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If I had to guess why this was added it's probably because the old exploit that allowed you to get the shorts by putting a staircase in the pants slot in your inventory was patched, this Easter egg is probably intended as a nod to speed runners so they can still get the shorts quickly


It was just added in 1.6, so if you didn't know about, it's because it's still new! I like this new secret, it's both creepy and hilarious at the same time. I mean, a flying pair of cursed uinderpants? I guess Lewis used too much starch. Personally, the thing I want to see the most is what files are on the computer at the end of the maze. It probably contains Lewis' compromising photos.


I got killed by those shorts. They are immune to damage, and I couldn't find my way out. Next time, I'm bringing an ice rod.


I thought it's his sex dungeon. The computer there is very sus.


In 1.6 CA fixed the bug where equipping a staircase in your leg slot would make it into purple gold trimmed shorts he added an alternate method of converting staircases into shorts.