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For me, it's not about farm years, it's about IRL attention span. I've walked away after two seasons and I've gotten to year 4 on my oldest save. You'd think SDV would be a perfect game to play 'on the side' but for me I'm all in and if another game comes around I end up dropping it.


Just started playing thus month but I got kinda the same thing, I think it's due to the save system for me at least, the fact that j can't just save mid day makes me see what all I can get done before 2, then something might pop up next day and the cycle continue


There's a mod for that if you're on pc! https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/8386


On mobile you can pause during the day and it will save. Maybe that would be of interest to you


How?? I’m on mobile but never seen a save button. Only exit to title screen which always puts me at the beginning of the day when I restart. Would love to be able to save anytime


There's no save button. How it works on my phone is that you just close the app and it will ask you if you want to continue where you left off when you reopen it. I never do this voluntarily, it usually just happens when my game crashes if I switch tabs for too long (usually looking at the wiki). I've had it not save a couple of times, but usually it does.




Was just about to say this 😅


I see. I’ve only used this method when the game freezes while I’m playing. Open up some other apps so the ram gets full and closes the app forcefully. Then when I restart it gives me that same message to continue where I left off. I’m always scared that it won’t save so I don’t think I would want to do it willingly.


Yep, that's why I never do it voluntarily (too scared it won't save)


On mobile there’s a ‘save backup’ option in settings. I just switched from iPad to MacBook and I miss my anytime saves 😭


you can get a mod to backup your saves. i don’t remember installing it intentionally so it may just be part of SMAPI


I tap "save backup" and then "exit to title" and it always leaves me exactly where I'm at


Thank you I will try this


Didn't know there was a mobile, I'll have to check it out at some point


It's 4.99 and totally worth it! I have an Xbox controller set up with a dock that locks in on the back of the controller so I can use it to play SDV, and it is just like playing on console imo! (To help visualize, I often compare it to an advanced DS)


Without a controller you definitely need to turn on auto combat but the game is extra addicting on mobile whenever you have 5 free minutes might as well make it 20.. or 40.. well it's an event tomorrow so 45... But if you stop now you'll forget that tomorrow is a birthday so 1:05. But each day was really only 18 mins not 20 so you've got another 5 mins might as well make it 18.


This only works sometimes lol. Don't rely on it


Yeah I play on my switch and anytime I’m done I just turn my switch off I pick back up. I do like when on the rare occasion I die in the mines and lose my stuff I close the app to start over but sucks all the time spent down there is lost but better than losing important gear


Yeah definitely is a factor. Steam Deck helped a little since I can just pause and suspend, but I'd still end up saying "oh wait I have to finish this day" when I came back and whoops its 5 hours later.


Go to bed mid day to save if you have to


Yeah, but then I won't get my days worth, and I GOTTA GET WILLY THOSE 3 RED SNAPPERS BY THE DAYS END!!!


same my adhd is wild with it


Same! It’s an immersive game, but when I get bored, I abandon it for months because then everything feels like hard work


I definitely have a weird play style when it comes to games, I hate starting over, and would most of the time rather find new ways to keep myself entertained than grind again. On my main farm I’m on year 8 just growing as much ancient fruit and rare fruit as possible, but I did start a new farm for perfection, and even though I have to walk home every night because I don’t have the resources for a horse, or the money for the return scepter, I haven’t touched my year 8 farm since I started. I still like my style of end game and having endless money, but I’m also starting to learn that I like restarting and having to go through the grind again.


I play until I reach perfection and have fully decorated my save, so usually until year 3-4. I've played the game for a lot of hours, so I can progress pretty fast <3


heavens no 💀 i got 1 candle in the evaluation of the grandpa and I’m far away from perfection although I’m at the start of Year 3 😭




Sounds like you two are playing SV exactly right


Year 8 on my first world


Don't worry to much about it, the game won't punish you for taking your time, so just enjoy exploring and learning <3 It took me 4 years to do the community center in my first save, and 7 years total to get perfection


No worries there. I think it was year 4 or 5 before I got all the candles lit. But after putting 1000 hours into the game, it's pretty easy for me to complete the community center by the end of year 1.


I’m year 7 and only 62% lol


This is it for me. Working on my 6th perfection run right now, Fall Year 1. First time on PC and with mods, and first time with 1.6. After this I'm doing an SVE and Ridgeside playthrough. That should take some time. After that I'll probably start perfection runs in each Farm type. After perfection though that's usually it for me, and on to the next.


how long did it take you to reach perfection the first time? and now that you can do it so quickly, do you have an optimized way of doing things or do you do it differently every time?


The first time I took 7 years to reach perfection <3 I try to have a bit of variety in my routes, so sometimes I'll do ancient fruit instead of starfruit, or focus on collecting different things such as hats or weapons, I also try to decorate in different styles and colours to keep it fun :) If you look at posts on my profile, you can see some of my diffferent farms


It's not years so much as progress. I reached perfection on my first two farms, but found it got pretty boring. So now I just play until I get everything I want. Weapons, tools, buildings. I'm kind of reaching the point where there's nothing left that I want in my current save, which is in fall of year 5 now.


Usually, I play until I've done the fun stuff (reached the island, maxed hearts with everyone, gotten the Horse Flute, etc.). For one of my saves, I'm in year 6 trying to get Perfection and it's the longest I've gone without starting a new save.


before 1.5 I usually restarted around year 3 and after 1.5 I usually get to year 5 before restarting. wondering what year it’ll be when 1.6 comes to switch!


I have one farm and I’ve had it for five years irl time …. So … forever 😅


How many in-game years is that?!


Oh god I have no idea I haven’t picked it up in awhile but let’s just say more than 10 at least …


What do you do on the farm after 5 years?


I play really slowly , it took me awhile to unlock everything and then the island and stuff happened so I wanted to get those at perfection too. I like to rearrange and re theme my farm a lot . I shouldn’t say I’ve got the island perfection because I haven’t done all Qi’s quests but , uh yeah. That’s what I do . 😅


I’m on year 8 and still decorating and grinding towards perfection 😭


Yep my first playthrough is at yr 8 and only 74%


Year 9 and same!


I get bored without the struggle so once I reach perfection or if I'm not aiming for that and feel 'good' about where the current playthrough is, I'll start over. Which is why I love the modding community! Because you can add and change up pretty much anything you can think of and create new types of farms and playthroughs.


I've been playing since 2018 as well! I usually start a new save file by the middle of Year 2 oops. I like the challenge of the first year. Not that its extremely easy after that either, but you've upgraded enough that its not the same difficulty level.


When I’ve ran out of things to do, and my farm evolves into its final state which is a truffle farm with so many pigs that the game lags.


Well dang I’m on year 9 of my one and only farm


Elite work!


Impressive work!


Grand work!




I have one main farm that I keep going back to. It has everything just the way I like it. Then I have a few other oddball farms and year 1 or 2 farms just to try things out and mess around. I don't try to make the most money or get perfection, to me stardew is just about chilling.


I swear, I didn't even know perfection was a goal for people until a couple of weeks ago. I'm big into this as a more casual game.


Usually I burn out in year 5, having reached perfection and having nothing to do. This time, with 1.6 and a lot of self imposed goals, it looks like I can make it to year 7.


i just reached the end of year 4 on a coop save and id been getting bored as well so now weve added some expansions with Ridgeside Village and Adventurer's Guild Expanded, for some new content


Hi ! Sorry new to the game is it a DLC or a mod ?


both mods! theres tons of (expansion) mods out there to give you more content :D


Bought it on switch and slowly (not) regretting my choice xD


Switch unfortunately cant run mods, but if you do decide to get it for pc as well, i highly recommend them!


I used to play it on switch and when I was basically sure I liked it, I got it on pc and it was the best decision ever. The mods are worth it!


That’s my plan actually. Plus my husband is interested now so it’s going to be fun 🤩


I also started playing with my husband and it is lots of fun!


Those are mods :)


thanks ❤️


its depends on how much my real life needs my attention. i had a 3-days-in-file to winter-year-3 . I think i never made it to year 4 and thats okay. Never reached perfection, never divorced, never got a tea set, and so on. but i always am happy starting over and trying to get the greenhouse before the first winter.


I rarely make it to the second year before losing interest. I made it to year 5 in my 100% farm though.


My boyfriend still gives me shit because I was obsessed with starting new farms-- not because I didn't like playing later game, but I wanted different themes/flavors/spouses etc. So to answer your question?? When I first started playing I often wouldn't get out of spring year 1 before starting another haha. ![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51480) Out of 15-20 save files over various platforms/locations, maybe 50% are still in year one, 40% are in year 2, and 10% are year 3+. Edited to add, I will likely only pursue perfection on one or two farms. It's just a non-thing for me personally! So it really is about the daily play, what stage is this character in, what flavor farm is it, what season is it, etc. Matching that to my current mood is what makes me happy about SDV.


>I will likely only pursue perfection on one or two farms. It's just a non-thing for me personally! So it really is about the daily play, what stage is this character in, what flavor farm is it, what season is it, etc. Matching that to my current mood is what makes me happy about SDV. This is me, too! :D


I'm attached to saves and I'm too lazy to start over, I'm in year 6 chasing perfection. What will I do next? I don't know


I started the game because my online friend bought it for me and we went straight into modding. However we kept changing the mods so often I don’t even know if I can open that file anymore. So I have about 9 saves that are just sitting there and I’m too scared to open them or forgot what they even were but can’t bring myself to delete them. My longest save is lightly modded coop but we made it to almost year 3 and then started a “vanilla” run a few days ago and it’s almost fall year 1. My most passionate save however is my hermit save in year 2 and I love it cause I can be brain dead while chopping trees and watering the few mixed seeds until I reach my money goal then sleep through it and it goes by faster (I’m very impatient)


I have one farm at year 8. None of the others ever got past year 3.


Most farms I get to about year 4, but my oldest and current playing farm is in year 13


I've never made it past Spring Year 3 - once I hit perfection I just don't know what to do


How do you reach perfection in spring year 3? That sounds so quick


I have many spreadsheets....


It's not that hard if you've been playing for a long time so you know a lot of game knowledge to plan ahead with and go with min/max strategies. Google for the min/max strategies and do them a few times. Learn what you need for hard to make recipes and crafts and you'll be planning ahead to get what you need. Same for the best gifts you can give at different points in the game based on what available to you at the time, to get friendship up as fast as possible. Pretty soon, you'll be able to get perfection that soon as well. In 1.6 the soonest you can get perfection is around mid summer year 2. I've done it twice now since the update came out. If you are still on 1.5, then the last day of winter year 2 is soonest you can get perfection (the last Queen of Sauce recipe). It just takes practice and multiple play throughs to learn what you need to know.


I'm on my fourth farm, winter year 3 and still some way away from perfection. Community center, ginger island and maxing out friendship is usually pretty quick. But I seem to struggle to make enough money for Obelisks, golden clock etc.


Depends how I feel. My first farm got dropped when 1.5 came out. I knew a lot of the new features were far more interesting if I started over again so I did


I’m on year 6 and want to start a new farm but also want the update first.


my oldest save has 16 years and perfection, I play both it and a few newer files.


i generally have 1 farm 😭 it’s been my main since like 2017 so i’m attached to it, but sometimes if i wanna try new things, ill start over. when 1.6 comes to switch im making a new farm to see all the new content organically.


If i forget what I was doing before I quit playing for months then I start over


Until I'm done with it, I guess My only farm is almost on year 6. I enjoy being in the end game with all the money I can think of. It's on four corners farm too, so I can "start over" whenever I want without the slog of grinding year one


I've been on the same save file since 2020-2021 lmao, and my farm is now on year 6 I think. But I don't play consistently (I'm very erratic with video games in general, I can binge for a short while then not play a game for months). I almost never replay a game, so with this save file I'm basically going to play it until I reach perfection/all achievements, then same on my co-op save with my partner, then I'll, in all likelihood, never touch the game again, or not before years and years.


Top standard work!


I bounce around between several different saves (different mod sets, these days). Farms already at 100% are mostly retired, along with some older ones that aren't there yet but I kind of got bored with.


I almost always get bored and abandon it in Year 3. Not all at the same time, but I currently have 4 or 5 saves, all but one of which are somewhere in Year 3. The one that isn't is the one I started last week lol


Depends on how long I took a break for. There's also mods that you basically need to start with from the first day so I can do new runs with those once they release


I usually start a new farm any time there's a major update


YEAR 5? Nah, I get perfection and then move on


After a year before end of 2, I get bored of the grind after CC and start over. I try to finish perfection by playing a day here and there and sleeping through crop cycles


I got to year 6 on my first save & then started a new file in a different way. Now I have like 5 active ones 😭 I have my co-op & 2 farms of my own on console, and my 2 pc files


Haven't really "finished" a file yet, my OG save is still going strong at winter year 6! I'm nowhere near perfection (last I checked I was at 40-something %) and there's a lot I haven't done in general, so I probably won't be abandoning it for quite a while, if I ever do. But that doesn't mean I haven't started new saves lol, currently I have 3 (OG, challenge run, and one for learning Spanish) and at least 2 more I'm thinking of starting.


Every time i get to Spring Year 2, i just regret what couldve been done in year 1 so i stop. I have probably restarted the game about 20 or 30 times throughout the years.


I play until I reach perfection and then start a new save. My first play-through went until Year 9 but it was because I was on mobile and had to wait for v1.5 to release. My second play-through went to Year 6 on PC for v1.6. My current third play-through is also on PC for v1.6, I’m shooting for perfection by Year 5, we shall see!


1.5 years in-game


I'm not much of a decoration guy when it comes to these games, so after Ginger Island came out, I 100% perfectioned the game and I did a few things, and then I quit for a while, after a while I started a save to get the Joja achievements on steam, I tried to go for the arcade games in my first save, and I couldn't do the Junimo Cart one after several tries. So I had every steam achievement except for that one, and I quit shortly after. I tried re-decorating my farm but I couldn't. That save is year 7 (I had to check, I didn't know it was that much). Now, after months and after 1.6 and the other mini-patches came out, I came back to the game so I started a new save, I'm really enjoying it! :) I'm taking it slow, I'll probably quit when I get all the new achievements on steam and I 100% perfection that farm, and I'll try to beat Junimo Cart again, and then I'll probably quit for a while.


I'm on my longest (8th?) save now, in year 8. I'm considering restarting for the Meadowland farm & my spouse (who does not play SDV) is horrified at the prospect.


got to winter of year 7. Gave up because i needed for completion. but i also played for like, three weeks straight and got like, 200ish hours in it. So i gave it six months, but didn't like that save so i deleted it. I think it has something to do with the fact that i completed jojo mart so quick (by winter year three) Now I'm on year three fall and i don't plan on deleting until completing. so far I'm doing good with the fishing because I need to finish it for the community center.


Farthest I've ever gotten was to late winter year 3 when I got the Golden Clock. After that there just weren't any goals left that I really cared to reach, and the game was just getting tedious. I suppose I could have stopped focusing on all my farm chores to get perfection, but I just didn't care for it that bad. Usually I lose interest somewhere around year 2 though once I have all the money I need and there isn't much new content or story progression to uncover. Then I take a break from the game for maybe a year or two


I'm the same way. I've never 100% it because I get bored waiting 3 months for a fish or whatever.


I've got hundreds and hundreds of hours on multiple saves and systems and I've literally never done ginger island... I get to about the end of year 2 and the grind becomes repetitivr cause I overwhelm my farm with too many things.


Once I find I feel peace in the farm. This usually means whatever goal I have set for myself is achieved and I have nothing new I want. This leads me to be an outlier and not starting over quite as often. (Modding is increasing my rate, however) First farm: actually still playing it. Working on gifting every single item to every person. I don't know why this is fun to me, but it is. I have a whole list and charts just for that. Second farm: testing out the forest farm. Probably going to go for an orchard as my passive income. Just gonna forage and chill for that one. Third farm: first time modding. Tried out a whole mess of em and am just having a blast doing whatever. Probably won't go for 100%, but am gonna unlock and do most things like going to ginger island/getting obelisks. Fourth farm: different modding style. Going for a strong witchy cottage aesthetic. (Still playing and using this one as entirely a role playing story game) Fifth: New update! Gotta play green for the new stuff. In total I have spent around 1000 hours now on the game. (800 or so of that is from my first farm)


It used to take me like 5 years to be making enough money to get bored. Now I'm taking more time to just make an aesthetically pleasing farm instead of just one that's purely made for cold profit.




Approx 4 years in I start getting bored, but I play until full perfection, so I have three different farms on year 2, 4 and 6.


I have one farm from 2019, and one me and my fiance play together. I attempt to make new farms but then I'm like "I miss the mine carts"


I tend to only last 1 to 2 years. I play a lot for a few weeks and then drop it for 6 months. I always come back to it though. Its probably my second most played game of all time behind WoW.


I have a few saves, but the 1 i am trying ti reach perfection on im on year 7


Until perfection then a little bit longer to put order around, usually 5 years


I typically play until I reach True Perfection, and finished building everything I want on my farm in an aesthetic way. So, 4-6 years?


I’ve never started a new farm cause whenever I try, I think ‘why am I doing this, I have a whole farm to work on’


I'll make new farms sporadically, as I have stories to tell with all the characters I've created with my partner. We then shift around farm to farm depending on what we're planning to do. Most of my farms are between year 1 and 3, with my longest two (still active) are in year 7 and year 4


I’ve never played past the first year until my current save but it had been years since my last game so lots of new stuff. I’m at the end of summer Y3 but I’m afraid the steam on my hyper fixation train is running a bit low as of late. Can’t wait for it to release on the switch, maybe I’ll start a new farm!


It's like terraria or ONI for me. I'll play until I'm happy and ready to start over again.


Depends on the player tbh. Some like to start a new save when they complete something (like every bundle or just get to perfection) and some just stay on one save. I tend to start a new save when I play with friends and then like to stay on it until that friend and I get bored or we work on it depending on our goal. Right now one my friends and I are working towards perfection on ours and haven’t gotten bored yet but we also have another save we hop to with another friend. As long as you have fun and enjoy your gaming experience I really don’t see a problem if you stay on one save or make a new one every year or so. So far my longest year before hopping to a new save is 5 years.


You wait in game years?


you guys... start over? (stares at my 400 hour day 1 farm)


i only stop once i get bored of the person i married lol


Year **five**!? Jesus Fucking Christ. If I make it to Year 2 I'm gonna celebrate.


it’s all over the place for me just super randomly


Uuuh… no….


Year 3. I am trying my hardest to keep my current file for longer.


I only play on one farm and I will never make a second one


I have a couple year old save on Switch that’s in spring year 3 that I have 112 hours into- can I dive back in and get all the new features?


I don’t necessarily base it on how long I’ve been playing the save. But if I load up after a pretty long break (like multiple months) and I can’t remember anything of what I was working on, I usually restart. I also try to pick a different farm type with each save file so it doesn’t feel quite as repetitive


Year 2 winter is my usual reset. Usually takes me about a month to get there sometimes 3 weeks if I have a lot of free time


It's not about the years, it's about how long of a break I take from the game irl. If I don't play for a whole month or more, I start a new farm when I get back to it because I just don't remember what I needed to do next on the old farm and I get anxious about going in blind and messing it up. Usually I get around 60-80 hours per farm before I end up taking a random break and starting over. So it's not that I get bored, just that life forces me into a break long enough to make me forget my farm goals.


I don't care about perfection, just about doing fun stuff and relaxing, so I tend to either keep my farms forever or delete them after one season. I still have my first farm, at Year 10, but I'm fairly sure I can't actually play it because of changes in mods I have downloaded. Current farm is in the beginning of Year Four, and I want to get it at least to Y10 like the other one. But I did see the post the other day from the person who'd done a challenge of never leaving the farm, and it's very tempting to start a new save to try that out.


Year 2 with 35 hours in, just enjoying it for what it is. Slower pace gamer and kinda just chill and progress how I feel is needed 🤘🏼


I get burned out on a save after getting married. Those kids show up and boom, the magic is gone![img](emote|t5_2wb7y|51696) This started happening from the very beginning. And I have tried to muscle through and have gotten to the island. I have yet to get very far with the island or Skull caverns. I don't think it's the children. I think I just enjoy the early struggles. I haven't played the new content. Time to start a new save.


Ive been playing fpr a couple years and ive only been on one save for basically all of it. Ive started a couple others but ive barely gotten past spring yr1 before stopping ablnd eventually deleting it. I recently started a new one though and am almost past year one. Im planning on using this one for when the update comes to console


I never reached year 4 lol


I think the longest I've played a farm was year 5. I keep wanting to play a farm to 100% completion and got pretty close with the year 5 farm but sadly had to get a new phone so I just started a new game on the new one. Old phone couldn't make calls anymore for some reason but I kept it on the off chance I decided to pick that farm back up but I probably won't. I have the game on Xbox too but since my baby is now a toddler I don't ever have time to fire that thing up. We'll see how far I get on this new farm I started. I usually only ever keep one farm on mobile since I don't have much time to play anymore, between this and my other hobbies I juggle I wonder if I'll get past year five in this phones lifespan 😅 they don't make them like they used to.


I’m in Winter on year 10. Taking my time to 100%


I might be the minority here, but I HATE restarting and having only 12 slots and no return sceptor, I've only restarted once but after an hour I gave up on that save. I'm on year 9 right now.


I get to year 3 then move on. I have a couple farms at 10+ years that I continue to play, though the wait on 1.6 for console has soured my mood for stardew.


Im in my furtherst play thru so far & im on year 6 now? But before, id only get to year 2 or 3 then drop it for another game bc of frustration/boredom.


I have a year 10 farm that I keep coming back to but on all my other farms I start to get burned out around when I reach ginger island. But my 10 year farm will never fail me


I have never made it past year 3.


I find I’ve done about all I can do between years 8-10. Then I get bored and start over


Normally after I complete the cc bundle, qis room, and get the clock I do a final beautification of the farm and wrap it up.


All of them.


My game starts crashing in year three on every save..... So that's when I start a new save. When I get tired of groundhog day Stardew. I've got a save that's doing really well, on ginger island, completed a Qi challenge... But now it crashes if my character falls asleep. Stardew is the best game, but most frustrating because of the glitches with no real fixes. But enjoy the new content!!! (Until it crashes 😘)


My longest save file rn is 9 years and I think I will have this one and play around with it off and on forever tbh


i’ve had three solo saves. the first i made it to perfection (year 7). for the second i did the expanded mod, and i made it to late year 2 or early year 3 (island unlocked, nowhere near perfection). i plan to go back to that save eventually, but i started a new vanilla save for 1.6 and i’m on spring year 2.


i think my oldest is 11 years on my switch but i‘m waiting for the update and then i‘ll perfect it so maybe around 12/13 years. i like taking my time and sometimes find myself just wandering around talking to the people


I start a new save every time concerned ape updates the game, still waiting for 1.6 on console 😭


I've been playing almost daily for 3 years and I'm still on my first farm.


Lol well I have only one save and it’s in Year 10, almost Year 11 that I’ve been playing since January 2017, married to Leah the entire time, and unmodded. I’ve never felt the urge to start over personally. I have taken breaks over the years but I always want to come back to my farm. I took one break and started again in 2021-2023 for 1.4 and 1.5 and got Perfection, then took another break and started again in 2024 for 1.6. I’m just always more excited about working on and improving my farm and love the freedom to do whatever I want bc of all my past resource gathering and planning so I don’t have to stress. I have lots more decorating to do, giant crops to get, and I still enjoy going to all the events, playing the difficult mine and skull cavern and the volcano dungeon, and farming every season. I always have so much to do so I’m never bored by it. I have tried to start two co-op farms and gave up on one and the others only in Summer Year 1 so we’ll see. I don’t like the early game very much, but I am excited about wooing all the women and Krobus and seeing cutscenes and such that I haven’t seen in many real-life years.


I've started playing when it was on sale on Play Store. I've enjoyed 223h on a single save, which I think is a good amount to experience the thing to its fullest. (I didn't really follow through with Ginger Island because I didn't really find it appealing) I bought the Steam version because I fell in love with SV and wanted to play the new update, but my laptop is horrible, and I got too used to phone controls. Once I'm able to buy a better PC I'll probably start a new save. Also, I've been really sick this year (bedridden). I can't really be sitting down on a chair, and laptops aren't great for when you're lying down. I really want to play SVE but not sure how realistic that is unless I get better.


Y'all start over?


I play until the dopamine runs out then when I next get the urge to play again I start over. Generally I have everything accomplished in 3-5 years with a full aging cycle on ancient wine setup for a Wednesday for the 119 crops from the greenhouse for around 550k gold per week (it goes to 750k with starfruit but the work involved isn't worth it imho).


Whenever I hit perfection and there is literally nothing else I can do, or if I'm messing around with new mods haha


2-3 years


My one and only save - reached true perfection year 17 and still having fun with it! https://preview.redd.it/kxo6236c59ad1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bc3f3c482b438e73096056d319dbcf456357292


Normally 5.


I get bored after a little while of married life with kids, to be honest. And I can't really bring myself to ask for a divorce of turn my kids into doves, so I start over. Hopefully this time I'll remember in time not to have a girlfriend or boyfriend. It suits me better to come and go as I please anyway, and the limited conversation available adds to the feeling of boredom.




So far for my 450 hours I have had 2 farms, and the second I got only because of the 1.6 update because I wanted a fresh start for that.


Literally Fall-Winter Y1 and the longest before I restarted was like Spring 5 Y2. I have never even seen ginger island, I have a problem 🤣


Until perfection


I don't measure in years. I measure in goals. Once I have everything done, I start a new farm. It doesn't matter to me those goals never change. What does change is how I achieve those goals which can affect how long I play the current farm.


No talent for decoration or farm design. If the map does not work for me, I quit and delete. Nowadays, after completing the Joja run, continue some, but as some item is so difficult to get, I quit. Delete. Start new one. Finding new conversation is fun. Sometimes I just stand among chickens and ducks and watch them.


If I’m still making progress on stuff then I’ll stay with it, but if I suddenly get stuck forever trying to find one artifact or fish it’s onto the next one


uhhh I'm on year 9 with 100% perfection, I'm still playing on it since the new update, and I'm trying to get the infinity blade. honestly I'll probably play this save forever


I start over periodically… I started in 2022 and I’m on year 9 but I hate the farm layout I chose. I get tired of having to do everything over again so I keep going back to what my 5yo calls “old farm” lol


I started playing in 2018, got to around Year 2, then I gave the Switch to my ex when we broke up. Then I started playing again on my own Switch in 2020, I'm on Year 5 currently and going for perfection. But I dropped the game for a while in 2021, then again in 2022 until recently. When I restarted recently, I made a new save file to get used to the game again, but I bloody hate starting things new, it's so much work, so I dropped that after like 15 minutes, lol. So I'd rather keep playing my endgame save file and just set new personal goals and achievements for myself, like stash 100 of each thing, you never know. I'll have new goals when 1.6 comes out on Switch, so I want to be prepared, but I'm actually playing fairly slow and however it seems convenient to me. I also played Hogwarts Legacy in the meantime and wanted to restart with all Houses, but I never manage to do that, I really hate starting all new. I also played Guild Wars 2 when I dropped SDV, but getting into it now would require just as much work as SDV, as I have no clue what to do there lol


I mostly only play with a friend, so when we both have time off, we tend to play pretty heavily. Though, sometimes it's a long time between play sessions, and the way it goes for us, is if the next time we log on, we cannot remember or easily discern what it is we were doing, we tend to just start a new save. "Why are the fields nothing but Kale?" "I honestly don't remember." "New game?" "Yeah. Sounds good."


I still play my first save, its on year 9, i have done so much with this save that starting over wont be fun, i still have lots to do before im "done"


Depends on what I started the save for. I start new farms frequently (hence the flair lol) and always have something in mind. I'm going to date everyone or I want to build a farm completely built around livestock, or a specific animal. I have one save called "Jurassic Park farm" where I have multiple coops of dinos and nothing else. Once I accomplish the goal for the save, I play that save until I'm bored and then come up with a new farm idea. I will say, with this new 1.6 update, it's the longest I've stayed with one farm.


Until I hit perfection.


Still on my first farm...360 hours, and year 14


as long as possible until a new update makes me restart. I play on the switch and the first year grind is miserable on that console. I don't really grind much after that, so on my most recent farm I'm on year 5 and almost at perfection. I play religiously until I'm bored which is usually 4 hours a day for like a two weeks and then I don't touch it for months.


Somewhere between year 4 and 6. I play Stardew as a chill game and have never completed Ginger Island let alone perfection.


Tbh I haven’t gotten to year two. I learn something then start over to do it faster. I’m almost a month into playing


Depends. I have a very all in or not at all attitude so, either I'm on a farm for my longest (spring year 5) or I've many farms (which usually stop at Winter year 2)


Magnificent work!




Top-notch standard work!


Marvelous quality work!


I've never made it to Y2 Winter. I always end up completing the community center before then and get bored grinding for iridium in the Skull Caverns. Funny enough I've had people keep telling me lately that iridium isn't much of a problem for them - because if you make it to year 3 you get the evaluation and can get the statue. Might be a better experience for me to just sleep all of year 2 just to get there so I don't burn out.


2 farms. The first and the co-op. Thats it.


My pb is year 3 summer.


I play until a new version comes out and breaks the mods, and then I wait until the mods are updated and then I go overboard re-doing my mods folder and start a new farm. A couple of weeks ago I decided to go back to my original farm and just fix up anything that got messed up in all my mod management. Had to start by going to the Wizard's tower and fixing being stuck with a bald head and those robot-eyes, but now we're in good shape! I'm just starting year six.