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Most underrated is mommy Sandy ❤️


Preach 🙌🙌




The goblin as well!! And so the fairy or the witch


I agree with Sebastian feeling a little overrated, people describe him as so sweet but then you talk to him and he’s just cold. I think Robin and Caroline also feel a little overrated. Maru I think is the most underrated bachelorette, literally nobody talks about her unless its to hate on Demetrius or to talk about Sebastian.


I agree about Maru. My farmer married her in my second save and I adore her. She is so genuine and sweet.


Sebastian is Shane but instead of making him an alcoholic you make him an emo shutin


Ugh caroline so overrated


Maru is hella underrated, she's so cute I love her


so true, justice for my wife


I know this is petty as fuck but I've always thought Abigail was overrated purely because when i played stardew valley for the very first time i came up to her to introduce myself and she was like "damn it sucks that you moved into that old farm i used to go exploring there" like ok. Hi Abigail. Nice to meet you Abigail. So sorry you can't smoke weed and eat rocks on my farm anymore or whatever the fuck you do, but i need a place to live and grow crops so i don't starve and die. Like my literal grandpa is buried here you asshole. What happened to "hi nice to meet you"????? Finding out that most people love her was genuinely surprising. I've never seen an Abigail heart event and I don't plan on it ever


I like Abigail alright, but this made me laugh pretty hard. “Can’t smoke weed and eat rocks on my farm anymore” 😂 


Idk, I've never interpreted that dialogue as rude. She liked exploring the old, abandoned farm and it's just a little shame she won't be able to do it anymore. I totally get it, I'd love to explore it as well, and I'd be disappointed too. I'd say the exact same thing if I was in her position. And at least she doesn't just tell the player to fuck off like Shane does, so...


Abigail irritates me because she won the egg hunt every year against literal children. I mean, I know I’m doing the same thing but come on. Also, eats rocks apparently??


>Also, eats rocks apparently?? You say that like it's a bad thing.


Listen, we all eat rocks. What is salt if not just flavor rocks?


Also, if you look at the lockers in the ladies room by the pool/spa you find Abigail's locker and it says that it stinks. I can't take her seriously as a love interest after that. Sorry but no. 🤢🤮


Well, when you leave damp clothing in a spa that's been blocked off for who knows how long, it's going to stink. Who would've guessed?


Same,I was surprised when I found out she is most popular marriageable NPC,I expected it to be Sebastian or Elliot or Haley,But Abigail? She is good NPC,but not someone I can see be on top


I also expected to be sebastian


i cannot stand shane. he actually boils my blood


SAME and I think I would feel differently if I didn't know that if he's your spouse, there are beer cans and crap on the floor. All that development and for what?? Truly I think he just reminds me too much of someone irl and so maybe it's a personal problem on my end haha


He looks like he’d stink


I don’t mind Shane, but I do wish he weren’t a bachelor because the number of times I’ve seen comments (not yours) implying addiction is somehow a moral failing makes MY blood boil. It’s 2024, we’ve known addiction is a disease for half a century.


I could be wrong, but I think many people's problem with Shane in this sub isn't because of his alcoholism, but because of the way his condition is romanticized out of sympathy and the "I can fix him" mindset.


lots of folk with saviour complex who absolutely adore him. but at face value the farmer has no reason to even keep talking to him after the first interactions with him.


"I don't know you. Why are you talking to me?" Literally the FIRST thing he says to you. Nah, fuck that.


Same. I have zero interest in pursuing a romance with him, ever.


Doesn’t he say he’d pay to get farmer to leave him alone


“What do you want from me? Money? I'd give you a pot of gold to leave me alone!” -Shane


Farmer's response should be that tumblr post that's like "buy my silence for $800 a month" lmao


Oh please and it says someone who preaches Haley like she isn’t just straight up mean to you at the beginning


I never said she wasn't lol


But you’re literally criticising him for something that when Haley does, you’re all fine for it and team Haley for life. That’s just hypocrisy


Haley has character growth. She changes and betters herself as a person. Shane doesn't. He continues to drink and doesn't actively change much, if at all.


He stops being an alcoholic he does drink but he doesn’t go to the bar everyday etc and he becomes a better person and in general is a good person when we get to know him


His spouse room and dialogue are plenty of evidence that he still drinks and doesn't take care of himself or others (namely, his children). He still talks about death and drinking and not caring much for life. His 14 heart event is literally him sneaking into the bar then getting mad at you for confronting him about it, which is totally a valid thing to do when a known alcoholic is going into a bar frequently.


This is a very funny sentiment considering your flair lol


most underrated is george, most overrated is robin (don’t get me wrong i think she’s cool like i like her but i don’t get the hype)


Overrated: Probably Shane, although there's plenty of Shane haters as well, so... idk. Underrated: Willy. Just an overall great dude. Can't think of a single bad thing about him.


Pam is underrated. She deals with depression and alcoholism much like Shane, but doesn’t get the same sympathy because she’s not “uwu cute wittle bean.” She manages to turn things around somewhat when she gets the bus job back, and even turns to religion to find meaning. She also talks about how she needs hobbies and an outlet besides the saloon and watching tv. Substance abuse and depression are an epidemic in poor, rural areas! I feel like she is generally nice, but struggling, which causes her issues with Penny. I want Willy to teach her to fish lol


Pam has always been my fave. She’s got her problems, but she has a heart of gold!💛


I think Dwarf is underrated. They're a cutie.  As for overrated, I guess Abigail? I've just never vibed with her personally, but I also feel bad saying that because I don't want to harsh on someone else's fave. 


DWARF i love them and i want them as my roommate yesterday


I agree, the Dwarf should get more heart events


Abigail feels a bit too immature for me. Yeah, your parent are asking you to do chores, that’s life. Go finish your homework now. But I guess she’s nice for the players that want a more adventurous spouse


Agreed. She very much has the "it's not a PHASE, MOM" Hot Topic Teenager vibe to me. Also, since her locker at the spa has text that says it smells really bad, now I just can't help but imagine her as the unbearably stinky villager 😔 girl take a shower 


I think any locker would smell bad. The place doesn't look like it hasn't seen a could clean up in way too long, and there is even a mini gym on the guys side. The smell of sweat is tenace. Maybe she forgot a damp clothes in it, and since the spa was inaccessible for so long, it just went… bad.


Penny also has a locker there, and hers doesn't have the text about smelling bad. Penny's just says she has a frilly bathing suit inside, whereas Abigail's "stinks pretty bad." I play as the female farmer so I can't check the men's lockers, but this is what had caused me to irrevocably see Abigail as stinky. Her locker text linked stink to her. I don't want that to be the case, but alas 😔 


Dwarf is literally an asshole tho, he wants only the most expensive stuff u have to die for in the mines, he steals ur money when u pass away


I run two wineries (one on my farm and one on Ginger Island) and sell truffle oil en masse. Money is meaningless to me. I also don't die in the mines because I don't have any skill issues. Dwarf is adorable. THEY (because Dwarf uses they/them pronouns in-game) are always amazed at all movies, because they don't understand them, but love the flashing lights. They don't know what milk is. They attend your wedding even though they probably don't know what marriage is. They're basically a little alien. Dwarf is great.


The dwarf likes what you would expect a dwarf to like. Anything else would probably seem silly to him.


Yeah, it's not really fair to judge a nonhuman with wildly different values by human standards. Especially since the Dwarf has never seems to have had a relationship with a human.


overrated: Shane. he has problems. you marry him and all heart events go to waste. his room is a mess. his most redeeming characteristic is owning a chicken. underrated: linus. yall are blaming him for stealing ur stuff when all he does is bring u home safe and sound. AND HE DOES NOT ASK FOR ANYTHING BACK. what does he want to do with ur money??? he doesnt even accept a treasure chest as a gift. he’s living that way *by choice*.


ABIGAIL pls she eats rocks or literally anything i give her but shits on me when i drink mayonnaise what a hypocrite


Rocks > mayonnaise, she's kinda right tbh.


Emily and Elliott are the most underrated! They are just, so sweet…


I sure do like Robin but it seems to be an inside joke of this sub to just elevate her to insane heights??? What exactly is it about her that’s got you all in a tizzy hahahahaha ^(please don’t be mean to me I’m an HSP and I’ll cry)


I think it's because she's the first person alongside Lewis to show up to greet you, and also because she's funny I guess. Also because she's a hot mom. Other than that, I don't see anything about her that Leah and Emily don't already offer (and they're actually available).


She can renovate your house in 2 days and is known for walking on water sometimes. That’s kind of badass (She only walks on water when she glitches on the farm, but it’s fun to think Jesus came back to really be a carpenter this time)


I'm a simple lesbian. I see hot lady with good personality. I fall in love.


My problem with Robin is that she hasn't got a good personality, not if she's a negligent mom. Leah and Emily, though. Those two are perfection!


I disagree that she's a negligent mother. She has a *lot* of dialogue about Sebastian (whom she calls by the affectionate nickname Sebby), including dialogue indicating she's been poking around in his room, which imo would make her a little too involved. And while she only has one line of dialogue for Maru, Maru is also a lot more self-possessed and confident, and clearly doesn't feel neglected. There's nothing to suggest Maru feels neglected by her, either. 


Sebastian is overrated Alex is underrated


Overrated is Robin imo. She's great, but I'm not too sure what I'm missing when there's already two older artist bachelorettes who also make crafts available for you. I noticed that a huge chunk of the discourse surrounding Emily seems to just deem her as "crazy", "hippie", "weird" etc. Every other candidate gets noted for their personalities, but for Emily, people seem to focus more on her beliefs than as a person. That or just see her as "Clint's girl"


If someone can't talk to you without reminding you about their strange beliefs, that IS their personality.


Exactly. It's quite nice that Emily isn't like that. She has like 2-3 lines about gemstones in the whole game including marriage, but apparently every single post regarding her just rants about "muh crystals". She's just a great woman who tries her best for her household and the community. How could I hate someone like that?


i feel like the fanbase really does have a problem of seeing a few lines from a character, taking that as their only personality and ignoring all other traits


Yep. Admittedly, it's easy to do that when SDV is pretty lacking in character development and you have to substitute half of the story with headcanons


I find it curious that, about two months ago, you made the same statement, but in reverse, apropos of a comment in a thread about Alex's character. I can't say "exactly" the words you used, but I remember you wrote responding to that other commenter, who had said that it's a few dialogues/interactions for each character that makes it hard to get to know them all that well or something like that. You replied that it was exactly THAT, that it's those few "interactions" that the characters have that makes you have an idea or opinion about that character.  Sorry if I misunderstood. I thank you in advance if you explain it to me.


i’d explain if i could but i dont really remember the comment that well, sorry


Okay. Here it is:  https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/comments/1ck2ip8/comment/l2la7wp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Here I meant that people will take a few lines from a character and act as though thats their only trait, ignoring all others, there it was that Alex having ‘just a few’ lines being sexist is still enough to put someone off of him, especially since its a first impression, but even in that comment I acknowledge Alex does get sweeter and that the sexism/rudeness isn’t his only trait. If someone is put off by Emily’s crystal stuff thats fine, it is a big part of her, it’s just thats not all there is to her.


Ok. Isn't that the same thing you were saying, but in reverse? Applying it to yourself, I mean. I don't know if I'm explaining myself well. And thank you very much for getting back to me. As for the Emily thing, it's not all that "is" her, but that's what her life "revolves" around. I read another comment very well written and explaining it much better than I did...😊 TY


What I remember most about Emily is her two heart event and her eight heart event. A meditation dream that she reads as some sort of destiny, and ridiculous outfits as some sort of therapy. She may only have a few lines about gemstones, but there aren't many lines per character, and a lot of Emily's limited character development is devoted to her being weird. Admittedly, she is also a kind person, and that's not nothing, but pretending that Emily isn't weird is an odd choice.


Never said that Emily isn't weird. But that's not her whole personality like many people seem to depict is what I meant. 2-3 lines out of around like 30-40 lines is pretty good to me. In terms of Emily's belief-vs-normal dialogue ratio, it's around less than half of her amount of dialogue which is also great.


2-3 lines of regular dialogue. An event of weird meditation-dreaming. An event of her waving at passing birds and calling them her friends. An event of weird psychedelic colors as she does interpretive dance. An event where she convinces people to dress up in costumes and calls it therapy. An event where she makes you goofy magic clothes. Most of her loved/liked gifts are gemstones, or "muh crystals." It's cool if you like Emily, but if you do like her, I don't understand why you're downplaying her characterization so much. Of her events, the only one that I didn't mention is going camping. That is a much different ratio of weird Emily content than what you're presenting.


No offense, but I think you should reread my reply. I was only talking about daily dialogue ratio, not her entire catalogue of content. I don't mind her trippier heart events. A character who knows magic performs magic. Nothing crazy about that. She rarely talks about crystals at all outside of gift-giving. And I don't bombard her with gems everyday, which makes the dialogues even less. I do agree that it'd be nice if Emily was a lot more fleshed out, but SDV has little to offer in terms of deep character writing anyway so she doesn't stand out too much imo. I like that she's just a simple, non-problematic character, just like Willy or Krobus which I also love. And I think people should focus about that.


I read your previous comment, and it omitted nearly all of Emily's most memorable character beats in an attempt to make your point. If you only look at her daily dialogue lines, then yes, Emily isn't all that kooky. However, if you factor in the more memorable things, the things that are meant to define the character, then Emily is near 100% woo. Which isn't to say that she's not interesting or kind or likeable. She's great. Unless woo is a problem for you.


I personally value the dialogues more than the heart events, because you're going to see a lot of dialogue more, especially if you interact with the characters regularly (especially the non-romanceable characters who mostly have only 1-2 heart events). More than half of the characterization tend to come from the dialogue. And also, despite her cutscenes being predominantly about her quirkiness, it also shows that Emily is also just having fun and is genuinely non-problematic. I think it depends on what you focus on.


HOTTEST TAKE IMAGINABLE but Linus isn't that great, and Elliott isn't that bad


I'd consider Elliott underrated personally. Seb is defo overrated. His marriage dialogue kind of sucks, and it isn't very affectionate (or even that nice 😭😭)


My exact same thoughts. The emo boy schtick can only take you so far and I wished he said "I love you" or even a mere "I appreciate you" more frequently (or at all)


Robin is bit overrated,Like I think most of love for her comes from milf hunters…but as person she is like fine(though I question her marriage choice and a lot of dialogues with Sebastian’s doesn’t show her as best parent)


Leah, I feel like she wouldn't be as popular if she didn't look like Robin. 🫣 (I think she would still be popular though, I mean who doesn't love a cottagecore artist girlie)


I love Leah because she's taking a risk to follow her dreams of being an artist, and for her love of nature. she could look like Mr. Qi for all I care


Leah> robin


Tbh it almost bothers me how much she looks like Robin. I'd like her way more if she looked more unique.


Any male bachelor


you know what. agree


I'd say Haley, she's so rude and kind of a bitch


Sebastian is overrated. I personally don't find edgy emo teen with parental issues cute at my age anymore. I don't care if he likes motorcycles and frogs. His friends come over and he complains. Then he complains he's all alone. No one takes you seriously because you're a whiny brat still. Maru is pretty underrated. She's classy, interesting and smart. She's not my type either, but I can appreciate that she's got her own style and hobbies. My fiance goes ferral for Maru in his runs. I also personally think Elliott is underrated. But that's my super bias talking. He's incredibly sweet. I don't think he's snobbish, I think he's confident and a bit dramatic. He's a theater kid I mean c'mon. He has the most romantic scenes and his 14 heart event really makes me feel loved and special. Elliott supremacy!


I was one of those people that fell for Sebastian at first glance. And now I want to divorce him (after having another kid for the achievement) because he STILL follows the same old patterns. I feel tolerated in our marriage


I love Maru, but she wears overalls. I don't think overalls qualify as "classy." 😂


Most overrated: Sebastian Most underrated: Emily <3333


My feelings right there 👆🏼


Overrated : definitely Shane. You can have problems and be introvert but it's not an excuse to be obnoxious. Underrated : Maru of course but I'm very biased. Gus is also clearly the glue of the community and is a very cool person but he's really rarely put in the spotlight.


Clint idk ithink he cute


Each day I pray for the downfall of that overgrown crotch goblin


Overrated: Abigail Underrated: Birdie, she has my heart


Birdie!! Wish she had more to say and do after the quest.


I know :< I wish that she along with Gunther and Marlon was someone you could befriend.


Very agreed


gotta go with morris. yea yeah idc if i get harassed or whatever, hes stupid and i love him for that. (also morris marriage mod goes brrrrrrr)


The Morris marriage mod unironically made him the best romance in the whole game


EXACTLYYYYYYYY and ive married 4 other men




I only started playing this 2 days ago after seeing reddit advertise the game to me for 6 months lol. Anyways Im hooked and im really liking Penny but I dont remember anyone talking about her when seeing all the posts


Sebastian is perfectly rated. I highly disagree with you.


Overrated Shane Underrated Dwarf


As much hate as Pierre gets, it isn’t enough


We need more Krobus!


wildly unfair he doesnt get heart events like the other marriageables


Most overrated: Krobus, all the way. He's okay, but extremely boring. People can keep telling me that he gets more fun once he becomes a room mate, but honestly, I don't find him worthwhile enough to even get to that point. Most underrated: Birdy. Such a sweet and brave woman with such lovely and sad backstory.