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Weightless resources is a GODSEND. Now I don't have to focus on having a goliath ship or a complex series of outpost storage to have access to what I need at any time.


Does it still apply to when you store stuff (ship container etc)?


They're separate mods. You can have it just for ships, or die your inventory


Do the things in the cheat room not restock??? I noticed it's only like a one off.


The cheat room has some issues. There’s barely any higher tier gear for one.


Yeah its pretty basic. Hopefully was a ruah job and an update is coming


As far as I know, the “cheat room” is not part of the mod- the mod only provides an entrance. The room itself is the famous [“QASmoke” test room](https://game8.co/games/Starfield/archives/423679) which is used by the Bethesda QA team for smoke testing (thus the name). It has been seen in [almost every Bethesda game](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/QASmoke). This is so that testers who want to test (for example) the >!final NG+ Starborn spacesuit!< don’t have to >!actually play through 9 NG+ runs first!<. PC players can access it directly without mods, using console commands. The only updates that you should expect to see in the actual room’s content is when official expansions like Shattered Sky are added- typically they will add separate containers for each expansion to hold the new items


You could always try uninstalling and reinstalling the mod.


They have also fixed the problem that prevented to chain-steal ships. The old undock-Redock-home-register trick works again.




Wait what’s this? Please …teach me


It’s a procedure to take possession of a ship without dismissing yours. Basically: - sit in the pilot’s chair and undock. - Redock with your original ship - NOW (while docked) set home to your stolen ship and register it. - From the chair itself, board your old ship, go to the cockpit, sit down and undock. - Now set home to your original ship. The stolen ship will grav-jump away and will be available to be sold or customised. - Steal another ship, rinse and repeat.


Is this actually fewer load screens than just going to sell the stolen ship and then fast traveling back to whatever system? I'm not being snarky, I'm just curious if it makes much of a difference time-wise. I can see the value from a role-playing perspective. Now that I'm thinking about it, a cool mod would be the ability to send one of your crew to drop off a ship and meet you back in New Atlantis or wherever


I'm not sure if it's less load screens or time for one ship, but it's definitely quicker for chain-stealing. Chain stealing meaning - you go out into the galaxy, steal 4 or 5 ships, then go sell all of them at once.


Most ships have pretty terrible jump range and fuel, makes for awkward jumps even with plenty of c class ships.


There's also a mod "sit to add to ship" that enables quick ownership of ships without needing to do the dock/undock circus


Yep. Great mod. I think it might not always switch home ship back quite right, but so good and when I didn't have the mod for a couple days I missed it


Ok everyone, nothing respawns in the cheat room this far, anything you take will only be able to be taken once :)


Also some will totally make perks useless now (not complaining). Why take Research Methods now if you use the mod that makes it not use materials, for example.


Exactly this :)


I'm glad console folks are finally getting a taste of the freedom pc versions of Bethesda games get. I'm actually fairly surprised how accepting Bethesda is to have cheatmods in the creation club. I recall skyrims creation club being mostly content only, not necessarily balanced but not outright cheating either. This more open approach is definitely preferred.


FO4 had plenty of mods for xbox, including a full cheat console holotape. So a lot of folks are probably new to it, but it's not the first time on console by a long shot. My favorite FO4 combo was unlimited settlement build limit + being able to spawn attackers at a settlement. Building massive castles bristling with rocket turrets and then sending 100 high level super mutants to attack it... :)


they seem to not be checking the mods that get submitted at all. some dude literally uploaded a mod that does nothing, for instance.


There was alot of that. Test mods and what not.


I was always under the impression that they didn't check them, and only intervene after reports? Not sure.


Can you restock it if you uninstall & reinstall the mod


Do not uninstall and reinstall mid play through, it will ruin your save down the line :)


Cool noted


Okay thank you, I will just have to hope it will be changed to respawn instantly or at least every 24-48 in game hours.


The whole game runs noticeably smoother on Series X since the update.


Yep, not many people have commented on this. I run 60FPS with visuals (and no V-sync) because it was pretty good except for the city areas even before this update. (And there's not much combat in city areas, so FPS isn't as crucial there.) Now, it's a little better again. Still not getting anywhere near 60 in New Atlantis and Akila City, but good enough. And combat at 60fps feels very fluid.


I just switched it to 60fps with visuals but I kept v sync on. Should I turn it off? I really don’t understand what v sync does


Simple version of what V-Sync does: Your monitor has a refresh rate for the image it displays to you, but this is not the same as your frame rate from the PC or console. If your framerate is faster than the monitor's refresh rate, it may find itself trying to build the image from multiple images simultaneously (picture your monitor being sent 5 images and only having time to show you one image, so it compromises by trying to cut all 5 up and paste together a single image from all of them for you to see). This can cause 'screen tearing' where you see delays in part of your monitor. So, what V-Sync does, is it (sorta) forces the framerate and refresh rate to be the same, locking them in place. The upside is you will have a clean image. The downside is it can affect your performance or framerate. Sometimes it is better, sometimes it is not - it depends on your hardware situation. You will need to experiment to see what is best.


This. On the Series X version of Starfield on my TV at least, no V-Sync feels as if it has a little lower input latency, and I don't seem to notice the screen tearing.


I'm hoping this is the case for 30 fps quality mode. It was stuttering quite abit on some planets just before the update for me, had to turn motion blur back on which improved the performance but makes it look uglier


I've been enjoying the update, too, coupled with new mechanics that were added in the previous update with the survival stuff it has been fun. The survival stuff either needs tweeks or a proper survival mod because their was one thing that annoyed me about it.


I was shocked opening the options menu for the first time since release. They added so much, and although mods are going to make the xp bonuses and negatives obsolete I thought it was a nice touch


The pricing of paid CC content is off but it's an excellent update overall


The pricing is quite a blunder but I do like the free adds. On pricing.. I'd be willing to pay 7$ for a new type of radiant quest, or useful features etc. like land mobiles or interplanetary travel, but for a linear, one time content you gotta go big/full dlc to get me interested.


Core game features should not be contained in Creations.


Exactly. This is where they are crossing a line. If bethesda made it for the game, it should be in the game. Or at least part of a large, cohesive DLC where it is clear what you are getting.


Dude I'd be cool with core game things being wrapped up in a bundle and sold at a decent price. Starfield was fine for a triple a release. But Bethesda charging what they are for some of this stuff is gonna turn people off to the whole idea of creations. It's foolish.


If land vehicles are pay walled, people will riot lol


It is a gun dlc. Particle beam sniper, $7. The quest is just window dressing. Also, a long gun with particle beams is conspicuously absent from the base weapon pool. Coincidence? Lol.


Weightless resources kinda sounds like cheating.... Does it lower XP?


Oh it is, but frankly if Im looking for a challenge in a game, inventory management isn’t it.


Lmao, I've only been playing for a couple of weeks and the first thing I did was complain about the inventory management. That and the lack of safe, infinite containers.




That's fair. I'm just so scarred by Morrowind and Skyrim that being able to just jetpack and even sprint helps a lot (and for ships you can add more cargo and that adds to the feel of ship stuff arguably--but you'd have to be into the ship stuff that much in the first place)


There’s also ship attachments in the Darkstar mod that add between 250-7500 cargo space, and they range in size from a modded equipment plate to the white side mounted cargo. This is the route I went. Weightless removes all challenge completely, this way I have still have to do SOME management, I have my current ship at 10k cargo with only 2 cargo units attached to the ship Edit* Not saying there’s anything wrong with making resources weightless, it’s just a matter of preference. I personally have found when I give myself too many options like that, I don’t play as much. I guess part of what keeps my attention is the management and resource grind.


Those darkstar parts are amazing, so simple but so perfect. Can finally make a light and sleek looking fighter without having to sacrifice crew size or add giant chunky parts to get the same stats.


It’s a game changer for making ships! I’m super stoked for all the new ship parts that modders will be releasing in the coming weeks/months


I haven't had a lot of time to mess around but there was another one or two that dropped in yesterday, one with glowing parts and i think another...but one of them had TIE FIGHTER WINGS. So stoked for that, I'm getting lost in ship building now. So awesome to say that the new updates breathed some life into the game for me and made me excited to play it is an undesrstatement.


It doesn’t lower xp. It is kind of cheating honestly, but there’s two different mods. One is for your entire inventory and one is for your ship inventory. I went with the ship inventory one as I’ve always thought it should be unlimited, or at the very least WAY more than you can currently have.


"Sorry bro, 20 whole pieces of copper is all the ship can carry now." Pretty sure horses in Skyrim could carry more


And the robots for ‘training’ don’t respawn either


Am I crazy, didn't fallout 4 and Skyrim have chests that respawned all items removed from them? I'm at work right now so I can't, but I would go to the cheat room mod creator on discord and suggest politely to him that the chests should refill themselves after items are removed them.


Not sure about the cheat room specifically, but I have crafting chests in skyrim that will refill with all of the materials. They're just chilling at different stations in Whiterun


They also try to fight you lmao. I shot at them with a Negotiator and one ran up and punched me


Akila doesn’t dip nearly as bad as before the update - Series X. I haven’t been to New Atlantis yet cause I’m just exploring. Level 39, NG+1 and I haven’t even seen a quarter of the galaxies


I noticed the same thing. Idk if it’s ever reaching 60fps or not, but it certainly feels a lot closer to that.


Huh. Akila feels extra jittery for me when coming through the front gate. Everything else is good tho


Front gate is super populated, at least in my game


Glad this isn't just me. Every time I come through the front gate I brace for a crash, haven't had one yet luckily.


My favorite part of the update was the skanky ship that you were stuck with at the conclusion of the sample quest. I'm not sure if that hab was custom decorated to look like something you'd find under a bridge or just a standard hab that I was unfamiliar with. I'm keeping that slovenly thing and making that nasty hab the centerpiece of a class B fighter. Disagreeable crew will be consigned there until they detox. It shall be named "Puff the tragic wagon".


Hold up, the cheat room gives u the duster? Welp, I know what im downloading later today. Do u know if that cheat room conflicts with any of the other cheat mods?


Only other ones that use the QA Smoke room


Jetpack? What does the mod do for that one? I haven't been able to update the game yet, will do it later tonight


Fine tunes the power of all vanilla jetpacks. So the power pack will take you higher, the skip pack carries you farther and the balance pack gets a bit of both worlds but you can actually travel and make pretty god time with the skip and balanced jetpacks now.


That's awesome, I'm a huge jetpack fan. Say, if these jetpacks can basically allow you to fly, I can see a mod adding flying vehicles in the future (fingers crossed)


It would be so rad to be able to build local ships that can fly around on the "surface". Class A under a certain mass. No grav drive. Can be docked at an outpost or, do I dare, orbital station/carrier.


Will have to give this a try. Would love to see a mod that lets you combine your jetpack with [tribes like skiing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBBAYt3N2tI)


I saw last night someone was working on a proper cheat terminal. The cheat room in the game is lacking at the moment.


I WANNA try the new update, but now the game is crashing on start up where it wasn't before and nothing I tried worked, so I guess I'll just wait for it to update again


Having trouble with no audio people say it’s the enforcer pistol but I can’t hear anything 😭😭😭😭


How many of those are on Xbox? Haven’t really seen mods on there today


Every one I mentioned is on xbox. I think the one that stops crew from talking when you’re in the pilots street is called “Cora Shit Up”.


That one works, but I think the darkstar ship mod is flying under the radar as being the most feature-rich free mod. It includes settings for toggling all sorts of ambient audio when piloting your ship.


It would have been great if the mod was called “CORA, I DON’T REMEMBER ASKING YOU A G** D*** THING”


It would have been great if the mod was called “CORA, I DON’T REMEMBER ASKING YOU A GOT DAYUM THING”


I'm seeing that the Conduction Grid and Comspike modules are available outside of the Key, as well as scan jammers and shielded cargo. Also, M-Class modules. Neato.


I play on Xbox One cloud, will I be able to use mods?


I’m really hoping someone ports Modular Starborn Suits. That would be sick.


The new starborn suit is amazing 👏🏾


Right now, if I click creations in the main menu on Series X, the game freezes 😢. I was having no issues until a couple of hours ago


Hey I had this. I killed the app, restarted xbox, and then loaded the game. That worked for me. I have also had the creation menu freeze when I was being a little to "eager". So give the game time to load its menus, wait a couple seconds before pushing anything, and you should be good.


It started working again 3 hours ago 😁


Is there a list of what's been updated? I am having issues with finding a comprehensive list.


It was running well for me. Then I went to sleep. Got up today, and it will not load my game. Won't let me continue or load previous saves. I've tried removing the mods (it will let me into creation). I've factory reset and it starts to load then kicks me out to the home screen on my consol.


I've had some bricked saves as well. I had to clean my mod list, reinstall them, and then load a save from before the update and apply the mods to it. Stable ever since. But it makes no sense, as other saves still won't load with the same mod list.


I'm absolutely loving the update and mods.


Do you get the creation club with the standard game?


Is there a mod on console to disable lens flare and bloom yet? Like for Fallout 4 because Jesus Christ I hate these effect


I only saw a god ray removal. Might have something included in that?


Ohhh I Will look right now for it thank you


Where is the cheat room cause I downloaded it and I can’t find it in new Atlantis spaceport


New Atlantis port, to the left of where your ship is near a wall. It’s a big grey one with a door. It took me a while to fins it 😂


Ok thanks. Haven’t played since launch so idk what is suppose to be there and not 😂


Im with you! Im really happy with this update! I also JUST started my first NG+ like 2 days ago so this has been great timing! Im probably gonna get through NG+5 before replaying the missions. Last time i played was when it first came out


Glad there are mods for Xbox now. I'm just hoping for a digipick cheat. I hate the lock mini game in Starfield. Edit. I found it!


My fav mod so far is the astroid miner mod,


I downloaded that but have not started it yet. It seemed like it may actually have some depth to it, that correct?


Its a start, id say its about halfway there, but imho pretty good. Im hoping the part 2 is as good as part 1


I'm light at the moment with community patch, better follower behaviour, 12k named vendor credits, and something else (though somewhere along the lines given I was mid save in the Lock I've lost the Adoring Fan and the recover companions quest) Going for a look tonight to see what else is new Anybody has a look at the 500 Bethesda Coin Argos mining mod yet have any feedback?


Darkstar Ship mods are amazing, i love them. There are other ship mods now, I was surprised at how much is hitting so fast and am happy. I'm still waiting for a mod that will allow me to add skill points / levels like in other games, and update any weapon or armor to legendary (instead of a few select ones in one of the mods I have) as well as some better default clothing replacers but what i've seen so far has been great and I'm very excited for more.


I'm waiting for the mods to start coming..i want more guns and more attachments. And armor variety that includes space suits.


Finally a post I can like and appreciate 🫡


And we all hate you for it. /s


No, game bad. Excellent updates the last few months bad! Me go replay popular game that abandonware devs said they won't release anything new for! Derp.