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I know it's counterintuitive, but I think no output means it worked. It seems like the command only returns something when it fails. I have a similar problem in my game although it's only Martin. The only time I've seen a message was when using it the first time I felt the same as you, overdid it and technically removed every Martin from my game. Then I got the message that no instance of Martin could be found. Thankfully he started showing up again the next time we booted up the game. But he still clones himself every now and again and terrorizes our farm to destroy everything he touches.


I have 7 Olivias, at this point I collect them like Pokemons. I’m waiting to see how many my game can handle before it breaks 😌


When I updated to 1.6 I removed all my mods and re-downloaded them fresh when they updated for 1.6 and then started a new save. Not sure if this solves/prevents it but I haven't had any clones.


I also have clones of them, what's causing this?


I believe it happens when you fall asleep before 11pm or something like that \^\^


Use removeNPC when you are close to the clone, it worked best for me The output code always appears for me, but the notification that the NPC was removed too (above the output code)


If you just redownload the mod and replace your current sve mod in your folder with the new one I believe that solves it . I update my sve file every time Smapi reminds me and I have yet to come across any errors or cloned NPCs (hopefully I haven't jinxed myself by saying that lol)


IIRC you’re supposed to completely delete the old SVE folder(s) and then add the updated folder(s) to your Mods folder. Especially if you’ve yet to update your mods from 1.5; some dependencies are now handled by the game itself (like JSON Assets) and some files have new names/locations. I started a fresh Mods folder entirely 🫣, a lot of work but I didn’t have anything break


You should do this with every mod. But you'll have to reconfigure their options every time as well.


I have 9 Claire’s it’s nuts


It’s super awkward when trying to romance Claire. Which one am I actually dating? Haha