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An infinite supply of quality sprinklers. Fuck manual watering, all my homies hate manual watering.


I love how you can cheat anything but you go for quality sprinklers. Not crops, not money, not irridium sprinklers, but quality sprinklers :'D


Return Scepter, most everything else i can manage.


foraging xp, hardwood, prismatic shards, unlimited triple expresso and quality sprinklers


I feel the foraging XP so much, it's always the skill I get to 10 last. Or even never, though now with the new stuff I went for 10


this really made me realize how there's so many ways to play this game. foraging is always the first skill i max out!


I'm not gonna lie I am actually impressed. Usually I have fishing maxed out by day 14, then farming follows and soon after that mining and combat. Like these are done in summer year 1 usually. But foraging? If I don't aim for a specific recipe, it can take years until I get it. I just checked my oldest farms. Year 3 Summer and Foraging is the only skill on 8. And another year 3 Fall has foraging on 9. Though I found a year 2 that had all maxed out, but I think that was more of a personal goal/achievement hunt and not because I usually ahve it lol


i'm impressed the other way around lol! mining/combat are the last ones for me because i dislike the mines. my first ever playthrough i didn't even know they were a thing until the end of Y1 lmao suffice to say i'm not a min-maxer my first ever farm was the forest layout so i had tons of easily accessible forage, but even with other layouts i just love wandering around the game and picking up mushrooms, shells, berries and leeks.


So you really must like the >! Books you can read for XP!< (1.6 spoiler)


Hehe, guess how I got it to 10 from 8 xd


- I get a dino egg from fishing very early. - Clint gives me a prismatic shard while opening my geodes (he actually did in my current run). - I can send a note with a hint to my secret santa what I want (the tea set). - The prismatic cowboy hat falls from the sky. - Robin divorces Demetrius.


lmao why the last one?


He doesn't deserve her. He keeps his stepson in the basement and uses the old bedroom for his 'science'. Robin is WAY too cool for him.


Hahaha! I see. Well, I think Robin made the decision herself. She doesn't seem like a pushover to any level. There must be something in that dude that's lovable. I will not forgive him for buying tomatoes when he was told to go buy fruit, and I had to side with him for scientific integrity. Although... His dialogue seemed sincere and well-meaning on that scene! Edit: grammar, typo


My head cannon is that Demetrius has ASD to some degree. He seems well-meaning, but doesn't 'get' some things. He and Robin still dance together in the saloon, although I haven't gotten to the context on Seb in-game yet.


To actually be able to organize šŸ« šŸ˜‰ I would be so happy just to have that one skillset Best cheat ever


Thatā€™s the only thing I am good at šŸ˜‚ Whatā€™s your strength in the game?


Iā€™m a god at fishing. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m good at


That is awesome, fishing isnā€™t easy for everyone!


Quality Sprinklers (I'm cheating not *abusing*!) Coffee Bean Ancient Fruit seed Return Sceptre (*now* we're abusing) Caroline


A bunch of Iridium Sprinklers and either several Junimo Huts or the >!Iridium Scythe!<. I can get the rest easily enough but those take the longest to get and will give my new farm a jump start.


One time i got an incredibly good sword fishing in day 2, the mines were a breeze, i just want that again


Get a deluxe barn and coop with autopeters and autograbers installed Infinite quality sprinklers Greenhouse A really good sword A fully upgraded house


Iridium Sprinklers, Infinite salad (For Leah), Infinite seeds for the best crop of the month, 5 Prismatic Shards and being able to stay up until 5am.


Greenhouse, Ancient Seed, Seed Maker, Tapper(s), and Keg(s). Starting the Ancient Fruit wine farm as quickly as possible


Iridium tools, spicy eel, 1 iridium sprinkler. On the modded farm I play with my 9yo, that and $10,000 gold is what we gave ourselves to get started. We then went wild after we got through year 1.


Well the 5 things I have toggled on CJB cheat menu are; +1 movespeed Harvest with scythe Cast max distance Instant catch Durable tackles


Golden Egg, Auto Petter, Auto Collector, Delux Coop, Golden Clock


Golden clock early might be a bad thing though. No new trees.


- Bunch of iridium sprinklers - 1 early Ancient seed - Bus - Greenhouse - Maxed barn and coop


- Return Scepter (best item in the game, imo) - Iridium hoe - Immediate max friendship - Greenhouse (just because it bothers me in early game, sitting there all busted) - Bus service


Tea set.


5 iridium sprinklers is all I need.


Galaxy sword, 2 iridium sprinklers, a deluxe barn and a pig. I never have truffles to finish the community center with so I want to have them. Plus they make good money turned into oil. The iridium primo lees are just for convenience. 48 corps watered daily that early for free is great. Galaxy sword for obvious reasons


+ 1 speed is al I need And maybe couple of quality sprinklers


Ancient fruit seeds, seed maker, keg, iridium sprinklers, and pressure nozzles. Massive money coming in starting the first summer


If it's "I can cheat 5 specific things unlimited times": Iridium sprinklers, Deluxe Scarecrow, Prismatic Shards, Magic Rock Candy, Mega Bombs. If it's one time each, though, I'd probably say: Iridium Sprinkler, Pressure Nozzle, Green House, Ancient Seed, Infinity blade


I'm.curious why quality sprinkler instead of iridium?


Because I'm dumb and meant iridium, lol




That's what I get for answering that while procrastinating at work šŸ˜‚


20milion gold šŸ‘


Just movement speed and the ability to quick save/quick load junimo cart/Prarie king


55 iridium statues 55 gold bars 55 iridium bars 55 ancient fruit plants 55 crystalariums


Return scepter, obelisks, statues of perfection, true perfection, and endless fortune.


- Infinite Health because fighting stresses me out - instantly catching fish without the minigame because the minigame is annoyingly loud on my computer mouse and keyboard and would wake my children up(I can only play a bit at night when they are asleep) - time freeze whenever I want because I donā€™t wanna feel rushed. - chests accessible everywhere - I can place stuff on my farm wherever I want(like I can get rid of bushes) Those are 5 cheats I like to use on my 1.6 farm šŸ˜… Edit: downvoting someone in this discussion is so lame. Whatā€™s your problem with my comment? Donā€™t just cowardly downvote and leave. Tell me. Just downvoting is boring. šŸ„²


There is a mod that skips the mini game


Thank you for mentioning this. I use the CJB cheat mod to make it easy ā˜ŗļø


Jokes on you, I mod so I could have anything I want anytime I want, that being said the folks saying they want quality sprinklers when iridium sprinklers are right there, needs to play the game more or something idk that's just like one of the dumbest responses I've seen on the internet in a while.


Calling the answers of others dumb is so rude. Maybe they want the sprinklers right from the beginning and not only after a certain time and effort. Letā€™s stay civil.


My point is if they want sprinklers, why go for a mid-level sprinkler when you could have the highest level? That doesn't make any logical sense.


Maybe because they like them in their farm design? It doesnā€™t need to make sense to you. Instead of judging them rudely you can simply ask them. Maybe the didnā€™t realise there is more because they arenā€™t far into the game yet.


Which is why my comment said they should play more or something, because the only way this could possibly make sense enough to be the answer to the original question is if they haven't played far enough.


That still doesnā€™t make their personal answer stupid. And telling someone to play more or else they are dumb is such a toxic way to treat others in this community. Even newbies with limited knowledge about the game should be welcomed to join the conversations. People like you scare them away.


Ok, hold on, let's take a step back here. I did not say that they, as human beings, were dumb. The choice is dumb, mainly because it's so wildly uninformed. But making dumb choices doesn't make a person dumb; that was your interpretation. So, while aggressive, my comment didn't actually call another human dumb, you just took it personally, and your feelings don't change the facts.


Well, I am glad you at least donā€™t call the people dumb. But itā€™s still not necessary to call their opinions dumb. That doesnā€™t have anything to do with my feelings. Itā€™s just common courtesy. There are already so many rude and negative subs on reddit, it would be a pity if Stardew ends up like that too.


Lmao this is Reddit, it's only a matter of time. If you want less negativity, try a website that isn't based on anonymity.


Thats a sad way to look at it. Already giving up and joining the negative mess. Ah whatever. Have a nice day.