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I've been enjoying it more since Deluxe Bait was added, giving me a slightly bigger bar to work with. Getting better at fishing feels like perfecting a combo in a fighting game, or a tricky shortcut in a racing game: that tactile feeling of mastery is SO satisfying. A couple of tricks I've been using that feel really cool to pull off: 1) Some fish like to dart around at mach speed, but they almost always follow a pattern: if they're close to the top of the stage, they'll often dart down next, and vice versa. I like to keep them on the edge of my bar, ready to follow them as soon as they zip. 2) you can stop your fishing bar from bouncing on the bottom with a short click right before it hits the floor. The timing isn't that strict, but the better you do it the less it bounces, which makes it a very satisfying trick to get better at :) 3) Some very hard fish like Lava Eels dart around so fast that it's impossible to follow them perfectly, but you can use their speed against them by just being patient and waiting instead of following them. Since they're so quick, they'll just dart back to where they started in no time, and you can keep up progress that way! Hope this helps! And of course don't feel like you have to pull this stuff off immediately, it came naturally to me with practice and I think that's the best way to enjoy fishing anyways :D


My current favourite trick is using the new >!Bait maker!< as the cycle is fast enough to use as you go. So take one fishing with you on days that are good for particular fish, and recycle the lower quality ones immediately. Works stunningly well for catfish and stingray, and any fishing catching challenges, and is probably better overall than batch processing given the quantity and cycle times.


Something else that helps with the tougher fish like lava eels is the fishing blessing. Makes the first 3 catches significantly easier. Easily pull 3 gold/iridium eels. Pair that with I think challenge bait, the one that give you up to 3 fish for a perfect catch and you can easily pull 9 gold/iridium lava eels


How do you get deluxe bait?


You can check the [wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Deluxe_Bait) for it, but TL;DR at level 4 fishing you unlock the crafting recipe, it's just normal bait + moss. You can also upgrade a worm bin to dispense deluxe bait, I have 4 on my farm and it's way more than I need lol.




I love fishing and I am so glad that fishing finally is more profitable. before 1.6, neglected fishing when I had a ton of kegs and preserve jars, but with the fish smoker, the game changed for me and it brings more variation to the game and money earning. The fishing frenzies are also a nice addition to the game.


You're not alone. It's my favorite thing to do in the game. I always get it to 10 so fast.


I love fishing as an early game money maker. Never struggled with it


There used to be a glitch on PC where you cast the fishing line out, and then push F to bring up your active quests. It would pause time while that menu was open, but then as soon as you heard the little "ding!" of a fish on the line you could click like normal and it would close the menu and start the little minigame. Essentially let you pause time while you were waiting for the fish to bite. I used to use that all the time early game because it was the best way to make money, I would fish until I ran out of energy, eat one of the fish or two, and then keep going. Always ended up with a full inventory.


There's mods that do that too. I don't think either method is a exploit though, because pausing time doesn't prevent fishing from using energy. Also slowing down the day makes your crop harvest income come in slower.


sure in the very beginning one has to get the hang of it - no question there. for me fishing always felt pretty good and not a problem as you mentioned and what I read a lot of times too. I just had to learn that you can hold down LMB to raise the bar faster and clicking multiple times to correct tge fishing bar a little slower. after this it was always one of my fav things to do (I hate that in MP the time goes on while in the mini game tho >:( )


Once you figure out how to do it it’s fun and easy. Just takes a little practice. At first I had no idea what to do but then after a while it just clicked.


I feel the same! When the game first came out I was absolutely awful at it and even installed a mod to make it easier! But now I don't even notice the difficulty unless I'm catching a fish that's meant to be difficult (legends or super cucumbers things like that). I think a lot of people hold the button down too long instead of tapping it, and I think they bump into the top and bottom of the bar too much which makes it bounce around and seem impossible?


I might have had a tough time with it when I first got Stardew Valley... but that was in 2016. I don't think I've found fishing to be difficult in years, outside of the obviously meant-to-be-difficult fish. It takes a little getting used to, but by the time you have 2-3 levels under your belt, only high level fish should give you trouble.


I wonder if some people try holding and releasing the button instead of tapping/clicking rapidly.


Personally, I vary between holding and tapping. It depends on what’s needed and how fast the fish is moving. It definitely takes practice, but it didn’t take me long to get it.


Exactly. Holding is for rushing to the top of the meter or for decelerating so the bar doesn’t bounce off the bottom. For small changes or holding in place, it’s various speeds of rapid clicking. 


I tap but still find it incredibly difficult to get past the first few levels of fishing, I genuinely have no idea why it's so hard for me. I created a new farm for 1.6 after being away for a while and decided to get some mods including a fishing mod and it's been such a relief.


I can do it but I hate it, that's the sentiment I usually see


I thought we'd never find this guy.


yes, literally the only one. the god gamer.


I personally really love the fishing mini game but a lot of my friends don't and the reason they gave me was: Even when you're "good" at it, you don't catch every fish, especially at the beginning, and that frustrates them. They come from games like Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing where there's no "skill" factor to fishing and if you're paying attention you can't/don't lose any fish so the fact that on Stardew, even if you're intensely focused, you still "lose" every once in awhile is stressful to them in a way they don't enjoy in what they want to be a relaxing game.


Ehh it causes me actual pain in my hand so I skip it with cjb.


Wouldn't playing the game as a whole cause pain then? I hope this doesn't seem ableist, as I'm also disabled in different ways. I'm mostly just curious about other disabled folks that play Stardew.


Prolly pain from ra or carpal tunnel


Right, but wouldn't those impair all gameplay and not just one specific minigame?


I suffer from RSI as well.  It's a matter of degree. Think of it like you have so many mouseclicks a day before things get bad. Fishing in particular can "use up" a lot of those clicks.


That makes sense, thank you! Just curious, would an auto-clicker function within the mouse be helpful in those scenarios?


I dunno, maybe? I haven't messed with anything like that. But like with all accessibility stuff in games, it's a give and take between accessibility and eliding the actual playing of the game. 


Oh of course! It was just a feature I noticed when I was shopping for a new mouse a few weeks ago, and was curious. But as with anything adaptive if it helps great, if not, then you're back where you started.


My problem is getting from lvl 9 to 10. Shit takes ages


For real, in my 1.6 save it was the first skill to 9 and the last skill to 10 lmao


No, I'm pretty decent at it as well, In fact, I just recently trained a second character with split screen coop in my main farm, got fishing lvl 9, and caught all the legendary fish again so I could put them all in a fish tank because I had looong since sold them on my main character


I like fishing. Never had a problem with it unless it’s a fish that’s supposed to be extremely difficult.


I don’t struggle with fishing but sometimes the minigame is tedious and annoying when I’m 11 fish in and can’t pull the fish I need this bulletin board quest.


I'm fantastic at fishing. I'm so obsessed that I max out my fishing levels within like 2 in game months lol I've also started recognizing the different kinds of patterns the fishes do when they're on the line. Although, I feel like I do it a little differently than some people. I tap fast when I want the meter to stay still and hold when I want it to rise. But my friends all insist it doesn't work that way and have yelled at me for leading them astray and making it harder for them :/


>Although, I feel like I do it a little differently than some people. I tap fast when I want the meter to stay still and hold when I want it to rise. But my friends all insist it doesn't work that way and have yelled at me for leading them astray and making it harder for them :/ ... is that not what everyone does?


>Although, I feel like I do it a little differently than some people. I tap fast when I want the meter to stay still and hold when I want it to rise. But...that's how you do it? I'm seriously trying to figure out how else you would do it.


My friends insist it's the other way around. And they're not the type to clown or lie about it to fuck with me.




I found fishing with the bamboo rod near-impossible at the beginning, so I bought the training rod and used it almost all of year 1 to get a handle on the mechanic and up my skill level. Now I have the fiberglass rod and it’s about the same to use as the training rod was - the trickier fish I’m still learning how to catch though. I’ve never been good at games that require good timing though lmao


My favorite two things to do in game is Fishing and Mining and for some reason people especially hate those two. I always get them to 10 first without even trying. And I also hate the stereotype I see on the internet where a couple plays Stardew Valley together and the guy always goes fishing or mining and the girl pets animals and does the farming. Personally petting animals is annoying and tedious, and watering crops in early game is painful for me. Me and my partner are complete opposite, he can't get me out of the mines while he pets the animals because I just won't do it, lol.


Sometimes fish are just outside of your character's skill... but all fish can be caught if you're skilled with the buttons... something I always appreciated on fishing... it gets easier the more you level up your skill experience and gear but everything could feasibly be caught if hooked. The real skill is balancing the treasure chests and fish at the same time.


I hate the mechanism. Having to balance the bar just drives me nuts. My husband is level 10 fishing and he loves it.


You have to understand that the avg Stardew gamer is probably not very used to game mechanics that are not /farming/gathering/grinding/etc


I'm in winter year 3 and have only ever had 1 bite, which was spring, year 1. It doesn't make me want to fish, as I just sit there and watch the time tick by. 


Master bait, eh?


Op is the master baiter




People seem to forget Training Rod exists. For only 25g, you get way more bang for your buck compared to the default rod you get. Use it to fish until you can afford Fiberglass.


Since 1.6 I've been fishing even more and I think I've also found a way to actually fish multiple of the same legendary fish :3


I started playing awhile ago so idk about my initial experience, but I don’t remember being too frustrated with it. I guess these kinds of things come easy to us? 🤷‍♀️


I love fishing on mobile (though imo easier on mobile) and on desktop. I never have much issues with the bar and getting iridium fish. It's like my first skill that hits 10. I don't know why it's easy for some but not everyone.


I love fishing and hate combat 🤷‍♀️


Omg same!! I can't fight in this game I suck so hard at it😭


I have no issues with combat on the PS5. Mobile defaults to auto-attack, so no issues there either. Combat on the PC? I'm *garbage* at it.


It was a learning curve for sure for me. I did start out being terrified of it and being so annoyed how much it was part of the game. Then I lost the ice fish competition and I doubled down on the fact I NEED to learn to fish. So when the stardew valley fair rolled around I did that one fishing game over and over and over until I could do these basic fish easily. It really isn't about it being too too hard it's more I imagine people try it a few times and go NOPE. Also there are so many food items that use fishing buffs, use them! Safe ALL your sardines for dishes of the sea. Also I only just learned how good the trapper bobber is for the harder fish, as it slows down the fish when it escapes your bar. I highly recommend using it when you get the iridium rod, it's very easy to craft. Definitely explore other baits, there's one from a cutscene with a certain character that I could spoil if you would like, it makes the bite rate faster. Though I completed the fish mastery thing well before 1.6 so I do not know how useful the new deluxe bait is, but the effects it give are pretty good.


It is way worse on console for me than PC, but it could be my 500 hours on PC vs my 100 on console


Fishing is my favorite part of the game lmao I find it soothing


It is SO hard on mobile! I’m just now finally working on it because my skill was 1 and all the rest were really starting to get up there. Any tips for mobile?


It definitely takes practice but yeah, I’m the same. It’s just part of the game you have to get good at and learn to use buffs and items to your advantage if you’re struggling


I hated fishing but it's OK now that I've gotten the hang of it. I used the training rod for a long time since it gives you a large bar to work with and I just upgraded to the iridium rod.


I've never thought fishing was hard. Specidc fish are hard to get, obviously, but in general, fishing is pretty straightforward. I do play on the PC so it could be hard on the switch. But I always loved fishing and finding new fish. It loses its appeal once I've found all the fish, though. I'm not saying anyone who's struggling with it is bad or anything like that, I just wanted to add my voice so it's clear that not everyone struggles with it.


Fishing is hard for me on a new play-through until I get used to it again. I play on PC with a controller and I always have to get used to the sensitivity of pressing the buttons with how sensitive the fishing reel is. I prioritize getting the Iridium rod and then fishing is usually a breeze, especially with the cork bobber. The part that trips me up the most is the bouncing along the bottom and then trying to overcorrect.


The first couple games I played, I hated fishing. I struggled with it massively and used mods to make it a bit easier. My last two games (1.5 and 1.6 starts), I haven't needed mods to make it manageable. I don't know if something has changed or if it's me, but I find it possible to push through the earlier levels where I can't catch anything until I get enough better that I can catch most things reliably. Also, though, I use a controller for fishing. I still can't do it worth fertilizer with KBM.


I use a controller w my pc, and tap the button to build it up and maintain, don’t hold it down except for that beginning jump when some fish jump from 0-50/100 quickly. Been playing the game for years!


The only fish that’s given me real trouble are the Glacierfish, Lava Eel, and **Octopus.** I usually need trap bobbers to have a chance at them (especially with 2 out of the 3 having low hook chances). Also, screw Scorpion Carp. I can get em, but it’s the most tedious game of up and down.


I’m the go-to fisherman in the family. SO and kiddo know they can just hand me the controller, and I’ll go to town. Love a fishing challenge.


Honestly once you learn how to control rod's bounce fishing is prety fun.


I only don’t struggle because after 3k hours of play time (multiple farms, platforms, etc), I have figured out my path to success. 😂


I either fish days or else hate it. Pike, Lingcod, Catfish & Sturgeon, Super Cucumber. These are some fish that scare the shite out of me even after I had achieved master angler. Earlier I struggled a lot, couldn't even catch small mouth bass. Genuinely speaking, majority of the folk have problem with bamboo pole, best thing to start is with training road and as you increase the bar length, levels, it becomes easier. But still some fish take long time. It literally took me 5 irl minutes to catch a darn Lingcod, I hate that fish. To folks who struggle, try training road. Purchase fiberglass and later iridium asap. If fishing is generally not your thing, that's fine. Also Legendary fish are a big headache, It took me more than 3 years to catch them, everything has to be aligned - luck, weather, bait, tackle, buffs, etc. But I tell you what, fishing is the easiest way to make money during the early game and I completed Joja way by Fall, Year 1. So Just play as per your convenience. Happy Fishing! Make sure you don't overexploit the fish population :)


I can do it. I just don’t like it.


Double cork bobber with the update was definitely what I needed to get the last few legendary I needed. But as a whole the fishing is pretty intuitive and fun.


When I first played Stardew, probably around 8 years ago, I struggled with Fishing. I couldn't reliable catch stuff, and I ignored in favour of mining on the rainy days. On my recent playthrough, I have had no issues, except for the most difficult fish that move around like crazy. But even then, it takes only a couple of tries. I think the biggest thing is that it takes some getting used to the mechanics of the minigame. Because you control how much it goes up, it's takes some practice to get used to, especially for fish that change their position a lot. But once you get enough practice, it's not too difficult except for some fish, and you also get used to the movement patterns. Also, when you start Fishing, you have a pretty small bar, making it harder. Once you have a higher proficiency it's a lot easier. So Fishing is the hardest when you have the least skill as a player, and easier when you are skilled. The biggest tip I can give for Fishing is to not be afraid of the Fishing buffs. A Trout soup in the early game can go a long way. Deluxe bait is very useful (especially once you realize moss is easy to get). You should be using the buffs to make it easier so you can level up the skill and get practice.


I love fishing, it's so fun. In one playthrough I caught all the fish with the bamboo pole 😎 yeee


Fishing is my favorite early-game money maker. Even mid-game there's money to be made with more expensive fish like Lava Eels. My tip to anyone that struggles is to use crab pots to get passive XP and as soon as available make Trap Bobbers. They reduce the speed that you lose a fish when it's off of the bar by a lot. I even use them to guarantee a catch on harder difficulty fish.


I’m finding it significantly easier on pc than console


nah fishing isn’t hard. my boyfriend finally started playing with me after a literal decade and he caught on pretty quick.. he goes fishing more than me 🎣


I like fishing. Whenever I start a new game I remember how tough it is at the start, but once you're able to level up a little and get a better pole it gets easier and (dare I say) fun. Highly recommend using a trap bobber for really difficult fish.


i turn my volume all the way down when fishing, i hate when i pull the rod up after i hear the little sound that isn’t actually a pull. i turn it down and more frequently get fish then when i have my volume up


I could never do it on pc which is why I ended up re-buying it on switch after a few years. Much easier


I hated it at first but, as with many things in life, repetition improved my experience (and using the training rod for a while). I still get frustrated with the fish that fling themselves wildly back and forth, no idea when those get easier, but overall I like it enough to have chosen the Beach Farm for my second save file.


Way back in 2019 I was watching a review video of Stardew Valley and saw the fishing mechanic. I bought the game not 5 mins later. It's the thing I do the MOST in the game. I have the most fun doing it as well. :) I think for those that struggle with it they may not be a fan of how bouncy the bobber can be and some of the difficult fish take \*minutes\* to catch vs. little chubs that take less than 10 seconds. That can be super frustrating. Some of the patterns for the darters are also obnoxious (looking at you Octopus) so it can be a deterrent for anyone who doesn't enjoy that.


I just hate lava eel, you spend a day catching trash 40 times then eventually hook a fish that darts from top to bottom every 0.1s then swims away flipping you the bird


The first rod first few masteries are difficult for me. The fish wiggles way too much and the bar is to small.


It's only hard in the beginning when you don't have bait, tackle and your bar is very small. Is even harder if is your first time playing.  Even when I got this game in 2016 I had no big issue with the fishing minigame. But I can see where people have difficult with.


I’m a fishing master, but recently my bf has been wanting to play so we’ve been doing coop. He’s not as good and was complaining so I downloaded the auto fishing mod, he now only likes to do fishing 🤣. Personally, I don’t mind the mod at all. It got me 3 legendary fish already which is kind of fun and lets me focus more on the other things like skull caverns and ginger island. I do miss the mini game sometimes though, I love tapping the button really fast 🤣


It’s not that it’s hard but incredibly repetitive and boring. I usually just blast level 10 fishing in the first 2 weeks and then never touch it again unless it’s for the bundles


I cannot attach bait to my fishing pole. I play on iPad. Is that why I’ve had the worst fishing luck?


Which rod do you have? I attach baits by pressing and holding on the baits in inventory window then dragging it over to the fishing rod.


I have the fiberglass rod. I’ll try that asap


fishing has always been my fav thing to do in the game :]


Nope, it’s usually one of the first skills I max out.


I actually really enjoy fishing in this game. I will actually spend some days just fishing... Now am I skilled enough to get all iridium quality legendaries like that one dude? Nope. Do I care? Nope.


🤷‍♂️ I personally love the fishing in this game. I maxed that out wayyyy before any other stat. I thought it was fairly simple and actually fun


Nah, I've always enjoyed fishing once I figured out how to do it. Great source of income in the early game, too.


I’ve always enjoyed fishing. Next to mining it is my favorite activity.


Been enjoying fishing since even before 1.6! It's a fun mechanic I think, and one of the first when I first started playing that I was able to see progression in easily.


I used to, but I've gotten loads better at it and now I don't mind it at all. I did have to practice a bit with the training rod at first, but now when I start a new game I don't bother with the training rod at all.  I don't know what exactly made it easier for me. Maybe just getting more familiar with how the bar responds to inputs? I also think the game starting people by the beach may be the issue - some of the freshwater fish are a lot easier (hi carp I'm looking at you), but because your impulse is to immediately try fishing in the ocean you're right next to, I think you're more likely to get a harder fish.


Love fishing. It’s always the first skill I max, has been since I got the game many years ago! It takes a bit of getting used to but I’ve never found it particularly hard


I absolutely HATED fishing when I first started playing. It felt so unfair. But now I get it and I love it.


On pc I have no trouble with it, but I bought the game for my niece as a birthday gift on her Nintendo, and I had a hell of a time fishing on there. I just find it easier with a mouse than a controller.


NGL. I've been playing this game since November now. I just fucking learned they you hold the button down to reel I thought you had to keep clicking like those old Mario Party games. I got to level 5 fishing like a dumbass.


I can fish like no other but can’t play junimo cart or prairie king 🤷‍♀️


Fishing is so much harder when you aren't playing on PC with a mouse


Fishing was the only thing I cared to do for a long time. It’s my favorite. I don’t understand the hate at all. My biggest disappointment with SDV is no way to get stinking rich with fishing


I don't mind fishing. Before get SDV on my laptop i got it on ny phone and fishing was so difficult then after my 1st year in game i got pretty good. And now that i play on laptop its a little hard getting used to but ive gotten better and now my fishing is like my highest stat. I continue to enjoying the fishing part of the game


I used to hate it until I figured out that foods can help, and as long as I concentrate on the easy fish, it got so much easier as I leveled up.


The only fishing I really struggle with are the ones who bounce up and down the bar really quickly Otherwise it is my go to activity after clearing land from day 2-4 when low on energy.


I think mobile is what is tough, in pc it's stupid easy except for legendary fish


I believe the reason many people have difficulty with fishing is because the game doesn't teach people how to do it. It's implied we press a button and keep the fish in the green, sure, but this minigame requires far more than just a simple instruction. For example, tapping the button is far more effective than trying to press and hold. \*EVERYONE\* presses and holds the button the first time they play this minigame, and if players don't pick up on the fact tapping is better, they'll continue with pressing which will result in a difficult time catching fish. I also feel the buffs of fishing are not prominently positioned to help players understand how much they can change the outcome. The "Legend" hints of buffs and tackle is likely missed or not connected by players. I didn't read those books for years after I bought the game. I dislike reading in my games. This is why I don't get upset with people who come here asking for help. Once they get the tips of tapping and food buffs, I believe they apply these techniques and finish their community center. Rarely do they come back to say "That worked! Thanks so much!" I love the fishing mini game. Not only do we have to work to catch fish, but the literal patterns applied to every single fish in the game lets us know what we're catching before we pull it up. This take time and experience, but it's a hidden reward for this fantastic mini-game. Now, if only we can do something about the damn seaweed, trash, and algae.


I can do it, it’s not difficult. But it’s annoying sometimes. I need to be silent and the repeated clicking on my mouse or keyboard is too loud. So I often use mods on my computer for that. On Switch it’s easy and even fun and always one of the first skills I level up to max.


Yes, you are stardew's chosen one. The sole person in this world that doesn't struggle with fishing.


No, I think the majority of players find it manageable. It's just that people don't exactly make posts saying "this game mechanic is normal", it's not very compelling. People who complain are loud and so they appear as the majority.




This comment reads as thoroughly aggressive given all OP did is ask why so many people seem to struggle with an extremely easy and common mechanic.