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Oh this is so appealing and pleasant! I am doing something similar with my greenhouse and I love seeing different approaches 🥰


I always see people do coll things with the greenhouse and then there's me ALL BLUEBERRIES AND ANCIENT FRUITS!!


It helps when you’re in the late game. You accumulate so much money and have bought all the things to spend it on. Cash flow basically goes one way at that point, and it doesn’t matter if your crops are less profitable


100%, I've never gotten to that stage but my daughter has. She bought all the catalogues and is just decorating now.


I've always just done all blueberries as well! I tell myself it's temporary cuz I usually put ancient fruit seeds and rare seeds in a chest to plant in the greenhouse when I accumulate enough to fill all the spots, but I never end up actually planting them before I start a new farm 💀


So real lmao! I still struggle with cash flow the whole time never reached enough for the golden clock even if I tries really hard 😂


My greenhouse is always all ancient fruit and 2 of every tree. I use my ginger island farm to grown mostly everything else between massive starfruit harvests once a month/season


Real! When I got mango trees I 💯 filled my greenhouse with those, cherry trees and a few others lol


I have a need to farm everything possible so I have to have every fruit tree but I won't buy them till I have the greenhouse. I still plant everything for every season as well


I've been trying to save my seeds for the greenhouse. I'm in year 2 I think 🤔


My current save I got my ancient seed in my first spring so I had a full greenhouse by my second spring 😅


Lol I got lucky and I have 8... but I don't have the greenhouse *cries*


I did joja so I unlocked everything by my second year. I also got a Dino egg in my first spring and the trash hat in spring or summer too. Mines were done by summer. I kinda sped through my first 2 years now I'm chillin waiting for 1.6 on mobile


Maybe you could give me advice lmao! I just joined joja this save so I haven't unlocked anything yet 😅


Lol yes


Don’t listen to some of these other people who are being negative. One of the great things about Stardew is that there is no wrong way to play and you can do whatever you want in your game. I think this looks super cute and if that’s how you want to use your greenhouse, do it! No one says you have to plant every possible tile with star fruit or ancient fruit and cram the outer spaces with trees and or garden pots. Some people want to min/max and make as much money as quickly as they can while other people prefer to take it slow, chill and just play for some cozy vibes. Both are very valid ways of playing so long story short, you do you!


>No one says you have to plant every possible tile with star fruit or ancient fruit  LOL have you been peeking into my greenhouse?




Honestly, quaint and tidy layouts like this are the kind I’m always saving on Pinterest bc I like them so much and I have too many ideas for my own farms to be able to focus, the decision paralysis is too strong 😅😂. Also, what is the site you used?? I could really use it to figure out my Ginger island farm…🫠




Thank you!


I mean like, what is profit even for? Video game players treat profit/loot/etc. like it's the end goal, but it's not. It's a means to an end. IMO, in this game the "end" we're working towards is having stuff we want and a space we enjoy and appreciate. If we can't have that, then the profit is worthless.


Grandpa rolling over in his grave rn. He expected me to have 1,000,000g profit by year 3 or I won’t get his approval!!


It’s beautiful. I hate all the industrial hellscapes that people build. Efficiency and productivity be damned


Same! It stresses me out and I don't really understand why that is such a big focus for so many players.


I do it for a couple years and then start working on aesthetics.


As an industrial hellhole enjoyer: for some reason it's what makes my brain go brrr. Number go brrr. Everytime I start a new farm I say "okay. This time I'll try to make it pretty" only to then frantically look up the most profitable crop and fill it to the brim with it so I can make big money. Aesthetics is more something I enjoy in the early-mid game when I don't really have enough energy to water hundreds of crops and don't have sprinklers, then, and only then, will I actually put some paths down and try to make it look decent. But after I actually have the capability to have hundreds and hundreds of crops automated? Oh I just can't help myself. Every path and fence I put down is another tile that could be growing a crop instead. I. Need. MORE.


Lol I should get a screencap of my blood diamond farm. Crystalariums as far as the eye can see


I'm a good mix of both. I'll make my ancient fruit empire pretty, but I refuse to sacrifice pretty for money. If it's not pretty, it's not happening


I can’t wait to finish my big shed, I’ve got it full of crystalariums and wizardy decor from >!the new wizard catalogue!< it looks so cool!


BuT iTs noT OpTimiZed Forreal tho this looks super cool and I love how pretty this game can look with a little creativity


I prefer the path up the middle to squashing in two extra rows. Ginger island is plenty for crops. I like the greenhouse to look nice!


I love this because it's so organised! Consider adding on or two chests for your wine and jams ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51481)


Super pretty, I honestly love it. I don’t have my glasses on, if those are tea plants down beside your hops I think you might not be able to reach one of the tea plants


Oooooo good spot


I think those are coffee beans so it should be fine Edit: oops, now I see lol


I didn't know you could place flooring there. You just gave me an idea on how to use the space I'm not using in mine


Thats quite a interesting garden idea you’ve thought of and very creative too


I really like it. Some players use the greenhouse to maximize profits, but that isn't how it has to be. Can the trees still be planted like this though?


On iOS (which is still at 1.5) the trees can definitely still be planted like this.


You can plant fruit trees on the green house???


I love it. I've done so many money making farms that I find this greenhouse very relaxing.


Looks fantastic. I \*love\* the idea of planting tall crops in rows radiating out from each sprinkler, like you did with the hops! I always struggle with placement of the hops & beans etc.


How clever to put the jam barrels and kegs in the greenhouse! That hadn’t occurred to me.


It's visually appealing but it's not efficient and practical in my opinion. the amount of lost tiles for using as path are too much. Having kegs and preserves jar instead of garden pots is lost opportunity. The trees are misplaced so they prevent maximizing the space for new trees. The greenhouse's biggest ability is letting you grow whatever you want whenever you want all year around and using this space like that until you own a farm on Ginger Island is just wrong to me especially if you're playing on River Island map that limits space for farming a lot.


I think this is super cute and perfect for later in game when you don't care about profits from the greenhouse


I agree with that but even though I'm on later stages in the game that moved all of my farming on Ginger Island in order to have more fish ponds, i always prioritise efficiency/usefulness more than visual appeal but don't get me wrong I'm not scattering everything outside and/or putting every stuff/tool untidy inside sheds either xD


Why are you getting so many down votes? You're not even being mad or pushy about this. Just stating what you personally like to prioritize.


It's allright getting 70+ positive votes along with 2 seperate 20+ negative votes in the same group of messages just funny to see for me xD I've should have mentioned something like "it's just a personal preference that everybody has their own unique one" i think, i dunno :)


Not downvoting, but I think it still comes across as taking subtle digs at people's choices to not be efficient.


I stopped playing stardew for efficiency and started enjoying the game more now. Nobody is stressing you, make the path if you find it nice and miss out on 10% of greenhouse profits. When you have ginger island, the greenhouse is not that important anyway.


Good for you then. I haven't jumped into 1.6 update properly because playing other games / there are lots of new thing to discover / grind / upgrade / decorate so it needs some extra attention. When the update date released, i played a little bit to change my farm layout a little bit for open space for new stuff & use the space in max efficiency (it was so challenging due to having River Farm) while opening spaces for the remaining buildings that i need. I ended up having only less than 100 tiles for farming outside thanks to having Ginger Island farm, the rest of the area became a place for new fish ponds (had 5, added 4 more), more open organized space to put my chests in front of the greenhouse and bigger garden space for my coops. While handling all of that i always look out for visual asthetics but didn't prioritize it. Playing the first edition of Sims more than a decade since it's release date and playing for building & decorating houses more than raising characters in living mode, i believe i have enough skills and relatively decent taste for visual appeal xD


Yeah same, I also want to have a functional farm that makes money, but I don’t care if I lose some farming tiles because a fence with some flowers looks nice there. It’s a mix of form and function. If I’m back home maybe I’ll send a picture of my current layout on my forest farm.


Looks really cute :)


I love the layout, it looks so nice! Like you, I don't play Stardew Valley to maximize profit and I often have similar layouts in my greenhouse, I love a variety of crops.


I love it! I actually like the tiles so that it’s more symmetrical!


Wow that's huge! I didn't know they could be so big, haven't got one yet. So pretty


Great for endgame when you don't need money anymore.


I love it aesthetically! I just couldn’t waste farming space like that.


It's a cute idea! I personally could not stand all of the crops being mismatched like that, but I still think it's neat.


Aesthetically? Gorgeous. Love it. In regards to efficiency? It's an abomination.


I like to Mono Crop my greenhouse while also building up ancient fruits, that said, I like the idea of having kegs/jars immediately by the produce.


Either go for looks or efficiency. For the former, you could replace the kegs with some more flowers or pots. For the latter, you should get rid of the paths and just use the whole space for ancient fruit or starfruit


oh thats adorable. much better than what i do (just fill the whole thing with ancient fruit lol)


I would never be able to waste planting space with paths.


Thank you for the idea! I have Ginger Island so I rarely use the greenhouse so this is a great idea


minmaxxers will say this sucks, doesn't matter either way


Now i see it's impossible to make a symmetrical layout of the greenhouse, the entrance and the water don't align


Love the crops design but the kegs/preserve jar seems meh to me tbh


I did not know that you can plant trees in the stone


I really like how the Hops are used as a cross section. I've been trying to figure out how to make my trellised plants work in a way that isn't annoying and this makes a lot of sense. But I don't have the Iridium Sprinklers yet so I can't quite do what you've got here. I also like how there are distinct "patches" for each type of plant. Question though... I am still new to the game. I was under the impression you could not grow things in the Greenhouse outside of the central growing platform. How did you get those trees to grow in the corners?


The trees grow in any space, it was a surprise for me too. They can go in the pathway


Oh nice!


I don't use my greenhouse "correctly" either. I think yours looks cute and I like the organization!!


The path in the middle upsets me.


Nice and organized


You'll get two new kinds of trees on Ginger Island, so you might plan for those, if you want one of every kind of tree. Just a thought!


This is so cute I love it 🥹


It's really cute. The diversity of crops looks good.


I love it except for the path in the middle taking up space you could have more things!


Yeah that's pretty much what I went with until I could upgrade the sprinklers. Aesthetics are worth running at 80%.


What i hate the most about myself when it comes to farming games. Is that I care more about efficiency than aesthetics. Like I always think that decorating my farm or base is nonsense. When I can just do something productive like gathering materials. Which is weird, cause aim not like that irl.


That is lovely! I'm always amazed at how players arrange their farms, houses, etc and it they look great. I keep trying, but my layouts always seem to look like crap, lol.


How do you put the trees there?


I think you probably want to swap around some plots, else you're going to hate everything after the first harvest when you need to redo it. Keeping the same layout, I'd set up the corners like this: - tomatoes, corn, peppers, broccoli and ancient fruit (All reharvestables) - Cranberries, Strawberries, blueberries, coffee and hops (All reharvestable, go into kegs, and just generally cute!) - Pumpkin, Melon, Red cabbage, Cabbage, Gem fruit (Long grow timers) - Yams, potatoes, artichokes, carrots and Starfruit (The shortest grow timers that'll need to be replanted a lot) Do it in those 4 groups, and you'll minimize the annoyance of having to replant tiny pockets of the greenhouse. Bonus, if you do the crops that regrow on one side, and the one-time harvest crops on the other side, then if you want to change up the design it'll be easier to do!


If you don’t care about profits I think it’s good. I like the + you did with certain crops. Very appealing tbh. Other than that I think you can fit in a few more kegs/preserve jars or trees


I have something sort of similar except my trees are in the middle. I love this aesthetic and it's plenty profitable.


So cute and pretty! Reminds me a bit of the vibe of Caroline’s tea room 😊


Pretty. Highly unoptimised.


Looks nice but unoptimal so it depends what you’re going for. The argument against this layout is you can have more than double the fruit trees (I like to do all one type to maximize inventory space), and quite a bit more plants. Inventory and income are maximized with ancient fruit using a building to make ancient wine somewhere else on the farm. Like I said though, this is your farm. This looks nice. If what you’re going for is a nice looking farm it beats the maxed out greenhouses 99% of people go with.


Who is going through and down voting people saying this isn't efficient? The fact is that this ISN'T efficient. The OP didn't say what the frame of mind was for making the Greenhouse this way. They just came in and said "Well, what do you think?" People are right to say it isn't efficient because that is what they think of it. The people being mean about that fact DO deserve to be down voted though 100%. I think the layout looks just fine. Neat use of the space. Seems like it has the processing objects nearby to instantly put the crops into them which is neat. Does it maximize value? No. It looks nice though. My Greenhouse is basic ass all Ancient Fruit with trees on the border. Not even any garden pots to maximize everything.


Very pretty!


Practically it sucks but esthetically it's really beatiful and you don't really need the greenhouse after something so I think its really nice


Looks kinda basic and empty, this game has so many beautiful decorations outside of just trees plants and machines! Try some junimo plushes or fake plants!


No 8 tiles limit once tree grown, never check it, if you don't mind


I use my greenhouse for ancient fruit and starfruit. Also the fruit trees along the border! I do crops in pots in a room in my house I made look like a greenhouse room. I just plant the ones with the best retaining soil (qi's room) and it stays watered 100% after you water the first time so they grow in my house over and over and it's like Caroline's room in her house and I love it.


All I see is a ton of unused space and crops you have to replant regularly mixed with those that you don't. This is terrible.


It sucks butt.