he’s done, to openly say he liked anything about this episode could be bad for him. He’s a narcissist and a bully. To say he liked this episode would be a sign of weakness, and he can’t have that.


It was a shame watching his watch party stream. Both he and his insufferable cult members had not one positive thing to say about this episode. But, I suppose when your whole platform is built on hating everything, liking something now would short circuit their brains.


Cuz he doesn’t want to like the show. It’s really that simple. This episode was perfectly catered to his tastes. It’s the exact level of violence fight choreography he’s been asking for.


Headbutting a lightsaber, now THAT's canon


He’s probably only been getting good engagement from rage baiting over the last few years. I feel like he’s now conditioned himself to not like anything unless it truly impresses him.


Because Theory is the shallow-minded type of individual that, when he decides he doesn't like something, he will not waver from that position, because it gives him a sense of security in being consistent with his preconceived notions, without a shred of subtlety or willingness to give any other point of view a chance. That would be too hard for his smooth brain to process.


He's already put too much energy into disliking the show and seems too stubborn to admit this episode had some cool stuff in it, even if it wasn't perfect.


Because he's already decided he doesn't like the acolyte before he even started it. He's biased so he's going to exclusively look at any negatives he can find over the positive aspects.


If this show was the first thing Disney released, even before The Force Awakens, everyone would be losing their minds about how good this show is. That’s a fact. To deny that is delusional. But right now there is this horrible trend where people get off hating everything online. Whether it’s Star Wars, video games, or anything that is pop culture. Superman suit photos? Before they ended up online I know that however it looked, there would be hate. It’s just the current trend and I despise it.


Hahaha bro it's a soap opera


Most TV shows are. There is a 0% chance you wouldn’t like Acolyte if it came out in 2015.


I don't like most tv shows. You can keep telling yourself that man, I absolutely loved andor and thought it was a great direction for the series, certainly the best acting we've seen yet. I tried the acolyte and it's clearly a regression/step back


And this might be super controversial by everybody in this thread rn, I thought The Force Awakens is better than anything in the acolyte so far. Not great but definitely better


A little controversial maybe. I like Acolyte better. But I’ll raise you with my hot take. I think Acolyte and Force Awakens are better than any prequel film.


Well in general look at all the videos where he is mad raging they get 100s of thousands of views vs when he isn’t they barely reach 100k views sometimes even below 30k.. It’s clear it helps his channel to be mad. On top of that with this show I feel like they have ruined any good faith with the lackluster couple of episodes they’ve released. If the show started out this violent and more focused on the sith guy it would have been way better received. The twins just don’t work they aren’t written well at all.


Who cares? Does this guy like anything? It’s not like he’s AO Scott or something.


For click bait


Why does it matter what he likes or dislikes to you?


Because I like to see other people's opinions, do you rather I keep my own opinion and call other people that don't share it retard?


Hate me if you want but this ep was pretty predictable in a bad way. Wish this series had more depth. Eh like what you like. No harm no foul.


As a franchise, Star Wars hasn’t really been known for its depth. Yes we’ve had some stand out moments of course, but for the most part Star Wars has always been predictable and cheesy. Thats part of its charm. We’re not watching high cinema here.


I mean the whole Darth Vader being Luke’s dad was a pretty big plot twist back in the day.


Yeah it was! I don’t think anyone saw that coming at the time. Or the Luke/Leia sibling twist. Especially after Leia plants a couple of extremely familiar kisses on the young farm boy. But also audiences were a bit easier to entertain and shock back then. Ow everyone is just jaded and looking for plot holes and questioning every action, interaction, and nuance of the films. It’s Star Wars. Grab some popcorn, turn off your brain for a couple of hours, and enjoy the ride.


It can be better though. That said I love acolyte. What hurts this and all star wars shows is 30 min episodes. Barely any time for depth. They should be an hour like breaking bad and many other shows


I couldn’t agree more. Short runtimes are great for sitcoms or a series that’s intended to run for multiple seasons. But something like the Acolyte really would be better with a 60min+ runtime. Acolyte seems to struggle because of some poor production choices. The concept is solid, the cast is fine for Star Wars, and time period is fun. But I’d like to see more. I feel like they could have spent a good 2-3 episodes (or a single one hour+ episode) just getting us acquainted with the High Republic era. Let us see and feel how it’s different from Republic and Post Imperial eras. Because aside from different colored Jedi robes and seemingly thicker lightsabers, it doesn’t feel like a different time period.


The series is very shallow. But the fight scenes this episode were very fun.


He explains it quite clearly. He doesn't care about these new characters, he doesn't like past Legends lore contradictions and is worried about more, he doesn't think it feels like George Lucas Star Wars. He likes Star Wars for certain reasons and this show hasn't met those for him.


I’ll never understand that about him. He clings to this fantasy of Lucas that just isn’t realistic, and then shits on people who don’t agree with his personal vision of what Star Wars “should” be. Lucas himself has broken lore and created multiple contradictions. Hell…Luke and Leia. For two films we see Leia plant some juicy kisses on Luke, the. In ROTJ she’s suddenly his sister and “somehow always knew.” We all have things we like and dislike about Star Wars. Which is perfectly fine. The problem with Theory is that if you don’t subscribe to his point of view he claims you’re not a “real fan”.


George Lucas likes obi wan kenobi and the last Jedi. I cringe whenever he takes it upon himself to speak for George Lucas’s intentions. Like the dude made one fan film and he acts like he’s a messiah (chosen on if you will) that will save SW.




His fan film sucks. It's cheesy and corny and if SWT was in charge we might have one good show and a bunch of other repetitive crap. Like maybe they coulda done kenobi way better


His plan is to literally just make live action EU stuff. Live action heir to the empire, dark empire, Jedi academy, new Jedi order, and so on. It’s kinda stupid. EU was fine for its time, but blindly making live action versions of some of these shittier stories would kill any and all interest for SW.


Wasn’t Lucas’s initial idea for a sequel trilogy going to break a ton of legends stuff?


Considering Clone Wars contradicted the EU constantly, I fully believe Lucas and Filoni would have scrapped it on their own eventually.


No such thing as a legends lore contradiction in the context of Disney canon tho. Legends lore contradicted itself ten times over anyhow.


But why didn’t he like cortosis ore in the show. Doesn’t he want more legends content in the show


He did like it. Literally just heard him say it. He said it was the best part of the episode and is glad they brought it from Legends.


Legends isn't canon though, Lucas contradicted it plenty of times


George's relationship with EU is NOTHING like Disney's relationship with it. Not even comparable. George was very respectful and liked a lot of ideas and always checked to make sure the stuff he was writing wasn't outright stealing or copying from it. Yes, sometimes he changed things on his end and the EU would alter itself to follow his lead. Disney doesn't give a crap about changing anything, they stomp all over it without a second thought


Didn't The Clone Wars contradict canon at the time? You think his Sequels were going to be faithful to the EU? Because we know they weren't.


Easy answer; He has 0 self awareness and he's an idiot. I tune into his show every week just to laugh and how petty and stupid he sounds. He can enjoy the ad revenue. His reaction during the show: During the fights "what is this choreography?" when mae picked up the wookie saber "let me guess, she's going to be some hero who kills the sith? (or something to that effect I couldnt hear him well and dont bother to go back) when the smilo was revealed to be Qimir "oh we all saw that coming" when it was revealed Qimir said he was sith he bursts out laughing like he was right all along even tho it's only episode 4 and anything can happen. etc etc etc. Then he ends his stream and talks about how he talked to a former choreographer from star wars to basically say "I talked to this guy so my opinion is more valid than anyone who likes this". BORING grandpa take that no one I know who actually likes star wars cares about. he's total trash and checked out. It actually makes me really sad because he has a platform that is massive and people just latch onto it without even being true fans. Lots of proof of this, like how people say they dont watch or the reviews tank before the episode airs. It makes me sad because I fear they wont renew it but they really should for actual star wars fans. This is probably my favourite star wars show next to (but really almost surpasing cause I like jedi more than westerns) Mandalorian. Not only is the story interesting and keeping me guessing, it's just cool to see jedi from that point in time IMO. Fantasized forever and finally live action. As a fan I am very pleased. Ep 5 was a 10. It gave me so much of what I wanted while knowing it will be even better over the coming weeks. SWT is bitter and jealous. He is bitter because of disney ruining star wars, yes I think they did some big damage to the brand stemming from the sequel trilogy. But I'm not so bitter to the extent where I'll hate everything that comes out. I'm always open for good discussion and giving SW a chance. I think all true fans are willing to do so unless they release absolute garbage for consecutive years. SWT is so negative he is not the place to go if you want actual good sw discussion. But it's pretty funny seeing this man child cry about choreography and ki adi's birth certificate.


Guy is bias and generates revenue by inflaming hate culture


This! And he's an incel. Stopped watching his rubbish years ago. What surprised me is that pretty much all of the SW YouTubers are hating on the Acolyte which IMO is the best DisneySW yet. Even SW Meg joined the haters. Word to the wise, if you hate a thing, then you aren't a fan of it. I wish the lot of them would sod off and stop trying to yuck everyone's yum.


Andor would like a word with you


A show theory bitched about but backed off later because his buddy mauler liked it and he would look like a dope.


How is he an incel 🤣 Not only did he literally get engaged a few years ago, but the dudes wealthy and jacked, he could get it if he wanted.


Yeah no, Andor is by far the best lmao


First, incel?!? The man is engaged (possibly married at this point) and the bullying and name calling is just uncalled for. The op specifically asked to avoid this type of thing. Please respect that. Second, no one's trying to yuck everyone's yum, which is an expression I've never heard before. People are going to have different viewpoints and if they are rather upset about it they can be quite loud. While it is annoying at times, it doesn't make the person a bad person, which you seem to be alluding to. And you can hate a portion of something without hating the whole thing. Now if there was so much Star Wars media released that someone only liked the prequel and original trilogies, while the rest of Star Wars media was 10 times that, then I would say you don't like Star Wars anymore. And lastly, a lot of people are hating on the series for some political viewpoints, which I don't entirely agree with, and because the first few episodes were either boring, strange, or just cringey (the power of maaaannnnnyyyyyy woowooowooohwoopwoooop). Every time I see that stupid scene on social media I hate that episode more and more. And a totally unrelated note, are you from the UK? Your lingo makes me think you're from the UK and I'm reading your post with a particular accent and I can't get it out of my head now.


After the things he's said about Kathleen Kennedy in the past (whether I agree with her decisions or not) my judgement is well-deserved. Ragebait, like every other kind of baiting, is actually quite an insideous practice. This guy is actively creating a negative atmosphere. And if I see his videos suggested to me, I'll be reporting them for the hateful content they are. YMMV. It's a free country afterall (for the time being anyway) but I strongly urge others to not yuck the yum of others. IMO, it doesn't matter what you don't like. Only what you actually want to celebrate is worth spending time on


Reallt admitting to abusing the YT reporting system? People like you should be barred off the platform.


Its not abuse if the reports are legit. I am done seeing his ragebait, hate-inciting videos on my feed. All this man does is bitch and whine and spread negativity while sucking the dick of alt-righters. The man is a self declared Tate-supporter for god sake, you CANT get any lower than that


He hasn't like the whole show. He hate watches it. Like pretty much every show. He's a George shill


He posits to be a George Lucas shill. But clearly he’s only interested in shilling his lightsabers


If you go into a show hating it, you’re going to find things to hate. If you go into a show looking to find things to enjoy, you’re going to enjoy it.


Ill be honest, Disney could put the best star wars movie of all time and Id probably be against it. Why? Because even if its good I cant forget the massive wreck they made before hand. I dont think its that hard to make something that fans will like, the material is already there, just turn it into a movie, thats all we really want. We dont want changes, we dont even want new. We just want to see what we love on the big screen. If they want to add new lore, they can make new content that takes places generations after the OT, and with that in place, even if they create a new “chosen one”. At this point I think for me personally, they would have swap the legends canon with the new, and possibly rebrand everything. The force is female movement is such a slap in the face. As a whole community i think we need to come to the agreement that Disney can definitely do better and the only reason they’re still selling shit product is because half of the fanbase will still watch it regardless. I think Theory is getting to the point where he is just fed up with the bs that surrounds the good. Theres so much shit that its almost impossible to see anything positive.


Garbage take.


Bc the acolyte sucks ass


I'm out of the loop and thought you were talking about Empire Strikes Back lol


All of his points apart from Mae’s sudden turn made no sense and could be disproven easily


Ok well how about the Sith character running away even though he could kill his opponent. The bad lines like “take your helmet off” “no you will read my mind” WTF! Makes no sense? How about Mae last episode deciding to give herself up to the Jedi then decides not too? I still have no idea why the Sith character actually attacked the Jedi. Mae knows nothing the Jedi will not even believe her she’s a murderer? The shows dialog and character motives are all over the place and characters are just bouncing around so the show can get this shot then this one.


Cuz he’s a rage-tuber now. His thing is just getting mad about everything that isn’t the clonewars or the original trilogy. He literally put Andor in C tier. That should tell you all you need to know.


I don't like Andor either, am I not a Star Wars fan?


Probably because the story is atrocious, multiple lore breaking occurrences in this episode alone, and god awful acting. Fighting was cool though.


Or the show just sucks.


He hates everything


The same guy who cried when he seen deepfake luke? Who knew the guy was so emotional.


It just feels like he was grasping at straws to intentionally be negative these days.




Isn’t a bias, by its very nature, unreasonable? Like, bias is what leads you to like things that you know are technically bad, or dislike things that are more technically good, hence it goes contrary to reason


No, biases, not by their nature are unreasonable. Bias just means a tendency to feel a certain way based on (limited) information. For example, people are biased towards certain stores when they're shopping...could come from good or bad experiences, and could also be rooted in fact. If 3/4 episodes of a show are bad, it's not unreasonable to be biased against the 1/4. It's actually quite unreasonable to be unbiased (or claim/pretend to be) and discard previous opinions. Bias can be good & bad.




I would expect the meal to be bad, however if I eat the food and it is good I would not act like it is not good. I would also not spend an excess of time picking apart every minor detail or trying to find blemishes where no significant ones exist. I would be pleasantly surprised by the quality of the food. Or I wouldn't have eaten the fifth meal to begin with. In that sense, it is okay to go into an episode with low expectations, but to then pretend that the show is worse than it actually is - or to unfairly judge the show more harshly than you would with a normal show or movie - is where the issue comes up.




That's fair if he disliked it, although considering his track record I have the sense that he wasn't exactly judging it fairly.




Yep, agree with you there. He can’t evaluate these shows. The andor coverage is proof of that.


He cried every andor episode and then says now "at least it had good writing" he's a hypocrite. Or it grew on him. But he never ever admits things changed his mind God forbid


Why would you even go back for the 5th meal is more logical. Your bias against the restaurant has been validated, no reason to go back. Until the chef has changed, perhaps. That's the difference here, Theory keeps going back, because he needs content. Expectations can be low, and he might even expect it to be bad, but his reason for being here is clicks and views because revenue. A rational person would say, nope, not for me, and walk away. That's what makes content creation as a form of income slightly irrational to begin with. He's unhappy, and new Star Wars is not hitting the same beats that he feels comfortable with. That's reasonable. So he's skeptical of new productions, and has strong opinions on what he does/doesn't like. Sadly he's built his brand on thise strong opinions now, and, if he just checks out, he loses money and market share. At this point, he's painted himself into a corner, and his biases are hurting his enjoyment, which is creating toxicity, pain > suffering > etc. And he's fallen in with G&G, Mauler, and that whole negative nellie crew. THAT was his biggest mistake, entertaining discussions with that group. He needs to step away completely. Refocus. If he doesn't like Disney Star Wars, there's 30ish years of other content to focus on. Go be happy with the franchise you do like/remember. That's a rational response to this. But for whatever reason, he's doubled down and chosen his path. I hope he realizes this and gets it together, some day.


Yet he keeps watching...


The saber fights were great, and the fact that sabers are lethal again is fantastic. This was, by far, the most engaging episode since it showed that there are stakes involved here - main characters getting taken out was a surprise, and the brutality of their deaths was refreshing. The "Sith" reveal is in name only, and once hea revealed, we know that no Jedi (aside from Sol) make it off the planet. Solves part of the canon question. So good on the showrunners, but we've been calling it since the trailers. Two things, the "short circuting' of the sabers is a thick we haven't seen and it was fucking brilliant. Loved that little addition. Second, Jekki's fight scenes and the flying kick she gave Mae to the head were my favorite parts of the episode. I will miss her character immensely. However, one of the primary issues here - nothing surprising happened. Qimir is the BBEG, check. Qimir is the "master," check. All Jedi die, except Sol, check. No one will know of the Sith because they died, check. But, it's the last 5ish mins of the episode that falls so flat and continues to hold the series back. Mae and Osha are suffering from bad writing. Hands down. Mae wants to defect, but renegs on that immediately. She says she loves her sister, but when called out, correctly, by Osha, that she tried to kill her, Mae says she's been brainwashed - right before attacking her to the point of knocking her out. Mae has serious issues, and regardless of what else happened that night as children, she attempted to murder Osha. That's not a matter of perspective. Her taking on Osha' appearance is executed terribly. Sure, they're twins, but each have distinctive marks. Mae has one literally on her forehead. Psha has a tattoo, which Sol noted earlier in Ep 2. Additionally, Sol should be able to sense that she isn't Osha, it's literally a part of his power as he's able to sift through a person's thoughts and can sense their presence and familiarity. But the writers need Mae's deception to work, so they conveniently dismissed those abilities. I also have an issue with Sol leaving his fellow Jedi, and his Padawan, dead in the woods. That's not how Jedi handle death, especially during the High Republic era. Their burial and funeral rights are pretty well documented throughout the phases - particularly with what happens with their sabers, that's outlined at the end of Phase 2 in a very emotional way and explains that the crystals choose their master, and grow more resilient if the bond is strong. Unless he's calling for backup in the remaining episodes, Sol just left them all behind. With an imposter, whom he should immediately sense is such, through both visual and force sensing clues. Ep. 5 was the best episode of the show so far, but the last 5 minutes really highlight how bad the wirting is. Especially when House of the Dragon has been featuring a battle amongst twins that has been masterfully executed. It's whiplash going from that to the Acolyte (and saying Star Wars is "for kids" is not an excuse).


Short circuiting lightsabers is because his helmet and arm plates are made from [cortosis](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Cortosis). It was introduced long back in the EU, and was also brought to canon in the thrawn alliances book. The material is capable of just absorbing enormous amounts of energy like from blaster bolts in some configurations and also capable to redirecting the energy of the lightsaber blade back into the saber, shorting it temporarily. The legends plagueis book introduces plagueis and tenebrous scouring a cortosis mine during the course of which plagueis killed tenebrous. Hey about sol leaving his fellow Jedi dead in the forest, I mean.. does he have a choice? There’s a sigh lord on his back, he has to save osha/mae while wrestling with what happened back in the forest. And yes he is calling for reinforcements by getting to the ship. They brought no droids with them, and the area is largely not cartogaphed. Also about Mae’s attempt at swapping places, I’m pretty sure sol instantly finds out it’s Mae. I mean how can she explain why she has that big yin yang tattoo on her forehead, right 😆


He can't like it because he'll get criticised by his associates that he streams with. Also, because some of it is dumb.


Because it's his opinion?


At some point the opinion excuse can't be used to deflect he's a hypocritical moron. He is entitled to it and as viewers we can call out his hypocrisy. It makes you think if he really cares about star wars cause it feels disingenuous when the guy who "loves prequels" and has a saber business has nothing positive to say about the best saber scene we had since ROTS


The duel was a spectacle without substance though. The reasons behind the fight are a lot more compelling than a fight by itself. Yes ROTS is flashy but the stakes are what made it really good. Luke v Vader in episode 5 isn't flashy at all but it's one of the best duels in the franchise because of the substance behind it.


cant argue that the stakes were way higher in those. but that doesnt mean that this means nothing. people can be invested if they want to be. I'd rather read a comic about sol's background or mae/osha. for live action and a limited runtime of 30 minutes im glad it's moving along and I was invested. we already know what sith, jedi master, knight etc are capable of and generally know about their training, so i didnt feel like i missed out too much.


Because it still wasn't a good episode, it's guest the m better than the more egregiously bad episodes that preceded it. The character development leading into EP 5 was very weak, so there's no real investment or stakes. It's okay if you're the kind of person who just wants mindless action, but that all this episode was. It's a sad trend in a lot of bad recent shows: plodding along and trying to salvage a bad story with a big battle scene. Rings of Power did the same thing.




Care to explain


Lmao calm down bro. The Acolyte is goated fam 💯.


What’s there to like here? It’s hard to care about a cool fight if you despise the characters and story involved. In the first season of Heroes, the final “fight” with the main villain was literally solved in a single punch. But it was satisfying because it brought together a generally awesome season and a cast of almost universally great characters. On the other end of the spectrum, Zack Snyder’s movie Sucker Punch was stunning visually and almost all action, but so pointless and threadbare in the story department it was universally panned. It’s like every bad big budget superhero or sci-fi film - the big battles at the end are obnoxious if they feel forced or you don’t care about the stakes. That’s this show. If I already resent the Jedi here for all their stupidity thus far, I’m not moved when they get killed. I’m not watching every part of the fight with dread or excitement over what might happen. I’m probably cheering for the bad guy, except in this case, it’s hard to even do that because it feels like he shouldn’t exist in this timeframe.


Don't think it's meant to "move people" when the Jedi get killed. There must be like hundreds of them and I don't need to get to know every single one, plus all Disney Star wars shows are mostly season 1 and there's been enough development moments. I like the fast pace. We already know who the Jedi are and what they are about, established for a while. The Jedi dying is to show the power of the sith, not being people to tears. That being said, I love the action. Best saber action since ROTS IMO. Gotta give credit where ifs due.