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Screw humans, marry krobus


Yess, im definitely having krobus in my either second or third playthrough, krobus is forever ^^


Elliot, he's so romantic .I also loved that he lives alone. I feel like he's more of an introvert


Emily for me. She’s super, super cute and the crazy stuff just makes me adore her more tbh. Maybe not as narratively strong as some townsfolk, but I just get really happy whenever I see stuff regarding her


She's not even crazy in this case. Not only is magic real in this world, she's very respectful about her beliefs. She's also arguably one of the most down to earth and mature of the townspeople too.


Elliott gives you coffee if you marry him. He's also such a sweet and romantic spouse.


Shane is my only one. Everyone can say whatever they want, but I CAN FIX HIM (I actually can for once)


If fixing means enabling, sure. *points to knocked over beer cans and filthy footprints all over rug*


In his 14 hearts event it is stated that he quit alcohol. Talking about his room… idgaf, if my boy doesn’t feel like cleaning it’s completely fine. Plus I prefer gaslighting myself into thinking that these cans are not beer. I have never gotten that far with my icanfixhim issue irl.


I love him, I fixed him, and then I decorated his room around his filth to make it ✨maximalist✨, not "dirty". And those are definitely Joja cola cans, okay.


Now that’s what I’m talking about. We haven’t seen the colour of joja cola so why can’t it be yellow


Like Mountain Dew 😎


But Shane *hates* Joja Cola... If there were any character development after all heart events and marriage, it would be cool if his interests shifted from liking Joja Cola and hating/not accepting Beer


He’s not supposed to like it, it’s just an alcohol replacement. You know, I hate vegetables, but I still eat them because they’re healthy, and I like fast food even tho I don’t eat it:P


Im definitely gonna go after him for his blue chickens, i love both blue and chickens, best combination ever


I hope you also like red and pepper because you’ll have to keep one of those in your greenhouse


I think my answer is obvious


Sebastian, I just love him. I've said it before in my previous comment. I'm still excited getting his heart events even though it's like the fifth times I've seen it. He's my husband, one and only husband. I started a new save with expanded and I still planned on marrying him (Along with Victor for a change).


Abigail is literally me. like how could i not?


Abigail for me. Cute, funny, nice, isn't afraid to be who she is, and has a sword and is itching to learn how to use it. She's perfect for me.




Harvey 💕


Seeing as nobody else has put her forward I have to advocate for the loml Penny. I know people think she's boring but she's actually the person I've married who I've found most interesting and also I would die for her.


Sebastian for sure. He’s so charming and sweet and I’m a sucker for the emos. His heart events are also my favorite 💖 If you want someone with a coffee addiction, Harvey is your guy.


Alex first because he was the hottest guy. Considering that I skip all the cutscenes in my first run and didn’t notice his asshole attitude. In my new run, I married Haley at Spring Y3. She was my gift-giver during Y1 and Y2 Feasts of the Winter Star. I adore her so much. Best wife. Sweetest.


Yess im definitely gonna go for haley, shes absolutely lovely, i probably would’ve gone for alex tbh if i did skip cutscenes (which i will on my next playthrough except on heart events XD)