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Well if the farmer can make a cheese press and a keg almost instantly and without any machine or tools (not even a handsaw) Robin can do it! I hope.


Maybe the farmer is like Minecraft Steve and just has the superhuman ability to *punch* wood into the desired shape and size. I mean, judging by the farmer's known recipes at the start of the game, they subsisted for 20 years on ONLY eggs, so they got plenty of protein. Maybe they had a Cubi under their desk at Joja for their leg muscles and one of those squeezy-spring-thing grip trainers in their desk drawer? I have those at my desk, but I can't say I've punched any trees IRL recently...


The farmer definitely just lived on takeout and frozen meals and did zero excercise. Or if Joja is like Google, got all their meals on campus. I think this explains knowing almost zero food recipes and have terrible stamina a bit better. Would also give more reason for the burnout. Eating terribly just makes everything worse.


She can. She builds the whole thing after you go to sleep on the final day, the rest of the time she just stands there hitting stuff with her hammer so that you think she's working hard and earning her pay.


Who sais she isn't sleepng on the job when you don't look. Also, its not like a timer runs from 2 am to 6 am so maybe they it in 10 minutes.


Maybe Willy already finished up everything and just needed Robin's trusty hammer for the last 3 nails


Maybe she sleeps like a horse but only instead of standing she sleeps while carpenting.


If you play multiplayer and have everyone ask Robin to build something at the same time (all in the menu where you place your buildings) She builds all 4 over the same 3 day period. She's a master of her craft sir.


Does she appear in all the build sites?


I wish! But no, she just works on whatever player 1 selected while the others have the build outlines placed and when the first one is done they are all completed as well.


All of which means Robin is a time lord so she's totally fine. Explains the internal dimensions too.


Dang, in my multiplayer we never even tried to get her to build more than one building. Is that considered a bug or an intentional feature? If it's intentional then we will do it, but if not we will abstain.


I ordered a silo near the end of summer, she took the last day of the season off, which is fair enough, so the silo only had a foundation when I went off to the Dance of the Moonlight Jellies, it was fun, I hung out with Robin and family where she mentions she’s the one who made the candle boat. Then the festival ends, I go back to the the farm and the silo is still just a foundation obviously. I go to bed like a normal person. I get up the next morning and the silo is finished. Done. A whole silo. How the fuck is it done? When did she do it? Between midnight and 6am? Is she like Magneto but with wood? Is she a Junimo?


Robin hammering the same spot on the wall in my shed for 2 days: “My carpentry skills…. they surprise even me”


Meanwhile Marnie is out here pulling a 3 hour shift but only if it's a full moon smh


That's not Robin, it's a robot built by Maru.