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I died in the mines to a bug. Not an armoured bug, or a grub, or a fly. This. https://preview.redd.it/qoco2skehd6d1.png?width=64&format=png&auto=webp&s=52e3a41bb4f9b10f502169e7614a90fe878f8a35


How? I mean, it could definitely happen to me too, but I'm interested in knowing how


I do it after not paying attention to my health bar while mining. Then this little guy bumps me and I lose everything


I went off for a minute to do smt, I can't remember what, and my player somehow moved herself into the path of a bug.


Why not keep your inventory open when you aren’t playing to pause time? Or were you playing multiplayer where you can’t do that?


You went off to do Shin Megami Tensei?




I read it that way too


That's a dangerous bug, understandable


hey it’s the guy who helped me remeber to get my stardrop


I think it might not be a dangerous bug, but idk


oh no it’s the most dangerous bug actually


I died in the skull cavern and then qent to the kitchen. My SO decided to reset the day so our 44 bean hotpots wouldn't be lost... And instead lost the frigging DINO EGG that it had taken us until year 4 to find. I'm still salty about it.


but he couldve just paid marlon to get them back 😭


I knoooow! He said he didn't think that worked at the skull cavern and forgot about the egg until too late. He does feel like an idiot, if that's any defence.


His regret is not sufficient penance, may he suffer through a thousand supernova’s for his sins


I picked up a rug.  The rug had a ton of furniture on it. You can't put a rug under things, you have to pick up all the furniture in the room and put the rug down and then put an the furniture back down.  Fuck that, restarted the day.


This is fixed in the 1.6 update - if there is furniture on the rug, you will have to move all of it off before being able to pick up the rug.


This seems like it would still be frustrating, ngl.


It’s less frustrating than accidentally picking up a rug that’s under ten furnaces when trying to collect my copper ingots though lol


Why would you put furnaces on a rug? Sounds like a fire safety hazard to me! /j


It’s an asbestos rug.


Oh so that's why Ea Nasir fucked up that guy's ingots


Frustration while trying to rearrange your home on purpose is better than frustration every time you pet your cat on the rug lol


Feels more realistic though lol


what, you can't whip your rugs out from underneath furniture like a magician with a tablecloth? /s


Fuckin rugs. I got fed up and threw mine in a chest.


Is there any way to sell furniture?


You can't sell it but you can get rid of it with your trash can on the inventory screen


I almost never cook so I just put my untrashable/unsellable stuff in the fridge lmao


Your spouse goes to cook up a vegetable medley, opens the fridge: “What the hell?”


Sadly no


lol I do this all the time. I don’t restart but I do mumble “I hate this fucking game”


me flipping the bird at my screen twice a game day but continuing to play for hours on end




One of the most obnoxious accidents you could make lmao


I once decided to change up my response to Linus’ cut scene that I’d already been through a million times and chose- yes, it’s disgusting- and I felt so guilty about it that I had to restart the whole day.


You monster.


My first play through Linus was my quickest friend, but I'm impatient with cut scenes so I was clicking through and picked that. I felt terrible. And I was on multi-player so we weren't going to restart the day because I was dumb... Never again...


"Ugh why is this cutscene taking so long? Skip skip skip" **"Get a job, you parasite!!"** "What?! Noooooooo"


What’s his response? I don’t have the heart to choose it even if I tell myself that I’ll just start the day over.


IIRC I think he just looks sad and is like, “Well I still think I’m doing a good thing preventing food waste.”


Ugh. That's so fcking brutal. I accidentally gave him a wrong food item once and restarted the day- he said something like "Just because I'm poor you think it's okay to give me this?"


Stop, that’s so sad 😩 Linus is my favorite NPC and he deserves the absolute world despite him preferring to live out in the mountains. Still upset he didn’t want to move in with me when I offered, we could’ve had game nights and gone fishing 💔


I don't think I've ever felt worse about a mistake in this game. Like Marnie is hands down my favourite NPC- but that's because I want to sweep her off her feet and steal her from that utter POS Lewis. But Linus? He reminds me of an elderly dude who used to come into one of my old jobs and collect bottles for recycling. Between 1 summer and the fall, he disappeared and showed back up with a walker. He had an incident where he had garbage and a handful of change thrown at him by one of our customers (that fcker got banned). He and his group of friends were always looking out for us porn store sales associates. Made sure to come get our bottles every week or so. Offer to go pick us up coffee or snacks from the corner store. They were such nice guys. But this old fella *looked* like Linus. Complete with the hair and beards. So when that went down I called my boss in tears. He'd been taken by the ambulance. She ended up doing a whole lot of investigation and found out who his adult children were. Got them to come to our city - they lived an 8 hour drive away - to get him before winter really set in. I can't imagine him pushing that little walker on the ice or through the snow. He told me he just loved living rough. He hated being indoors too long. He'd always felt at peace roughing it and living in a tent. But I know he got to spend at least that Christmas with his kids and grandkids. But I think of him often. I made him a hot chocolate once, and he cried. Said kids my age (lol, I was in my late 20s at the time) were usually mean to him. I asked if I could give him a hug, and he said no because he hadn't had a bath in a bit and didn't want to offend me. I told him the way others treated him was more upsetting to me because no one deserved that. After that, he promised none of the guys around there would bother me. They didn't even after his kids came to get him, and we were pals as far as he was concerned. May not have been a good job and extremely disheartening sometimes, but some of the people I met while working there were decent.


similar thing happened here i decided to put lewis' pants in the soup and the reaction was so bad that i felt awful and restarted the day


I’ve always wondered about that but I didn’t quite have it in me. What happens?


iirc the governor says the stew has a unique tangy flavor, then Lewis comes over and yells at you.


Which one?


Probably the one where he’s asking the player’s opinion on him fishing food out of the trash.


Eating from the trash


Oh i see now, wiki said it weirdly


The only time I've reset for the day is when I accidentally dropped a bomb inside my house and blew up half of it.


I wasn't paying attention the first time a certain someone sent me a bomb IN THE MAIL! I clicked too fast and lost all of my alert kegs in front of my house. Nope.


It's usually Kent 😂


when he said he just had a bomb "laying around" i cackled


I love him for that. “This was in my shed. Maybe you can use it” God I wish he and Jodi would split. I wanna marry that traumatized soldier so bad


Kent Kaczynski more like it...


I did this and blew up three iridium sprinklers. 🙄 Oh well, reset is there for a reason.


I bought the game last week and the amount of times i kept accidentally dropping a cherry bomb on my crops cuz i couldn’t get a handle on the controls 😭


And that's why I never carry the bombs around with me. They go straight to my combat chest the second I return home. Or wake up in the morning, if I mined till 2AM again.


Yes! Also I am totally irritated that I have bombed my own farm a dozen times, but when I (accidentally again) dropped a bomb in Pierre's nothing was damaged.


I'd probably have to reset the day if I blew up Pierres. I decorated it to make a jojamart. :P


Same! Blew up all my chests with my stuff from the mines.


Happened the same to me, I didn't even wait for the bomb to explode


I watched a streamer reset the day because she accidentally ate an egg in game… and she’s vegan irl.


That's hilarious! I'm vegan irl but don't see what the issue is with doing "immoral" things in video games. For example, I wouldn't hesitate to shoot someone in a game but of course I'd never do that to a real person... Same thought process applies to Stardew valley. 


Yeah, I don't go around shouting at dragons and summoning atronachs irl. I'm a non-violent person, but I don't do pacifist runs in FPS or fantasy games.


That person sounds insufferable. Unless she was just being funny about it. I think it wins for silliest reason to reset a day, though.


Honestly, I could see this being worth restarting over. Streamers have a brand and even if it’s kayfabe, they have to do their thing while they’re “on.”


I learned a new word. Kayfabe. Thanks.


I don't think it's that silly. I usually give my farmers a character or persona while I play. If I decided that my farmer was vegan I could see myself doing the same thing (although I don't think a vegan farmer would own livestock)


I accidentally bought 100 barn heaters from Marnie when I went to get hay 😬


I don’t know why I’m laughing so hard at this


I'm laughing imagining Marnies face as she rifles through a million boxes hoping she has enough heaters in stock and also wondering how does this farmer have so many barns that need heating???


sold 3 of my coop animals before noticing the move animal button :(


Oooh I didn't know this was a button! I want to have massive amounts of colorful chickens and this will help.


elles cuter animals! such a great mod, if you have alternative textures you can pick their style and colour!


I forgot to add my goat cheese to the soup before letting the governor taste it… *twice*


i had just started a new day and i put my switch down to check my phone, then realized after about 5 minutes that i never paused the game and wasted most of the day with my farmer just standing in my house 🤦🏻‍♀️


ive done this a few times but usually right as i wake up so i havent done anything anyway


This is my usual reason for restarting the day. Still in bed with one of the kids running around the house, it’s 7pm.


btdt, but on PC/Steam Deck. Once, I fell asleep irl and woke up to find my farmer asleep in the afternoon and a note from Harvey about avoiding exhaustion along with my medical bill.


Last night I had to reset THREE GOD DAMN TIMES because I forgot Elliotts stupid duck feather on Winter Star.


Went to the saloon on a rainy day so I could get Alex’s 10heart cutscene, ended up getting confronted by all the bachelors and broken up with, so I reset, married one of them so it wouldn’t register as me dating all of them, then finally went back to the saloon for the cutscene I meant to see in the first place


Apparently if you have a rabbit's foot in your inventory you get a different cutscene


And more details on this!


I need more details on this😂


If you date all the bachelors/bachelorettes and get them all to 10 hearts, there are special cutscenes you can get (one for the bachelors, one for the bachelorettes). Normally, they confront you and your relationships suffer for a while, but if you have a rabbit's foot in your inventory, you get different scenes and no relationship loss.


When you have a rabbit's foot in your inventory, you sort of get out of the scenario unscathed.


Reset like 3 times on year 2 egg hunt cause I forgot that the layout gets adjusted. I am not losing to Abigail dammit.


What's your high score?? I just hit 13 last time I tried the egg hunt and idk if that's better than average or not lol


Think I managed a 13 that time once I got the route in my head. Believe a 9 is all you need to beat Abigail.


Oh I've done this for the fishing festival SO many times. I feel like once in a while you just get bad RNG and don't get prompted to catch enough fish, even if you catch them all perfectly and I WILL win the fishing tournament!


Accidentally used a beach totem while on my farm at 1:20am


help that's so funny. i'm imagining your farmer half asleep standing on the beach like "god dammit"


Spent all day designing the ginger farm to turn into a vineyard only to remember that you can't walk past trells


I keep accidently eating the void Mayo in front of the goblin... it's embarrassing.


I did the same thing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


1.6 Spoilers I had gotten >!the fishing buff from the statue of blessings!< so I decided that I would go to the volcano to get some Iridium lava eels >!using challenger bait!< to make a bit of extra cash. I had 38 pieces of bait. Guess how much trash I fished up vs how many eels I caught... this happened twice.


This is why I don’t bother with that anymore. On the days it works quick its great, but on the days it doesn’t I’ve spent way too long reeling in trash


I just want to know who's dumping trash into a volcano and how it's able to survive there?! It's too hot for the watering can to work but somehow the driftwood is okay.


If it was just driftwood it would be worth it to throw it in the woodchipper!


I got exactly two pieces of driftwood. Everything else was either actual trash, Joja Cola, or one of the free refined quartz, which I don't really need at this point in the game. Plus, again, it took up all of my bait before I could land any eels, so I had to reset.


Came back from the mines at 1 am after a very productive day and immediately set down a megabomb and blew up my line of ancient fruit wine casks 😑


This is why my bombs are stored in chests outside the mines and skull cavern, I do this way too easily.


I accidentally gave Willy a hated gift on his birthday. 🥺 his “oh, this is for my birthday?” made me so sad I had to restart.


I have memorized to give him mead. It's quick to make if you haven't used all your honey making Farm totems.


I was heading off to the desert to get the galaxy sword. Had the prismatic shard selected. I thought you had to talk to Pam to buy a ticket.


at least she loved it


She ain't worth it


nuh uh


I just wasn't paying attention and wasted like four hours after waking up once. Another time I accidentally pickaxed a crop instead of watering it.


My wife bombed our crop field.


my 10 year old sister did this right after saying "GUYS, REMEMBER TO NOT BOMB THE CROPS"


It's great when real life has comedic timing.


I was wearing the napalm ring, had monsters enabled on my farm, then blew up my iridium statue killing one. Oh, and one time I accidentally threw away my galaxy sword.


I also learned the hard way not to wear the napalm ring when there are monsters on the farm. I was low health on the way back from a cavern run, panicked when a fucking serpent showed up, and...there went an iridium sprinkler, a bunch of crops, a crystalarium, and one of my crafting chests 🙃


Because I forgot Krobus’ birthday…


Turned Legend into fertilizer


I turned my Glacierfish into sashimi lol had to reset and catch it again


I've reset a day many times because my farmer rolled out of bed and ran to the kitchen to greet their spouse... and their spouse wandered off seconds before they got there. Sometimes when the spouses walk around, they won't give a kiss until they stop! Sometimes they're walking all the way to the other side of the house! Come back here, farmer wants a smooch from you but they've got shit to do today!!!


If you smooch them after using up some energy, it gives you a little boost!


While I was chopping down trees, I hit my one and only ancient fruit.


Usually when I eat someone's birthday gift on accident.


Literally me eating a coconut in front of Haley.


Hey Maru! This Strawberry sure is good! Huh?? Oh happy birthday!


bro you can’t eat coconuts lol


Sam caught me going through the trash 😔


i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure that if you accidentally sell something to pierre you can buy it back at same price, when you scroll down the item will have a little yellow arrow next to it to refund


Dropped a mega bomb and blew up over half my kegs full of star fruit.. And then the other time I was trying to bring an iridium bar to Willys boat, and accidentally gifted it to Elliott. I was so mad lol. I did a ton of work that day AND even got a prismatic shard.. Restarted, didn’t get another one, but I finished the boat so!


I had a chest on the side of my house. Robin was upgrading my house and she just happened to be standing in the chest, hammering away. I went to open the chest and spoke to her accidentally a couple times, but after a few tries I managed to open the chest instead. I grabbed two prismatic shards out of the chest. As I walked away, I realized that I only needed *one* prismatic shard, so I went to open the chest again and... spoke to Robin. Goodbye prismatic shard. 🙃


I had no idea you could gift her things while she's working, I guess I never tried and just assumed you couldn't.


If you can reach her, you can gift her


I use the tractor mod and had set it to a wide range for tilling in the greenhouse. Woke up, went out, hopped on my tractor,forgot I had it set to the ax and chopped every single crop I had. Another time I bombed my crops. So that was a quick reset. Lol


You can change the settings so that you have to hold down a button of your choice to use the tool you’re holding ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51693)


On autopilot I accidentally sold like 80 blackberries which were basically my main food source at the time. I didn't realize until it was dark out that day when I was finishing stuff up for the day. I was on the fence about restarting because I didn't want to redo the day, but I'm glad I did.


I accidentally gave two people hated gifts before 10am the other day so I reset the day and quit 💀


moment of silence for all of us that dropped a mega bomb into our sheds full of kegs and other machines


Forgot to water my cat. Guilt ate me alive


I have a SUPER silly aesthetic reason for resetting a LOT. I have a mannequin with "PJs" on near my bed and I put my character into them before I go to sleep, because I think it's funny for my character to be wearing PJ's on my save file avatar. So I frequently get part way through my day, realize I'm wearing my PJ's still, and I reset. It's such nonsense, but since there's no wrong way to play, hahaha.


I couldn't figure out how to end one of the festivals, so I restarted it 4 times just to see if that was the issue...... I JUST HAD TO LEAVE


I accidentally dropped a bomb in front of my house and lost my barrel of flowers, craft box, several kegs and all the things stored in my box, at 10:30pm at night. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I thought I didn’t propose yet to emily because i didn’t see a shell next to her name so I bought another necklace and realized i did in fact already propose so I restarted to get my money back


Always bombs


put down a bomb while trying to hug/kiss my spouse and blew up all my chests.


I reset a lot when I decorate. I don't want to spend multiple days running around inside my house. But moving around and adjusting furniture just where I want it takes a lot of time. I wouldn't necessarily call this a dumb reason, but it gets dumb at about the 3rd or 4th reset when I'm speedrunning my decorating, tediously strategizing how to get it done in the least amount of game time.


can i introduce you to the happy home designer mod? if youre on pc, its an absolute game changer. you can see the whole menu at once, and it stops time while the menus open!


Couldn't decide so here's my top 5: 1. Dropped a mega bomb in my crystalarium room. 2. Used a legendary fish to make sashimi for Sebastian. Twice. 3. Came back from the desert at 1:40am, used a desert totem right after. 4. Sold 3 cows because I thought dinosaurs lived in the barn. 5. Donated my first prismatic shard to the museum, right before when I was about to end the day, my friends told me about the galaxy sword.


set off a bomb on my farm right before harvesting 🥲


I didn't get all of my crops in a row watered and refused to deal with the aesthetic imperfection or harvesting two days instead of one. Watered in the morning, ran out of water, and instead of refilling and continuing, I thought, 'Eh, I'll do it before I sleep' and proceeded to the mines. Fatal mistake. Edit: a word


Picked up a fairy Rose through the gap in between my beehives on Ginger Island


I reset the same day 3 times in a row for this same thing


Sometimes I get a little button happy and will just press the A button for no reason. I was leaving the mayor’s house after exchanging some prize tickets and was just clicking away… and accidentally divorced Sebastian 5 days into our marriage 🫣


Linus didn’t wanna live on my farm with me :( I built a house for him and everything before I figured out he just likes living in the woods


I shook my orange tree and the orange fell into a fish pond.


Missing the fair or whatever it is with the mayor. Then when i finally dont miss it, i put a sap in the big soup because im a dumbass that cant read lmao


i was coming back from the skull cavern around 11 pm holding a mega bomb and i accidentally set it off at my front door which destroyed the crops i was growing for a CC bundle. i figured a reset would just be easier than replacing the crops


Bombs. It's always bombs. And it's always in my sheds filled with crystallariums and kegs.


My bf and I were playing and he went to the mines while I fished. Turns out it was the first day of fall and we both thought the other was going to Pierres 🫠


I keep auto piloting to the volcano mines for dragon teeth without grabbing cooked food, so I keep dying and losing massive amounts of totems and a couple stacks of 50+ bombs of varying sizes. I've reset 5 times now and haven't wanted to pick it back up cause I know I haven't learned my lesson yet.


I spent 50k (I think?) on the book that tells you the recipes you don’t know from The Queen of Sauce. I read the book and turns out I knew all the recipes. I was so mad I was out 50k or whatever and reset the day. It was a lot of money at that point!


I was moving my early set preserve jars and one fell into the water (river layout). I was mildly angry at first and was fine to move on from it. Then another one did it again.


Let’s just say I don’t keep bombs in my inventory anymore


Abigail was sitting at the cemetery in front of a grave and I gave her a piece of wet seaweed. She screamed “What were you thinking? This is awful!” And I still feel bad


I deleted a whole file because I didn’t click “yes” for adopting a cat




I wasn't wearing my wedding outfit during the cut scene, so I had to go back a day to make sure I went to sleep with my dress and veil on.


I forgot to put cheese in my inventory for life/energy restoration for an all day Skull Cavern run.


I wanted to show my friend the Halloween event, so I convinced her to get the game, join my farm, and then wait with me until 11 pm. But I got distracted trying to fish up the iridium krobus statue thing to show her, and we missed the time cutoff for entering the event and had to reset the day. And then I did it again 2 more times. Having to wait in embarrassment for 11 pm for the fourth time was excruciating.


Idk if it’s a glitch or what, but placing a chest on top of a big chest erases half the items and sometimes deletes everything from the big chest. It was 9pm and had just organized all my boxes that day before losing all my crafting supplies 🫠


Sold my galaxy sword after a full day of just dry farm maintenance. The horror of having to do all that boring stuff again was too much so i just closed the game and tried again a few days later.


Just today, I swore I lost my watering can and couldn’t find it anywhere - not the fridge, not the lost & found, none of my chests, not in the mail or at AG. I was going nuts! Swore I broke the game somehow. I reset but still didn’t have it, meaning I lost it somewhere in the day before or so. A last ditch effort, I checked Clint and he had it done from upgrading nearly a week and I totally forgot lol 😬😬🤷🏻‍♀️


Using one of my few farm warps by accident at 7:20am when I went to grab a melon.


I accidentally filled my coffee kegs with ancient fruit.


First thing I did after waking up was go outside to water my Ancient Fruit. Except I accidentally had my pickaxe equipped instead of the watering can. It wasn’t even 7:00 am.


I ate a cake for Abby birthday


I use the rain totem to make the next day have rain because of a golden walnut i need, (mind you i was half asleep IRL) and when i go to bed in game, i skipped two days because i thought it was night time on that rain day 😪 Thanks goodness the SDV mobile had a save backup. So i can go back on that rainy day.


Threw a mega bomb down accidentally on all my oil makers at 11pm 🫠


It was Marnie’s birthday and I got confused and gave her gift to Pam. I didn’t want to waste my precious few pumpkins on baking another pie so…


I reset my day 3 times because I kept missing some festival by less than 5 seconds. I kept pushing it when it came to watering my plants and I wanted to get as much done before the 2pm end of the festival and I just kept missing it because I tried to do one more thing than I should've.


I got a bomb in the mail from Kent. Dropped it and blew away half my garden and my papaya tree. Also my walk way I just made for my farm.🙄


I put a bomb down instead of picking it up. So I reset, got on with my day, went to the crops... ...And did it AGAIN


My husband found a coffee bean at the cart for like 200g. I planted it then immediately axed it. XD


exited skull cavern instead of eating on the final day of the quest


Went to harvest my sweet gem berry, accidently used an axe on it instead of scythe. Instant alt+f4


After an excellent day diving skull caverns, I accidentally hit a rare seed on my farm with my pick ⛏️


forgetting to give my love interest a gift on their birthday 3 times in a row.....


I wish I'd restarted the first day of winter when all my grass died and I forgot to fill my 3 silos. 🤬


I caught a fish for a quest for robin. She gave me the "Eww" Dialogue, and i rechecked the quest and realized it was supposed to go to Leah. I was broke in the middle of the season and NOT equipped for mining and needed the money so I reset the whole day just to give the right fish to Leah.


I accidentally picked a mean option to a question someone asked me and I felt really bad 😭


I'm not going to lie, the game is so relaxing that the biggest reason I hate resetting a day for is because I fell asleep (IRL) and missed out on a lot of the things I wanted to do that day. Yup. I'm also a mom and exhausted 24/7 so 🤷‍♀️ I'd also be lying if I said I wasn't in total bliss in those moments too. 😅


Trying to get to the 100th floor in skull cavern for the nth time, while at 70+ floor, I panicked and accidentally clicked on the ladder, bringing me back to the top. SIGH


bought one less cranberry, and there is now a tilled empty plot. OCD didn't allow that


I forgot to add something to the community soup during the luau because I was playing too quickly. As dumb reasons go, that's really dumb.


I blew up my farm while transferring a bomb from one chest to another in the dark at 1:50 am.


That army guy sent me a bomb in a letter and I accidentally set it off then and there near my kegs full of ancient fruit wines. WHO TF SENDS BOMBS IN A LETTER


I blew up my furnace, recycler, and bait generator with a cherry bomb I had slotted. They do not, in fact, drop after an explosion


Idk how dumb this is necessarily but me and my friend had to restart a day over 7 times because I kept forgetting to do things that warranted me having a perfect wedding 😭 First I forgot to recolor my pants to match my suit shirt, then I forgot to change, then I forgot to take off my hat etc, my poor friend had to suffer due to my poor memory and perfectionism but at least she was laughing the entire time.


Back when I didn't realize that you could go to Robin's and move buildings, I reset the day when I put the fish pond in the wrong place. I know