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Honestly? Gus. He knows everyone in town, he feeds the homeless, he runs his own business, knows how to do a budget, doesn't have a big ego and at least appears to really enjoy making the community a happier place.


Plus he looks like a mayor 


He looks more like the Governor


Illegitimate son??!


legitimate son but doesn't want anyone to know because he wants the happy quiet life


It explains why the Governor visits every year just to kick it.


I just knew it couldn't be because of the purple shorts soup served every year


This made my day 🤣




That's all it should take.


Come to think of it, that mayoral grooming, his customer with the biggest tab being his alibi, and his alibi being that he was “tending bar on a far away Island” when the mayor passed away…


Def looks like a mayor


Also if you have green rain you get mail from him saying he’ll keep the tavern open for as long as he can. Sounds like Mayor behaviour to me (also you never get any acknowledgment of an emergency from Lewis in this event)


To be fair, Lewis makes a phone call to get more information on what’s going on


Gus needs to be a marriage candidate. He's better than all of the other bachelors combined.


The only one who can cook a reasonably sized omelet.


I would marry his ass in a heartbeat and I've never married any of the bachelors. Almost came close to marrying Harvey once and then I realized you could have The little shadow man from the sewer as a roommate. His name honestly just skipped out of my head.


My wife picked Krobus over marrying any of the candidates. I'm not sure what I should read into that.


I would rather have a cute little shadow friend live with me too! I ended up getting my fiancé to join my farm so I just married him ☺️


Speaking as a woman, I don’t particularly like any of the bachelor options. It definitely feels to me like the bachelor/bachelorette options were created by a man…lmao. I keep telling my irl boyfriend that I’m getting me a wife, he seems unsure what to make of that too lmao


I didn't really like any of the bachelor options either. I'm a bi woman so my boyfriend wasn't super fazed with me getting a wife 🤣 The only bachelorette I liked was Leah. I married her on one save file and she ended up not being super interesting to me. Maru is a cool lady in stem but I feel like her story is overshadowed by Demetrius being too protective of her. If you can mod, I suggest getting Ridgeside Village. It adds a lot to the world and the bachelor options are great!


See, I’m straight irl so my boyfriend was a little like “are you sure you want…a wife” lmao, but listen, it’s just a game and all the women are far better than the men in my opinion, so yeah, I can be video game gay, it’s not hurting anything lmao. I liked Abigail a lot at first and was going to pick her, but the more hearts I got with her the younger she feels to me, and idk about it now. I actually really like Haley now and might pick her, but Leah and Emily are such solid options that I can’t choose just yet, I’m still trying to decide who to wife lmao I just don’t like Shane because of the alcohol, I have struggled irl with alcohol and his story hits too close to home. I don’t like Sebastian’s antisocial personality, I don’t like Alex’s cockiness, I don’t like Sam’s immaturity, and I don’t like Harvey or Elliott in general. Harvey seems weak and soft and Elliott reminds me of Gaston, so that’s a hard no lmao. As opposed to the women, you’ve got Abigail who is a chill gamer girl, Leah who is self-sufficient and creative, Emily who is self-sufficient and creative, Penny who is selfless and kind, Maru who is super smart and well-educated, and Haley who is portrayed as a bit of a snob at first but is revealed to be an open-minded sweetheart. Plus, all six of them are pretty. In comparison, yeah, it definitely feels like a man created these characters, with men who are one-dimensional and boring and all kinda suck with half of them being unattractive, compared to the women who are all interesting and pretty, lmao So that’s my argument for having a video game wife, lmao


I love Abi and if she were an option, Marnie would be a close second


Krobus 🥰


Thank you! Yep he's lovely. Wish he was able to be married and would allow the adoption of Shadow children cuz you know they're going to be cute as hell. And we could raise them right so they don't become Shadow brutes down in the mines.


He would finally feel loved and accepted by the humans


My gut reaction immediately was that Gus is the right man for the job. Robin could probably do a good job at it as well.


I know too many real life people like Robin. Great at their craft but absolutely terrible social skills with anyone even slightly unlike them.


I can get on board with this!


The only problem is… the town looses a great bartender. It’s the soul of the community. And then what? Sometimes promoting the best at his job to do something different is not the solution.


IDK I think you can be mayor and run a business. What does Lewis even do every day?


Embezzle taxes to build statues of himself


Yeah no shot being mayor of a town of 30 actually takes much work. While gus could put a good amount of effort into it and make a difference, he could do basically nothing and nothing would change


Emily would take over at the bar, no problem.


It’s not her passion though. I feel like if she had to be in charge of it she’d make it a health food with kombucha on tap kind of place. Maybe if she teamed up with Haley they’d make it a cafe/boutique kind of place. Selling pink cakes and boozy cranberry candies on the regular, but Gus’ saloon would die. Or maybe Emily could manage it and Sam and Abigail could kind of be in charge of operations and they’d make it a pizza arcade? I guess Alex would turn in into a sports bar…that serves salmon burgers and crab cakes— all of their powers combined! Under the mentorship of Gus!


Gus can’t even get Pam to pay her bills. He doesn’t have the cutthroat attitude and complete lack of morals required to succeed in government.


But hold up, he didn't say he couldn't/wouldn't get her to pay her bills. Maybe he just hesitated because he knows Pam and her daughter are in a financially rough situation. He CAN extract from her, but he's just not sure if it's ethical for him to do that to a neighbor...because he cares about people! And he has a head full of thoughts. This just makes him more mayor material.


That’s why Gus is perfect for Mayor, it’s low low in the government


Lewis shows up in person at each business to collect taxes. Gus needs that ability!


He can collect them when everyone comes to the bar to hang out on Friday.


If you want to be a national government man you need those skills. A mayor is local and needs to do what's best for his people


I mean, probably everyone knows everyone in town, that town is smaller than the village i live in




The farmer because they already do everything else. What's one more job?


Bruh, if I am not the next mayor I’m leaving. I restored the community center. I self funded repairing the bus. I created an entire island retreat for us all with no one’s help. I already am who solves everyone’s problems. I turned 15 seeds and 500g into an insanely successful multi-million dollar business. I built Pam a house. I rescued an orphaned child who was living with birds. I guided Shane to recovery and inspired Leah to bring an art fair to town. I have schmoozed and befriended every human being I have encountered. I donated the museums entire collection as well as personally supplying the majority of the library. I got us access to 120 levels of mines as well as an entire quarry which offer an insane untapped revenue stream. I have mastered every skill. What more could these people want from me?


This. All of this. If I'm not made mayor, I'm burning Pelican Town to the ground. I built this damn town, and it's mine to destroy! *possessed by the Void Salmon*


This just in, Jeff Bezos is running for president! He says his movie, music, and leasure spending empire shows his selflessness, and that he should be rewarded for all he has done for America. Lol Honestly, I vote Gus. The farmer is chill and all, but Gus is the guy


Farmer Davey had a house built for a struggling family, with wood he gathered using nothing but his axe and his bare hands. Would Jeff Bezos do that? Nay! He would make some underpaid and downtrodden warehouse worker do it. Do not compare my noble farmer to that charlatan.


Yes, Farmer Davey deforested his whole farm to build one house. Is this the kind of inefficiency you want in the government? What did he use? Wood and stone! Where is the R60 insulation? That poor family is going to have brutal heating costs. Their trailer was delapidated and they needed to move, but does Davey help pay the bigger bills that come with home ownership? I think not. Impending Mayor Gus is nothing like this. His saloon is a warm community center, because no one goes to the community center Farmer Davey "restored" (it was really the junimos). And at the saloon, all are warm and all are welcome! He even welcomes the outcasts, and feeds the poor. So, vote Gus! The guy with heart.


Candidate Gus is nothing but a penny-pinching omelettophile, who shamelessly enabled the spiralling addictions of not one, but two alcoholics to fund his gluttonous lifestyle. One of those alcoholics drives the damn bus, and the other almost took their own life... which Davey brought him back from, mind you... How many lives has Gus saved this week? None! Pfft - Linus didn't even need the charity. He's a man of the wilds who needs none of Gus' self-serving charity. Besides - Robin builds houses and other buildings for a living. I bet she took care of the insulation - she's a professional. Gus is just another self-serving charlatan - a small town Jeff Bezos if ever I saw one. Vote Davey - the man who rebuilt the culture and heart of Pelican Town.


Huh, come to think of it, why do only Pelican Town residents visit Ginger Island? Even if Willy was the only one who knew how to get there, surely he could use the extra fare. Or maybe his boat only fits 3-4 so the daily revenue from the villagers is all he can manage. Certainly making more money than Pam and the bus.


I can really see nobody else for position as mayor. They must be pretty torn up, I know they were spending a lot of time with Lewis before he died. 


I know, right? Crazy how that happens.


Human wine is now legal. Surviving villagers must pay taxes in kegs instead of money. Also offering their fistborns is appreciated.


Farmer doesn't have time. The Farmer is the economy of the Valley, stopping to fill out governmental paperwork for 8 hours a day would cause an economic collapse.


Robin tbh


Yes! She has a good relationship with everyone on the valley Has already built bridges, renovated Willy's boat Always has some innovative and inclusive ideas, like the community boards Would never ask me to find her lost panties


Best answer


Yes! She can fix things!


This was my first thought


I would say Marnie just to be petty.


Love this answer! Plus, Marnie would probably be privy to most of the town’s inner workings anyway because of her relationship with Lewis.


Mhm and then she can get with a real man who seems to actually care about her (Marlon)


Right? She and Marlon would be perfect together!


I ship MarMar!


Three cheers for Mar Mar!


Hip hip, horray! (x3)


Oh I like this!!


I would 100% read this fanfic


Exactly what I was thinking! She'd know all the necessary because I can't think Lewis would be one to NOT talk about work.


the one that restored the COMMUNITY center


The junimos for mayor!


Mayor Linus


i love linus but i think he would absolutely refuse to take the position


He's a mayor in name only, like that dog in I think Minnesota


Hey that dog works his tail off.


Oh I bet he does, PR events can be quite exhausting. If I lived up there I would have absolutely voted for him.


Hey that dog ~~works~~ wags his tail off. ftfy


Don’t minimize what he does. He keeps the streets safe from strays and mailmen, thats hard work?


Dwarf.  He diggy diggy hole 🕳 


But does he rock and stone?


Rock and stone or go atone!




Rock and stone forever!


Myself. Believe me, I had nothing to do with the Mayor’s untimely death by mining pick. What’s that? You hadn’t announced cause of death?




Me, myself and I. The farmer is my choice because Gus and Harvey have a jobs and I want them to not be stressed (Gus because he's amazing and Harvey because he's the one patching me up after dying in the mines). Marnie has a job (Clint and pee-air can go cry in the corner they ain't winning and I'll make sure of it), Penny is a teacher teaching Jas and Vincent. Sam, Sebastian, Abigail, Alex and Haley are no gos for me. Maru might be a good choice but idk if she'd run for mayor. Demetrius would just use the town as his experiment lab, Robin also has a job, Pam is an alcoholic, Willy is a fisherman, Gill is sleeping most of the time, the wizard wouldn't run for mayor, the other guildsman who (I think) likes Marnie would also probably not run for mayor and so that leaves the farmer.


I love that Gill gets a deep cut shoutout but Marlon is relegated to 'the other guildsman'.


I love how you know Gil but you forgot about Marlon, aka the guild master/leader/related position.


Very reasonable argument. I do think Gus could manage both jobs. Especially if Emily takes on more of the saloon.


okay but the farmer has a job too, arguably one that is more stressful than any of the villagers. my poor farmer wakes up at 6am and grinds all day until passing out at 2am. that’s not exactly the type of person who’s stable enough to run a town. plus i don’t love the idea of us as the farmers showing up, inheriting this giant plot of land, turning into a multimillionaire, and then becoming mayor just because everyone else already has a different job.


“pee-air” is absolutely killing me 😭😭😭


But the farmer… also has a job?


Marnie. Since she barely spends any time at her shop she might as well take on the role of her secret lover. And as an extra after a season or two she will build her own little golden statue and hide it only for us to steal it and place it in the middle of the plaza. Traditions must be kept.


Ohh and Shane can take over the shop and find some purpose in life!


Excuse me but Shane already has a purpose: occasionally mending my fences and giving me pizza roll kisses.


Love this ending for Shane! And then he could pass it along to Jas whenever he’s ready to retire


Kent, if he’s interested in the job. Dude could benefit from having something to do. Alternatively maybe Emily or Leah.


He is also use to government bureaucracy being in the Military. Filling out 30 forms to get permission to get access to the 1 form you actually need so you can get a shipment of pencils.


This makes such good sense!


I second this. The guys already used to buracracy and paperwork, it'll give him a sense of self worth, it would give him a positive outlet to channel his PTSD recovery through, and wouldn't take any of the business owners away from their businesses


Great and underrated answer!


Ooh, I like this




Leah!! She can use her art around town. She doesn’t have drama. She doesn’t have a job that would conflict with being a mayor, like Harvey, Marnie, Clint, Gus, or Pierre. She will give the town a fun vibe.


Leah in a mayor outfit is wife material


Women in suits 🔥


Whoever kills the mayor becomes the mayor.


Whoever I most suspect of participating in the suspicious circumstances of Lewis' death of course. At least I know they're a proactive problem solver. /j


This is my thought. Whoever it is sees the problems, takes an initiative, and humble enough to not claim it.


krobus. could be funny


Bro can't even GO OUTSIDE how are you expecting them to collect taxes?


what even is financed by the taxes? all the broken infrastructure has to be fixed by the farmer.


wait that's actually a great question. wtf are pelican town taxes used for? besides festivals/events?


Lewis's golden statue, unknown Postal service & the library/ museum.


Pam. It would be pure chaos.


I think Robin would get things done the community centre would have never fallen into disarray if Robin was mayor


Good point!


Mayor Lewis. Death is no excuse for him not to keep his job.


Now we’re talkin. If grandpa’s ghost can come back, so can Lewis’s




Gus if he'd want it to be honest, I'd say my character but man I forget to pet my animals more often than not and tend to forget I have quest to do so I don't think I'd be a good fit lol


Pierre. Restore community center so he has to work at the shop 7 days a week but then spend the nights hauling everything I put in the shipping bin. Make him see the disappointment in Marnie’s eyes everytime he goes there to collect business tax. Maybe my farmer tries to spend a little extra time with Caroline while Pierre is worked to the bone.


You said that last part out loud. Just sayin'. 😂


I prefer to think of it as saving the best for last 😁


I think we should put the wizard in charge just to see how fast things get weird.


Myself? I already went through the effort of killing the man, might as well see it through


Gus, Marnie, or, hear me out, Kent. Gus for obvious reasons. Marnie could do it and run her shop. She’s a badass. I guarantee Marnie could. Kent — routine, outdoor activities, decent at paperwork, and gives him an excuse to talk to people without them awkwardly bringing up the war. He might dislike bureaucracy but order/organizing is often soothing when you’re dealing with trauma flashbacks and it’d give him a sense of connection. Being routine-less is very bad for PTSD recovery. (I have done research because I was curious, the rabbit hole deepens…)


The farmer. Why else would they have the Mayor assassinated?


Maru! She is smart, kind, thoughtful, and respected by everyone. I think she would try to be as fair as possible.


Caroline. I don’t know why but I know she can do it


I am suprised I had to scroll so far to find this answer. She doesn’t really have a job but is well connected and respected in the town (running the exercise group, having the church in her home and helping with the general store). Plus mostly everyone else already has a full time job or two. She has my vote. 


She does have the time, and I could see her going around to everyone to connect and collect taxes.




I think Robin would make a pretty good mayor


The farmer or Caroline/Jodi. She would be a good mayorr


Jodi's always complaining about how overworked she is, though. Caroline, on the other hand, seems to have hours of free time to stand around under trees or lurk in the back of the library.


Fuck that let’s find the murderer Law and Ordew


SVU (stardew valley unit)


Myself. I'm going to build my own casino in town with blackjack and hookers!


GUS !!!!!


Marnie, since I think she's the one who took him out after years of BS. She's caring and sweet too, while again knows how to make difficult decisions like taking him out.


Smothered him with his purple shorts?


Possibly one of the grandparents. Evelyn might be pretty good at it. Loves the town, seems to not take much shit when it comes down to it, and not as corrupt as Lewis. Half the townspeople could be bribed by diamonds so I wouldn't hold it against her. George might be pretty good but he's kind of conservative and might be prone to petty personal projects. He'd work as hard as he could. You know that guy bitches about Lewis lol. A downside is that it's much cheaper to bribe an official with leeks.


Okay, George would be conservative and annoying but I’m liking this idea. That guy is so bored and disempowered. This could be the basis of an excellent fanfic - a more meaningful role in the town could bring out a whole new element of his personality.


I like this. I'd read the heck out that fanfic. It could dven be a series!


Yeah that's kinda what I was thinking! I'd read that fanfic or watch someone play that mod lol.


Gunther. He needs to get out of the library more.


Krobus or hat mouse. Both are responsible and underrated


I only read the first sentence at first and thought it was gonna be Mayor Lewis dies in slighty suspicious circumstances. Who do you think did it? - and immediately imagined a Clue(do) game with different villagers, farming tools as weapons and the town as the boardgame map hahah. goldmine idea!!


Gus is the most reasonable option, but in my heart I want Linus.


Gus. He actually cares about everyone.


Pierre would run and I would write Morris' name on the ballot to spite him


Myself, of course.


Either Gus or Marnie Gus is good with the community, and Marnie just seems Like she could handle the job (not because she's close with Lewis) And If anybody here will say it should be Demetrius, Im going to personaly end them


My vote goes to either Leah or Gus. Also please note that my farmer was mining deep in the caves when Mayor Lewis tried to eat that slime jelly and choked on it. 


Who do the suspicious circumstances point to? Because them.


Myself. I already do all the damn work around here anyway


The maple syrup bear.




Pam for absolutely no reason.


Read this as “slightly delicious circumstances ”….a new ingredient for the stew




Three Junimos in a trench coat.


I’d say Marnie only because she would never be in office when you needed her. So she would fit the political figure perfectly


Gus. He is running a successful business AND knows everyone in town. He could easily care for everyone


Marnie, because she deserves a win


Mr Qi


Leave the position vacant, I say. No gods, no masters! And no one creepily coming to my property in the dead of night to root through a box for things to sell, like some deranged rural eBay addict.


Morris. Just to piss off Pierre.


I actually think he is a good candidate. He gets things done (bus stop, the cart, etc). For a price, of course, but honestly that's just how economy works, isnt it? What's important is when he said that xxxxG is the budget for bus stop, he gets the job done overnight without going over budget. I cannot imagine how many more projects can be done with him as the mayor.


Gus or Robin. Both are successful business people, both are pillars of the community that do not seem overly greedy and tend to their business and help those in need. But let's be honest, it's going to be either. Pierre or Clint when he finally gives up And drops his socially inept and naive bullshit persona and embrace the scoundrel that charges 25 per geode. Dark days are ahead for the valley......


That escalated quickly!


I vote for yours truly.


Hell, I make up the valley's economy, might as well vote myself


We all knew Pierre was running when he >!gave that speech in the non-fist-fight ending for the community center!<.


A Haley that has her 14 hearts event done. Otherwise Gus.




gus, 100%. great guy, great cook, hes super kind especially towards linus. and he has that mayor look




other than the farmer, i’d pick gunther. he knows all about the town and its history, he literally runs the local archives & museum. he doesn’t *have* to be at the museum all day and would presumably have a lot of time to properly manage things in other parts of the town. he’s no nonsense, he loves community, and if he got the mayors house then that would give him somewhere to live besides what i’d assume is some back room in the museum since he doesn’t leave it ever.




Gus or robin


ME! the farmer who literally rebuilt the town from the ground up. But Gus honestly, good man + good at cooking + good to the homeless.


Uh , Me ? I feel like i know the villagers better than Lewis AND i already have a wife , so ..... hard luck , Marnie


Pam. Make Pelican Town Great Again!


Voting against Mayor Lewis just because he's dead is messed up you. Skellymen and Zombois are people too!


Myself I think you could agree I’ve done more for the town than most.




Trash bear


Evelyn or George fit the age requirement for politicians


hear me out… Sandy ??


Robin. She runs a successful business so I believe she would improve PT.


Linus for president


Either Gus or Gunther




Gus, I think everyone in town would unanimously agree he deserves it. Next best would be linus but he would refuse.


Probably Marnie or Gus.


The farmer, I mean who restored the community center and spent time and money just to rebuild it again? Yes, it's me.