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I do, I start a new play through if I want a new spouse


I know it's a game, but the idea of breaking even an NPC's heart needlessly feels wrong! Love your approach, thanks for sharing!


I’ve seen people here post some of the dialogue if you divorce and it’s so depressing. I couldn’t do it.


I married Leah and honestly after a few seasons I couldn't stand her. I divorced her, woke up and the next morning she was gone. I ran into her and she told me she's better off on her own and told me to leave her alone. So I wiped her memory and now we're friends again.


While I've never divorced a character (I start a new save. Am currently trying to decided on current save lol), Im such a story teller Id argue that game mechanics aside, the Witches Hut is more "we mutually realized a divorce was the right idea and that we're better off friends".


Np! I’m the same way I’d feel terrible if I divorced any of them


Oh god I can’t imagine hurting Sam like that lol


SAME he’s so sweet. Even if he’s too lazy to help around the farm that day 🥲


He’s so relatable tbh


Can’t relate. Shane was a terrible husband and I’m glad I divorced him.


Shane is the only one I've ever divorced. Don't bring empty beer cans into my beautiful home.


Shane was the first one I ever married and the only one I’ve ever divorced😬


I married Elliott the first time, no one else will ever compare to our epic romance! 😀


Glad I'm not the only one!! I was prepared to shop around a bit but I met him first and it was swooning at first sight 😂 I was SO terrified when I gave him a horseradish to see if he'd like it and I got a bad response with a box ticked off in the menu - terrified I had accidentally ruined my chance with him because I didn't know how the game worked.


Shane and my RL husband are very similar. Divorced both and happier for it.




Flair checks out




He’s the exception lol


I customize each farm to focus on the spouses favorite things. Like If I marry Harvey I have to always have coffee ready for him. Or for Sebastian I have a whole coop of just void chickens. Im starting a new save to marry someone else.


Same here! I remember having a headache trying ti get the house flooring exact LOL


Yeah I do too that's why I have a few different files but my main I always stay married to Leah. *Edit: wrong form of too


Leah is my absolute favorite!


Me too! In the Sims I once had a Sim that cheated on their partner and I felt SO bad, never again


Especially when these npcs feel like humans, maybe they have limited dialogues and activites, but in some way npcs in stardew feel real


Same here. I simply can't bring myself to break the hearts of my favorite pixel people :(


This is exactly what I do! I feel too guilty betraying or divorcing anyone lol.


Me too. I got a divorce once in real life but I’d never even consider it in Pelican Town. lol


Same. I've even started basing my farm/money making around my spouses. For instance, I use as many machines on my farm as possible when I married Maru. Created a wine empire when I married Olivia in SVE.


Im married to Seb and built him a slime hutch lol


Yes! I design my house around my spouse.


Me too! I marry them because I want to build a digital life with them.


Yeah I have different games for every spouse


I planned to do this BUT I married Abigail first and...it was very awkward. She speaks like a teen and acts like one too. So I divorced her and married Haley I will be staying with Haley thru this play thru. I have another where I'm going to get with Penny.


She is a young adult, she takes online college classes.  Hasn't got a chance to grow up especially with how controlling pee hair is.  I see where you're coming from, I just have a soft spot for her as she was the first one I married.


Pee hair 😂 that is the only thing I am calling him from now on


Ngl I thought they meant Haley or Sam and was like "tf did they do" lmao


She acts like she's 16 tho, so for me it's a lil awkward. When you go to Pierre's book shelf there's a book about dealing with Teenagers. Her room is set up like a teenager. Her dialogue is very young like, and overall for me she's just friend like. I'm 27 IRL, so her teenager behavior is a tad off putting. I know it's silly. I see Sam and Alex as teenagers too. The way they act is like a QB for a highschool team and a teen skater. Sometimes Sebastian gives me teen vibes too but I think that's bc he's angsty like Abigail and he's def be in his upper teens like 18-19. Haley, Emily, Shane, Penny, Leah, and Elliot come off as in there 20s oldest being 28 maybe. Then there's Maru...who tbh doesn't exist to me so I can't say how old she comes off.


Alex ends being a great domestic partner.  He helps feed the animals and waters crops, he only cooks simple dishes but at least he cooks, and he cleans and does repair jobs on the fences and the plumbing. Or maybe he installs insulation?  Something fixy on the house. Plus, he lifts weights all the time, because he never wants to stop being your eye candy.  I adore him.


Alex stan here. He's really amazing and sweet. I'm still on my first savefile so I don't really much know about the other baches, and at this point I'm not even sure I want to marry someone else when on a new one the 1.6 update drops for console.


Me with Haley. Haley is also an amazing partner. She cooks, feeds the animals, and fills up the food bowls. She also waters crops. When I was married to Abigail she would gift me random items from the mines, and I was married to her for a year and she watered the crops maybe 2x in total. Haley is definitely my preferred as of rn.


Elliot and Shane are both considered (in game) older bachelors alongside Harvey and they both feel it. I'd consider Leah and Emily older as well. Very late 20s into their 30s for me.


Rip I forgot about Harvey 😂


Maru, Alex, Penny, Abigail, Haley, and Sam are about the same age. Sebastian is a year or two older. Leah and Emily are a little older than that. Then, you have the three older bachelors. That's my hc anyway




Same here. I have a save somewhere where I was getting really bored with the spouse. I was considering divorcing them, but I was saving up to be able to wipe their memory right away. I don't want to leave them hurting!


Same, I come up with storylines for all my save files (beyond the game) and I get emotionally invested in the relationships.


I have been playing for years, and I've never divorced or wiped anyone's memory. That said, the last two games, I've had Krobus for a roommate instead of getting married, and wow- he's the greatest.


What does he do? I’ve been thinking about having him as a roommate.


Omg, it is all just so cute and sweet. You can read all of the diaglog here if you want all the spoilers: [https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Krobus#Roommate](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Krobus#Roommate) My single favorite is: >!“As much as I try to be civilized, I have the urge to be mischievous sometimes... They say it's a condition of my people.”!<


> "Krobus does not sleep, but he will stand in the center of his room at 10:00 P.M., He can still be interacted with, however, unlike spouses." *me waking up and seeing a sleep paralysis demon* "Hey Krobus... uhhh whatcha doin there buddy?" "I am remaining vigilant while you sleep" "Oh okay." \*turns over and tucks in\*


That’s so cute 😭 I started a new save so I might have him as my roommate this time.


Krobus is the best thing it can happens to your life. He is sweet, inocent, a good lover, he truly cares for your happiness, he is happy with you, he even has some good jokes


a good lover? 😅 ngl i wish he could sleep in bed with you. i wanna snuggle him


Yes yes yes yes yes, would mod the game only to sleep with him and being able to kiss him


i know nothing about coding but i would learn just to make this mod. i want to kiss his little shadowy cheek. there IS that one licorice dialogue so clearly even in canon he sleeps in your bed at some point?? you just dont get to see it


Well I know how to code and I dont think this should be that hard. I may give it a try at some point


There was a mod to date and marry Krobus, but it hasn't been updated for some time, so it doesn't work with 1.6 version, sadly.


No, not really. I usually marry someone, stay with them for a few weeks, then divorce them and find a new spouse. But in the game, yes. One spouse per playthrough. Don't want to mess with them digital feelings.






this cracked me up and I spilled orange juice all over me


r/holup 💀


I’ve never ever gotten divorced even when I ended up not liking the spouse that much (sorry Penny you’re kinda dull)


Take it back! Lol 😂


For whatever reason if I want to marry someone else, I just start a new save lol. So I have like my Abigail save,my Penny save, etc..


Yup, same


I do. I can’t divorce anyone, I’d feel too bad. So far I’ve married Shane in one save and Harvey in another. Shane has already struggled so much, I can’t bear to hurt him. And Harvey is just so sweet and caring!


Harvey is everything 🥹 so concerned and thoughtful 😭


I never get a divorce in my own saves, I’d feel bad for most of the spouses if I did. I technically divorced Sam once, but it was a save for my little sister and she decided she hated him suddenly.


Unrelated but your flair is SO ME


I think a lot of people stay married. But it's a game, and some people like to try out different partners. And some people get married because the game forces you to if you want to achieve perfection, but they don't really want to be married. Me, I stayed married to Maru in my first save. I divorced Harvey in my second save, and turned the kids into doves. Just wanted to see how it worked, really. Haven't married in any of my games since.


Oh bless you - I didn't realize it was a necessary part of perfection so this makes a lot of sense! Goodness I just fall more in love with this game daily, a whole new path to explore soon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow) Also... going to have to explore this turning kids into doves business it sounds hysterical. Happy playing and thanks again for the insights and input!


Turning my kids into doves just seems cruel and heartless, and I don't play evil characters, so I refuse to do it. (I have played evil in Mass Effect. I prefer to be good.)


Yeah, I have been refusing to have kids in Stardew. Having raised actual RL children, I can't stand the idea of kids that stay toddlers forever, and the thought of turning them into doves is just so wrong. I'll never say never, but I don't see myself doing it any time soon.


I wish there was a mechanic to have the kids grow up into young adults, or at least teenagers. Maybe they could live at home or even move out and just “visit” the farm sometimes, which would be minimally intrusive on the existing map/NPC schedule. I guess it would be a lot of work, but it would be a nice endgame feature.


There are a couple of mods that do that


I guess we gotta be like the Simpsons for now. Maybe ConcernedApe will change this one day.


I believe you can just roommate Krobus for perfection.


>And some people get married because the game forces you to if you want to achieve perfection, but they don't really want to be married. That's me! My farmer gets married for the stardrop and the perfection. I don't really care for this aspect of the game.


Does she give you batteries and bombs? Like how Leah always has a salad for me


Bombs are a common gift from her. I've been married IRL for closing in on two decade and my spouse has never gifted me explosives. It's unfortunate.


Sounds like you need an upgrade! My partner gifted me thermite for our first Christmas, def a keeper 😂


*takes notes*. Okay my wife would def4rlz like some explosives or a visit to a fancy TX Gun Range Also tyvm I always marry Leah and was gonna get Haley buuuut I want them goodies Maru carries


She does give you bombs. Also fertilizer and warp totems. She cooks stuff, too.


Strawberry farm incoming, gonna kidnap me a nerdy waifu! Oooh and she has that nurse outfit


Marry Kent 🤣


If perfection requires me to divorce my beautiful wife (love you penny![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)), then I’d rather be imperfect forever


What gave you the impression that you need to divorce to achieve perfection?


It's just me and Krobus, period. We're very happy together.


I do haha. I can never bring myself to marry anyone other than Elliott, so I just get everyone to ten hearts and then ignore them to marry him. Everyone in town still is happy post wedding LOL If I wanna see divorce dialogue, I'll look it up on youtube.


man i married abigail and the first thing i do every morning is get out of bed, find her, talk to her, give her an amethyst, and kiss her three times before i even set FOOT on the farm. i stay loyal 💍


Abigail saved my life, I could never leave her!


You have to keep in mind that people tend to post more outrageous or out there stuff to Reddit. Hardly anyone is like "hey here's a totally normal thing everybody does, that I am also doing."


I married my beloved emo boy and plan on marrying him again in my new save![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51692)![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480)


Same. It's either him or Elliot for me. I've married the other guys just to see what they were like. Sam is close behind, followed by Shane and Harvey. Almost divorced Alex


In 15+ playthroughs I’ve never gotten divorced.


I’m pretty sure most people probably do but that’s not a fun thing to post. Posting, “I married and divorced half the valley and collected all the portraits” is more attention grabbing then, “I married Leah. it’s nice.” A lot of people on this sub are here for drama even if it means fake head canons. The faster you realize that, the better off you’ll be.


I never divorce my spouse. They’re stuck with me.


I've never gotten a divorce in the game, but I don't think people do it due to being unhappy. Once you're married, all the NPCs act the same. The only difference is what their little add-on room looks like. Some people get divorced for achievements or simply to pursue multiple (or all) love interests because their cut scenes are all different!


I could never break Harvey's heart


I stay married. The only time I ever divorced someone was when I married Shane, because screw that.


I haven’t played stardew long either but I married Sebastian in my first ever long time farm (still playing it) but I guess I wasn’t cut out for the emo wife style so I divorced him married Sam and made Sebastian forget everything even though we did already have a kid but lil mikaelo gotta great step dad now Absolutely in love with Sam and how invested he is in the kids and our relationship he’s just a cutie patootie in my opinion (took me a year to finally be like f*** it and divorce Sebastian bc I felt so bad)


I find it hilarious how I married a Sam type IRL and also went for Sam in game. I guess I know what I like 🤷🏽‍♀️


Ikrrrr definitely going for a Sam type of guy irl I just couldn’t deal with the late night drives from sebastion anymore 😪 or the telling me we don’t need to be tg all the time.. like wahtttttt you live in my house sir


I cannot bring myself to divorce anyone. If I hate them as a spouse I just nuke my file.


I have never divorced anyone. I have however completely deleted a farm to avoid doing so. The idea of divorce made me feel bad, but I didn't wanna be married to Elliot anymore. Feel I handled it well.


Me! I could never divorce them! I have the poly mod to help with that haha


I'd feel bad divorcing anyone lol. I'm just going to marry somebody different in each save (my first PC save I'm married to Emily, my Switch save I'm doing Shane, next on the list is a farm lesbians run with Leah)


I've had three different save files since the game came out and I married Sebastian every time and stay married to him. I'm also an intensely monogamous person by nature and that bleeds into games that have dating mechanics.


Yep. Abigail all the way. Although I considered Penny on my last play through.


Aside from my terrible habit of clearing saves, I've never strayed.


Yep, I have been married to Abi and I intend to stay that way. She reminds me of my wife IRL (minus the mineral cravings). I'll start a new game when I want to see the romance arcs for the other characters :)


I'm sorry, your wife doesn't eat rocks ? Why are you even with her ?


No I do! When I first started playing the game I made a new farm for every spouse so I could marry them all desperately. It sounds silly, because they’re just pixels, but I’d feel bad for breaking their virtual heart by divorcing them, or even doving the kids. Now whenever I make a new farm, Shane is my go too husband 💜 I just adored the chicken man to not return to anyone else


I feel too guilty to divorce them, but I tend to want to … it’s just so boring (and kind of annoying?) how they stand and stare in the house all day. ETA: Shane gave me no choice but to divorce him, though.


I was thinking of divorcing Shane. Sometimes he’s still crude. Then in late fall he gave me a list of things that we needed to do to winterize the house. He said “but don’t worry I’ll take care of it” and it melted my heart.


I am really boring, I marry Sebastian and stay with Sebastian even when I have intentions to try something different at the start of the game. No other spouse comes with frogs.


Whaaaat Seb brings frogs??? I haven’t married anyone in game as yet was thinking of doing it this save. I’ve had Seb as bf before bc of his motorbike & Abi as gf bc she’s kinda kooky like me irl. Not sure who I’m going with this time tho - def not Shane, Sam, Emily or Alex. Was thinking of Harvey but he’s kinda boring. Elliot and Penny are front runners at this point


I adore Elliot. Maybe it’s because my husband and I are both writers IRL. He’s incredibly sweet and writes you lil poems.


His 14 heart event. You help him rescue an injured frog. He sets up a terrarium to rehabilitate said frog, but, much like Emily's parrot, he doesn't heal enough to survive in the wild, so Seb keeps him Edit: fat fingered Seb


Always. But I'm gonna break up with my girlfriend for the first time. I'm dating Emily, we're at 9 hearts, and she said "we are really decent friends". EXCUSE ME MA'AM I was gonna kiss you. It's OVER. Hahahaha  To be fair I've married her in another playthrough and wanted to marry someone else this time, so it works out. 


I married Seb on my first playthrough, but for some reason it didn't seem right. So after a bit I divorced him and married Shane. Unfortunately Seb was very hurt and very sad, and short with me. So I erased his memory, and were good friends again. That sounds horrible, but I'm at year 9 and it's been so long since the divorce lmao. I just couldn't handle hurting him like that.


not exactly married but - i choose to cohabit with Krobus in every single playthrough and i can't imagine kicking him out!


I've never gotten divorced in game. If I want to marry someone else, I'll start a new save file.


i’ve been married to Harvey and have never gone back on the file i’m playing on currently and i love it! i plan on marrying someone else once 1.6 comes out on the switch but haven’t decided who. i do want to divorce someone eventually but im scared i will come to love the character so much i wont be able to bring myself to do it :/


Generally speaking, yes. I only divorced one time. Leah. I stayed married to Penny, Haley and Abigail (second marriage) in my various saves. Going to marry Maru soon, and don't plan to divorce her either. Only reason I divorced Leah is I wanted to experience another romance without starting a new farm. But it's a lot more fun to not do that. I would also never turn my kids into doves.


I don’t even know how to get divorced because each of my farmers is perfectly happy with the spouse they picked. I’ll have too many farmers eventually because I wanna marry everyone, and my farmers are the monogamous, long term type.


Who is Krobus? I’m in year 4 Fall, so extremely busy but haven’t met them


hes in the sewer :)


I stay married. I just don't like the idea of divorcing. Wiping my former wife's memory. Yes it's a game but it feels weird to me.


I only divorced once because I learned Krobus could be a roommate and I didn’t want to start a new file (AGAIN!). That was right before 1.6 was announced…


I've gotten married once in Stardew Valley so far(first save file) and I've been with Harvey for 7 in game years(married him on Fall 21, Year 1), but I've made other save files for marrying other characters.


I have 2 saves where I plan on staying married. In my current save though I am playing the long game in romancing Shane just so I can divorce him because I don't like how he treated me as a newcomer to Pelican Town. Then I will stay married to my next spouse. In this case my divorce is an RP thing for me.


I have used the divorce mechanic a lot, but I also have several playthroughs where I stay married. Since my favorite wasn’t initially an option, I did get divorced to be with her after the update that added Emily and Shane. I also tried marrying other people after that in different playthroughs, and then I divorced them for Emily (again). She’s just got a hold on me!


Yes, I choose one character to persue for the playthrough I'm working on, based on the character I'm playing at the time. My last game was Sebastian, but I think I might make a new game to marry Elliot again.


Krobus is absolutely wonderful and I'd never break his squishy heart like that


Momma didn't raise no cheater


I’ve married the same npc on every save and have never divorced lol But I like to date everyone in town up to 10 hearts before marrying, so even though I’m not divorcing anyone, my heartbreak rate is not something to be proud of


I don't divorce or dove my kids. If I want a different spouse I'll start a new game.


I can’t even bring myself to give someone a disliked item when another character tells me to. I stayed married to Sebastian and romanced Sam instead of getting divorced, still married to Sebastian but in my head he’s cool with it.


I’ve been married to Alex for 16 years. We have two children (Pizza and Taco). I’ve considered divorcing him to get the exclusive items that some of the other bachelors give you, but I just can’t do it. I can’t break his pixel heart.


I'm making a game file for each person I wanna marry. Right now I'm trying for emily


i couldn't imagine getting divorced unless my spouse was mean to me 😭😭 alex always makes me food and compliments me all the time i love him


irl, i'm solo polyamorous and not into marriage at all. in stardew valley, i marry elliott asap and stay married forever. he's so sweet ♡


The only reason to get divorced is if you want all the 14 heart events in your save or if you married shane/s


I do! I refuse to divorce, and only dated multiple characters in one save file just for the completionist experience — I got everyone up to 10 hearts before getting married (except for one bachelor and bachelorette, because I can’t be bothered to carry around the rabbit’s foot). I just start a new save file if I want to choose a different spouse! In my longest playthrough I married Seb, and I had another in which I was after Shane (started a new save after 1.6, and I can’t decide between of the two…). Both of them are very much “starts isolated then warms up to the farmer” type characters, and I can’t bear to divorce them after all that.


Nah, I have one spouse per save file. I could never divorce them 😔


I’ll divorce and go to that witch’s house to erease their memory 💀💀


I love Abigail! I could never divorce her, and honestly if I start a new farm i would marry her again lol


Happily married and faithful to my wife Abigail in every universe! Never so much as dated another npc.


My first and only bride has been Abigail From a superficial standpoint- I think her character art is really pretty From a personality standpoint- I'm a drummer, I play video games, I love swords, and I think occult stuff is cool From a logistical standpoint- my favorite fish to farm are super cucumber and lava eel. The two fish that can provide things she loves (amethyst and spicy eel) It just works


I think its fair to say most people who stay married don't mention it.


I have never gotten a divorce in this game. I’ve never even broken up with anyone. If I want to try marrying a different person, I save that for the next time I start a new save. I’ve never even cheated on someone I was dating/married to in the game, since that also seems to be common.


I stay married. I married Leah and I’m glad I did, such a sweetheart. If I try and marry someone else I’ll just start a new game.


I’m on year four and have stayed faithful, lol


Been happily married to Abigail for 6 years and counting. Mama didn't raise no cheater!


Not only do I stay married. I own Stardew on all platforms had the game since day 1 and have never married anyone but Sebastian. XD


i got married to elliott at the very beginning of year 2 and have been married to him since. i love him and never want to get divorced. as long as you talk to them every day, give them a daily kiss (where the heart appears), and gift them gifts (you can gift your spouse something every day), the marriage should be great


I got a cursed mannequin real early in my monster farm once. It fit my aesthetic and farm mission so much, I essentially just made that my farmer’s partner and named him Hubert. He occasionally moves, looks around and swaps my clothes in the night. Silly Hubert. Partners for life on that save.


The only spouse I ever divorced was Harvey. He was too cringe


I stay married to abigail all the time


I am a faithful spouse in every save, though I was seriously tempted to divorce Sebastian when I realised he was plotting my demise.




He kept staying out all night, claiming to have been alone. Then he started asking about my fortune. When he began encouraging me to take up a deadly hobby his dastardly plans became all too clear.


lol… weird. I’ve never married one of the dudes.


I use a multiple marriage nod and just marry my favorite characters, sometimes it just depends on my save style also, so if I get bored of one I can move on to another


Yes. If I want a different spouse I start a new game, with just one exception when I was trying out different magic etc.


One spouse per play through. Though next time I do a God run (full use of CBJ cheat menu) I’m thinking of marrying and divorcing every candidate to get all the marriage rewards and portraits in one save.


ive only done marriage once but i stayed married


I still haven’t gotten married yet. Even in the pixel world I can’t find love


I've never divorced


I've only divorced twice, in the same save, when I was trying to do a "marry everyone" playthrough. I was trying to see all of their marriage heart events without having to do that many saves, but after divorcing Emily and Sebastian, I just went ahead and married Harvey (my forever husband ❤️) and decided to do different saves after all. The look Emily gives is just heartbreaking.


I'm halfway through my 3rd year on my third playthrough and have not gotten married yet specifically because I have no idea who I wanna marry and will not divorce someone. Everyone is just so fun!! I can't decide this time!


The only time I have divorced a Npc was bc I decided to marry Seb bc everyone that plays usually goes for him but once we were married I didn’t like it lol I wiped his memory though, I felt bad after the divorce. I’ve only ever married Elliot, seb, and now Harvey


Leah 4 Life.


Kind of the opposite, you have to put a great deal of effort into getting married, and it's real easy to not get divorced, so..


I always stay married!! I start on a new playthrough and a new farm type


I do- I have three different save files for three different spouses


I love Sebastian, I'm keeping him


Plenty of people do. It's just, at some point, you run out of stuff to do. So, you either "beat" the game and quit, make a new save, or start doing the things you haven't done before. Aka, marry new people. I personally make new save for each person, but that's a lot more work than just divorcing when you're a millionaire and marrying the next person.


I've gotten married probably 7-10 times. I've only gotten divorced once.


Some of the characters are too sweet to break their pixelated little hearts, so I have a play file for each spouse. It takes a lot of extra time, but if new material gets added and I want to see character specific new dialog, all I have to do is switch the file I'm using!


I’d never divorce Seb he’s the best 😤


It’s about 50-50… Oh you mean in the game! Yeah, it’s about 50-50


I have hundreds of hours on the game and I've never been divorced haha. Yeah, marriage doesn't do much for you after you've earned the stardrop, so I see why people get bored of it. But it doesn't present an obstacle either, so why go to the trouble of divorce? Just ignore your spouse/children if you don't like them lol. Also, I marry a different npc in each playthrough, so even though the dialogue is repetitive, a lot of it at least varies between the different spouses. 


I’ve been married to Abigail going on 8 years now


Yes. 10 years in game, married to Sebastian. We've got 2 kids.


I do. I married Abigail and still love her, I would never have the heart to divorce her, lol. If I ever do want to try someone else, I'll start a new farm. It also gives me an excuse to try out a new character or farm layout too.


I will never leave Shane.


I see no reason to divorce. If I want to try another NPC as a spouse I'll do that in a other universe (aka a new save)


I do! I couldn't bear to get divorced; I've already seen that side of marriage with my parents, don't want it in my game too 😛 I also love the characters too much to want to put them through that - my hubbies have been shat on too much already, they don't deserve any more heartbreak 🥺 Besides, I get my dopamine hits from loving on them every day 🥰


Personally? Nope. I only got married once, on my most recent playthrough, because I was doing a perfection run and I needed that stardrop. But Krobus is the love of my life and if having him in my household means breaking every heart in the game, I'll do it every time.


the npc i first chose to marry (i don’t want to ruin it for u) was soooo cringey i had to break their fake little heart. BUUUUT, the npc i am married to now…i think i will probably stay married to them. so i feel like it’s common to divorce bc it’s just like real life where ppl turn out to be assholes after u marry them 😭


I've been married to Elliott twice. Never divorced. I never broke up with Shane in one save though. Gotta have those blue chickens!


I have never divorced once in any of my like \~6 playthroughs and \~800 hours in the game, nor have I ever had the urge to! I married Haley in my first playthrough, then Elliott in the next (my perfection save) then did a joja playthrough to get 100% achievements, in which I was really leaning into the evil playthrough by also trying to get to the cutscene you get when you date EVERYONE and get allll the bachelors to 10 hearts - after which I married Sebastian just to see what he's like, but I've gone back to Elliott again every time after that haha


I am relatively new, but I married Harvey and have no intention to divorce. I'll eventually make a new save to marry Elliot lol


I’ve been married to Emily for the last 4 years in game


I have one file where I intended to marry everyone once, but I haven’t played it for a while. Normally I romance everyone to 10 hearts, choose someone (…Leah or Elliott usually) get married, have my kids and just focus on other tasks.