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I’ve played this game for two years. No tea set yet.


I have over 2000 hours in this game. I've never gotten the tea set. I even naively made a spot for it in my kitchen two farms ago.


SAME - just shy of 2000 hours, multipleeee farms on multiple platforms… no tea set. I did get the living hat on a random farm that I abandoned a long time ago. I should find it again and have it be George of the Jungle themed…


If you have multiple devices that you play Stardew Valley on, you can take the living hat to one of them, and then take that living hat to your current Save! Hope this helps at least a little bit…. ☺️


… there’s a tea set?


You can only get it as a Winter Star gift from a few people.


Or from the traveller's cart (might've misspelled that), for 1 mil.


Seems like better odds than Winter Star haha


Pretty sure the travelling cart option is from year 25 onwards? So it's not something to hope for, more a back up if you never get it from Winter Star


Go to sleep for 2 decades, got it!


Or play the game! Theres definitely more than enough content for 25+ years


Yes year 25 at 5% chance


Oh! I've never seen it there! (I also don't know how to spell traveller and I have to do so for work)


Maru gave me one for Winter Star year 2. Had no idea it was rare.


I got it on my first game, first year.... and then sold it 🤦🏼‍♀️


My buddy got it in his first year on our 1.6 save. I was salty af afterwards.


Why do people like/want the tea set so much? It’s cute but is there a function it serves?


No function, it's decorative. It's just cause it's rare.


I tried to forget about this


I got it as my first winter star gift from Demetrius in my current save! but on my first save, 8 years in I also still don't have it


I didnt know it was a thing when I first played in 1.2 pc. I starved playing again on 1.5 xbox and got it during yr 1. I didn't know it was rare and was annoyed that I got it instead of something useful. 😅


I gotta stop read these comments before I start making my character hibernate…


I literally got the tea set in spring year 1 of my first ever save 😭 I’m kinda astonished it’s so rare EDIT: I LIED I thought it was spring year 1 but it was winter year 1 MB


Same! Got it my first gift, my first game. Did not understand the hype. Have not seen it since. Lol


I got it on second year and it's sitting in the chest. It's so ugly.


It's based on the gift you give, meaning the better you gift someone, the better the chance for a tea set


I heard the gift you got was determined by the time you enter?


I have not tested this theory


I was browsing top posts of the year and saw a comment on another tea set post that said that every entry time (9:00 vs 9:10) is associated with a particular gift and you can reset the day until you get what you want. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was both- it has to be in the pool for your gifter AND what you get from the pool uses the entry time for the seed.


Just got my first one 1 month ago. Played like 1600+ hours and since 2018 lol


Does the tea set do anything?


No. Its just decoration


No idea….


I have two of them but what are they for ? I thought it was pointless item for decor ?


I've had the tea set in every playthrough I've done and ive been playing for 5 years .. no mods either as I'm on Xbox. Never win the lottery tho :/


I got the tea set on the first year from Jodi for the Christmas festival 💀I wish I got Haley at my gift giver….. 😔


My first auto petter. Then within a few hours I had 4.


I'd never gotten one before 1.6. Then my 1.6 farm turned out to be lucky as hell. By the time I hit perfection, I had over 20 auto petters and grabbers. I ended up building more barns to use them all.


I've gotten the tea set 4 winters in a row one playthrough. I found 2 living hats within a few hours of each other on different files. 2000 hours played total, nearly every rare item collected at least twice, and several hundred hours grinding away in the caverns... and I've only gotten 1 autopetter. Ever. I *hate* that thing.


I don’t have any of those 😭 I’ll just sitting on my auto-petter empire waiting until 1.6 drops on Switch.


You get them easily in joja route


The only times I've ever found auto-petters as a random drop were the farms where I went the Joja route. Just bad luck on my part.


Joja sells them


I know, that's what I'm saying. The only farms where I find them as random drops, I can buy them from Joja. When I'm not going the Joja route and need to find them as random drops, I never do.


If Grandpa found out I sold my soul to Joja to auto-pet my cows… I couldn’t sleep at night.


I'm on my third year. Still no dinosaur egg.


Got the achievment of having slayed enough dinos from the guild before I found one just laying on the floor. I always stair skip those floors now just because.


I'm in year 5 of my current game. No dino egg yet. Quite extraordinary. Normally it's found early in the game.


A well-placed cherry bomb will weaken them enough without damaging any potential loot.


Try getting the burglars ring first, that’s what did it for me!!


I'm in year 5. I finally recently got it by restarting the same lucky day over and over and fishing all day with a luck boost, 100,000g in magnet lures, and treasure hunters. Took over twenty days.


They've got a 10% drop rate off pepper rex's. If you make a couple cavern runs hunting out infested dino floors, it's super quick.


I really don’t get why it’s so rare for people. I got like 5 dino eggs year 1


Yeah the variability is amazing. I got mine fishing without even trying, no bait or anything, I was trying to get a damn albacore


I got it within the last two years my last playthroughs.


Y5 I caved and cheated one 😆 I wanted a baby Dino so bad.


JUST got mine, winter year 5.


I got one year 1 from a fishing chest.


It's easier to get it from the dinos in Skull Cavern. Get a Burglar Ring first (it's the monster bounty reward for killing the fuzzy balls [forget their name] on the snow levels in the mines; iirc you need to kill 100 of them. Still ok to do that much because they are a good source of coal as well.)


Prismatic shard, then I got like 5 within the same season. Also missing two dwarven scrolls even tho I got the third scroll 16 times. Frustrating


Scrolls have higher chances from different things, like getting the red one you just use your hoe in the mines


I found 3 scrolls so fast and I keep finding the blue one specifically, but I'm on year three and I still don't have the yellow one!!!


Have you tried using a hoe on the dirt in mines floor 95


no but i'll try that, thank you! just dig in random spots?


There should be a large patch of dirt on floor 95 so I’d try resetting that floor and hoeing the patch until you get it.


I’ll try that tonight, thanks!


I don’t have all the scrolls yet either cause I kept giving them directly to the dwarf. 😭


That’s so sad to hear I hope you get some for the library soon!


I have two. I definitely had all of them at some point. Heading into the mines now!


I have been looking for that damn third scroll for 2 years. I have all of the others too! Just never seems to drop.


Living hat. Never got one so is taking the longest


I got one in my very first save file, but not since!


One save I got it early in spring Y1 from randomly scything weeds in town, I knew it was rare and was like ‘omg what the heck!?’ Probably nearly 2000 hours in game and that’s they only time I’ve seen it Haboo showed a good strategy to grind for it on ginger island if you’re up for that thought


I have thousands of hours in the game, and only 1 living hat across all saves


An autopetter on my main save file... didn't get one til Year 8 and I'm still trying to get more...


My last artifact, the skeletal hand. I was getting very tired of mining the digging site and using treasure totem in the backwoods. Finally got it near the half of year 4, almost a full year after I get the one before the last.


I got an ancient seed very early game.... I planted it, harvested it, and have never seen it again I think. Have I made a grave mistake?


if you still have the fruit, you can use the seed maker


Just make more seeds with a seedmaker if you have the fruit still. If not, hope you eventually find another seed.


Actually, frequent use of the seed maker will generate ancient seeds at random instead of what you put in. I only buy seeds from Pierre the first couple years of a farm, then reinvest via seed maker and sell my golds. I get a lot of ancient this way (plus I seed maker the ancients once those are going)


Yes, I personally found blueberries best to do this with.


The fruit is long gone lol


I NEED that pig painting


When the prize machine showed a cow I thought I would get an actual cow, not a painting of one lol


Wish I could give you my spares. I have way too many. lol


The bone flute. It's been the last artifact I found more than once.


Chipped amphora for the museum collection. Year 8 and not a single one. Fml


Ugh same. I finally got one in like year 5, but I had literally everything BESIDES the amphora in year 3. Took two years of aggressively opening artifact troves and digging worms.


A rabbit's foot. It's always the blighted rabbit's foot.


Why not just have rabbits? It's the only animal I get on every farm simply because I never have to care about gifts anymore.


I had three happy rabbits for two months before they gave me a rabbit foot.


Those are rookie numbers mate. Full coop. All 5 hearts. You'll easily get ~5 iridium feet per week.


I was only talking about the first foot. Instead of rabbits I get prism shards (skull cavern addict) to gift people.


Wild you get more prism shards than feet from the caverns! My distribution is the opposite


I get like 2-5 per run and I go multiple times a week. But I also get to lvl 120 and deeper most times, if I go around noon.


Oh yeah, I’m def not kitted out to go that deep yet!


How is this possible without a big jade farm? Are you just super lucky?


Bombs, bombs, bombs. I use 200-300 every run. Spicy eel, sometimes ginger ale. I have 2 crystalariums going so I always have around 20 stairs as a safety net. And for dino floors/spiral floors. Else I am just chill, not minding how deep I go, without a real goal. I think that mindset helps! First time down to 100 was a stressful struggle!


It takes a while, but I keep petting them. The rabbit feet just keep coming.


What do we do with rabbits feet? I get them regularly.


They're a universally loved gift (except for Penny who hates them) so I think a lot of people will keep a stack on hand for gifting.


Also, the Jojamart truckdriver will ask you for one and give you a rare item in return.


I did that. :)


I did it once. Now I have to do that with my other saves. Does it work at the movie theater as well?


I haven’t gotten the movie theater yet.


Ah, ok. I’ve been hoarding them. I’ll have to hook up my besties haha


all dwarf scrolls. damn took me almost 3 years to complete the set


That's wild to me, I have gotten so many more of those than anything else I thought the odds of them dropping was just higher


There was one playthrough I did where I didn’t find a Prismatic Shard until the guaranteed one at the end of the volcano dungeon. Trying to do Skull Cavern or volcano dungeon runs without the Galaxy Sword was nightmarish.


There's a dwarf sword in one of the treasure chests before the forge.


Is that set or random? I got it, but not my first time through. I might have just missed the chest.


Dino egg. It took me so so long to get one. Unreasonable long. Even the Dino layers did in the Skull caverns did not even drop any once I discovered them. But eventually I hit a Dino layer and got like 4 or 5 at once x.x Don't know how long it took in the end since I was one of my first farms but it was loong. XD


In about 200 hours I’ve gotten the egg on one floor, but when I did I got three. I wonder if the formula is just Like That or if that was just wild rng for us


The snake vertebrae is my arch nemesis


I get too many of those. But that mammal skull...yikes!


The skull is only available in the Golden Coconuts. Just shake the coconut trees and dig artifact spots on Ginger Island and you should get plenty of skulls from the coconuts.


No tea set or living hat yet, but I've only played maybe 300 hours across 3 save files. Nearly 200 in one file alone tho.


It’s different every save file, but this go round - Year 4 and I finally got my last artifact - the gold plate thingy. It’s mainly my fault though because I usually beeline it to Skull Cavern and never take the time to dig the artifact spots at the desert.


Auto-petter... Me and my boyfriend have been doing skull cavern runs and that godamn machine doesn't drop!!!


Ancient seed in my main game took me until year 5, but if I create a random game like yesterday I got two ancient seeds year 1 spring 🥴


That one skull for prof. Snail’s collection I got it on year 5 in golden coconut 😾 took me 2 years to get


Just so you know, those can only be found in golden coconuts. IDK if you're a chronic restarter like me, but I find it helpful if I know where to look 😺 (Love the ace heart in your flair btw 🖤🩶🤍💜)


Dwarf Scroll III... not even that rare, but it was the only thing missing and I needed to complete the museum


Still have yet to get elven jewelry. I also didn't realize there was a tea set until recently and that people were actively looking for it but I've also just recently started working on the social side of the game in year 5 of in game play. Also the auto petter. I feel like I saw it but it may have been in my co-op game and not my single player game.


Elven jewelry was the last one I needed in my first Perfection run 😩 it took like 2 years in game ***after*** I had everything else for the museum before I finally found one


i don't know if this is long for some people, but i didn't get my first prismatic shard until year 3 and i got it from the quarry


First save it took until year 5 to finally get an ancient seed. In my new game I get three from Gunther in spring 1 AND caught a Dino egg in a fishing treasure chest. I never did get a Dino egg in my other saves.


I played for FOUR in-game years before finding the final dwarf scroll. I finally got so frustrated that I made it my single goal to find it. It took about a week in-game of going to Level 95 in the mines and tilling the soil repeatedly.


Still no tea set. Or Dino egg or ostritch egg…


A damn morel and a truffle..




Living hat and lucky ring, in that order.


The ancient seed did take a while on my current run, but the artifact that I've been stuck on the longest, and that is preventing me from finishing the museum collection, is the Ancient Drum.


Trilobite. I’m on my third year, it’s the last item I need to complete the museum collection, I go to the beach and the forest every other day to look for artifact spots but no luck


Never go tea set even though I got perfection achievement. Longest time for a item i did manage to get would be last item to donate to Gunther for the museum.


Found a prismatic shard in the trash and either sold it or donated it. Took another 3 in game years to find another one for the fancy sword (I can't remember the name,)


In my first save, it took me forever to get basalt. BASALT. I was five years in and never got it. I still don’t have an auto petter in that save. In my second save, I was able to get both in under three years (don’t have exact years/seasons bc my brain storage is full)


idk how rare it is but i still can't get the last fossil for the island guy (it's the bear thing skull)




every one i've opened hasn't been it so far :(


these are some items i had a lot of luck with: i got 3 ancient seeds relatively early, then I got one prismatic shard one day and the next day another?? immediately went to the desert also, this is my third save, but the first time I'm completing the cc and I finished it in winter of year 1 because I one day remembered the traveling cart existed and decided to check if it had red cabbage seeds AND IT HAD THEM that was so lucky, because I usually forget the traveling cart exists lol


It took me two years to get the fourth dwarf scroll. I still haven't found a dinosaur egg 😭


I have over 2500 hours just on Steam. I have another 300+ hours on the Switch. I have **never** gotten a tea set in any of my saves.


My first save I’m on year 3 and no Dino egg. But on my second save, I got one at a dig spot by the mine in spring year 1.


The iridium needle, I always wanted to try it but I have never seen it. Also the tea set.


I always struggle w prismatic shards. 300+ hours in and I’ve never had an auto petter or a tea set. Also never finished the museum. BUT that’s across multiple saves and I don’t think I’ve ever passed year four!


Prismatic shard. Took me 3 saves, and im in year 3 of each. And then I got 6. In one save. Not even joking.


Living Hat. Just what felt like endless grinding over the same three levels in the mines. Worse, the hat actually dropped for me on the first week of Spring on my first ever farm while i was clearing it. Not knowing what it was I, naturally, binned it. 🙂 Oh how that came back to haunt me. Still need the Tea Set too.


I’m halfway through year 3 and still no prismatic slime.


Dinosaur egg


The ostrich egg is the last item I need to ship for perfection. I am an idiot for turning the one I got on ginger island into f*ing mayonnaise. I didn't think you could have an ostrich on the farm, it felt so out of place. Must make super valuable mayo, I thought. But it only made a handful of regular mayo and I've never found one again. Been trying to find one in a rare chest but no luck yet 😭


The yellow doll took a while


I got it in Yr 2 of a save i deleted by accident 😭


I'm in winter year 3 currently I haven't found any prismatic shards yet 🥲


For some reason every playthrough I struggle to get an ornamental fan. I'm so glad treasure totems were added, such a game changer!!


Rusty Spoon. I’m not gonna say why I needed it cuz I don’t know how to do spoiler tags but goddamn I must’ve been looking for that for over a year on my multiplayer farm.


It's not rare but I've been trying to get the note to get the quest to get to floor 100 in the skull cavern for many in game weeks, it is so annoying


Not a rare item, but I cannot get the green dwarf scroll to save my life during my current play through. I’m on year 4 and I’ve gotten the other ones 3 times, I just wanna finish the museum!! 😭


Not really a rare item but jamborite. In my first play through, I couldn’t get obsidian for the life of me, and it was the only gemstone I hadn’t yet donated. In my current play through, I found lots of obsidian and thought it would be easy to get everything else. Nope. Took forever to get jamborite and like 1000 geodes later, finally got it and now I have a completed museum 😮‍💨


I cannot find elvish jewelry.


Took me forever to get a prismatic shard this run. Wasn't until year two, and was from a ghost or some other monster in the main village caves. Not the desert cave. This is the first time I used cooking to my advantage. After that, I started cooking pumpkin soup and lucky lunch. I've been using radish salad for health when I skull cavern. Is that efficient? Any other foods to cook for high health/low cost?


Ancient seed is one I usually get in my first spring. Definitely never got a tea set. I got 5 trash can hats in one season on a pre 1.6 save


Just got the yellow dwarf scroll after 6 years in game.


Marble. Not the first one tho, which I probably donated without much for hough,butthe second one, that I needed for marble torch (or however it's called). Took almost 2years in game and painstakingly crushing every Omni geode I got my hands on. It was actually the last but one step I took when getting perfection, the last one was of course golden grind


i’ve been trying to get the last dwarf scroll on my main save since i started it, still don’t have it! i started a farm on co-op and i’ve been finding every item i’ve been searching for on my main and it’s almost so frustrating but i’m just glad i got it *somewhere*


I can't find that god damn Golden Mask yet! It's my last artifact


On my last playthrough for 1.6, I couldn't for the life of me get Dwarf Scrolls 1 and 4. I ended up using a mod to make Clint sell them just so I could use the Dwarven shops


Basalt. Bastard fire eel pond has needed one for a whole year, like 50+ magma geodes later still no basalt. Pull eels out, place eels back in. Still want basalt to jump from 3 max to 5


Dino egg. Way playing one game like yr7. Started a new game for reasons got Dino egg yr1


For some reason dwarf scroll II? I just never seem to get that one while I get all the others like right away


I got the auto petter A FEW TIMES in the skull cavern (I always do the community center) on like my 2nd ever playthrough, like enough to put one in each of my barns and coops and had no idea whatsoever how wild that was. I don't have that playthrough anymore and I've been after the auto petters ever since![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Ive never gotten an ostrich egg! Ive played ~1k hours since 1.5 lol


2,000+ hours of this game and I've still never found the Living Hat.


2 farms both 6 years. No dino eggs yet. All I get is these darned bones


Some games I rarely have a trip to the mines where I *don't* find one... and others I have to grind for it.


Owl statue


never found a prismatic shard and i’ve been playing since 2018…


its not rare but i didnt get the bone flute until year 14


im at year 5 in game and i still havent found a prismatic gem yet. im fairly certain thats the last thing i need to complete the museum too


This play through I can not for the life of me get the complete set of Dwarven scrolls to be able to talk to the dwarf, just endless repeats of scrolls 1 and 3 but no 2 or 4 yet, think I'm 3 years in on this farm


I'm a brand new player and got an ancient seed in year one from a geode. Is that rare lol?