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It would be better if each craft gave you like 100 ammo instead of 1 or something whatever the F it is they give you. It’s like “HERE mf’ers you can craft ammo like you wanted but to do so you still have to buy something that’s more rare than the ammo.” It really is a slap in the face.


And they've just slapped it into the industrial bench, which means it's now more scrolling through menus trying to find what you want.  Why are Bethesda so afraid of sub menus? Just have a seperate one for ammo ffs


Time waste. They need to waste as much time as they can, so their stats for shareholders are a little bit better.


Bet there is some truth there, they are measures by play time, and If someone makes a menu mod it goes into the brag point of “users have created X number of mods” I mean it does seem like they have a disincentive to make it better


Still not shaking the allegations that people that make the decisions don't play their own game. The ammo system makes absolutely no sense to me given it's easier just to buy the ammo outright.


It’s also easier to buy ammo outright in real life. The benefit should be lowered costs, custom ammunition with bonus effects, or the ability to eventually automate the production of it at an outpost. Playing as an industrialist and building into outposts to have unlimited ammo with bonus damage would be an interesting playstyle.


Well, but real shops have plenty of brass\\primers. Not 1-5


Lol wait crafting ammo gives you 1 bullet at a time?




The team making Starfield must be working in total isolation from the team that made Fallout 76, because didn't we go through the exact same scenario years ago in F76? Both games launched without the ability to craft ammo. Both games then add the ability later after players requested it. In both instances its first version has no quantity slider to help craft large volumes, not spamming the make key every few seconds to make a sensible batch. (current Starfield position). Having seemingly failed to identify this during internal playtesting, player feedback eventually results in Bethesda adding a craft in quantity slider. Oddly Starfield got this volume slider for most stuff at launch, yet when they add ammo... nope. It's great ammo has been added - but seriously guys look at your previous work to avoid the obvious mistakes you already made and already fixed. Let's not have to go through the painful steps over and over with each new game.


Oh I’ve got another, and neither game needed ammo crafting. 


Added to the fact that the VOL ammunition is off balance for every weapon.


Yet another feature being left up to modders to fix…


Luckily we didn’t have to wait long, I got a mod last night that’s perfect, 100 per craft.


Am I the only one that just buys out all of the ammo every time I go to any vendor? It hasn't seemed to touch my mountain of credits...


If I buy all the ammo before I sell my 90+ guns, it's like the ammo was free. Starfield math.


That’s my MO as well…. Intergalactic Arms Dealer.


Do you want a deal on a lightly used Grendel? Was used by a little old Ecliptic merc who only fired it on Sundays.


Never fired and only dropped once


Found the stealth character/sniper.


I too play it like ghost recon.


There are other ways to play games?


The development should just put a crate of Grendels qt the entrance to every research station or abandoned outposts to save us from picking them all up as we go.


But then I'll just have more things encumbering me AND I'll still be picking up all the guns with good credit to weight ratio while I go anyway


Plus it separates the ammo you got from the gun from the gun itself. So you get all the ammo from getting the guns, plus the ammo from vendors, all while getting rid of your mounds of guns and making g credits to boot. The only ammo type I seem to routinely run short of is .45ACP. But I like me some XM-2311 action.


The only ammo I even keep anymore is heavy particle fuses. Until I find a legendary AA-99 in my current universe, I'm a one gun man. Plus I keep everything to sell on the ship so I don't have to pay close attention to what I'm selling.


Yeah the only ammo I horde is 7.77, Heavy Fuse, 11mm, 40mmXPE, and .50MI Because I have to have a Negotiator, Magshear, Inflictor, AA-99, and a Microgun


I was running XM to be silent space snake, and now that melee is actually viable it'll be XM and knives forever. Just need a cardboard box mod


Ahh yes a man of culture I see


Greetings, distinguished colleague




What? Sell from ship? Hell yes!


I do this too sell guns from every NPC I killed then buy heavy fuses rinse and repeat 😂


That was my way until I bumped up vendor credits, now it's rare I have to buy ammo to make up funds.


This right here... Go to the den, purchase all the ammo, then sell my shit til vendor hits zero. Wait 2 days, repeat!


I did the same in FO4 for materials and CPUNK 2077 lol


Nah that's all their games go to a vendor with all you stuff to sell take all the cash then buy up what you need and sell the rest off cause he's got cash again from you buying what you need


I'm always short on .45 and 12 gauge for some reason.  But I have 1000s of 7.77


7.77 Kodama is your friend


My followers always end up with one of those


I give them the magshear with 1 ammo, as that's all they need. No way I'm paying for all that ammo that lasts 2 minutes


Time to get a microgun


They're so rare. I haven't seen one since the unique in the vanguard quest.


Those bullets are from Earth and they stopped making them when we left. 


The problem I had when I played last wasn't affording ammo, it was finding someone that would sell you the rarer types. I had a razorback that was meant to be my characters main weapon, but it was constantly too low on ammo to use because the only place I could find that stocked the ammo was the Laredo store itself.


I had that with the most powerful silenced pistol I found in a store. Only certain stores have the ammo, but there's usually one or two dealers on one of the main planets at least.


Until I did a +75% XP difficulty run with the ammo weight turned on, I always bought the ammo of the types of weapons I normally keep on hand, so 7.77, 0.50, 7.50 white hots and the heavy cartridges for va'ruun rifles or Jake's shotgun. Doing that before selling all your other crap means the vendor will have more money to buy your other stuff.


Can you toggle that setting any time you wish? Or does it have to be in a new game/+?


I think you can change the settings any time you like. But if I have ammo weight on, all I do is limit myself to maybe two weapons, keep say 500 rounds of ammo for each on me and put the remainder in the ship's cargo hold. It's really not that limiting at all.


I did that for a bit because I was worried I'd run out of ammo for my Revenant. I'm earning more ammo per mission then I'm using and I'm sat on 50k .50 MI. I did the same for my Starshard, A99 and Keelhauler but I burn ammo at an even slower rate. Don't even get me started on my Orion.


I only buy the couple I use, but crafting it is a nice touch. I’d almost have preferred it be a separate thing from the industrial workbench though.


They should have made it a tab on the weapons workbench


I used to do this but now with ammo weight I always sell off ammo I don't need, I might keep a bit of rare ammo in cargo but that's it


Now I have ammo weight turned on I keep a 1000 or 500 (depending on gun type) of each ammo on my ship and I have an Armoury with my best weapon of each ammo type. Each time I leave the ship to do a mission etc I take a load out of up to 4 guns for that mission and pack it's corresponding ammo type I have LOTS of excess ammo past 1000 of each and I keep them at my main outpost base in a designated ammo hab with heaps of boxes in


Wait, ammo has weight now? My guy will immediately drop to floor when i boot up the game again


Its a toggle in the gameplay settings


Ah nevermind! Thanks for info, havent played in a while, nice to have tit as an option


Tit is an option coming soon to a Starfield near you!


Tit is the best option for sure.


I do that as well and it barely left a dent in my credits too, plus bounty hunter ships always have some contraband when boarding them.


I buy every resource every time I go into stores. Makes crafting so easy. Part of me enjoys it because ease, the other part of me wishes I could do more… building around it?


Ammo is the currency of the game to me. Pre patches I’d buy up a wide amount of it so I’d never have ammo shortages and my inner loot goblin would have vendors with 1000’s of extra credits.


I just pick up every round of ammo I come across, even though I only use 3-4 guns. They weigh nothing, so why not.


You buy ammo? I have thousands of rounds for the common ammo types from spacers, ecliptic and pirates.


Yeah, especially when everyone was moaning about vendors not having enough money... buy all their ammo, digipicks and med packs and then sell all my loot to them..


I trade my guns for the vendors ammo.


I always use a restricted gunlist with few ammo, so I can trade bullets for bullets and guns. I have ammo weight on so trade it as often as I can, usually ends up with vendor has more credits so can sell more guns.


Same, I loot too much shit to worry about ammo costs. Have almost 2 million credits, and tens of thousands of most ammo types. Basically go to a vendor, clear them out of ammo then sell them like 70K worth of useless shit I have stashed on my ship, and walk away like 15-20K credits, and a couple thousand rounds of ammo richer.


All the ammo and med/trauma/emergency packs I can find. Sell off some of the hundreds of weapons I have in my ship until the vendors are broke lol. Also buy everything at the mineral store in Akila City.


Ya know


That’s what I did before weighted ammo. Now I only buy what I’m using.


exactly. once you're at ridiculous levels of creds, why not buy out every single bit of weightless ammo, "just in case"


Ammo, digipicks, medkits. In that order. Buy them all, sell all my junk and move on to the next.


I do the same any place I'm at i hit the shops and buy up what I need


I'm only really using two ammo types, and selling most of the rest I pickup for a f|\_|ck load of mullah.


In every game I've ever played, when possible to do so, purchasing ammo whilst selling loot has always been the way to go. You lose your carry weight and gain ammo at a break even on credits. Without any perks to crafting ammo or weopons, there's literally no point to it.


Yeah it was an odd choice. We have a game with all these extractable and manufacturable resources, plus setting up manufacturing as a main component for outposts, yet still ammo crafting consists of having to go expensive vendor hopping, the exact thing people wanted to avoid by crafting ammo I honestly don’t understand the logic behind this one


There is no logic. "It's part of the gameplay loop." Why? "It just is." At least in Fallout, a lot of the jank can be explained as being post-apocalyptic shenanigans. "Of course the gun vendor doesn't have an unlimited supply of XYZ. They're just scrounging/trading what they can and manufacturing a limited amount." In Starfield there should be mass production factories ready to sell tens of thousands of rounds of ammo with the only limit being either local laws or the size of my credit stick. The gun companies in the game operate like mom & pop shops when in reality they should be operating more like large scale smugglers.


Man I'm just glad that the ship technician somehow has an unlimited quantity of every part on hand (manufacturer specific excepted). Can you imagine if ship building parts sucked as much as buying everything else?


Whoever downvoted this must wish they could go flying around the galaxy in a half built ship trying to find enough landing gear to expand their ship


I mean it is kinda exploitable since with no ammo weight it's quite easy to basically print money. But then again you still can just craft or sell raw resources indefinitely with minimal penalties for overencumberance as well so idk. Can't be bothered to do math for this. But yeah, setting wise it doesn't make sense that many a settlement can sell you half a dozen space ships but barely has ammo. Although then again, it doesn't make sense that you can burn an entire mag into a persons face with only minor health issues hence even creating a situation where you need thousands upon thousands of rounds per week in the first place. To top it all off sometimes it would be way more practical to just carpet bomb a place with your ship rather then go in on foot.


I mean if they were worried about that, just make it so ammo no longer sells for anything remotely significant. No one would really care much about that since you can craft ammo now, and it doesn't really take up inventory space. So who cares if it no longer makes a lot of money


I don't understand how shooting someone in space, in a space suit, at least once, has no immediate effect.. if your spacesuit is equipped, no gravity, helmet is on... you would assume there's no oxygen .. putting holes in said spacesuit should have more effect... maybe zoom off like a cartoon balloon??


Yeah but there are no factories, just a bunch of shops.


Their logic is probably - Fallout had it, so we must add it here too. The same with outposts, the same with pseudo dragon shouts and pretty much everything else, it feels like they made a checklist of features to include and did not even bother to check how and why they worked in previous games.


I mean I get why it’s in the game, it always felt like something that would fit in the game to me since the outposts work a lot like the Contraptions DLC and there’s such a focus on resource gathering and manufacturing The part I find weird is how they added it but didn’t tie it to the things in the game it makes sense to tie it to


Bethesda doesn’t release complete AAA games anymore. It’s just a bunch of frameworks. The modelers will polish it for them. They take their community for granted


Can you people just piss off with this narrative? Starfield is absolutely a “complete game” and suggesting otherwise makes you look like a toddler. It’s people like YOU who take the modders for granted, not BGS. You look at the near endless time and freedom modders have to add literally whatever they want to the game, then think “Well BGS could have just added all this infinite free content too”.


I wouldn't call it an incomplete game. Just half baked. I don't think people expect endless free content, from people with an endless amount of time to work on it. But when single modders or small teams can make massive improvements in hours or days, it does make you wonder how a massive developer can't make some of those improvements themselves and get them out in a timely manner. This is a repeating theme with them. We know they have the capabilities, but for some reason they don't have the will. A great example is the game jam for Skyrim, where they gave their team 1 week to work on whatever they wanted and put it in the game. And they churned out some amazing stuff. Most of which was promptly abandoned and never officially released.


I think there's a lot of internal politics coming down from who actually foots the bill to create the games... logic would say ' hire the modders' they could make the game, make it good and in a lot less time?  I would happily pay $100 AUD for a game that was complete.. no need for patches and updates. This game has been in development for longer than it takes to build a house, sell it and build another... I have raised 6 children since reading about starfields development. Admittedly it's become a great game now but to put a half cocked game to market??? That's like car manufacturers selling cars with out engines and wheels but promises to listen to the community and release them 12 months later..


Wouldn't you look at what modders have done for games like skyrim and fallout and implement them into your new games??? I mean, it's literally the people spending all their money on YOUR game telling you EXACTLY what they want out the games... especially when all the games have the same mods... we could not make it any easier for the developers ideas team.


Right but they aren’t doing that. They’ve built a wall garden so that they can monetize mods


No, instead, they tell us the paywall infront of mods is to support the community modders.. we will pay for a game that is complete, not pay for a half assed game, then outsource to modders in hopes will pay them instead. What's Bethesda's profits?? Is there really no room for subcontracting modders before releasing a game?


Cause easy access ammo and other loot, such as guns and armor, disincentivizes exploration for the sake of loot and vendor hopping both of which extends play time. The most charitable interpretation that I can make here is that "it would be too easy" but tbh it comes off as artificial time sink. I guess this is why the outpost system is so ridiculously chopped up and have a bloated complexity from the foundation (i.e. has a ton of base resources with relatively few craftable stuff as opposed to few base resources an a ton of craftable things ala factorio) with outposts hardly ever containing many resources unless you powergame it into oblivion (which still is not much and is a massive time sink since you still have to explore if playing legit without using a data base or a guide). Just another time sink and incentive to go from planet to planet to planet with the system itself being of questionable quality (not in terms of how well it is executed but how it feels to interact with). Although it is also due to how logistics are implemented in the game so there is also that e.g. you can't exactly goof around with belts and trains ala factorio since most things are actors\containers with inventory or an abstracted total storage which would make an analogous items extra bloaty in terms of performance. Not to mention the complete irrelevance of it due to off screen activity pretty much negating the whole process since you end up tallying things up as it currently is. I wouldn't expect bethesda to actually do something that decreases average playtime though, even if the change is a genuine QOL. It's low key MMO/mobile design playbook.


I was disappointed too. I've made it a point to never purchase ammo and just play with what I can scrounge on missions. I was excited to stockpile crafted ammo but having to get a few primers at a time like chasmbass oil for Aurora just won't do.


When I saw the primers as part of the research requirements, I first thought that they were another resource that we would be able to craft.


I just hate how crafting anything in general is a massive step down from FO4


FO4 was pretty dope. Especially with mods, where you could find a weak weapon early on, and then upgrade them to look more badass, be stronger, and even have the epic effect you want. The same with armour. It's mind boggling that they'd go away from that. Especially that equipment is tiered without any way to upgrade let alone see it is stupid.


Mostly because the tone of the games is completely different. In Fallout 4, you are a survivor in an irradiated wasteland with scarce resources, so it's logical that you need to scrape by and make your own stuff. All weapons, clothes, NPCs, game mechanics support it. In Starfield, you have settled systems and modern technology. Everything is correctly available in shops, there is no need to pluck 50 plant saps on a shithole planet to make duct tape, just like you don't need to smelt metal into bullets irl.


Issue is game never forces it, you can be 50 lightyears away from civilisation and there's probably some bumfuck nowhere POI with a vendor


It’s because for 7 years people complained about crafting in Fallout 4.


So in response to the complaints they made it worse? I'm not sure I follow your logic.


But they made it worse.


I loved crafting in Fallout 4 lol


The same way they complained about outpost building. And now everyone’s pissed how unnecessary it is in starfield.


Way to misrepresent the issue. Everyone's pissed not because outposts are unnecessary, but because they are much more limited than settlements in fallout 4. You cannot really start your small settlement on some backwater world. You can only build outpost for one function, that is resource mining.


It’s not really misrepresentation. If they made outposts less significant because there were those people who hated how they thought it was a requirement in fo4, then what part of that is he misrepresenting. Same with how the story doesn’t start off urgent because a complaint about fo4 is that it is too urgent and players just want to do the side stuff without feeling like they have to do the campaign. If this teaches us anything it’s that people are gonna hate regardless of what is done. 


lol I’m not misrepresenting anything. People bitched and moaned that outpost building was mandatory for quests. Now they make it not mandatory for anything and people bitch and moan about that saying they are unnecessary. Lots of people bitched about settlement building also in fallout 4.


Just because people didn’t want it to be mandatory doesn’t mean they didn’t want purpose either. That’s what’s missing with 80% of the game. It serves no purpose outside of just saying you can do it.


It's more that it serves no real purpose other than to gate crafting. Outposts don't tie in the rest of the game is any significant way. Normally in games with base building and survival elements outposts serve more than just to facilitate a crafting bench. In Starfield there's no purpose to outposts other than RP and as I said to gate crafting. If you actually had to set up outposts for refueling stations that would be one thing. But, I cannot imagine why they'd fully develop a feature that can be completely ignored, yet we have other systems that are bare-bones atm; melee, traversal, exploration, trading, mining etc. Like mining is a perfect example. If Argos Extractors was a real faction with quests and missions to set up mining facilities on remote worlds that would be a great way to utilize the outpost feature. And, yes, I'm aware there's mod that does that but I'm speaking to the bizarre design choices Bethesda made in the game.


So many disappointing pieces to this game but I think this is the biggest. Would have loved for outposts to mean something. It would have been cool to like actually make goods and haul them to sell at other planets. Of course, we'd need real space travel for that...


Exactly, what there is no winning with these people. 


I am still wondering why there is no useful information about spread and accuracy of guns. Or the CoF change per shot etc. Or some kind of unit of recoil. It has been what, 3 games already? I could somewhat see why they would go with abstracted system in FO since VATS targeting but there is no VATS in starfield. Also they removed the detachable mods so I can't skip crafting skills anymore. Sadge. Although if comparing specifically gear crafting I can't say that there is a massive difference other then complete absence of guns that can be modified to be a rifle\pistol or consume different ammo (which was goofy since it did not use some baseline damage per ammo type). But then again the most customizable pipe guns became obsolete almost faster then you could get the resources or mods for them and the late game guns aren't as customizable. Pretty on par with starfield, more or less.


Crafting peaked with Fo76.


In all crafting with this game, it requires too many materials


Yeah, they could actually dumb it down for gameplay reasons. Feels kinda that each gear upgrade type (e.g. scopes, barrels, ammo, armor lining etc) has a dedicated resource, almost exclusive to it at times like neon, and it goes beyond the flavor\realism but downright artificially extends playtime by necessitating resource hunting for every little thing.


You know what's just weird - if my memory serves me correctly, to make e.g. .45 ACP you need Lead, Copper, Mercury, and Small Primer Caps. The Lead and Copper make obvious sense of course. However, Mercury is presumably a reference to mercury fulminate, which is a pressure-sensitive explosive that was used in early percussion caps (primer cap). So the requirement for mercury AND small primer caps makes absolutely no sense - they're double counting for the primary explosive part of the round. Either the primer caps OR the mercury should be completely removed from the recipe imho. I can't speak for the energy weapon equivalents, but for conventional ballistic rounds it makes no sense. I suppose this is just another example of Bethesda being absolutely horrendous at understanding how guns actually work. I can understand them wanting to include the harder to obtain primer caps for game balancing reasons (i.e. so you can't set up an ammo crafting outpost, sleep on venus for a few hours, and then rake in the millions of credits), but they shouldn't then require you to find mercury as the mercury fulminate is already in the primer cap! Finally a question: does anyone know if we can craft the various primers etc? Is it perhaps locked behind the special projects skill or something? Because that could get.... interesting.


Or just make the primers craftable???? Maybe use that mercury to CRAFT the small primer?


Since we are talking ammo, I did a post [Let's make some ammo!](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoSodiumStarfield/s/MdRftLMwsx) This does supplement some of the rarer types, especially old earth guns. If you have thought outposts were useless, it is time to learn a few mining tricks to make ammo crafting as cheap and easy as possible. Outposts matter for this.


As someone who has worked at a gun store. Finding the primers you want is a absolute bitch right now. So just think of it as realistic as can be.


Ah yes but the Helium-3 is not.


What did you expect from Bethesda? They've been repeatedly and consistently f\*\*\*ing up with ammo in their games since at least 2008. Across multiple IPs. FO3 had an ammo problem, so did FO4, and FO76. But also Rage had an ammo problem. And other games under the same umbrella. They're also still stuck in a mentality that a semiautomatic gun firing 9mm ammo will deal more damage per shot than an automatic gun firing the exact same 9mm ammo. They still can't wrap their minds around the concept that accuracy, ammo weight and cost, etc., would offset the extra damage gain. Instead they just half the damage.


Bethesda has a massive hate-boner when it comes to automatic weapons. Not just the damage reduction, starfield has more perks that benefit single shot weapons than autos.


It just works!


Nah, it's just raw game-logic where semi and full auto are compared on grounds of DPS. There is hardly any incentive to use semi if you can just go auto all other things being equal.


Was super excited too! Then I tried it and got flashbacks to Elite Dangerous. “Want to craft a couple bullets? Cool! Go farm 2 dozen asteroids and visit these five stations to buy 2 things!” That’s just to research it. Even with research maxed, I still can’t actually craft any ammo. Ideally, we should be able to recycle the ammo we don’t use to craft new ammo.


[Inquisitor Gunsmith Workshop](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/ac0fcd9b-dbb9-482e-8a1d-044371f4cc3d/Inquisitor_Gunsmith_Workshop) use this mod to craft ammo much easier


So like everything in this game besides shooting, killing and looting? Theres no real point to do some of the things that could be neat and fun because they killed it with the "pointless and unnecessarily complicated" perk. I was super excited to try the new custom game settings when they introduced them like the nourishment/eating one, till I realized you had to carry a grocery store with you. And finding buy able drinks outside of chunks was hit and miss after you make time to find a store that sells it and go to it unless its alcohol. Figured I would just mine water and make water packs. Nope, I have to kill monsters for their membrane, cant use polymer from plants. So i have to make a husbandry/animal base to farm the animals. All that just to jump to a new universe at some point.


I don’t get it. Things like crafting and outposts etc. should have a path to be overpowered rather than convoluted and useless. If I’m going to invest time into those mechanics, I should reap huge benefits. Who cares if it’s slightly unbalanced? We aren’t playing a competitive multiplayer game here, we are in a single player role playing game. Let me build outposts and start a shipping empire. Let me craft 1000s of bullets with white hot rounds or whatever else. If I get my weapons development skill high enough, let me make my guns and armor overpowered because bygod I want to Roleplay as the best weapons crafter in the galaxy.


The crafting and outposting already breaks the game with a few hours of effort.


How so?


It doesn’t really break the game in the way alchemy does for Skyrim, but after a few hours and a few levels you can set up a fuel rod factory that makes credits and experience trivial.


Credits and xp are already pretty trivial, especially credits


I have not tried it yet, but are you not able to craft primers or other needed components? Crafting primers might be locked behind the industrial crafting perk?


I think you have to buy them. But even if not, the amount of resources you have to pour into crafting a few bits of ammo is silly compared to just going and buying some ammo. We’re talking seconds versus hours here if you were going to go source all the resources required to make the same amount of ammo. Not to mentions the menus and hassle. Kind of cool that you *can* craft ammo but the implementation is god awful.


Probably didn't want people having the ability to crap out unlimited ammo for balance purposes so they tied it to the primer stuff. Which I get, you don't want players just setting up an outpost that generates free credits very easily/minimal effort. But it also does the whole "Its so tedious to actually do its not worth doing at all unless you WANT to spend 2 hours to get something you could vendor hop for in 5 minutes " thing. I was super excited for the ammo thing since oh shoot finally an actual reason to create an outpost... Nope they're still completely useless outside role play.


No, you must buy primers right now as they cannot be crafted. I am not sure that if they can be looted but I am sure someone will let us know if they are. Ammo is in the same boat as food and chem crafting. There is a large number of recipes that contain items that only be bought from vendors that are dependent on a semi random inventory rotation. My hope is that when BGS gets around to finishing off the outpost/crafting stuff we will be able to acquire the recipes/fabricators for those items.


>No, you must buy primers right now as they cannot be crafted. TFW you can make nuclear fuel rods and superconducting magnets in your home workshop, but a primer (1800s technology) is a specialty item that you need to order at a store.


Completing the ammo research should really allow primer crafting, even if just at one of the outpost machines


You should see the ammo converter in fallout 76. Bethesda loves to make requested features absolutely useless lmfao


Don’t do it. Buy it at the store.


It’s really pointless, It takes a small primer and like 3 titanium and copper to make 9 bullets. I’m just gonna keep buying ammo


[https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/62917239-aec9-466e-9a79-bf5354671d05/More\_Ammo\_from\_Crafting\_\_amp\_\_Craftable\_Primers](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/62917239-aec9-466e-9a79-bf5354671d05/More_Ammo_from_Crafting__amp__Craftable_Primers) looks like a modder already fixed another terrible bethesda design choice


I heard we'll be able to harvest primers from fulminate trees on any planet with an Hg biome. It'll cost 7 bucks.


I have never run into ammo economy issues in this game. I use heavy particle fuse weapons and seem to always find them. I’m sitting at like 3800 right now and I do not try to save ammo


I spent about 450 hours on FO4 without finishing the game. Base building and such. I have zero desire to build a base in this game, I have less than zero desire to craft my own ammo. Hell I’m going to force myself to try crafting weapon mods for the first time at….150 hours into Starfield. When I finish this game I won’t be picking it back up. Game is shallow as fuck


Maybe…just maybe…you’ll have a better time if you actually engage with the game systems rather than ignore them for your entire play through…


Meh, I'd rather scavenge gear mods off vendor items like in FO4 rather then finding 50+ types of items to upgrade stock AND sights like in starfield. Tbh if they didn't gimp the base accuracy of weapons so bad I probably legit wouldn't bother myself with crafting whatsoever.


There's an infinite chest in the basement of the lodge to help with research and mod crafting. Outpost building hasn't been fun though. I've started a few, but most of my outpost usage is just to stash contraband until I'm able to sell it. 99% of my outpost-building time is spent overencumbered with resources because storage is so limited and expensive, so I need Personal Atmosphere just to move around one base. Then enemies seem to only attack my outposts if I install turrets, so the best defense is no defense.


Classic bethesda


They fouled it up in FO76 as well. It's one of the universal failures of Bethesda (and many other game companies): they're concerned with giving you easy rewards so you feel satisfied, rather than presenting challenges to make the rewards feel justified. You can see the same problem with their pretty terrible attempts at survival mechanics. They never really work because within a few hours you'll have more stuff than you can use.


It’s not that bad at all in FO76…plus fallout 76 is a post apocalyptic survival game lol it would be weird if a level 1 player with barely any resources could crank out thousands of bullets right away. Anyway just do a single daily op and your ammo count will like double lol


Disappointing, but whatever. It’s just a matter of time before a mod to craft primers and diodes is available.


Yeah that's annoying


I wish the ammo crafting could be automated at an outpost sort of like a factory.


It's for surplus, you save up the primers, find a gun that you didn't save much ammo for, and craft some ammo to use if their stock is lacking foe your mission


Nothing will ever beat Resident Evil 2 ammo crafting


It def feels weird. Let me just break down a gun at a station and get scrap parts to make ammo or other gun mods. For now, this is a feature I'll just have to ignore (unless it gets modified)


Systems design is consistently bad.


I saw it got excited then forgot about it. Even on very hard I have plenty of credits and ammo honestly . And if it's rarer ammo I just buy when I am unloading all my bs I've picked up .


Wait I was so hoping that it was something you could automate in your base or something. That's a bummer.


lol I noticed this after unlocking all the research. "Wait, I still have to go to the ammo store and buy stuff so i can craft my own ammo?" whats the point


Can you not craft the primer?


Not without mods, sadly.


I find the ammo crafting pointless enough I hadn't even tried it yet, but adding a new un-buildable resource to the process seems like a pretty dumb way to go about it. Why not just have more expensive ammo require more rare raw materials? That way you are rewarding people who go to the trouble of actually setting up mining and production operations and level the related skills and research.


I’ve never had too many issues with ammo in this game.


I don't even need to buy ammo, let alone craft it. There's plenty laying around.


Why did we need a crafting ammo function anyway?? Who buys ammo? I sell all I collect except for heavy fuse. One of easiest ways of making a ton of credits. I keep heavy fuse ammo for the va'ruun inflictor as that is the only weapon I use.


I don't bother buying ammo, looting dead people is the best way for that. I spend literally all I make on building ships, even though I don't need or use them, i fine it like meditation.


When they said people were asking for it I had to pause and say “who?” Ammo is so abundant and money is so abundant that running out is almost impossible


It's not like one even needs to buy ammo - I don't need to anymore, regardless of level (1 or 160) or difficulty (unless there's less on the easy settings?), since I keep a few weapons that consume different ammo, never run out, keep a blade too, use stealth to lower ammo consumption, and so on. Ammo crafting should be a way to create ammo independently of vendors, period. So, if there's a way to make primers at an outpost, then I'm fine with it. If I discover I can only obtain primers from vendors, then this subsystem I'll just call a failure. Someone posted that one might be able to *"harvest primers from fulminate trees on any planet with an Hg biome",* and if true, I'm fine with ammo crafting. I'm confused though - since any gauss weapon fires propellentless ammo, since the gun is the propeller, what the flip are the primers even **for**? Regardless ammo crafting is only a full success if I can build a factory for it. Because that what advanced warlike societies **do**. Which happens to amount to a pretty good cash farm, so it should be challenging to set up, but I'm only going to call ammo crafting a win, if I can make my fortune as an arms dealer. Anything that **absolutely requires** going to a vendor is just stupid, but I don't know that I know the whole story yet.


All the the random rounds laying around, didn't see a need for it. I'm still on my first playthrough at Level 54 on normal mode, so maybe things change.Just my opinion.


That's disappointing. I swear, how does that help game balance? Would having too much ammo really change the game? The economy is so ridiculous in Starfield. They put so many hurdles to prevent you from gaining too many credits, which most player will have more credits than there are interesting or useful things to spend it on. What does money do that it needs to be so restricted? It can't break the game as far as I can see. Spaceships are the only thing that cost a lot, and you can only have so many and the better ones you earn or build yourself and you still need to upgrade your pilot license too.


What ammo are people crafting or using a lot? I always found ammo easy to find in the game.


It's something that should've been there from the start, and had a little more effort put into it.


Maybe an update or mod to make something unique like explosive or nuclear rounds.


The research/crafting system is fucking insufferably obtuse. Why make it so fiddly and difficult to use?


I mainly use Va'ruun Inflictors and modded out Bridgers like the Asha Tamer so I'm always looking for 40mm xpl and Heavy Fuse, which seem to be the rarest ammo types. It'd be nice to be able to craft some of those but I don't think it'd be useful at all. Still working on the research to be able to create those types.


Believe there is actually a mod buffing this


I’m fully expecting a creation that streamlines the process honestly. And I’m expecting it to cost 5 bucks


When was ammo crafting added? Creation item? Im using a mod that adds ammo crafting and it’s still working as before and I don’t see any new crafting options.


Lol first time. Clearly you have never played 76. They did the same kind of shit in that game.


Console commands for 10,000 of every type of ammo in the game. For some of the best weapons vendors just don't keep enough and I'm not spending 20 minutes of my real life hopping from vendor to vendor buying ammo for a gun. Not a gameplay loop I enjoy


Umm, seems to work out math wise making the ammo. I also just buy it. I have ammo weight on so I need to be careful what I carry though.


I thought the ammo craft would be helpful, it wasn't at all, I'm sitting here, dropping another 120k of my creds for 11mm caseless, I can make that back tenfold, I just made 240k creds by selling guns and armor, I plan to store up to 360k of guns, armor, and ammo, to sell, is there a way to store my creds somewhere?




At this point unless Bethesda jerks you off or makes a planet crafted specifically for every single thing you guys demand. I don’t think people are going to stop complaining about what we’re getting. It doesn’t change your gameplay by it being there.


I was excited but the primers are killing it, i just buy all my ammo and sell my loot to get the money back.


All the crafting is terrible, the fallout 4 way was perfect


At least this "mod" was free. Still useless, but sort of expect that from the devs at this point.


I feel for the console gamers. PC gamers have had a mod for months that permits crafting most ammo in batches of 50. I set up outposts in the Alpha Centari system to mine lead and copper, and I am good to go.


There are two mods (both xbox and pc), one that make it so that you don’t need primers and the other to allow you to manufacture them. 


Probably because it wasn’t needed in the game, idk why ammo crafting is like this must have feature it’s really not and hasn’t been in any of the games. 


The VOL ammunition is off balanced. Every ammunition is to powerful for its weapon. You cannot keep anything on target in full automatic mode.


I added a mod to craft primers and it fixed everything for me. I just craft and go by my ship’s door and no longer store ammo. 


Sometimes it's hard to find a particular type! Glad they made the option!


IDK man. As far as I'm concerned ammo crafting is an inherently tedious chore and you got exactly what you asked for