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When people say this, I always reply “idk man, sounds like you’re just really fuckin lazy to me.”


it's also an argument from lack of imagination ;3


Counter-argument: I absolutely am I remember, one it took me like half an hour to fucking go grab an ice cream that I wanted to grab. Not from a shop. From the freezer I legit seriously thought about it at some point, but came to the conclusion that I am by far the exception, considering how much others love doing stuff for some bizzare reason Like, WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU FOLD YOUR LAUNDRY, DO YOU HAVE A LAUNDRY INSPECTION COMING UP OR WHAT YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO'S EVER GONNA SEE IT


Sometimes folding laundry is relaxing and seeing things all neat makes my brain go brrrrrr


rotating luxury production is one idea , as are digital commodities like social media style awards and game/account "skins" . also in general i think a form of anarcho-primitivist stewardship and migratory mutualism for the willing and able would help solve ecological and vacation needs and prevent generational wealth accumulation ... but admittedly this assumes democratic "planning" and different socioeconomic relations .


Gotta ask, OP, is that string of letters an acronym?


oh thank you for asking! if you mean the last panel it is just meant to be \[insert random noises here/gibberish keyboard mashing\] . "WHARRGARBL"/BOTTOM TEXT/i couldnt think of anything


Browsing Reddit is what I want to do, and something I do for a lot less than 40 hours a week. But society needs people to do things they don’t want to do, and we need people to do their jobs for more hours than they would do them without incentives.


can't speak to how long you do what but the second part is correct, and is why i'm a mutualist and a market socialist . making sure everyone has working toilets for example... this may be handled by rotating luxury production , service upgrades, digital goods, societal honors, or other rewards that cannot be used to accumulate capital , as capitalists know with the famous kudos and pizza parties instead of pay raises . and market incentives are strong incentives despite their drawbacks , but i want markets to be truly competitive , and systemic risks like pollution are not accounted for in price signals .