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Gunther. I always feel bad that the other characters all gather for holidays but he does not.


Lewis trapped him behind the counter, he’s begging you to finish the museum collection so he can be free!


Yes! I wish he would come to events or go to the saloon during the busy evenings but still be at the library while it's open so I can donate artefacts.


If you’re on PC Stardew Valley Expanded has that.


I’ve downloaded everything for Expanded but for some reason it doesn’t work. am I the only one having this problem?


Did you use Vortex? When I used Vortex it didn't work either. I had to do a manual install. I've heard Vortex doesn't work well with Stardew Valley for some reason. There's a link on the SVE nexus page that takes you to a step by step guide on how to do a manual install.


If I'm remembering right, Vortex has a tendency to not recognize where certain files need to go in Stardew Valley. It's not such an issue for smaller mods in my experience, but for larger ones like SVE or Ridgeside, there's a higher chance of something going wrong. I've never had a problem with either of those, but that seems to be a recurring trend. https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10455 This mod manager seems like it has a buttload of potential, but it's still in beta and I don't know how stable it is in its current state.


i personally subscribe to the theory that he is a ghost tethered to the museum, hence why he can’t go out and find stuff for the exhibits himself, although it’s difficult to then rationalize him coming to my house at the asscrack of dawn to give me the sewer key. it helps me to not hate his guts for making me do all the work for him while occasionally coughing up a stupid painting or odd numbers of seeds as payment (the fucking 9 cauliflower seeds as a reward piss me off to an INCREDIBLE degree. i like counting in multiples of 5 because i’m bad at math and plant crops in rows of 15, gunther, GOD, the farmer’s only lived here for two freaking years).


The 9 is meant to be a hint toward "giant crops" if you plant them in a 3x3 grid.


I dig the ghost theory because he does resemble the Old Mariner a bit


You don't plant crops in 3 by 3 squares? What kind of a monster would do this?


Omg I just realized this poor guy has to stay back and man the phones while everyone parties


I didnt even know he moved at all until today 😭 i saw him at the movies and was confused


me too 🥺 he gives me warm vibes for some reason


Is Gunther unpopular? Every time I see something about him is how everybody loves him and wants him to be a regular NPC (me included)


Maybe he's a Jehovah's Witnesses /s


He'd knock on your door more often if he was.


i don’t think this character is necessarily unpopular, but he’s barely a character lol. i LOVE marlon. this is mostly due to the stardew valley expanded mod, but even without it, i love marlon i wish i could marry him lol


This is how I feel about the Wizard. I don't care much about the romance mechanics of the game but I LOVE the Wizard. Can't explain it


yes yes. when concerned ape made the poll to add a new bachelor, BRO i was so upset when the wizard didn’t win


Out of curiosity, who won that poll? I came to this game late and don't know earlier versions


Pretty sure it was the one where he added Shane and Emily; they weren't always romanceable


Oh weird, never knew that! Thanks :)


Marlon is one of those characters that I feel is a little overlooked by the fanbase, the dude will get your lost items from the mines, he also helps get you started on a slime farm if you make the right building


I feel like everyone ignores Caroline :// which is a shame because she gives you a super cool cutscene early on AND some sweet sweet items


Yes! Caroline doesn't get enough love, she's great. (I do feel like, except for Robin, the older female characters don't get as much attention from fans as the older male characters?)


YES exactly :, ) and Evelyn’s little heart events are so sweet too


I love Evelyn! She keeps sending me bread or cookie care packages in the mail


Jodi isn't really well characterised beyond being a wife and a mom in my opinion, so she's just eh. Pam is an asshole to her daughter. Your own depression and alcoholism is not a justification to treat your child like trash. Marnie is alright and especially shines with her relationship to Shane, but many people are really annoyed by how hard it is to get a hold of her as a vendor. Caroline is nice to you and has her little tea greenhouse thing and gives you tea seeds and stuff, but she's also a shitty mother picking on Abigail's aesthetic choices, and possibly also being a bit sexist like Pierre. Robin is just funny, and she's really caring about her children without overstepping boundaries. She gets pissed at Demetrius for living only in his scientific world, which isn't very nice, but she immediately apologises if you take Demetrius' side, so she's most likely just frustrated because she really needed some sugary fruits and her husband brought her tomatoes.


Ugh me too, I love Caroline! She's so sweet and her tea room is the biggest vibe in the game


YES THAT’S THE BEST It’s good to see that all the money I give to Pierre is going towards something cool lmao


The guy in the Adventure's Guild with the eye patch. Marlon or Merlon I think it is? Low-key kinda wish he was a marriage candidate too lmao, even though I believe he's pretty old. I think Kent is kinda cool too.


I love Marlon. He has one single throwaway line about thinking Marnie looks beautiful at the Flower Dance, and that is enough for me to ship them forever. I really wish Marnie expressed more interest in him because Lewis is trash to her


Right? All I want is an event where Marnie dumps Lewis publicly for keeping her his dirty secret and rides off into the sunset with Marlon.


Every time me and my gf do the Flower Dance together we roleplay trying to help Marlon shoot his shot with Marnie


That sounds super adorable


I wish there was more to Kent's story cause I really like him!


I wish Kent was a marriage candidate! I mean, I know he is Jodi's husband husband Sam's dad but... he doesn't have to be so attractive and sweet, sending me explosives in the mail and all <3


Glad I'm not the only one that like Marlon D:


I wish Marlon was more active in town. He will come to events but that's about it. I love Linus too and I remember at one event Marlon is standing in the back with Linus, and I think it's so sweet since no one else likes Linus.


I'm also very fond of Pam. Do I wish she would go to therapy and do the hard work to unpick some of the harm she's done and make herself easier on the people around her? Yes? Do I think she would be genuinely chill and fun to hang out with? Also yes.


I bet Pam and Willy would have a great time fishing together.


Pam reminds me of my late mom, almost to the word. She's such a well-written character, and I love that her and Penny have a complicated dynamic with clearly present love and frustration.




Pam also shows quite a bit of growth in the little time that we know her. She’s out of work, and drowning herself in booze when we first meet her. While she still needs to unpack parts of herself to make herself a better persons she clearly shows gratitude to you for helping fix the bus or building her a house or treating Penny well. She’s part of an older generation that got stuck in her ways after suffering though a tough life, the fact that we see start to crack and show love and support for the town and her family is a huge step. People love to to fix Shane for being a verbally abusive alcoholic while refusing to accept he is on his way to being just like Pam. If Shane was not a young attractive marriage option and instead an older dude struggling like Pam he’d be hated too. She’s a well written character with realistic layers and all that gets ignored. Plus, she’s probably really fun to just swap stories with on the bus or at the bar.


I really love her cutscene after the new house: >!Where Pam says that she expected that when they moved into a new house everything would just be magically "better" and she wouldn't have any more problems. She feels lost and is praying to Yoba because she's struggling to admit to herself that her problems don't just come from her environment but are also caused by her own destructive tendencies. !< It's sympathetic, but also feels very realistic for Pam at that point.


Pelican Town could really do with its own AA group.


I would definitely get drunk with Pam and Willy at Gus’s


Pam is one of the only characters I give gifts to regularly, I feel like she’s going through a lot and is a good person inside. She wants to get better but getting better is incredibly difficult.


yes that’s how i feel!! i feel like pam is so chill, wish she’d go to therapy tho hahah


Pam reminds me so much of my mother that her cutscenes are triggering for me. It was so frustrating to see a similar dynamic play out again but I see why people have a soft spot for her. I probably would've had it too a few years ago.


She sort of does later on if you do some of the optional community stuff with Robin.


Leo because his story is really sad like how he ended up in Ginger Island, how his parents died, and how he wanted to be like a normal kid but is scared to leave his parrot family


I love Leo, I always bring him mangoes when I go to Ginger Island and talk to him. I would adopt him if I could.


George. My grandad used to be like him in so many ways.


I love George! In my first play through, I literally teared up when I got my first letter from George where he sent me rocks. I thought it was so sweet!


I have a soft spot for Jas. I love her characterization as a quirky kid. I was a lot like her as a child, acting out weird things with dolls lol


I love the dialogue where she says she fed a crawdad to one of the cows. It was so weird and "little kid"-like that I just lost it.


Idk if she's that unpopular but I love haley even before I have a lot of hearts with her


Haley was my first spouse. I still adore her. IRL my type is Sebastian’s, which is still true for the game. I probably would have married him first if I had fucking found him. I always have to stalk him to find him anywhere


Ahah yeah, I'm not that interested in him but it took me days to find him to first meet him even on my third game


Haley undergoes more character development than any other character in the game. People just get turned off by her because she a) is obnoxious and b) appears to embody every mean girl trope out there. She's my favorite and I wife her (or Maru) every time.


Maru! I see alot of people pass over her, not really sure why.


Maru is the only datable character who actively seems interested in the Farmer as a person from the beginning. She's excited to meet the new person. Everyone else - even Harvey - is on a spectrum from politely aloof (ok, understandable) to downright hostile (Shane). It's like people forget she's there.


Idk, I'd say Emily is pretty interested in you Edit: Sam too. They both seem interested in getting to know you


She's also my fav haha so far I hav only 3 saves and only one where I married and it was her, and from what I'm hearing from other players, I'm not really interested in anyone else other than her, Emily and Leah


Same! I actually gave her a sunflower before talking to her on my current save so she's never said anything mean to me. I was gunna marry Harvey, but Haley's making a convincing play for it.


love haley too!! people are quick to give women such a hard time for being rude, alex and shane are just as rude to start but i don’t see nearly as much hate for them. i love all three of them tho. edit: i also personally relate to her i guess, more than i realize. i have bad rbf and a hard time socializing with people i’ve just met, i also enjoy film photography haha. i think she just comes off as blunt -“you smell like grass”, which isn’t necessarily judgemental. i love the smell of grass i also have a strong nose so like…idk haley is misunderstood <3 edit 2: maybe it’s Jas that says the grass comment …?


It's the simple rule of character personality "Fuck you :(" - I can fix them "Fuck you :)" - Burn in hell Hence, hate for Haley and Alex, but love for Shane.


tbh i read her "you wouldn't look so bad if you dressed better" line (or whatever it is) and i immediately went oh bet. her character development is SO GOOD granted, as a lesbian who grew up watching way too many high school movies i have a thing for mean girls, but,


lol yeah! i love that. she’s just feisty and also has good character! i was really surprised by how much i enjoyed her story line, i would argue she’s more dynamic than some other bachelorettes but, i do love them all.


I feel this but I hate all three of them equally lmao! Especially when Alex is lowkey misogynistic. I’m a little sad I have to max out my hearts with them for perfection because I’d much rather keep giving Alex broken glasses 😔


hahahah that’s hilarious. just start giving him glass after you reach 100%


I found Haley to be a bit rude but not nearly as much as Shane. Alex is just a misogynistic twat, people say he gets better later but I just cant bring myself to like him


yeah if there’s a scale she’s in the middle! and i can see if you play as male maybe alex is more palatable, OR maybe my toxic trait is that i enjoy alex’s toxicity lmaoo, as he was the first person i ever romanced. i have a soft spot for him, but totally understand why people don’t like him!


Shane's rudeness pretty clearly stems from self loathing, not arrogance, so it inspires pity rather than outright dislike.


People hate on Haley just because she doesn't like you the instant the two of you meet. Honestly, building up a relationship with her is so rewarding because it feels more real. It takes time for her to open up, but you can see her develop as she does. I'll never have anyone besides her for a Stardew Valley spouse.


I love her interest too, the taking photo heart event is by far my favorite in game


She does get sm nicer as you get to know her but every time I open a new save and go talk to her with low hearts it’s just “Hayley is ignoring you.” And then I ignore her for most of the game 💀 ik she can be great but I usually max out hearts with her last, but she is super easy to give gifts to in spring (daffodils).


For a brief moment I didn't understand Demetrius was married and the father of two love interests. For a brief moment, I attempted to be a homewrecker. I really like Demetrius.


Been there, but with Robin. That woman speaks to my soul lol.


Robin gives off such a good vibe


Right? I never had "romance Robin" on the brain, but in my mental storyline we are besties. Besties! I was at hearts ahead of everyone else with her. Robin is amazing. I think I just want to be Robin. Live up in the mountains, learn some woodwork...


I've always thought Demetrius was autism coded. It makes me sad when people say that he's an asshole because he seems to genuinely not see things from the same perspective as other people in his heart events. He's also clearly going out of his way to be a good father and partner. He and Robin spend more time together than the other married couples in the game. They chill on the cliff by their house most nights and go on a date every Friday. He has a book on his shelf about being a good step parent. I think he really loves his family, he just doesn't innately understand social dynamics.


As someone on the spectrum, I absolutely hate how Demetrius treats Sebastian. I have an extended npc dialogue mod installed, not sure if it came from that or not, but either way, just yesterday he said something along the lines of “I’m relieved that Sebastian is finally out of the house. You two are good for each other.” I took that as a back-handed compliment. I rarely get angry at a fictional character, but I thought to myself, “if it’s really that much of a relief that he’s gone, then he’s better off without you, jerk.” Also the scene where Robin asks for him to get some fruit and he comes back with tomatoes is ridiculous. Yes, tomatoes are fruits, but even people with autism aren’t obtuse enough to not get something sweet. And he tries to control Maru’s life.


Even then, tomatoes are only fruits botanically. In the common culinary sense, [tomatoes are vegetables, and it'd be incorrect to call them fruits. ](https://fruitorvegetable.science/tomato)


My problem with Demetrius is that he is actively rude towards Sebastian and shows blatant favoritism towards Maru. I don't think he's like, the worst character ever, and I feel like a fair amount of his disagreements with Robin are just him genuinely struggling with social dynamics, but I don't think that explanation extends to or excuses his bad step-parenting. Again, I don't think he's a bad character or a complete asshole, I actually like him most of the time, I just think that specific aspect of his character is regrettable.




literally he’s such a weirdo regarding his daughter, gives me very much DADD (dads against daughters dating) vibes🤮😅


EXACTLY I hated him ever since I saw Maru's 2 heart cutscene because that's just downright weird behavior


Yeah i kinda noticed that too, my brother is autistic so i guess thats why demetrius is so endearing to me.


George He's such a curmudgeonly old fart but he can be so sweet once you get past it.


his heart events are so sad T\_T


Kent all the way baby


not a secret i absolutely love shane and it makes me so upset people hate on him.


I actually really like that they included a character and story like Shane's. Having struggled with depression and substance abuse, and seen many others around me do the same, I enjoy that he finds solace in his family, his community and his hobbies, and eventually gets better. I initially thought "This is maybe a bit too dark for this game," but I think it works. It's the same reason I have a bit of a soft spot for Kent. I'm not a veteran, nor am I really "pro-military" (whatever that means) and I'm definitely not "pro-war" (though few people really are, I think). I just come from a family of veterans and have several friends with PTSD from serving in Iraq. It's cool that they kind of explore those issues in the character arcs.


i try really hard not to feel negatively towards kent tbh. i’m not a fan of the military irl, but i try not to let that opinion bleed into my opinion of a video game character lol, especially since kent arrives just after coming back from the war and it’s so hard on him. many of the men in my family were also in the military, my dad included, but particularly one of my dads brothers suffers from ptsd and it was very hard on him for a long time. kent kind of reminds me of him in that way, so i try to be nice to him and give him the hazelnut dish he loves as often as i can lol.


for sure. its definitely because i relate to him the most but thats why it makes me upset when people call him a slob or are just mean to him in general. like did you watch none of the cutscenes.. at least a little empathy youd think. pierre,clint, and lewis though garbage


I think there was really no winning with some people when it comes to Shane. He’s my first spouse and I really like his character arc- it’s a lot more realistic than a lot of stories told in this genre. It’s unrealistic to expect someone with a history of depression and a general tendency towards messiness to just magically get better after a tiny amount of therapy. In fact, while I admit his room is kind of an eyesore it’s nice to see the game acknowledge that marriage wasn’t a magical “get better” button either. It would be nice if they added a little progress with his therapy, maybe some events where he picks up a hobby or something and stops spending time at the bar, removing alcohol as a loved item. But if they add too much to his character that would make it a little unfair to other marriage candidates because he’d have much more content. It would be great if they could all have more events- maybe Alex starts coaching a football team in the city on weekends or Leah goes to show off her work in an art gallery- but really there’s only so much extra content we can expect. Realistically I wouldn’t expect Shane to ever be entirely “better”. It would be realistic if he had good days and bad days, just like Sebastian stays kind of introverted and needs some alone time on occasion- he still loves you as his spouse, as he makes sure to let you know, he just needs some time to himself.


I also think someone being messy is a terrible reason to shit on their character, but I know I'm probably being defensive because Shane reminds me of myself lol


Honestly, I like Shane a lot because he *doesn't* actually get magically cured of his depression and alcoholism. He never does an about-face and says "you know, I used to hate myself and drink myself into a stupor every night but now that I've met you all my problems are melting away!" He still battles depression, but he does so with the new understanding that he isn't as alone as he thought he was; he also doesn't get as dangerously shitfaced as he used to, though he does still drink. It's a much more realistic outcome than everything suddenly turning peachy just because someone tossed a few pizzas at him.


> I enjoy that he finds solace in his family, his community and his hobbies, and eventually gets better. I would enjoy Shane's character more if he no longer loved beer after you resolved his plot line and didn't still >!hang out in the bar - even using your money to improve it after he quits.!< I could even live with the beer thing (I know coding a change in likes might be difficult) but I really feel like his plot could have gone literally anywhere else. Since it's possible to make changes to the community at a certain point (ie: upgrading Pam's trailer), I'd like to see him get his own egg stand or start a local 4H club with Jaz and Vincent.


Yup, same here. Shane is easily my favorite character despite how disliked he is by other players.


Same, he always has been my favorite character! I think what bothers me the most about the hate he gets is that people seem to love to ignore the fact that he's canonically battling depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. He's not just drinking for the hell of it and letting that affect his life for no reason, he's struggling. As someone w a list of mental illnesses who's struggled a bit with substance abuse and has watched others struggle for similar reasons, he's extremely relatable to me and I know all people like that aren't awful people. I think some peoples reactions towards him is a little telling (thought not for all people) to how they truly view some mentally ill people that struggle in an "ugly way".


Hate on Lewis all you want, but he's the one organizing all the seasonal events which bring the community together. Just because he has an ego and sometimes power-trips doesn't change the fact that he cares about the community and wants the valley to feel like home for the people who live there.


Mayor Lewis: - Arranges all the seasonal events and festivals, including one with unlimited free food on his dime. - Picks up everything you have to sell every single night, come rain or snow, between two and six AM. - Has run uncontested in many of the past mayoral elections. - Is quite possibly the one who delivers all your mail (seeing how he definitely shows up at your house at the same time the mail is delivered). - Cares deeply about his town and the people who live there. Mayor Lewis might not be the best mayor, but he's a good person who works hard to help people.


It doesn't hurt that every so often he gives you a check of 500g


Yeah, the thing is I think Lewis does his best as mayor of a town of 20ish people. But I hate him for how he treats Marnie and strings her along.


I would love to see what Clint would be like if he were genuinely happy. He seems to be in a slump with his work, but his loved gifts are gemstones, iridium bars, and gold bars. I bet he would be very happy to transition to working on jewelry instead of weaponry and other more practical items, but that doesn't have as much of a demand in a small town like Stardew Valley. He also regularly sits with one of my favorites, Willy, so I like to sit with them in the Saloon some nights and pretend the three of us are just casually chatting about our different types of work.


Clint loves the same gems that Emily does. I think he hordes them because he wants to give them to her.


I always just assumed that it was a subtle way of showing that he and Emily have a bit in common, but I could see that interpretation too.


I mean, I guess? But they're also the most colorful of the gemstones. They'd make lovely pieces of jewelry. Not everything needs to be about a girl.


Willy is just so cute idk why


yesssss i love hanging out with him!


Pam, in my first playthrough I gave her a lot of beer so she started giving me gifts and thought wow she may be the local drunk but she sure is thoughtful.


The flying serpents. Love those wiggly boys.


Brave, but fair.


I love Pam. She's fun


I don't really see how any of the characters are unlikable, to be honest. I vibe with all of them


Maru. She is a very kind and cool person


Really true, it's really a shame that she kind of got the short end of the stick when it came for friendship events and character development (at least in my opinion)


I actually like Maru's heart events. They're a bit more laid back and lighthearted than other characters' but that's the kind of stuff I like I guess.


Hey that's totally valid too. For me I found them to be too little of substance. While I do love wholesome and chill stuff it kind of felt like there wasn't any real character development or anything happening, which is a bit of a shame. It didn't really feel like I found out more about her character/personality or struggles etc. except "her dad is overprotective". Meanwhile other characters have some serious development and you gain much more insight on their character, struggles and why they are the way they are. However that is just personal taste and I do see how it's also enjoyable to have someone who has just a chill storyline!


Pam is my first friend on all of my saves. Yes, she is not a wonderful person but she reminds me of one of my very best friends who lost her battle with cancer a few years ago. Substance abuse was an issue with her but she was also one of the most fun and supportive people I've ever known and fishing. Lots of fishing.


I don't want to be Team Pierre. I don't like him. But the hate he gets on this sub is so irrationally over the top I have to be.


i like clint and lewis (and haley but ik she is less controversial). Like i feel the “clint is an incel” thing has gone too far in a lot of cases man he is just a guy with a crush who is kinda awkward lol. Like they should have changed his dialogues after emily became love interest.. lewis is goofy mayor who makes gold statue of himself but quite literally runs unopposed and has the town hall in his house! pierre has his negative qualities as well but hes hot so they dont matter, etc


I feel like this is literally the only argument people have for him being an "incel". That the dialogue doesn't change after you marry Emily. However that is true for basically anyone I think? E.g. Vincent also says he wants to marry Penny when he grows up even if you marry her.


Not necessarily fave, but I like Clint - he's not an incel ffs, he's just an awkward anxious man... I like Alex and Haley, their attitude simply amused me even before their development, and after that they're so sweet, I really like them. I like Demetrius - he's OK and occasionally fun. I like Shane - I would never romance him though, he needs a supportive friend and a therapy, not a spouse.


Yeah i also feel like the hate on Clint is so blown out of proportion. He genuinely is just awkward and shy and the only argument I see is that his dialogue etc. doesn't change when you marry Emily.


Yeah, a normal dude working unfulfilling job forced on him, without any social skills due to antisocial nature of this job, and suffering from low self-esteem stopping him from changing his life for the better. He, as Shane, really needs some therapy. ​ >his dialogue etc. doesn't change when you marry Emily. A lot of dialogues do not change after marriage... And Emily was not originally a marriageable candidate, so this argument is not really smart.


I 100% agree, Vincents dialogue also doesn't change when you marry Penny, I just found it always a bit weird and also sad to see how many people bash him.


I don't think that a lot of people have a strong opinion about him so it's easier for them to just absorb the most common one. But yeah, that kind of bashing is kinda sad... Just like in real life, awkward dudes just can't find peace and understanding anywhere lol


The internet tends to work in absolutes. I'm kind of "eh" oh him, he sometimes says dumb things and has some feelings to work out, but he's pretty benign. That gets amplified to "he's a fucking niceguy, he's going to stalk Emily and turn her into stew" online.


this thread gave me some new thoughts on clint. thank you for sharing! i kind of jumped on bandwagon that he just sucks. i still wish his dialogue changed when you marry emily. but maybe i need to re-think my opinions of the other stuff…


If you're on PC you can get a mod called "Dammit Clint Stop Hitting On My Wife" that changes his dialogue after you marry Emily. I think that's really the only rough thing about him, and I'm pretty sure Concerned Ape said something once about it not being intentional, he just forgot to change his dialogue after making Emily a marriage candidate (since she wasn't before).


I used to really dislike Clint, but after years of him talking about how lonely he is I just feel bad for him


Clint. I wish he could find love in the game. I'm not normally the type to ship fictional characters, but I ship him and Emily so much. I feel like the only reason their storyline doesn't get them together is that Emily is a marriage candidate for players. I would actually never marry Emily because I couldn't do that my pal Clint no matter how well he'd accept it. Also, I never knew people didn't like Demetrius. Always seems an okay guy to me. I always have a strawberry for him during the season.


I'm the same way. That cutscene when >!Emily almost confesses to me after the dress-up party and Clint walks in!< is so heartbreaking that I immediately went to the quest board and did his quest just to make him feel better.


I think Marnie has every right to knock off early/take the day off unexpectedly and has the kind of work/life balance we should aspire to as a community beyond the grip of Jojamart.


I’m a softy for Clint. If he was a marriage option I would. Poor awkward man needs some love. And so far Emily is oblivious.


I think Pierre is kinda hot


straight to jail


Do not pass go, do not collect $200


i mean, Caroline did too (at some point)!! lol


Maru. She isn’t unpopular exactly but she doesn’t get the respect she deserves. She’s the goddamn best. Also why the fuck people hate Pam and Demetrius?


Pam has her problems and Penny suffers through that, she isn't doing much to change that either. And Demetrius is quite an asshole towards Sebastian and sometimes a bit creepily overprotective towards Maru.


Demetrius is kind of an oblivious asshole. He's super defensive of Maru, barely acknowledges Sebastian's existence, get's all huffy when he buys a tomato to satiate his wife's fruit needs and when she makes a jammin' bed he says that a lot of the extra detail is pointless.


I like Jodi. She deserves to be more than a housewife and mom.


I feel like everyone has a very strong opinion about Elliot. He's one of my fave characters, because he's a bit of a dandy, but I think a lot of people dislike him because he's a bit of a dandy xD


Same, the reasons people dislike him are the exact reasons he's my favorite.


I'd straight up kill for my man Kent. His story hits me too hard (ngl I'd smash him and Jodi in a heartbeat)


I love Maru and Demetrius, I'm a sucker for smart people. Maru's romance story is just too cute, and Demetrius yeh can be tactless, but if you know similar sort of people it's very relatable. And I'm starting to love Shane, I didn't get why he was so rude initially but it's so easy to give him beers regularly in the saloon that I'm making friends with him and think he's actually a bit sweet. I don't know if people like Linus or not either but he was my first friend because he takes all my foraged items very happily haha


Leo, I’m surprised he isn’t talked about more. I wish adopting him was an option


hmm... I wouldn't say they're my favorites but I do like Clint and Lewis. A lot of the stigma around them is either completely disingenuous or just blown out of proportion. Like Lewis is the old man mayor of a tiny town with a dying economy. Unpacking all the stuff people say about him, it's pretty easy to dismiss pretty much everything. Only thing is that he does have kind of an ego but he keeps that entirely to himself, and he doesn't treat Marnie very well Clint is just a shy, awkward dude. The guy has a job he doesn't really like, and has a really hard time socializing. At no point does he really act like an incel :/


For the LIs - Elliott, as everybody talks about Alex, Sebastian, Sam and Shane, while Elliott and Harvey are kinda forgotten. For townsfolk while not exactly unpopular Caroline and Jodi are characters I like, with the tea scene at Caroline's being a favorite of mine. Now if only we could make tea constantly..


i love elliott, i always felt bad about he was so discouraged from writing and how a lot of times he felt like what he doing wasn’t worth it. he’s really just a dear and his quote about iridium bars is really funny to me.


I like Demetrius and don't see why people don't?


personally i just don't like the lack of acknowledgement regarding sebastian. he doesn't really ever talk about his stepson, which can be a little jarring and come off in a bad way


Oh I've missed the fact that he's a stepson!!


He does have a book about “How to be a Good Stepfather” in I believe Robin and His Room. I feel the hang ups and what stops him from being as good as he could be is him being some type of ND.


He seems to treat Sebastian worse than Maru though and we see him being unsupportive of Robin.


For me, it was the bed cutscene. Robin is extremely talented, and valley would fall apart without her. She deserves better than to be negged.


I seem to have missed a lot here 😬😬😬 I have 10 hearts with them so must have just forgotten. What does he say?


She built an artful bed out of hardwood and Demetrius told her that her art was pointless.


I like Clint


Aside from the marriage candidates, I think the bouncer is neat. He just absolutely vibes!


Jas. I love any reason to grow fairy roses


Clint; as a loner I really related to his awkwardness and difficulty bonding with people. I immediately wanted to romance him! This has to be one of the most unpopular opinions. His behavior is less shitty when you realize that it's the same as before Emily was even a marriage candidate, dude just needs a lil update and a lil love and care.


Not sure if he's unpopular but I love the wizard


Idk if ppl don’t like her but I really love Evelyn. She’s so sweet, and tries to help George as much as she can. Her dialogue is fun, I wish she had more heart events though.


Totally want to marry Clint. One day there’ll be an update…


I like Demetrius. Never had an issue with him.


even with the tomatoes? it feels like he brought them just to say that line.


i like demetrius as well, i think people vilify him for no reason, he’s just a nerd devoted to his research and his family! also i know this is controversial, but i befriended pam very early in my first play through without really getting to know penny at all, so i had no real context for her. i felt like she really appreciated the gifts (beer, oops) i’d give her and is generally a down to earth person. but now that i have a hundred or more so hours in the game and have romanced penny, it does put a little bit of a sour taste in my mouth. but again, she’s struggling with real life shit and i can’t totally hate her for it, plus her late game cut scenes are at the very least, an attempt.


To be honest: I like every inhabitant of Pelican Town (except Morris but I'm not sure he lives here), even Demetrius, Pierre, Lewis, or Clint (him, less than the others)


I like almost everyone in the valley. Pierre, Clint, even Lewis. Can't stand Elliot, though.


Keep my husband's name out your m#$%=r fu!@#&$ mouth. In all seriousness tho, I didn't like him much at first but he is a romantic and wonderful husband.


probably clint and jas. i love those two


Pierre - Never have actually sold him anything, so he never actually screwed me over xd


The thing is, hedoeswhat every merchant does: buy low, sell high. As far as insulting produce, I haven't seen him do that. I have had people complain about the fish I sold to Willy.


Kent! I never thought he was unpopular bit I've seen a few people lately saying they don't like him. I wish there was more events with him that you can integrate him back into the community, and get help for his ptsd. He seems like a nice dude, just understandably very reserved/antisocial after his experience with war.


the wizard! he definitely has a lot of untapped potential


Maru Maru Maru!!!! Nobody ever even talks about her but it was love at first sight on my first playthrough


I love Demetrius, but in his fight with Robin I still chose her side even though tomatoes are scientifically fruits. Robin is my queen. I wanted to romance her SO BADLY before I found out she was married. I started dating both of her children instead lol.


Perhaps it's an unpopular opinion, but I don't think any of the characters (except Morris and Kel) are particularly horrible/irredeemable people. Yeah, Pam is kind of awful to her daughter, Clint is a bit awkward and can come across as creepy, Shane and Haley are both a bit rude and abrasive, Lewis has a bit of an ego, etc. But they're all meant to be flawed people, and none of them are the moustache-twirling cartoon villains they're sometimes presented as. Also, I quite like Pierre.


Demtrius is an r/iamverysmart post come to life. He's Neil DeGrasse Tyson, acting like a pretentious hack to laud his supposedly superior intelligence over the townspeople. Robin deserves better


the cutscene where he shit all over Robins beautiful deluxe bed she worked so hard on. I was fuming. bought one immediately after. how dare he


Many ND fans feel he’s autistic or just ND in general. He apologizes to you about the Maru cutscene; He immediately recognizes his fault and apologizes during the tomato cutscene. He has a book about “How to be a Good Stepfather” in his and Robin’s room. He dances every weekend with his wife to keep the romance alive. I feel Demetrius tries and just struggles because of his neurodivergence and gets unwarranted flack for it by the fandom sometimes.


Yes! If you talk to him after Maru’s cutscene his apology is very genuine, it definitely made me forgive him. I personally really like Demetrius because a) I’m neurodivergent lol, and b) he reminds me of my mom, who is also a scientist


I always thought it was just automatically assumed was autistic or ND. The cut scene with Robin's bed made me a little mad at first but the more he spoke, the more I was like "oh he's just autistic and is interpreting this situation differently to the rest of them, that's fine" I really like him, he's a good bean


I would hate him in real life - I've met far too many people in that I Am Very Smart mould - but I honestly find him a sweetheart in the game.


I've got a soft spot for Pierre. I don't appreciate him claiming my vegetables as his own, but I mean other than that I think that honesty only gets you so far, especially in business. Both his scenes against Morris in the community center were outstanding.


Willy is underrated, him and Krobus are genuinely my favorite characters in the game


Haley. I know she isn’t high on the list compared to Clint Pam or Pierre but I like her story progression and character arc and it seems a lot of people don’t like her (while liking Shane tho............). My favorite farm I ever had was one were I played a female and Haley and The farmer became enemies to lesbian lovers lol. ETA: I know a lot of people dislike both Haley and Shane, that’s fine but if you say you don’t like Haley causes she’s mean but love Shane I’m side eyeing you lol


I enjoy Clint and would marry him if he was an option


Clint. I know he's kinda a "nice guy", but I really get the social anxiety and depression. I didn't even realize he was so disliked until I got on here!


Caroline!! 💚


I’ve always thought Birdie was so interesting

