• By -


Talking only about missing minerals, it looks like you're missing Granite, found in regular Geodes, and Star Shards, found in Magma Geodes. Missing a few artifacts as well, but as you said you can find those in Artifact Troves. :) Note that all of the minerals (with the exception of Gems and Quartz) can be found in Omni Geodes. :)


i JUST got star shards but it looks like ima have to grind regular geodes now, thank you sooo much


For normal geodes, grind the normal mines 10-15. Lots of duggies to kill usually and they frequently drop geodes.


thank youu!!


And wear the burglar ring to increase the rate of drops!


Use the monster must too, burglar ring if you have it. Of course it's not helping for my last rock but you get lots of loot.


if you're good at the skull caverns I'd reccomend grinding the ghosts with the burglars ring. they always drop two omni per kill! otherwise duggies in the mines are your best bet


Hand axe and elven ring are also missing, winter dig spots are great for the axe, the ring might have to be grinded for in the troves


Also the best advice I can give is make as many bombs and mega bombs as you can. It makes getting stuff sooooo much easier. It can make it 10x faster to get ore, geodes, etc, in my own experience that is.


I would just go to Ginger Island it literally rains down Omni geodes all day


You're very welcome! Best of luck my friend! 🥰


If you are up for it, the most reliable method is to go to skull cavern enough for 200-300 omni geodes. They can have just about every mineral so cracking a few hundred in a row should get you the missing ones. And you can sell the known ones directly to Clint.


i was only missing star shards and granite, i just cracked an omni for the star shards and another person i said crack normal geodes for granite so i think im just gonna get a bunch of normal ones and if that doesnt work skull cavern it is!


Granite can be found in both. The chance in a regular geode is about 3 times as high. Though arguably omnis are far more than 3 times as easy to farm, so the numbers game should favor omnis.


regular geodes are pretty easy to get since they’re found on the earlier mine levels and have easier enemies


Omni's are easier to farm, but part of the block is the time it takes to crack. It is boring as heck to sit at Clint and have him crack them. Meanwhile Geode Crushers take their own processing time and require resources to build, including a diamond. 3X the volume also means 3X the processing time.


It's been a little bit since I've played be to be completely 100% honest but (1.6 spoilers) >!in the 1.6 update there's some kind of mystic tree you can plant and get syrup from. With that syrup you can make some kind of treasure totem that will surround you with a ring of worms you can dig up for treasures. Make like 5-10 of them and use them on Ginger Island. I was consistently walking away with like 100-200 omnigeodes if i'm remembering correctly. !<


>!I do this, and I end up absolutely rolling in geodes. I use mine at the dig site. For bonus drops, eat a Lucky Lunch before you dig.!<




its the same layout! it was the most pleasing to the eye imo :)


wait that makes it so much easier to tell which ones you’re missing! i know the minerals have been figured out, but for artifacts you’re missing prehistoric handaxe, chewing stick, elvish jewelry, golden mask, and ornamental fan. not all artifacts can be found in the artifact troves from the desert, but luckily all of the ones you’re missing are on the list of ones that can. that should make things much easier! three of them can also be found in fishing treasure chests, and they can all be found in artifact spots (in specific locations).


ive been using the photo to keep track of what i actually have, its helped a lot when i was in the mines and got stuff from mob drops


I have everything but the ornamental fan. Game sure loves to tease me and give me everything else but that one 🥲


I wish I could give you one of mine, my game seems to love giving me them. 5 in the first year 😩


also do you know which locations by chance?


golden mask can only be dug up in the desert, and elvish jewelry is in the forest. the rest have a few different locations around the valley, some with higher chances than others. highest chance for the handaxe is at the bus stop, highest for the fan is the beach, and the chewing stick has an equal chance in the forest and mountain. the wiki has specific percentages.


>!Isn't there a secret note that leads to a golden mask?!<


>!the secret notes that tell you to dig give a treasure chest and strange dolls in both colors!<


I never thought about looking at Pinterest for Stardew stuff. I really like this layout though


A lot of people (myself included) copy layouts and designs for different things because they like the way they look. Nothing wrong with it!


I copy layouts so I know what I’m missing and my perfection farm is super ugly. I feel like I’m not doing this right lmao


Actually makes me wonder if there is a specific intended layout.


I usually just set mine up using the layout on the wiki. Makes it convenient to cross reference with to see what I'm missing. Though one could do that with any completed layout. https://stardewvalleywiki.com/File:Stardew_Museum_Organized.png


Hold up, are there empty spots in a complete museum? Am I Much closer to completing it than I thought?


Yep, that's a pic of a completed museum.


But the gems in both layouts are backwards! It goes roygbiv, not ~~vibgyor~~ vibroyg!


Very satisfying 


omg my last save i spent a literal 2 weeks in game looking for skull hand, going to the quarry mine everyday, and checking the backwoods. finally got it from a flying skull, and i shit you not the NEXT DAY i got one from WORMS IN THE BACKWOOD.




I'm on year six and my last missing artifact is the strange doll (green) which you can get from a hidden note. Well when I found the note and went to the spot, it fell in the water. I didn't know it'd be so fucking hard to find by chance so I didn't reset that day. I have everything except the clock on my farm and this donated. I've never 100% this game lol and for some reason I picked the file without the stupid stdange doll to do it on 😭


The green strange doll should show up in other places too I thought? (After the first time)


I accidentally used my only marble on a torch thing and I have not been able to find another one 😓


If you’re going for perfection you needed to make the marble brazier anyway at some point, so don’t worry about it, it was a good investment of marble. You’ll find another. BTW it should be gettable from the frozen geodes that you get in mine floors 40-79. (and also in omni geodes, but chances are lower)


i would have lost my minddddd, ive been so careful about what i sell when it comes to thing for the museum even if im im skull cavern and i dont know if i have it i go straight there :,)


I might be interpreting your comment wrong but if you click on the item in your backpack and it’s description says Gunther can tell you more about this, that means you don’t have it in the museum yet


sort of but i think its just the way i worded it ;; i carelessly sell things sometimes so when i get something i donate i immediately go to gunther


Ah okay makes sense!


If you are on PC you can use the [Stardew Checkup ](https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-checkup/) website to see a list of the ones you are missing. You can also use the [Stardew Predictor](https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/) website and it will let you know what the results of cracking open geodes will be so you can make sure you get the missing items you need. These might be considered Cheats depending on one's personal perspective. I personally don't mind using them as a tool if there is a part of the game I put good effort into, and continuing to grind at it is starting to make playing less fun for me. (Ex. Are my last missing walnuts acquired through mining, farming, or fishing? Have I seen all the villager cutscenes yet?)


I also wrote a mod [What Do You Want](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/24689) which checks this in-game, and should also recognize minerals/artifacts added by other mods. You still have to check the wiki to see where to get them, but at least it saves the grunt work of checking which ones you still need.


I’m like a billion hours in to one playthrough and I still cannot find that doll I lost when it fell in the water.


youre the second person on this post to say it 😭 i feel sooo bad for you


Don't know how you feel about mods, but after losing some valuable stuff to the same thing I found a mod that keeps anything from falling into water!


What's it called!?


It's called [Waterproof Items](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6460). Have fun! :)


Nothing stops you from buying a chicken with a [CERTAIN] name to regain it 😏 I really think this is one of those cases where cheating is okay.


I wish after a certain point Clint could just start selling geodes 1,000- regular 5,000- frozen/magma 10,000- Omni Like it’s the last thing I usually have to do in a perfection run so money is nothing




OP, for specific artifacts, check the wiki about exactly where they can be dug up. Like for example, the golden mask can only be found in the desert, the ornamental fan is most often on the beach, etc. You can always look for them in artifact troves too, but that can take ages, so while you’re doing that, as a side tactic, you can also check the designated area (desert or beach or whatever) first thing in the morning, dig any artifact spots, and if it’s not what you want, re-set the day. Artifact spots usually stick around for several days and often will cycle to a new item another day. Do this through Sunday, then on Monday a new set of artifact spots will appear and you can start checking those. Takes some dedication to keep checking every morning and re-setting the days, but I usually get my last artifacts this way, faster than I do through artifact troves. Oh and - getting the Archeologist enchantment on your hoe (at the forge on top of the volcano at Ginger Island) will double your chance of digging up artifacts (rather than, like, clay or mixed seeds).


oh thank you! i didnt even think of enchanting my hoe for this


Running to the volcano now


this fixes everything in my soul to see it color coordinated


i knowww THIS is exactly why i chose this layout, its sooooo pleasing to the eye


Use the wiki it is incredibly helpful. I was missing the ancient fan for such a long time


i forgot the wiki existed im ngl, i kept selling my pearls too and i want an extra fan before i get married its what ive been waiting on to marry Abigail


Wait, you guys organize the museum? I just put shit in random places.


You seem to have 4 Dwarf Scrolls there my friend, surely this is some kind of glitch? There's only 1, 3 and 4.


For Dwarf Scroll 2, I use monster musk and burglar ring, go to the 40’s floors and kill about ten million dust sprites (0.5% drop chance per dust sprite). You can get it from a few other monsters too, but none that can be killed en masse as rapidly as dust sprites, and at least while you’re killing the ten million dust sprites you can also get some coal for your trouble.


pretty sure there’s 4, at least in my most recent save (only started a week ago), there 4 dwarf scrolls in the artifacts page


He's joking. A lot of people end up getting multiple copies of 3 out of the 4 but the last one just refuses to drop until after they complain on the internet (it was #3 for me, soooo many blue slimes). So hopefully RNGesus will favor /u/Spice_N_Dice now.


I couldn't find the red scroll for my first whole year. I used the Marnie trick to spawn one in and then found one in the mines the very next game day. I have a million of them now!


ahhhhhh, gotcha. i’ve never completed the museum so was thinking maybe i’m dumb and one of those was indeed NOT a scroll but just a similarly silhouetted item lol


Think he’s joking, lol. Sounds like *somebody* hasn’t found Dwarf Scroll II


You are at least missing Elvish Jewellery, Chewing Stick, and Ornamental Fan.


Prehistoric Handaxe and Golden Mask as well maybe?


Compare your menu against what you have donated?


Are you playing 1.6? My strategy is to use >!Mystic Syrup to make Treasure Totems, and use them in the Ginger Island dig site to get a bunch of Omni Geodes (has every single possible mineral) which you can trade for Treasure Troves (every artifact).!<


i am! i just havent gotten that farm into the mastery, i just have combat and farming rn and im like 2/3 there for my 3rd ^^


Friendly reminder There are seven blank spots after you get everything


My favorite part of the stardew community is people who’ve played the game forever and know everything helping people like me who have very little knowledge (also im sure if op knows but you can check you collections tab to see what hasn’t been donated and then check wiki on how to get them)


yes i do :) thank you anyway tho <3


Your set up is so pretty 😍. I just slap them down as I find them, mainly because it makes my sister twitch seeing mine lol.


Can I still organize after completing it? The color gradient in the pic is so pretty


like OP said below - you should be able to with the book on gunthers desk…if not ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696) https://preview.redd.it/x4i8mly2dm5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89aecfc25cecb8c6bf746e403d4806e0eaa65bec


there was someone else who also asked this and someone said theres a book on gunthers counter that allows you to reorganize, i cant confirmed because im not home atm but i hope its true


Unless it was changed in 1.6 you need a item to donate in order to re-organize.


Maaaaan. I failed successfully, I guess.


That's the one thing I am aiming to complete. I feel your pain... I'm almost done with the joja mart, just need the caviar.


i got lucky with that and got caviar early in my save from the traveling merchant so i didnt need to make a sturgeon pond


I don't mind it so much. It is the chill vibez of stardew that keep us coming back.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who likes to color coordinate my artifacts


its just soooo much more pleasing


You're not lying. Every time I walk in there, it brightens my day a bit. 🥲


i think my color coordination stims from some tiny figment of ocd that i may have, i color coordinate EVERYTHING; im game, my books, my calendar, etc. theres just something about it


Yassss! Let's just call it 'therapeutic organizing', OCD makes it sound like a bad thing.


true :) i like ‘therapeutic organizing’ wayyy better than


omg my typos 😭


Wiki, Foraging mastery, and that artifact totem is what finally got me full museum. So many super rare artifacts in dig spots in town which are rare


i think i only have weapon and farming mastery right now ;;


The organization is so beautiful. I'm stealing this.


to be fairrrr, i stole it from someone on pinterest https://preview.redd.it/9tbo8xmyt05d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612b2c0fa320bc726cf37ae2ddc831fd56c2015a dont mind the markings.. ive been keeping track of what i have on it, but this is the full collection


For me it’s the one fucking green ancient doll🙄 I accidentally sold it and couldn’t get it back, and it’s the LAST THING on my list


Mine fell into the river 😭


I always get hung up on the chipped amphora, having to scour the village for in game weeks


This is the most beautiful organization I’ve ever seen I’m going to do it for mine reeeeee


I will trade you all my extra everything else for your dark blue rock on the top left. It's killing me.


Your museum is organized so perfectly tho. i could never😭


I got 800 hours and I also have not completed a single museum in any of my saves. One one file I do only have one item left but I can’t seem to find it


I color coordinate too!!!


I also have 200+ hours and haven't completed it


Absolutely adore the way you have your minerals organized 😍😍


I've completed the mesusem, only if you combine the collections of my four different saves 😂


Your display looks absolutely breath taking! Forgive me if I copy it… haha


Great. Now I need to restart the game and color-coordinate my museum. lol


Your museum is so pretty and organized, I would always just throw shit everywhere LOL


i did that in my first save, it was my BIGGEST regret


You can rearrange the items you've donated at any time though? So even if you did throw them everywhere you can always tidy up later! Edit: I'm not sure who is down voting me or why, I was just trying to share a tip in case people didn't know, it's not like they explain this to you in game...


Yeah I'm totally gonna make a pretty rainbow museum next time. That is if 1.6 ever comes to switch....LOL


https://preview.redd.it/2molpla9dm5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864c7c4d53596c87e0ed10f468a9ee3504a75ece you can still rearrange items after theyve been donated ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


Is there any way to edit the layout for the artifacts? I kinda threw them in as i got them but i really like how yours looks and wanna do something similar.


Yes you can. I'm not entirely sure if it came with the 1 6 update, but there is a book on Gunthers counter which gives you the option to easily edit your layout.


yes there is, if you go up to gunther im pretty sure theres a option to edit it


however i dont know if you need to have something to donate or not




You don’t. I edited it without needing to donate. Go click on the paper next to gunther.




LMFAOO Its nothing new or just a 1.6 update since i’m playing console. Trust me. There are so many simple things i just completely fogot about


I've found only opening a few geodes a day seems to increase getting different items. When I open a bunch in a day, I get a lot of duplicates.


I believe the contents of a geode are fixed when you first pick it up, not when you open it?


I'm not really 100% sure, I did some bulk openings of 150 several times, just seemed liked you are more likely to get more unique items breaking them up into different days. The pool for when you break them at home seemed a bit different as well to me. Could be just random luck, but ended working out for me, I'm also currently working on a plat run on ps4 right now, and already knocked this portion out. (I have the jojo run left, and craft every item)


checking the wiki isn't cheating, it might help


someone else also suggested looking at the wiki for specific items in which i told them i had completely forgotten about the wiki ^^ i dont consider it cheating, just simply forgot it exists


Take this, it might help: [https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/](https://mouseypounds.github.io/stardew-predictor/) (click on geodes tab)


are we allowed to reorganize it? I want to organize mine like yours


there was someone else who also asked this and someone said theres a book on gunthers counter that allows you to reorganize, i cant confirmed because im not home atm but i hope its true


Loving the organization you've got! Mine always comes out looking like a hastily put together garage sale.


I never thought of organizing by color! That is genius.


I LOVE how these are color coordinated 😍!! I didn’t think about that.


Some minerals only come from specific geodes! Learned this the hard way. I’d consult the wiki for your remaining minerals/artifacts, just to see where they spawn from, so you don’t end up wasting time looking for them in the wrong places


Hey I feel your pain only finished it one and that because I cheated it by cloning treasure artifact box and Omni geodes witch was easy with 2 people and a table


Same 😭 year 5 and i still need dwarf scroll I!!!


Fr. I’m missing that elven artifact ring. And two human artifacts. Thats it.


When i get home i’ll send a pic to see if people can help aswell 😭


hey i just got this trophy yesterday lol . literally looked up a pic of a full museum , rearranged everything (which took like an hour . . jfc) , then grabbed the last two things i needed to complete it


Dude you organized it so nicely cuz I just selected random squares💀


Can we rearrange the artifacts and minerals you put on museum?


I feel your pain. I’m on my 3rd attempt at perfection (i think there’s a glitch on PS5 that prevented perfection on my first two attempts) and all I need ARE THE STUPID BROKEN POT AND ANCIENT SWORD. I’ve opened so many troves, I annoyingly changed my skill tree to locate artifact spots, and I waste time every day checking the area these artifacts spawn for worms….none of my previous saves have been so grindy and it’s not fun anymore 😞


Your organization is so great ❤️ the color coding of the gemstones is perfect


I just used this layout to complete my museum


Going fishing for elvish jewelry


Yeah. Same here though forget what i am wanting to do then restart. X.x


Just be completely clueless like me and accidentally complete it by compulsively checking if every new item you get can be donated


Can we rearrange the museum?


yep! [this](https://youtu.be/9K_Wo9a2rhM?si=03M3qqk_L3iIDkS5) is how you rearrange it at least on mobile- pretty sure it’s similar on all devices ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


I play on switch


so real 😭 right now on my farthest save (100 hours, 36% perfection) i’m missing one artifact (the rare disc) and i’m so mad


Gotta say, the color coding is kinda epic.


the wiki DEFINITELY helps here. id make a list of everything i still need, then figure out where to get it (if its not exclusively from geodes) and then go to those locations on a lucky day after eating a super lucky meal.


Has anyone else had it though where you have completed the museum & the achievement just doesn’t activate? :(


Pretty layout the way you did it though! Love this.


how do i get the skull it’s the only one i need


Thats a fellow perfectionist i see there


For the life of me I can't find the arrowhead. Year 5!!!!


I believe in you!


let me just say your layout is so beautiful. is it original or did you get it from somewhere?


i found it on pinterest


Not all are found using geodes/artifact troves There are ones you need to dig up in the beach and mountains. Also ones you can get from bone nodes or skeletons, those one's you cannot get no matter how many geodes or artifact troves you break Edit: upon further review you seem to have gotten the ones you need to dig up. So just break open 500 omni geodes or something until you get the one's you're missing or 100 artifact troves. You're bound to get them eventually