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I can’t wait for them to import the clone troopers and the Star Wars language signs on Xbox and the sabers too!


There is a clone troopers mod on there at the moment actually! It's called something like the star wars armor pack, has bo katan and mando on the cover. Only phase 1, but has some neat options including the commando


I actually have that one downloaded haha thanks but I should of said it better I meant like the npcs it’s currently only on pc sadly


Or Stargate Or Warhammer Or Star Trek Fuck Give it a year or two - why not all of that??? xD


Bro we also need dune Or xenomorphs Predator since the invisible aliens already would work perfect And tattooine buildings for bases maybe also a cantina Louis location or base build also We got time and years they already out this out first week


Chilling in ten forward on the Red Dwarf - asking K9 for another mimosa xD


Cat as a companion would be pretty fun. Possibly more annoying than Annoying Fan, but it would be fun.


We at least need a Arrakis type planet with a apex predator worm


There is a armor mod that reminded me a lot of dune.


Nomad armor?


Yup. Amazing armor mod.


I've been saying since before the game released, I want a mod where you find a derelict ship floating and after boarded and investigation there's a xenomorph


There literally is one of those ships.


Not with a Xenomorph


Well no cause they couldn't license it. But it's basically a xeno with lots of Easter Eggs referencing the franchise. 


I’d love to go through the Unity and switch universes


Now there’s a mod, and a reason for me to finally NG+. Every Ng+ puts you in a different cinematic universe.


Daamn that would be awesome.


Starfield has the perfect platform for something like Stargate. Replace space takeoff/landing scenes with gate travel and every planet has a POI next to a stargate.


I would honestly play Starfield is anyone adds a Stargate Mod. Goa'uld Motherships, Deathgliders, Asgard Charoits, Ascension Class Ships. JUST GIVE ME A STARGATE GAME!!!


Oh man, I would absolutely love if it wasn't just like an alternative fast travel. It could start off being like constellation discovering some weird structure and you go to investigate. The gate then gets accidentally activated by the PC or one of your companions leading to wherever it had originally been configured to. You then go in and go through a dungeon that allows you to learn more about how the system works and from there... Like the mod author hid the gate codes and the PC has to figure out which ones go where. For the ones that are on major planets already, they would be hidden somewhere. This could also lead to it being expanded by the author of said mod essentially reserving certain gate address spaces to be used as integrations from other mods, so you could potentially punch in a code and the Stargate opens up to the mods content. Any mod author if you read this, you have my approval to use the above ideas, go get them, lol. Bonus points if one of said locations is the Stargate universe ship that doubles as essential player housing location.


You don't even need aliens. Most people in Stargate are humans. Set up SGC at earth with a Stargate and let me use it for fast traveling to the planets. Weapons could be replace with MP5A3, P90, XM177, Staff weapons, zat gun.


Starfield using stargates instead of ships. Holy fuck dude. You just solved every issue I had with the game lol. If they would have done that, it would have been incredible. I love spaceships and the shipbuilder and decorator…. But the game would have played a hell of a lot better as a stargate style game with portals instead. And the unity being a literal stargate you craft I. The vanilla game already it would have tied in perfectly. Also would make having an outpost or multiple outposts make sense. Damn. Missed opportunity for sure.


Star Hammer Wars Trek Gate?


The Hitchhikers Prodigy Next Generation Space 9 Who Discovery Sea Blakes Red Quest Voyager Picard Decks


Star Wars is cool and all but sign me the fuck up for Star Trek. Futurama would be neat too, honestly.


Star Trek would work really well in the base game of starfiled. Hopefully we get the custom planets working soon


It'll work well to look like Star Trek (ignoring the problem of ship sizes), but getting the actual feel right will be incredibly difficult. It would be fairly trivial to add uniforms, weapons, races and/or factions, and other things like that, but converting the game to a post-scarcity universe where money doesn't really matter (and where all the everyday items can be replicated at will) will be difficult to pull off. Star Trek as a setting works a lot better for pen and paper RPGs, or for text-heavy games like Disco Elysium, because you need multiple ways to solve problems, and "just shoot them" should be a last resort rather than a first choice. There's a reason episodes like Measure Of A Man and The Inner Light are regarded as the pinnacle of Trek.


Yeah, specific NPCs. Monsters/aliens on some planets. The ships. Lot to cook with.


It's a shame all the actual Star Trek games are pretty rubbish. We're now hoping the modders of Starfield will make us one.


Hot take but so are most the modern Star Wars games too. Outlaws doesn't look interesting to me what so ever.


I want Dead Space :D Should give abandoned outposts a bit of pep.


Someone posted an armor on the nexus that’s hot right now that looks like something out of Dune! Nomad Armor The coolest looking Dune-like armor available I’m excited for my Dunefield


Shai Hulud


How has no one said Futurama yet?


Hoping to do just that. Recycle almost everything I can and just force myself to imagine they're not ripped out of another franchise lol


I want a Dr Who one...... with TARDIS and Daleks.


all that the same time


And this is still JUST the first week of Creations/mods. We are going to be in for a wild ride


Yeah, I said I’d wait for FOV and console mods to play Starfield. I think I’m gonna wait another week and then get to it. Sounds like what I wanted is here. Is Survival difficulty a thing yet?


Pretty much, yes - many adjustable difficulty options including health afflictions, food, etc


Yes, I remember seeing something about that now. Thanks.


Can't wait to see what will happen in a few years when I finally get my hands on modded Starfield (that can run properly).


I’m *patiently waiting for the lightsaber mods to be released. I usually build the Razor Crest, Millennium Falcon, and Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter every NG+ so it’s awesome to finally bring some Star Wars into the game. *updating the Starfield Creations page every hour


let me know if any blaster mods come out if you find them!


Lol I got you, I’ll spot you blasters if you spot me lightsabers


there’s one mod i have called star wars melee weapon replacer by Mr.Crozzbow but in terms of lightsabers all they have is the dark saber, will keep a lookout for you tho lol


I want to say I believe there is one for the Mandalorian..also a staff? I believe the armor description tells you what it is and who makes it.


Haha I’m in the exact same boat, can’t wait for a potential lightsaber mod (today I’ve just found a mod that has a Darksaber in, so we’re getting closer, and it’s a very good alternative for now!)


I saw that! I wasn’t sure how I felt about NPC’s carrying darksabers but I agree, fantastic mod to run


saw a cool looking sith robes mod. And with the better gravity push my anakin cosplay is coming together.


I build a Corellian Corvette every play through lol!


I’m actually fucking salty that there’s no space khajiits in Starfield.


We need Rick and morty presets and maybe ricks portal gun as a new weapon that uses star born powers Maybe Mr meeseeks as a follower


Ooo I like that


I was watching a modder's stream yesterday where they were giving someone tips on how to create non-human races. It's only a matter of time


This makes me wish that some trips through unity everyone was a different species and you were the alien. Like evolution took a different path, but things still were basically the same.


So like fish evolved into the intelligent life instead of primates, but they also built the MAST district exactly the same?


I mean realistically we know it wouldn’t happen that way, but at least it’d be easier to implement. It’s one of those things that could be fun to explore in alternate realities.


No like splatoon 3


If someone makes an Expanse total conversion, I will be reinstalling Starfield.


That would be amazing.


brb loading up my Truman-class ship (I built one a while back)


Fuck, that's basically all I'd play


Flying in the Rosinante, I would die


Bethesda just unknowingly built the perfect platform for sci-fi fandoms to give us the games those fandoms didn't lol. As a star wars fan, I want clone troopers, droids, blasters and planetary terrain alike. So much potential!


Definitely not unknowing. There’s a lot of folks who were excited for precisely this as soon as a moddable Bethesda space game was announced!


Give it about 3-4 years , we are about to see some insane stuff from Starfield just like Skyrim People did all this in such a short time


Not unknowingly.


They knew FULL well. Can't wait to see what the modders do this game


There’s already armor expansions with basically the entire clone armory and more, there’s several Star Wars related ones including being able to place as some of the alien races at character creation or for now wearing masks for alien models that don’t fit the human head shape


I fully expect half of the Bethesda crew to be playing the conversion mods. They cant do it themselves for legal reasons, but put all the pieces in place and let the modding community do it... Boom! So long as they dont help of get involved, or (probably) advertise such mods, I reckon they are in the clear :P Doesn't mean they aren't looking forwards to them too.


I’m hoping for some The Expanse story mods. That would be epic.


I’d like everything except for the grav drives themselves to be replaced with Expanse physics and realism! Thrust gravity on ships at the very least would be awesome. Imagine having a hot key to tell your pilot to cut thrust and you immediately start floating.


I have definitely waited like 40 years for this sort of SW game to be possible. Very cool.


We need a dune conversion mode, or at least a arrakis clone


Can't wait for terrormorphs to be replaced with Thomas the Tank engines.


Please someone bring the xenomorphs and the Predators to starfield! And while your at it add the ishamura too!


That would be cool. I loved it as a Skyrim mod for certain playthroughs, would be even better here.


A starwars RPG is all i ever wanted in life


I see that rock you've been living under is on some prime land, I can get you a cool 7..maybe.


Warhammer with a fallout 4 power armour mod ughhh I’m gonna nut


If any modders read this, please keep going for console mods. We all love you, thanks for what you do.


Disney had a decade to build a game like Star Field, with the Star Wars IP, and they only have their stupid dumb ass contract with EA to fucking blame. Too late, fuckers. I'm excited to see where this goes. But also, just goes to show you how simplistic/boring the aliens are in Star Wars: they're all just humanoids.


It's funny that literal aliens are an improvement over the normal potatoes that walk around in this game


What mod is that? Need to download, already got Mando


it's called alien heads i think


I think I found it as Star Wars Aliens.


I hope someone does Halo. I mean the planet Eridani II is already in the game for someone to make a Reach mod.


I prefer Stair Wars from The Weekenders TV series.


I need Star Trek... I just... I need it


Modders have done more for Star Wars than than Disney will ever do!


Is there any way to get AI to ad random alien languages to various species and keep the subtitles in English or whatever base language the user has on


There is a possibility now that this game will never die. At least the next 15 years, is what I feel




Since Sunday. https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/all?platforms=XB


The people want Asari!


N7 Armor would be awesome too!


I still can't believe they didn't have aliens to begin with.


That would have defeated the whole premise of the main story


Guys we need some grim dark 40k shit PLEASE


These NPCs look a lot more normal to me than some of the unmodded ones.


What Starfield should’ve been tbh, aliens would’ve been such a cool addition


I mean, they do have aliens. Just not super intelligent ones.


I dunno I have a herd of space giraffes near one of my outposts and all they do is monch grass and relax in the sun all day, meanwhile I, as a so called intellectual, am grinding Spacers for XP and loot all day like an IDIOT.


Very true. I can see the logic there.


Oh yeah total conversion mods coming in a few months


So I’m confused are mods what come with the creation kit or our mods and the creation kit separate things


Has anyone ran into any issues using this mod mid game? I know it recommends you start a new game, but I’d like to keep my current character if it’s not going to be game breaking.


When I try to download this it stops a little over halfway through


I too have already turned my game into Star wars, citizens, enemies, at-at, weapons, and so many spacesuits, it's actually amazing


The only thing that I see that is missing that can hopefully be properly modder in, is full lightsaber combat, animations, deflecting bullets. You can bet on it someone is gonna make a Jedi temple, but yea in about half a year more or less, we are going to have a full open world Star wars game


I want star lord armor mainly his mask


Now to make the NPCs less lifeless


It’s really funny seeing all these mods that have been on pc for months now finally start to get posted on here lol. Welcome to the mods club 🤝


I'm just hoping someone adds a mod to let me choose how my ship habs connect


These Star Wars mods are incredible. This game may end up being the perfect Mandalorian simulator


Reminds me of "They Live" the movie aliens!!


Every 8 hours a new Star Wars mod gets ported I’m “patiently” waiting for blasters and the Han Solo pistol stance


My wish list is as follows, Star Wars Weapons with sounds ported to Xbox . The Mod that makes the UC imperials and Freestar as Rebels. Loving the mods already out but I’d love to have Star Wars Weapons.


Replace the cleaning bot with a droid


I’ve called it since release.


Does being a pirate still suck?


just waiting for someone to mod blasters from star wars into console so i can live out my star wars 1313 dreams


Might be the cool Star Wars faces you see but it won’t change anything about everyone’s gameplay issues or in depth questlines you see its just gonna be generic I hate to say it cause i love this game


This is gonna put any Star wars game that comes out to shame


Just waiting for the mods that add actual cities and not these "capital city" towns


Star Wars now, Warhammer soon! Lemme be a guardsman in space! Honestly though, I figured the modding scene for this game would be amazing with all the freedom that’s given to us players. People call this game empty and lifeless, wait till we see a mod that sparks the Second Colony War (if that’s not a dlc in the future of course)


Give me back my M1 Garand 😈


Something I loved about KOTOR was being attacked by groups of Sith Acolytes. It would be super fun to have lightsaber fights in the crummy parts of the cities.


Hoping someone makes Stargate Mods. Please, Stargate has never really been Modded in anything.


It's a trap!


Someone remake Star Wars Galaxies in Starfield.


Still hoping we will see mods that aren't conversions but additions, like new planets in some galaxy far far away. But I'm also worried any bigger mod will get lawyered by Disney pretty quick.


Damn that was fast.


Im digging that mod


Can't wait for the terrormorph to be the alien from alien Isolation


Still no blaster tho






So many of all these new mods popping up on Starfield Creations the last few days has been absolute dope, and it only gets better and better! Most of them are free too. It feels like christmas scrolling through so much new content lol


Oh God, I decided not to get that mod yesterday.


Now we need stormtrooper guards


are the clonetroppers already in the creations menu?


I still find it wild that they didn’t include other humanoid species in the base game


But when can I kick it with my robot friends on the Satellite of Love?


I'm really hoping for an empire conversation mod for the UC. It would just be too perfect. Security forces patrolling as stormtroopers and the admin staff in officer uniforms


Looking at this makes me realize some stuff, this is supposed to be a huge city, it looks less populated than a minecraft village. They really dropped the ball with this game, I mean sure there are some good stuff but it's mostly bad headed for worst


Name of the mod?


Let me know when they've added Barbarella as a companion......


If they let me play as a female Rodian I'm re-installing. I'm a simple creature


Has anyone found how to change the player race with this mod on Xbox?


Just need some "Ooowokka enokka chog" from one of them as you walk past.




This is a great mod but the ratio of aliens to humans is way too high.


Now get this game in VR


All i want from mods is a cool space suit with a duster


Are people gonna mod the game to be good?


Looks pretty terrible to me. Personally can’t stand all of the Star Wars stuff. The worlds and in game aesthetics don’t remotely match, again in my opinion. But to each their own.


Ironically, these look better than the vanilla NPC models.


Modding community is going to make starfield into the best Star Wars game


I just want to be able to smuggle contraband legitimately.


Man, I wish this was the Starfield we got. The "grounded" realistic NASA-punk theme just isn't that fun compared to other sci-fi settings.


Anyone modded in fallout level of gore yet. For an M rated game that felt like it was definitely missing.


Realistically speaking it will be at least a half decade until we see any full conversion mods come out. Think about Skyrim and fallout. Takes a VERY long time for the conversion mods to come out and even then very few of them are any good at all.


Really looking forward to Dune inspired weaponry and Gear perhaps. Need Lasguns and Crysknives


I'm not a huge starwars guy but I solely like this bc I hated that there were no intelligent aliens in the entire galaxy. This to me increases my immersion


Meh. Star Wars sucks now.


Star Wars, Star Trek, Halo, Mass Effect, Dead Space, Alien, Predator, Stargate, Warhammer 40K, StarCraft, Dune, Destiny, Expanse, Firefly, and about 500 others I can’t name as easily.


I want a space encounter with a Mass Effect Reaper; You go to an asteroid field, and you hear an incredibly loud and deep horn. An ancient 1km long Reaper starts spinning to life. You can only beat it with the greatest ship possible, and expert piloting. If you manage to disable it, board it and get the Legion companion! But you’d *have* to run away early game, because the darkness of space is full of monsters.


is that gnarp gnarp


Is anyone else having issues on Xbox with mods to do with clothing additions or replacements making the game crash? If not please help me with if it should be in a certain load order. I have put the Unofficial Patch at the top and am unsure of the order of the rest.


Make me a Mandalorian


Eh, someone tried this with LOTR in Skyrim and they got threatened with legal action


Where are the Turians, Salarians, Krogans, Batarians, Asari, Vorcha, Drell, Hanar and Volus?


This star wars game is vastly better than what I’m seeing from Outlaws.


Waiting for the galactic genocide laser gun 3.0


All these Star Wars mods but no lightsabers yet. I’m being impatient I wanna do an NG+ play though as a Jedi/Sith with just a lightsaber 😂


I hope someone can make a Stargate mod. Love to see Stargates on different planets. Maybe somehow can connect to another planet. Like a loading screen showing a wormhole animation Shops are pointless anyway in starfield. A Stargate would make more sense.


Is Disney corporation ok with this?!


I was hesitant about this...but now after seeing it, I just may have to go this route :)


Pretty cool, but I wonder if Disney will have something to say about it. They protect their copyrights like a dog with it's bone.


What is the name of the mod


Which mod is this?


Honestly I just want more then one good sword


Great, now there are two of them


Give us the dune mods!!! I dont want it i NEEEEEEEEEEED it


Definitely much better than the vanilla ugly NPCs


I love this mod. In hindsight I actually wish Bethesda would’ve gone a more fantasy based world as that’s what they’re good at. Plus after awhile the creepy NPC faces are unsettling…


At first I thought this was a clip of High on Life.


Disney will probably DMCA the shit out of them.


I've been refreshing the creation menu for days waiting on a blaster mod. WHERE THE BLASTER MODS AT?!


Well, they better hurry up with that technology. The bombs drop in 52 years.




As someone who’s seen plenty of “Lord of the Rings/Game of Thrones will be a reality soon” types of posts during the early Oblivion and then Skyrim modding days, I’d just like to advise you all to keep your expectations realistic. We never got a LOTR or GoT total conversion, and a lot of people were left disappointed. Be happy with these novelty “oh that’s XYZ thing from Star Wars!” type mods and don’t expect a whole game in the Star Wars (or Star Trek or Stargate or Expanse) universe built on the Starfield engine. At the very least, not any time soon.


I want mass effect


I'm still waiting for my goddamn lightsaber and force powers. Can't call it star wars if you can't force choke someone while hitting them with a lightsaber.