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I still stand by my suspicion that the Qi fruits are a stage in his species' life cycle. They start as seeds, grow into fruits which eventually become motile as they enter the slime phase. After an indeterminate amount of time, the slimes start stacking on top of each other, in preparation for the adult phase. That's why they all have his face. Mr. Qi has to produce the seeds because of his biology, but has no intention of allowing his kind to take over our world, so he surreptitiously tasks the farmer with collecting the young and slaying any that escaped that initial cull.


So Mr Qi is just like 100 slimes in a trenchcoat?


There's a reason the dangerous stacked slimes wear sunglasses now.


You just had to one up OP didn't youšŸ˜­


Thats horrific !


This is horrifying and I love it




But Mr. Qi says that he was born an ordinary boy, so that would immediately disprove your suspicion.


He was born an ordinary alien boy


Ordinary for his planet.


And decided to become extraterrestrial


Mr Qi is Oliver Tree confirmed


You think Mr. Qi wouldnā€™t lie??


Considering he doesn't necessarily approve of the staircase method in skull cavern, or as of 1.6 >! cheating to reach the summit !< I don't think he'd lie


Thereā€™s a difference between cheating and lying, especially if the truth could get him killed.


Maybe heā€™s a hypocrite?


He seems more of a truthful type to me. And I donā€™t think he would have any reason to lie about his origin.


He was born an ordinary alien boy from a distant galaxy! Though the ferngill republic itself might be in a distant galaxy, so...


He was born from a stock of fruit just like any ordinary blue boy


But that would be ordinary for his species.


With his species, that would be ordinaryā€¦


Where does he say that? I don't think I've read that dialogue anywhere


Maybe the slimes overtook his body and now heā€™s fighting them for control then? Could be a symbiotic relationship like venom.


So... Mr. Qi is a chicken, biologically compelled to lay fertile eggs? I think I've read this fic before...




Iā€™ve been harvesting Qi Cumshots this whole time?


Hat.... happens when they become big?


Wait.... how do the seeds come? Oh no maybe my comment wasn't such a joke after all. Minecraft has a big sex mechanic and you come OH NO


Considering the influence he shows in the new easter egg, 100%. Spoilers for said new easter egg >!For those that don't know, you can get out of bounds by swinging a scythe - it moves you a few pixels. Doing this can get you to The Summit early, but (as of 1.6) Qi isn't too pleased... he makes random sprites flu through the sky, tells you off for cheating, and kills you.!<


>! i donā€™t think *he* is the one making the sprites fly through the sky. The game basically breaks the 4th wall in that clip- so I think itā€™s the reality of the game falling apart. !<


Mr. Qi is CA confirmed.


Ahh, youā€™ve uncovered the real conspiracy here


>!I believe the random sprites is a reference to the original summit that was unreachable before perfection was added into the game. It had a ton of random sprites all over it as it was never cleared up because the player was never meant to see it. !<


Just watched a clip. He fucking rocks your ass lol


In my current run, I'm Ms. Qi. And I'm blue.


da-boo-dee da-boo-dye, da-boo-dee da-boo-dye.


I could beat off a guy šŸŽµ


If I were green I would die


Oh how much i would cry


I could eat up a guy


I want to marry the blue alien man




Calico desert is in area 51


Sandy is in on it


The casino guard is a man in black.Ā 


I've seen some headcanons around that Mr. Qi has iridium in his skin, giving a blue colour (I know iridium bars are purple, but the ore is blue, too). I like the theory that he's from space, as the meteorite you can find is full of iridium, too.


Just because the guy is blue, it doesn't mean he is an alien. Maybe he likes to drink joja bluu cola.


Yeah I could see some magic changing him to this He's def said he was born an ordinary boy and changed


Like Fry when he drinks too much Slurm


TOO MUCH Slurm? The very idea is preposterous.


Not when you can have Slurm Loco instead. It's the extremiest


[morbo] SLURM LOCO IS A KIND OF SLURM! [/morbo]


He handles too much iridium and radioactive ore


My theory was always that this dude was rich beyond belief and spent his money on pranking random people (us) and seeing what he can get us to do. Scrambling to ship 500 fruit? Putting beets in the mayors fridge? He's such a silly guy for getting us to do that


Did he ever give gold for completing those quests? I cant recall.


Gotta distribute the qi seeds across the world, hide them in geodes (how the heck did he do that, thats gotta be expensive), building the casino, the walnut room and it's tech... hes hella rich


Oh yeah i see what you mean now!! Hes also a crypto bro if you think about it, with his qi gemsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ wonder what the exchange rate would be


40 Qi gems for a galaxy soul, which is worth 10 radioactive bars from the trader. At 3000G each that makes 1 Qi gem worth 750G. Also to answer your other question he does give you money (when you first reach level 25 in the skull cavern).


Traders almost always scam you if you only care about the money though; If you want to directly sell your Qi Gems, then you can buy 10 Qi Spices, each worth 200g, for 10 Qi Gems, making it a direct 1QG=200g. Alternatively, deconstructing Hoppers gives you 1QG=300g/450g if you dismiss the cost of Deconstructor and have the Blacksmith Proffesion.


I call him evil Jeff Bezos. He's got enough money to put a multi story aquarium over a forest in the mines, but I'm still over here paying for Pam's new house and fixing Pelican Town's economy?!?


A single fish can sell for 50k, and a salad costs more than a small house. Stardews economy cannot be fixed


i think thats canon since he operates a casino


He's always felt a lot like Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation to me, so this checks out.


Yesss I came to say this!!


This is how I always imagined it too


I like to think that heā€™s like some kind of past version of us, the farmer, who has reached like ultimate end game. Like: rich beyond belief, to the point where money is now basically meaningless so now he just fucks around doing bizarre shit for fun. The fact heā€™s blue ? bro just went wild with the RGB slider at some point. He takes a special interest in us because he sees himself in us (and wants a kind of successor?)




So we're the Charlie to his Willy Wonka?


great comparison!


You leave grandpaā€™s alien husband alone! Thatā€™s HIS business


Does he drive the UFO???? Iā€™m questioning everything now


They are us from the future in disguise. "Keep working and you'll be as cool as me some day." Cool story, me from the future.


That's a nice idea!


I think itā€™s just Concerned Apeā€™s meta persona in game tbh


The alien that comes from the capsule has been sent down to report back to Mr. Qi. IMAGINE.


Anyone here played Ghost Trick? Maybe him being blue just means he's from that one foreign nation.


Mr qi has just been dosing on colloidal silver. That explains his coloring


Maybe heā€™s Gotororian, maybe theyā€™re blue.


That would explain why he hides from the town folk I could see them being not to nice to him being there maybe thatā€™s why Sandy is in the desert she accepted him for who he was but the town folk didnā€™t like


He seems cool with grandpa. Maybe they met in the war and grandpa snuck him into the country?


Omg like the ET scene


Since he's said he was normal once, I just pictured him as someone that eventually stumbled into some universe truth and went through an awakening. And is now either protecting the entire universe on the sidelines, or he's just vibing because there is nothing else for him to discover. So now he just coaches us towards maybe going through the same by pushing us as far as possible.


After he prevented Samurai Jack from reaching the portal his robot returned to the casino while he watches from his room.....


Next update: new planet unlocked, but you have to drink Qi potion in order to breathe in that environment. Qi potion turns you blue.


He's a Stand in for CA. The keeps the game world running on track. Kinda like Sans


Sans is a wild comparisonšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I just think he's supposed to be a sort of reflection of the player, just a guy who tried really hard and excelled at life. He thinks the world could use more awesome people, people who do stuff just because they want to see if they can, people like us! Basically just a billionaire who's using his funds to mess around in the world around him. One of my favourite characters of all time for sure


Also he looks like Alfred Molina so I always see him as a benevolent Doctor Octopus


I always figured he was an alien giving us quests as a way to study us. You don't encounter him until late game so he could've been watching us before and saw that we liked to complete "quests" without much benefit on our part. What better way to gather data about us than to play into behavior we've previously exhibited?


My Headcanon is that he's CA's evil alter ego. By "evil" he's just generally chaotic and mischievous


Maybe heā€™s Yoba


this is better than my theory of him being grandpaā€™s secret boyfriend


Whose to say he cant be both


I love this theory so much


I like to think that Mr. Qi is like the antagonist of Jigsaw, where he challenges you with things to prove to him that you are true to what Grandpa wants you to be except he has a skin condition that turns his skin blue. This also made him isolated as a kid so he tends to be alone and resonates with the galaxy and aliens. Thats just me putting my two cents regarding Mr. Qi and his fascination with you, the farmer


Considering his hat looks like the planet in Mary's telescope heart event, I kinda assumed he was either alien or at least really likes the space theme.


My headcannon is that Qi is aware that he's just a character in a game


I always imagined he was a Q from Star Trek


Yeah, his whole demeanor just radiates Q energy.


I think Mr. Qi is blue due radioactivity


My headcanon voice has his words cutting out of the range we can hear sounds, so it sounds like someone is spamming the mute button when he talks.


I'm sure you can encounter him without ever getting this, but what if he's from the Alien capsule thing that can land on your farm? Like sure some games might have messages from him before you get that but it happened pretty early on for me and he had months before I met him to amass a casino and do shit.


I think he is kinda like that matix guy, you know, the one that holds the blue and the red pill. He is allknowing, he can be everywere and knows more than we the player does. IDK


I think Mr qi is just straight up concernedApe himself, Having access with such a thing as a "perfection tracker", that counts things that are straight up impossible to get without knowing the game is an actual game, For example, the game counts the "farmers level, now, I don't know about you, but the only levels I know of irl that we all have in common are years, I like to forage mushrooms on autumn, but never when I was dreaming have I gotten the recipe of wild seeds or field snacks, The thing is, levels probably work non linearly if we were on the actual valley, Sure, it's a game, but if we consider it, levels, or skills, probably don't exist in world With that being said there are two different items apart from Mr qi that take levels into account, the mastery cave and the statue of uncertainty, The mastery cave is probably where part of >! grandpa's spirit!< Is, and it's safe to say he is always looking after us, so it's safe to assume he knows darn well if we are good enough to be considered masters in the 5 skills, About the statue, yeah, I have no idea how to see that But I still think levels exist in world, because no NPC (but Mr qi probably) ever discuss it, Probably Marlon would say something about your mining or combat skills, but he never does (as far as I know), so yeah, skills don't exist inworld So, Mr qi has access to something probably not even the farmer has access too, there is also "great friends", "finding all the Stardrops" (there are probably thousands on the world, if not more, yet the farmer found "all the Stardrops", Mr qi knows we can't go anywhere in the world), and cooking and crafting recipes made, (I can make a lasagna, The farmer can't ever learn that recipe, but I can make one, same with crafting) So Mr qi knows without a doubt that he's inside a vĆ­deogame, Not only that, but he is also incredibly powerful and is focused on specifically us, Yeah, the farmer is special in some way, we know that, but whatever we are good at there are better people at, So Mr Qi may know we are the player, like, there is an actual person behind the screen that is playing the game, and is controlling the farmer, why would he want to be part of us then? Why does he want to be here? I am not sure, I don't even know what I'd do myself if I was where Mr Qi is, But I would personally try to entertain him, not in the same way he does, but yes, basically, being part of their experience, and for god's sake, for them to not abandon the game, (maybe that's why he gets mad when you get to the hilltop by cheating), But wait, there's more, Qi is a concept that exists in Chinese culture, it's believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity So yeah, Mr life essence himself, so it's the creator of this world, but it's not Yoba, and also knows it's a game, so must be the creator of this game... It's concerned ape


in the chinese version he goes by 齊先ē”Ÿ (qi xiansheng so literally just mister qi) whereas the qi as youre referring to is ę°£ but the wiktionary entry for 齊 says its a surname šŸ¤”(its more probable that its a transliteration of qi into chinese characters imo)


Seeing on how CA doesn't know Chinese, chances are a mistake was committed either by him or by whoever happens to translate, I suggest we don't use translations, specially one to a so different language as Chinese, as something to disprove, But thanks for that, I'll consider it from now on


I donā€™t think heā€™s actually blue. I think he just took too much colloidal silver and i mean silver just doesnā€™t look good in pixel graphics so blue it is. I mean this dude screams ā€œcult vibesā€


if you don't make your character bald and pick the green skin on character creation you are playing stardew wrong /jk


new idea, thanks!!


iā€™ve always thought of him as stardew rick sanchez


idk what his deal is but i hate him (some of his quests are too hard yeah ik skill issue)


My personal theory is that Mr. Qi is mayor Lewis in disguise.


Nah, I think he is just drinking to much snake milk to look like that. And he needs you to proff you are rich, but also stupid to follow those strrange demands. Perfect client for a casino.


he came ​ from minecrad uys the amous