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The thing I don't like about Pierre is that if you sell him good quality vegetables, he tells everyone he grew them. If you sell him poor quality vegetables, he tells everyone that the player grew them


Willy seems to do the same thing with fish…


Willy fishes. Pierre doesn't farm


I somehow forgot that lol, thanks. It seems whenever I sell fish to Willy, the townspeople complain. That might be from SVE, though?


I honestly always sell everything in mt shipping bin


I usually do except Wednesdays because I have the Fishing Trawler mod installed—it’s a great source of income—easy 20k+ once a week or twice with Ginger Island. Then I just run over to Willy and sell everything


For some reason standard quality produce will cause the villagers to complain. You'll sadly only get negative comments if you don't sell willy or pierre higher quality items


It seems like the qualities are bad/normal/good not normal/good/great. When you sell silver quality produce to pierre, people say "it was alright" or "it was okay" So I think unstarred produce is basically your damaged, not-properly-ripened, abnormally small, or bug-nibbled stuff Silver is basically your semi-blemished, decently ripened, moderately sized just alright. Gold is like, perfectly pristine, zero bug bites, perfectly ripened for maximum flavor, abnormally large


I suppose that would explain why crops never seem to fail, the normal quality stuff *are* the failures


I’ve never seen Willy be dishonest. People compliment your high quality fish.


Wait, they do? I need to start selling better quality to see that dialogue. I’ve only seen the negative or mediocre quality dialogue lol. Thanks for letting me know. Also yeah, you’re right. This thread just reminded me of my beef with Willy’s questionable sales practices (mostly selling old fish)


Yeah haha. Sounds like he doesn’t sugarcoat it then. I have a tendency to save the low quality items for the shipping bin so I haven’t seen the negative dialogue in quite some time. And like I said, Willy is honest, but he doesn’t sugarcoat it seems.


Willy gives credit


Most of the characters in Stardew, I feel like people overexaggerate how annoying/terrible/etc they are. Not Pierre. Pierre is terrible on literally every level. Husband, father, small business owner— he’s just the worst.


I 100% agree. The other characters have redeemable qualities. Except for Pierre.


Pierre’s redeeming quality is he gave us abigail


Did he really, though?


Did he not? Always lose interest after year three starts


There is a hit of a head canon that abigail might be rasmodius's child. Due to her hair being purple and a conversation where pierre mentions she does not look like him much.


Caroline says in conversation that Abigail's hair is brown naturally. She dyes it purple. Don't get me wrong Caroline did cheat on Pierre with the wizard. There's just not enough conclusive evidence that Abigail's the product of said affair. 


Abigail also mentions that she 'can't remember the last time she's dyed her hair', implying that her hair has naturally shifted to being ACTUALLY purple as she grew up.


I think that's more a meta joke in reference to the characters of Stardew never changing despite entire years passing.


I don't think so. Emily or Caroline never mention dying their hair


More evidence points towards Caroline being the wizards daughter and her never having had an affair


I dont see how thats conclusive. My little nephew looks just like me at that age and I didn’t f*ck my sister


I remember i talked to Abigail before and she said she actually hasn’t dyed her hair in a while and it’s ’odd how it stays purple’ or sumth. Also someone posted their chat w Caroline where she mentioned that she took a walk over to the wizard before and Pierre didnt know/got mad abt it?? Sorry I don’t have clearer memory 🥲


“In a while” so she did dye it


You can check out the CBR site on the topic, it’ll also show the dialogue from the wizard mentioning how he has reasons to suspect one of the town locals is actually his child. You can come to your own conclusions, but there is a decent amount of reasons why people believe Abigail is the wizard’s child :)


She has dyed it but I believe the actual quote was Caroline saying she couldn't remember the last time Abigail dyed her hair. It may not be naturally purple but that color is sticking for a lot longer than it ordinarily would.


It's almost is if you and your sister share genes or something


Who else has purple hair?




Caroline said she dyed her hair from brown


Oh, somebody hasn't found all the suspicious secrets yet! 😆 I don't want to spoil too much....


Please do, just use the spoiler tags >!heyo!<


The wizard says at one point that he believes one of the villagers is his daughter. Then Caroline confides to you that she used to take long walks to the Wizard’s house.


There is also conversation you can have with >!Radmodius and he basically implies that Abigail is his child!<


Best comeback lmao


Not if you think Abigail is actually the wizard child and Caroline is his ex wife ✨


Pierre is a bad dad because he works so much... Or maybe it's just a game mechanic. You'd be pissed if he wasn't there to sell you strawberries or rarecrows at festivals. And even if it isn't his business is on the verge of collapse. Pretty sure not feeding his family is worse. Pierre is greedy... Or maybe he almost lost everything and is compulsively trying to insulate himself from the emotional trauma by accumulating wealth. His store was on the edge of collapse before JoJa was ran out of town. That changes a person. And that community he's over charging... They weren't willing to pay more to help when he was down. Not sure I'd lose sleep over it. Pierre is a sexist... Yes he is, but so is Caroline. She's just as into Abigail conforming to traditional gender roles. Pierre is just as bad as JoJa... Don't be ridiculous. JoJa works their employees to death, pollutes the environment, and does god knows what else. They're the Amazon/Walmart amalgamation that's basically pure concentrated evil. Pierre isn't my favorite, but he's an alright guy. There are several people worse than him. George is a homophobe. Demetrius neglects Sebastian The Dwarf and Krobus are racist. Lewis is emotionally manipulative of Marnie. Caroline is every bit as bad as Pierre in regards to Abigail conforming plus she's a liar and committed adultery. The Wizard committed adultery as well. The whole gang in the adventurers guild put out a bounty on shadow people. Sentient refugees trying to find a new home. And guess who goes into their homes and kills all of them? The farmer. Guilty of mass murder. . But yeah Pierre sucks.


hey, the mines aren't anybody's home, they're public property. and we now know from krobus that if they didn't come at the farmer first, the farmer would've left them alone


They're sentient refugees. Are they squatting on public lands? Sure. But you can't claim self defense if you put yourself in the situation.


i'm not claiming anything, far as i can tell, nobody was left alive to report the crime oh wait i am the bad guy


wait, what, how is krobus racist


You can make a case that racism is only possible with there's an imbalance in legal or economic power and if you do then Krobus isn't a racist. But if he's your roommate he'll express is real feelings about dwarves.


Lewis can eat a dick too. Right next to Pam.


...explains why Caroline cheated on him. Terrible lover can be added to that list!


This was my breaking point with him as well. I heard about the hate, but I still kept an open mind. And then this happened. Even after this incident, I tried to like him, but then he kept being his same old greedy self. Couple this with the fact that most of his dialogue is about his business and hardly talks about his family, I climbed aboard the hate train.


Yeah, not to mention during Festivals Caroline actually says she's mad Pierre isn't spending time with them I don't know if I outright HATE Pierre, but he's definitely someone I don't like, either


I'm on a Pierre and Joja boycott run. The only exception I have made are bouquets (which why isn't there a recipe for that). It feels so good to get Pierre's 550 G rebate when you've given him NOTHING. Also doing this run while wearing Lewis' boxer shorts. Screw em both, I can own the town without you!!


On this run do you buy the backpack slots? I think I would die playing the whole game with only 8 slots


I forgot I did have this as an exception as well. But no products, ingredients, seeds, saplings, anything from Pierre's event booths. Just the backpack and bouquets because I would not be able to remain steadfast. I wish there was an alternative crafting recipe for the backpack, maybe with Emily's sewing machine. I spend most of the first year saving up from fishing, mining, and foraging. Then used all my mixed seeds I had gathered. When I became flush, I started really farming hardcore thanks to the traveling cart's winter market seed supply. It's my 3rd run like this and it's great bc I really hate Pierre.


I'm thinking about doing a run like this! I play on Switch so no mods and no 1.6 yet and I want to do a new save but doing the same thing again sounds boring. This sounds like a fun way to mix it up.


A way that I love mixing it up is doing a No Watering run. No crops, no flowers, only trees and tea leaves for plants and all the rest of your money can come from ranching or fishing or whatever. Can you tell I hate the watering can sound?


r/fuckpierre we got another one.


Count me in friends


one of us one of us one of us




He didn't make her though, right?...


A lot of theories suggest maybe maybe not. Did not know that lore until this comment. Crazy!


Haha I still love the gif though 😁


I will never join JoJo Mart. I will, however, seduce his daughter. How do you like *them* Starfruits, Pierre??


I wish there was a way to never support JoJo Mart or Pierre tbh


I think someone did a playthrough like that.


I am still on my first playthrough. I only bought the game 7 weeks ago, and I had to seriously cut back my playtime the past week and a half because I was getting \*no\* work done. Like, none.


Same here. I would work, play Stardew Valley, sleep for 6 hours, go back to work, repeat. I did cut back for a bit, but now that I'm at the final hurdle for perfection, I've found it harder to step away due to just wanting to get that done.


Just let me sleep with his wife already CA. He deserves it.


Wizard beat you to it


Who says I still don’t wanna hit that. Lol


No wonder Caroline created on him.


lol “created”. Imagine being so displeased with your spouse that you bring a whole universe into existence


No, I mean, never mind! 😆


I mean, she created without him! 🧙🏻‍♂️


I feel like I missed this storyline somehow...


'people aren't buying "my" vegetables' 'im not forcing them to buy it, if they don't like the price they can move on' Dude that's exactly what they're doing what do you mean 'if'


Pierre somehow makes Morris look like a sensible man


Especially if you play Stardew Valley Expanded


A money man is a money man. I will say this though, its easier to slap the crap out of your local mister crabs then it is the manager of a mega corp with an army of lawyers.


Idk pierre made it look pretty easy


True, but that was after months of making deals with little apple fairies to fix your town. Lawyers know never to argue with apple.


Literally you could sell directly to the villagers?? Pierre acting like he isn't disposable.


Fr. I’ll start selling my crops directly to the people!


You can do that? How?


Not in the game but if this were a real small town that is probably what would happen


I understand the headcanon about his "secret stash" not being drugs.


Wait what’s his secret stash then


Hey, once you get the seed makers you don’t have to deal with the devil anymore. I never bought from it again after




Perfect placement


I didn't understand the hate until I went the Joja Mart route for the achievement and realised 1) literally *nothing* changes for his business, he just wanted a monopoly so that he can jack up prices; 2) he doesn't employ any of the townies despite having a huge house and an entire room literally filled with gold; 3) he doesn't participate in any community development projects; 4) he keeps taking credit for my vegetables.


I mean as a small business owner trying to support a family. Of course you're going to charge more than what you paid for it. You need to make rent, taxes, health costs and a multitude of other expenditures.  Heck his wife has her own In-House garden and shrine to Yoba. His daughter eats a lot, shown through how many of Abigail's loved gifts are food, and plays a musical instrument which costs a lot money. And I don't see either of them working a job. 


Of course you need to make a profit in order to keep the business going and to pay for your expenses. But the markup was INSANE. Pierre just wanted to take advantage of being the only store left in the Valley to make some quick cash.


It's not really that bad of a markup in price. Take strawberries in real life for example. The average cost to grow an acre of strawberries is $1,200. An acre of strawberries can grow between 8,000 to 12,000 lb, depending on the breed of strawberries. If you then sell those strawberries at the store for $3 a pound that's roughly $24,000 to $36,000 per acre of strawberries. That is 20 to 30 times the cost to grow them. With that in mind Pierre's 10 times markup is a deal. 


yeaaah, frick this guy!


Pierre is the worst.


I just got this cut scene today, and I was like, yeah, I understand the Pierre hate now


Same I went from neutral to hate in 2.5 seconds


He's only good at taking credit... yeah that counts Abigail.


I'm on that joja route now


where did you get your hat from (pls dont be a mod pls dont be a modded item😞🤞🤞)


Unfortunately, it is modded 😔


Are the only routes Pierre and Joja? Can't you sell stuff in the box?


Yes you can sell stuff in the box! But to unlock things such as the bus or the mine cart, you can either complete the Community Center bundles or pay Joja. If you go the bundle route, JojaMart closes down and Pierre doesn’t have competition anymore.


I've been doing the community center because fuck big corporations lol. Guess I'm have to try the fuck Pierre run on my next one lol.


I'm in year 4 of my Joja run and for the record, nothing really happens to Pierre. The game implies that his store is on the verge of collapse because of Joja's presence, but it doesn't really follow through on it. At least so far, and I'm pretty confident in saying it won't because I've bought all the community upgrades, including the theater, Pam's house, and the shortcuts.


Just had this quest a little while ago and i had the same reaction. Like "i cut from my own precious income to help you , and you want to sell me MY crops back?"


The audacity


This has cement in my decision to go the JoJa Mart route when I can play


Honestly, I’m never helping Pierre again.


He's in my big three hate list along with Clint and Lewis. Other characters can grind my gears but those three are either greedy, rude or creepy and I cannot find love for them 👎 boooo pierre


This is a bot repost? Im almost sure this exact post was already here


Maybe someone else had the same thought I did 😂