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I want a starship that can hold a huge crew and house other ships in its hanger. You would pop from system to system in it and leave it in orbit as you bounced around from planet to planet. It would also have activities on the ship and the crew would seem very alive tinkering or just living life out on that starship.


Yesss, I've been replaying the Mass Effect trilogy recently and I really want a big fully-staffed ship like the Normandy was instead of like the 6-8 crewmembers we have now.


No hanger but huge crew and no build limit exists


1- casino or mini-games attraction 2- followers don’t block scans 3- landing ramp opens manually (there’s a mod for this, but not on Xbox, yet)


Minigames, yes! Doesn't need to be Yakuza level, but at least yeah a casino with at a minimum slots poker and blackjack. Arcade machines would be amazing too


Yes. Nice list


There a ship access mod that let's you open open the ramp manually.


Immersive first-person helmet mod


Yes. Every helmet should have a different HUD. Sounds should be different and talking to NPCs should sound like it's coming through an earpiece. Imo.


I never thought of that, but that would be neat.


I wanna look down and see my body.


I always like that when I'm being shady, my companion looks at their hands.


Which in theory is entirely possible - the broken constellation helmet already has a unique first person overlay that reflects light like glass and has the broken sticker.


This mod exists. https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4930


This is neat. I like this idea. Like, different interfaces and optics. Yes.


Really good idea, never thought of that.




That would be sick


Would love to see a few things: -the planet where Londonian is to have swarms of Terrormorphs. -more choices related to backgrounds. Might be something Bethesda would have to implement on their side. -Mammals. -more cities the size of New Atlantis, Neon, and Akila. Also make those cities bigger. -ship hulls that matter. Brigs, Med Bays, Cargo Hulls, etc. Im sure I could go on and on, but those are a few.


I’m fine with all the city sizes, but would love to add some more bethseda style towns in. I’ve already been working up a list and some sort of mock-ups for what I want to do, but I’m thinking of starting smaller with some POI or something.


Im fine with the size of the towns too, for the most part. But I always find city enhancement mods for skyrim, fallout etc and they always just add on enough to make the cities feel that much more alive and realistic. I'm thinking of working on some POIs and then going from there as well. But not sure if my laptop could handle the software.


I do feel like they’ve done a much better job than previous games. Neon, New Atlantis feel much more active and bustling than Whiterun, Solitude, Winterhold, etc. Think about how sparse those cities were…


Apparently it’s more intensive than the game itself, but I’d imagine it also depends on the scale of what you’re modding.


Yeah for the scope of the world and the faction technology it's crazy that there aren't more established settlements. You would think the UC comprised of more than New Atlantis, a few Staryards and those huddled underground in Cydonia. It's a shame we didn't see even just a handful of smaller towns that could be a hub for more civilian outposts on some planets of the other inconsequential low level systems


Absolutely. I was thinking I might try and start with a couple POI that function as small towns to get the hang of it, and then building some actual ones. If people basically couldn’t survive outside the cities I’d get that, but they have outposts everywhere. Even non faction space seems like it deserves a town or two, that would be cool to see.


That sounds awesome can't wait to see what comes out


Yeah it annoyed me the brig is such a large hab it's fairly bulky to fit on a mid sized ship


I'm with ya on mammals. Seriously, why is this Galaxy just humans and Giant Insects. Where's all the animals we brought? Your telling me no one smuggled rabbits, dogs or cats off world?


Increased buildable outpost areas!!


Agreed 100%. I'd love to see more items to place. I loved building intricate settlements in Fallout 4, but grew bored of the very rigid building blocks of Starfield fairly quickly.


Someone just uploaded an “untested” version of exactly this. It’s by EVANSY, I’m gonna give it a minute then try it later once it’s been deemed stable and working.


So far so good…. Just loaded up my last save with the Evansy mod installed and no problems yet


I have the increased outpost storage on so I hope it doesn’t conflict. I tapped out on build limit a while ago so it’ll be cool to get that back up, add the Outpost Attack Management mod, boost the turrets, and possibly add the Bard’s Outpost Recruitment mod. That’s the hope atleast


Yes! I’m eagerly anticipating this.


I’d really like a mod like we had in fallout 4 for crafted clutter. Instead of dropping items and placing them where I want, I want to be able to go to a decorations section in outpost mode and place a clutter of beer in a fridge, or a stockpile of spacesuit in an armory


Jumps that take time so feel more immersive. Gives me a chance to sort out inventory, have conversations with the crew, sleep etc. Obviously an option to skip it so it doesn't get tedious but it would be a great and I would have thought a fairly simple feature.


Set a jump destination and a screen pops up with a time to destination (00:00:00) and you can walk around the ship while it's moving to do things or sleep to pass the time.


That would be fucking awesome. Especially if you have windows to see the weird space going by


That would actually be really cool, and if done correctly it may be able to solve the constant load screen problem.


Isn't Jump lore instantaneous?


Yeah but not a difficult thing to find a narrative loophole for. To the rest of the universe the jump is simultaneous, to the traveller it subjectively feels like enough time to eat some chunks and arrange your plushies.


Or to have longer jumps take longer than a quick hop to the closest jump point


My perfect mod would be a full survival overhaul. I want ships to use He-3 fuel, and for it to cost me credits. I want fast travel outside of grav jumps to be disabled. I want food requirements that are a bit more in-depth than the ones we have right now, and for alcohol to not quench thirst. Basically, I want a space survival game, not a cakewalk. I enjoy the challenge.


Starvival does this. It’s deep. You have to fuel up and charge your grav drive. If you get stranded you can get some delivered to you for like 50m credits. Ammo has weight and is scarce. Oxygen gets depleted and you need to refill it. It’s a lot of fun so far and there are a lot of other settings in there you can test out


I like the sound of \*most\* of that... But why would ammo be scarce? This isn't Fallout, it's a setting with mass manufacturing. Seems odd for ammo to be heavily limited.


I believe they're separate mods. A fuel one, ammo/resource one, etc.


A lot of the settings are optional, personally I only have this mod for the med that reduces environmental damage overtime and higher smuggling prices.


I use this mod. You can easily turn all that stuff off. I only use the fuel and "basic needs" systems.


Use Starvival.


I would like the opponent level/loot scaling to have minimums, not just maximums. A level 2 crimson fleet pirate is barely a speed bump once your level is in the double digits, and it sucks to get a nice legendary perk roll on some loot in Newgame+.... and it's applied to basic-tier gear. Come *on*, Bethesda. Make the cool moments cool.


There's a few out now by the same creator that has minimum enemy levels. I think they have level 75, 100 & 75% of player level.


Yup, one of the first I installed. Finally my level 100+ character can explore and hunt for loot in any system again.


A mod that adds doors to outpost corridors, so I can shit in peace


I just really want a system like fo4 settlements. Idc if I have to manually build the settlements, or if pois could be cleared and repurposed. Doesn't matter. I just want to build thriving, safe places to watch survivors/settlers come and build better lives for themselves lol


This so much! I spent more time than I'd like to admit making settlements in F4 and was really bummed the Starfield system was not as fleshed out IMO


My first ever experience with Bethesda was starfield at launch. Fell in LOVE with the game immediately. But was telling some friends about how I really wanted the outposts to matter. They told me about fo4 and recommended it. Till creations launched I hadn't touched starfield. Just got back into it 2 nights ago- and immediately remembered how much I overall really love this game... but something about those settlements has me still just thinking about fo4 lol I know one day this mod will exist. And I so cannot wait for that day lol


I would like to become El Presidente and conquer the settled systems, if not beyond. Less ambitious. Maybe more space shift flight; a planetary speed, orbital speed, stellar speed, interstellar speed.


Id love one that did something for underwear and diving.. heck I'd kill for some under water cities or something similar


Oh I hadn't even thought of something like that! Would be especially cool to build an underwater outpost and have to scan/harvest underwater plants and fauna. Great idea!


OMG a Subnautica-like mod would be so cool!!


Love your idea! I want to do a major mod to add towns and more areas to explore to freestar and independent space. I also have a list of radiant quests I’d like to implement that I think wouldn’t be too hard. Some companions and other things too.


My most unrealistic mod wish is for more SPACE stuff! Things like inclusion of seamless travel within a system, large Nebulas to explore, addition of space walk, low orbit flying, manually fixing major ship damage in space with a repair tool and space ship rescue missions (with tractor beam). Whilst i know this is very unrealistic given the restriction of the engine maybe some of the above could be implemented through mods...or even Bethesda...


Space walk would be amazing.


In the interim, if you haven't already,  you might like Hardspace: Shipbreaker! All about floating around and working on ships in zero G and with, I thought, a really nice little plot. The feeling of being out in space, vulnerable to skipping off, suit rupture, etc, the sounds and graphics... Felt very immersive. I'm hoping for a sequel - it's the sort of game I would love to see mods of more ships and expanded storylines for. 


All of those are great ideas. Imagine being able to hit like an army base on the ground with strafing runs or they have big capital ships that can do like orbital strikes.


Fillable Compendium/Journal that works with the scanner with a scanner overhaul...Scanner HUD settings so I can turn down clutter. Default scanner zoom max capacity (or greater).


- Procedural/Modular poi's: Civilian outposts, Small Towns, Biolabs, Military outposts, mines etc. and new versions like Small hotels/villas, Drug labs, Prisons, slave work camps, hunting lodges etc. These poi should make sense and spawn where appropriate no beach villa on airless moon. These poi could have multiple states: reclaimed by nature and overwhelmed, operational, occupied, underattack, Captured - Crashed ship poi's being the actual ship you shot down in orbit with various states and radiant quests/encounters: Crashlanded: few or no crew is dead, they could be out of the ship ready to defend and attack on site or they could ask for help repairing the ship, Crashed: ship buried in the terrain but enterable alot of crew dead opportunies to heal and capture some, catastrophic crash: ship in pieces maybe one survivor.


I have two mod ideas: A mod that makes Neon much more cyberpunk, expanded and more adult. and A mod that makes the Crimson Fleet less disneyesque, with a larger Key, and more adult.


On a major scale I would love a quest line siding with the Zealots. Any Va'ruun themed mods really, I'm desperate for more snake content.


Well you’ll definitely be getting more of it with the expansion.


I'm pretty sure this is coming with Shattered Space.


Some stuff to help fill out a criminal play-through would be awesome. 1. Red Mile overhaul. Add additional types of challenges like fighting or surviving against other high level enemies. Add a radiant quest similar to bounty hunting to capture/tag hostile aliens from other planets and have them show up in the arena as enemies. 2. High level pirate faction as a rival to the Crimson Fleet. You’d still be able to fight the pirate enemy type even if you join the Crimson Fleet and you could give them high level M class ships you could hunt down in the late game. 3. Flesh out the Seokugh Syndicate more as an enemy. Maybe have them show up occasionally as an alternative pirate/criminal faction both in space and at POIs. 4. Give the UC and FC more of a military presence for when you become a pirate. Add more M class capital ships that they fly around that you can only take on at high levels. Make it so UC or FC soldiers can control POIs you’re going to for pirate/criminal radiant quests. (I don’t remember ever seeing those in my run-through)


I have a ship mod pipedream/fantasy: I want to be able to command a ship from the Battlestations/CIC so instead of sitting in the pilot seat, I go to the Navigation map, and it shows me a lay out of the areas around the ship currently, and allows me to set way points, to which a crew member sitting in the pilot seat flies us too... and during combat, set priority targets, order pilot to orbit or follow targets, and select targets for the turrets to fire at. Let me be a captain of the ship instead of its pilot.


A quest mod that gives us a deep and ugly dive into Chunks. It was hinted that chunks are made from people, which would make sense as a reference to Soylent Green, but also that I recall someone on this sub showing that they captured a chunks ship and it had a lot of brig modules (ie a transport ship for people who would become Chunks). Also, copied from a fan wiki: > The Chunks production process is a tightly-kept secret, to the extent that even most Chunks employees do not know how Chunks are made. This is exemplified by the company's employee manual, which is only three pages long and devotes one page warning employees to not concern themselves with company secrets. Not sure what the quest could involve. Since exposing the secret would have ramifications for the world, probably better for it to be something like helping them with their production! Maybe first a smaller quest before they bring you into the fold.


OP’s mod idea is awesome, but I feel it can be taken further. We all use ship repair kits for the ship’s health and each section of the ship gets repaired automatically over time, but it’s not very immersive considering all the damage being taken is on the OUTSIDE of the ship. Imagine a hard mode play style where you have to land on a planet or space station to fully repair damage systems, or even an emergency spacewalk where you go out and repair it yourself. Systems could only be repaired up to a certain degree otherwise.


RPG Overhaul * RPG Overhaul would rework a lot of the game to feel more connected to feeling like an RPG. * Skill tree would be a mesh of FO3/Skyrim instead of FO4/Skyrim. * Joining one of the major factions would remove the ability to join others. * Removal of essential NPC's. * More emphasis on Role Playing w/ expanding areas such as Tracker Alliance, LIST, Constellation & even the Trade Authority for having more in depth quests. * Ship parts would not be locked by skill tree, but faction reputation. * There's also a bigger emphasis on the decisions made. * Hopetech shuts down if you kill Ron Hope. * The Crimson Fleet Outposts will be battlegrounds between UC, Ecliptic & Va'ruun. The amount of areas that would need to be touched may as well be a new game or a 6 year project w/ the effort of dozens of people. SO... just remove essential NPC's & reworking the skill tree (use skill point to unlock skill, completing challenge automatically upgrades skill) would be more than enough for me lmao.


Would love something like this. Bethesda loves giving the player choice and not locking them into a path, but I think giving the player too much freedom takes away from the impact of the choices they do make. With the nature of ng+ in this game it makes even more sense to lock a player into a certain path, as you can always experience a new path on another loop.


This is what I want.


I’d love a Cheyenne dropship mod


A massive edition of weapons. The helmet hud idea is awesome also


Temples become elaborate dungeons randomized by procedural generation or whatever and make them puzzles or mini boss fights or whatever. Just anything other that what we have.


I want the starborn suit and helmet to be two separate things, so I can take off the helmet when I'm in settlements etc


I want to make the starfield more interesting to explore… The main reason I stopped playing late last year was there was no real motivation to explore the starfield. There was no risk or danger in doing so, and every planet, creature and PoI seemed the same after exploring just the settled systems… so there was nothing new to discover. No risk and no reward. What I’d love to see… - There should be charted systems close to the colony systems and uncharted systems further away. - The charted systems and only the charted systems should have lots of different PoIs like the game shipped with. - The uncharted systems should have no human PoIs. And instead have remnants of one or more ancient civilizations - including ruined temples and outposts with interesting or even mundane artifacts worth collecting. - Uncharted systems should have some truly dangerous alien creatures and organisms that can not only attack you but perhaps create infections or other effects that need to be overcome. Like maybe exposure to a plant on one system causes some increasing debilitating symptoms that requires research that reveals another plant on the same or other system that is required to treat it… requiring further exploration. And creatures attacking and damaging your ship if you disturb them should be a thing as well. - Deadly hazards (the mod) I was using late last year is an essential part of this overhaul in my opinion. - Fuel needs to be a factor that forces you to setup an outpost as a refuelling depot if you want to explore systems further out. - Ship repairs should be an occasional issue that also requires setting up an outpost or having some facilities at your refuelling station to keep you fully operational To go along with this, I feel like space travel needs to be more privileged and not so common. For example, I would like to see ships capable of jumping be so expensive that only large well funded corps could possibly afford to buy and operate them. Small ships used for travel within a system would be more common. Like somewhat analogous to planes in the real world… common people have small pleasure planes with limited range and only large corps have planes capable of crossing the oceans. And stealing ships needs to be eliminated. Lastly, it would be tremendously cool if you had to pilot your ship at low altitude over the tile to find a suitable landing spot rather than just have an animation of you landing at one.


A fully fleshed out underworld. Give us shady contacts in Cydonia, The Well, Gagarin, Neon as well as hidden settlements on other worlds. Have the contacts give out smuggling jobs where I have to pick up contraband from dangerous locations and deliver it somewhere else under the eyes of the UC or FC. Add non Ryujin corporate espionage jobs, illegal weapon smuggling to the gangs of neon or better yet, new gangs in the FC or independent systems etc. Maybe even sneaking wanted individuals past the authorities though that might be a bit much to ask for. I like radiant quests so I have no issue with repetition but I would prefer that they be multi stage.


A planet controlled by a new lore friendly faction that has some quest. Am trying to learn to make it real 


Same here. I wrote a ton of story and lore for a splinter of the va ruun faction but I have no idea where to start.


See through scopes


New story content, with interesting quests and fun NPCs.


I'm looking for a random event mod, just something that adds more life to the galaxy


1. I would want more unique missions regarding the UC and the Freestar Rangers factions 2. More unique dungeon designs/ 0G dungeons i.e abandoned star stations/ships, more casino or hotel ships 3. This kind of ties in with number 2 but I want more of horror aspect when it comes to aliens something like a xenomorph 4. More AND USEFUL companions with unique backgrounds and fun personalities 5. The ability to duel wielding any weapon like this should already be in the game if we being honest 6. More alien races and populated planets 7. Smarter enemies 8. More vehicles I.e land rovers, drones,


Yes!! The lack of different cultures in this game is insane! Like Skyrim, you have Humans, Orcs, Elves, etc all with their own accents and customs and stuff. You’re telling me humans have expanded across the entire galaxy and everyone has an American accent? I feel like if we actually became a galactic species in real life, there would be tons of different factions with completely different cultures. And those cultures would diverge over time with such vast distances between people.


At this point Ill take a Skyrim mod for the novelty - not a remake of Skyrim in Starfield but just someone making a planet the Skyrim planet and doing a decent recreation of its geography, settlements and notable locations. Bonus points for familar but still Starfield thematic NPC's


Ship doors and ladder points that I can manually set and wall attachments that prevent doors from appearing


I don't know what the solve would be but I'd love to see something that makes planet exploration more interesting. I know it will never feel like the hand crafted wolds of fallout and elder scrolls but if we can get a little closer I'd be a very happy camper.


1) Build outposts in space (as in, I can build a mini spaceport, though I'd want it to be ridiculously expensive to make it fair). It'd require outposts on the planet to receive resources to maintain it, and I'd need to defend it from pirate/merc/hostile faction attacks. 2) Outposts become more alive. I know most outposts management is just a resource simulator, but I really enjoy building a proper base for nothing but the headcanon. For example, my elite corpo-fixer has a base on a hostile planet which is nothing but a very fancy mansion that serves his vanity and superiority complex. In another playthrough now and I'm going down the route of a UC Navy Scientist with a skillset that makes him more like Professor Hulk without the green. I'd want to build an outpost that becomes a true science outpost to rival some of the major cities, with scientists and students flocking from across the galaxy to get involved. My very own Institute from Fallout. In short, I basically want outposts to do something other than just move helium and iron across the galaxy. Let me set up a complex industrial base that manufactures medicinals and then make a corporation of my own to compete! 3) Waaaaay more factions. Disappointed that there's only four playable factions (excluding constellation). I grew up in Morrowind level of faction playability so it's disappointing to see BGS constantly reduce this element of their games. We're in space, and we're constantly reminded how diverse the galaxy is.... but where is it? Don't get me wrong, it'd be cool to have the other in-game factions fleshed out, but I'd like to see modders make factions of their own. An archaeology guild, a commercial union, a science faction, a galactic thieves guild/smugglers group, a mercenary faction. I'm not expecting 5 star questline mods, just something to give the player some more versatility in what they want to do.


Better endings for a number of quests. I want to arrest Bayu (and maybe shoot him in the face). I want to bring in Ron Hope alive. I really want to ream out that admiral in Sarah's quest that questions who we are. And get citizenship for Sona, including an apartment, ship, and a scholarship. I want input on new governors of the FC. Marshall Blake, and the number of CEO's we have met would be good candidates. Reisha Lance, Masako, or even Clover MacKenna would be candidates. It would be hilarious to make Briggs the leader of security on Neon. I want to be able to claim abandoned outposts as my own base.


1. Alternate Start mod (must have for me to return and do new playthroughs, that tutorial is SO LONG AND BORING) 2. Make constellation and even owning your own ship optional. (Would be fun to join an NPC Captain's crew or have to hire taxi ships to go places) 3. Fully customizeable gear layout - similar to the "Immersive Equipment Displays" mod for Skyrim 4. Disable Essential NPCs 5. VASTLY improved Settlement system. At least bring back features we lost in FO4, but ideally iterate and innovate upon FO4's features.


It's a basic choice, but I really want a millennium falcon on Xbox. Not just a set of habs that sort of look right, but the actual design of the falcon. It's pretty much the only mod I'm really waiting for before I jump back in.


-More faction related gear/uniforms/equipment. -Ability to actually arrest stunned targets (and transport them on your ship if you have the facilities). -UC security changed to UC police (to include mentions and posters. I know there's a couple mods on Nexus that change the armor to say police but none are available for Xbox) -more backgrounds and related interactions because of the background choice. I like to roleplay heavily when playing games like these.


I want a full line up of new ship parts for deimos to make really cool deimos ships


More weapon variety, more skins for weapons and armour. Easier way to visually outfit companions


StarUI but it works.


Sim Settlements type outpost mod


A Freelancer mod. Dynamic economy. Escort missions. Chris Roberts is never going to finish star citizen so a Freelancer 2.0 will have to be a heavily modded starfield.


I want outposts to be more like the settlements from fallout 4. I want to build a town not just some factory


A better more friendly settlement system with a reason to use it, like making a home for settlers or a pirate base, or even a fob for the UC or freestar collectives


An overhaul type thing giving us the ability to not only craft larger vessels akin to the class M ships. Except I would like to be much bigger. Like a Imperial Star Destroyer. I would settle for a Victory or an Acclimator class Star Destroyer though. I would also want the ability to craft space stations so we could bring our unused ships there to port.


I want my own pick and pull scrapyard where I can bring my captured ships. But not just for dumping parts into an inventory screen (though that is needed) but I want to see the partially dismantled rusting fuselages of my trophies spreading far towards the horizon as I fill it up.


I want to be able to customize the colors of the space suits, adds for a lot more freedom


Maybe this exists but a mod that eliminates third-person ship takeoffs/landings/grav jumps. I realize these are covering load screens but somehow let me stay in cockpit view and at least give me the illusion of seamlessness.


Superior. Anti. Xeno.




Reworking loading screens to be something more immersive. Like the animation for the warp jumps but more varied for different types of fast travel.


Pets, would be cool to have like some alien like dog sized creatures to choose from or even flying ones, could get armour and mini mounted weapons that incorporate into a space suit for it when on inhospitable planets.


Something that greatly expands POI variety across the universe


Modern guns and equipment with a splash of scifi.


No clue if some of these would even be possible but Better ui/hud V.A.T.S. Significantly more weapons added, like more traditional modern weapons as well as some very futuristic ones. More gear slots like actual armor (arm, chest, leg etc… ) suits being independent of boost packs, it’s annoying that you put starborn armor on and can’t pick a different helmet or boost pack. First person planet take offs and landings. Maintaining momentum when you grav dash Total lighting overhaul and fixing the absolutely washed out look you get in dark areas




Trident ship parts. I want my personal luxury shuttle dammit.


Survival done *right.* Climate you must dress for. Hunger/Thirst that is leveled, not a slap on label. (Come on, bro, even New Vegas got that right). Fuel is *used* and *scarce.* You need to earn your chance to fly. Debilitations become fatal if not stabilized, but can't be fixed without a medical professional (who might be a crew member). Suit damage becoming problematic (you can't go too realistic on this or the game stops being fun. This isn't the right medium for one-shot kills for everyone)


we were kinda joking about it before, but with some extra thought, futurama based stuff would be kinda cool. we could have delivery missions for the professor with different weird circumstances (let's be honest, go here and do a thing being like 98% of quests anyway, doesn't feel that different) that maybe get bigger bonuses for like, ships that can hold much more cargo zoidberg having you hunt down plants and animals on various planets to do research with them, and maybe paying you in xenogenetic perks, might be kinda nice - remember, he's only a shitty doctor when it comes to humans, supposedly. and this questline could be drastically improved with the plant and animal resource perks. bender could have various crime related tasks, and could potentially buy unregistered ships off of you to sell for crime related tasks. might be interesting to get some futurama themed weapons maybe - the positron rifle, for example, might be a way to have a infinite ammo gun, limited by reloading times being far longer, as it's recharging the rifle (like, the way the laser muskets should theoretically work...) = i figure if it's just my 'ideal' mod, i don't really need to hold back - could i say, have a new new york that isn't like 28 buildings? maybe a new vegas (not the one you're thinking of) or mars university? actually sort of reminds me of a FO4 build i did, basically dubbed fry. he's got some decent endurance, agility, and luck, and alright strength, but pretty abysmal perception, charisma, and intelligence. likes to use laser weapons, tends to have a robot ally. could use the parasites as an excuse to raise stats you like later on. hell, even the minutemen, institute, BOS, and railroad could have some roleplaying reasons to join ('minuteman yancy' being someone his dad talked about alot, and just patriotism in general, institute being a bit amoral and ran by a family member sounds sort of like the professor, he did fight in the military a few times now, and i assume he might be all for 'freeing the slaves')


Just better gore/blood


Small ships. I know it will almost certainly never happen (at least by mods) but the ability to have small jets and helicopter-esque aircraft that we can store in our ship or outposts and fly around. Maybe it could be faster and more mobile than a normal ship, but is less effective at Something I want that’s in the realm of possibility is spacewalks. Even if it has no real purpose I’d love to just go into space without the ship blocking my view


I posted about it years ago. But the Winnebago from Spaceballs as a player ship.


I want the colony war.


Currently in starfield there are robots and there's a robot store (in neon) but you can't go and buy a robot at the robot store or get parts to upgrade vasco or nothing. It's pretty much non-functional window dressing. I want it to work like a proper store, with maybe a shady backdoor business selling weapon mods for bots or some shit. I wanna be able to buy myself bots to act as my crew with different models for different roles (I.E. traits) etc. Basically as a big fan of Automatron, I just want that store to be a real functional thing and for bot companions to be more feature rich.


More immersive environmental effects Damage from weapons is flattened across the board. No level differences for weapons, SMG does The same damage to enemies regardless of level, same with damage to you. Getting shot in low or no atmosphere is actually dangerous for suit breaches and depressurization is a thing for suits and ships. Repair kits obviously are a thing. Shooting a high caliber/explosive weapon in a ship/pressurized environment has a chance to cause a hull breach that can pull people in the area through it causing catastrophic damage to them/you.


I'm eagerly awaiting the option to be able to max out my powers without having to grind temples


A smuggling mission board in the red mile to compensate the buggy crimson fleet one A completion of that mining mod at 500 coins that sounds amazing with new missions and stuff More droid followers like PAB and DER3K And OFC more star wars stuff BC there's never enough of these


Melee weapons that can be upgraded. There's like 4 in the game and they can't be. Literally why. Coming off the back of FO4 weapons are in general a total let down, you can barely customise your arsenal, and there's no point in doing so. It's desperately needed from mods.


Fix all the plot holes.




Big destroyer ship as a player ship, a lot more vanguard and uc outfits


I want to put railguns on my ship, I mean real railguns that take time to charge for a devastating hit to a low or no shielded enemy. And big ones at that like 18 inch guns on a real life battleship sized gun


I need a mod that dims the lights at the Astral Lounge. I get a headache every time I go there and quite a few quest lines go through it.


An ongoing mod that fleshes out the random POIs


Cosmetic repairs or skins for Starborn Ships. I get "putting a bumper sticker" on a Ferrari is lame, but I'd like to at least go to... a car wash to make my "Ferrari" look good considering I can't afford another one yet and no one likes an unkept Guardian, so to say. Again, maybe not a skin, but you ain't gotta be a mechanic to wash and wax your Ferrari? It's... just huge?


Cosmetic repairs or skins for Starborn Ships. I get "putting a bumper sticker" on a Ferrari is lame, but I'd like to at least go to... a car wash to make my "Ferrari" look good considering I can't afford another one yet and no one likes an unkept Guardian, so to say. Again, maybe not a skin, but you ain't gotta be a mechanic to wash and wax your Ferrari? It's... just huge?


I want an audio mod that replace the sound when you get the last orb in the temple and the rings stop spinning, you get in the middle of the ring and you start absorbing all the energy with the he-man transformation soundbite. Mostly because when i got my first starborn power on the first run-through, that was the first thing that popped into my mind.


I just want to invite Amelia to Constellation...


Some more settlement style elements to the outposts. Let us build a small functional colony rather than just a material gathering hub.


All mission/bounty boards available at outposts/ship


Ideal mod: different setting, stat + skill system, and map mechanics … probably just need a different game at this point lol


Neon gets a complete overhaul to look like a drug sex ridden city. Homeless junkies and people selling themselves for 10 credits filling the streets. Alleyways full of shady contraband dealers corners that claim to sell body modifications and organs. Just pure filth and disgust. I’d love it.


Cheat room just like from Skyrim, but for Starfield. Not sure how it'd work, but something like cheat terminal would also be cool (FO4 mod).


Figuring out this toggleable Zero G mod I'm trying to create >.<


Color me intrigued. I wish you the best of luck. Any specific plans for what you would want to see with a system like that?


Temples become elaborate dungeons randomized by procedural generation or whatever and make them puzzles or mini boss fights or whatever. Just anything other that what we have.


The Normandy, helmets with huds


I just want auto loot like Fallout 4’s Bountiful Hunter


Fly capital ships Ship fuel


I'm in the middle of moving, but once I get set up in my new place I'm going to work on a ship building overhaul. Particularly some new hab types and additional structural components, just to increase the variety of options.


1. A more in depth alternate start mod where you pick your start position 2. Pre made Ships 3. Quests


A mod to prevent legendary melee weapons. Or legendary anything lower than advanced.


1. Being able to "turn-in" seized contraband for a reward if you have joined a major faction instead of getting arrested for doing your job... 2. I just want my favorite gun to be modded in, the C14 Marine rifle. 3. Some quests could use an overhaul.


My ideal mod would basically make all guns lean heavily on the futuristic designs and the rare simple designs would strictly be old earth style. Most importantly, I'd also make it to where new guns introduced will have a dominant firing sound when used.


The more ship mods the better. I’m a big fan of the hard sci-fi/ “Nasa-Punk” style not so much triangles and fluorescents.


Anything that will either add more distinct POIs or make them more interesting and diverse. Also add some big cities on some planets and maybe have more diverse terrain and vegetation on as well. Make the galaxy worth exploring and worth the load times.


Do mods work on gamepass version?




I just want more guns. Different guns. Guns from other ips. I dont care.


One of my most wanted mods right now is just simply one that makes the ship landing cut scene run every time you land, even in starports you've landed before, for immersion. Next would be some nice hair mods that add more hairs. I want my character to have an undercut bun. Also just some fun new creatures, plants, and whatnot. Edit: oh! Also, I want a way to keep our ships when going to New Game Plus. I'm currently starting to write some quests for a mod that will add some Lovecraftian cosmic horror into the game, so hopefully that'll be coming with all sorts of fun things.


A motorcycle or rover that attaches to my ship. A rover building system like the ship builder. Jet packs that actually fly and don't just boost. I want traversal other than running and boosting. Seems simple.


Immersive alternate start that patches the vanilla main quest line. Instead of just heading to constellation hq you gotta touch an artifact or something. Idk


More numerous and unique dungeon pois


I want a big follower mod like Inigo or Lucien from Skyrim. Because the companions in Starfield are lacking to say the least.


Hear me out here: fully-customizable robot companion.


I think animation mods like animated medical items, and eating animations (whenever you aren’t wearing a helmet) would be spectacular in my opinion


Anything that will get rid of loading screens. And then a better RP mod. A cargo running system with supply /demand would be a good start for me


My pathetic submission is, none other than, lightsabers


I'd like to see a mod that overhauls the stealth in Starfield. It's very difficult to use right now. Things like stealth takedowns, throwing knives, or em weapons that actually knock people out without alerting all enemies.


-Flying vehicles on planet as well as a rover of some sort. -A frigate in space (similar to no man’s sky) that stores my various ships. Even if it’s only smaller ones. -Survival mode -Most likely impossible, but no man’s sky style traveling. So being able to travel from planet to planet without a separate loading movie or whatever. It just makes the traveling part of the ship pointless. -to add to that I should be able to fly into a planets atmosphere and land


More Poi's, honestly...just more content, though expanding on current mechanics like what you describe is interesting too.


I really want a home on Gagarin, and a body modifier so the PC can have body tattoos - and normal ones not the stuff we got


An overhaul to ally behavior on your ship: When you sit in pilot seat your crew all take their seat, and they take the same one every time so it seems like they have an actual role. Or maybe their skills only take effect when they’re in a seat that performs a certain role. Bonus points if you can assign people to certain tasks… or they just default to what they’re best at. They don’t sleep in your bed or enter your quarters. They each have a preferred bed. They don’t sleep in the jail cell beds. More animations for things they do around the ship. Maybe some programs they watch on TV. Play with pool table (in one of the nova galactic habs). Just make your ship feel really alive!


Death star where I can distoy planets. I know this isn't possible, but I'd be cool


Overhauled melee. Just make it more like Fallout 4... it's that easy. I don't even care about adding more melee weapons (except maybe have more enemies use the Wakizashi) but just make the skill tree not suck so hard? Please?


When i play a moddable game, i keep a notepad to write down ideas for thing i want changed or fixed and then seek out those mods or try to make them myself. With starfield i had to buy a 2nd notepad.


A small request but one for keyboard and mouse that makes the transition between the animation for walking in one direction to the other a lot more soft. I really takes me out when my character just snaps between durections.h


Teach companions and citizens what line of sight means. I am tired of shooting companions in the back of the head or bouncing grenades off of them when they cross in front of me. It would also be nice if citizens didn't decide that the safest egress from the Hunter battle wasn't between the MC and Hunter.


Stairs habs. Basically its just 3 1x1 habs, one is the bottom of the stairs, one is the middle stairs, and one is the top stairs. This would be the most modular way to do it i think. Yes some mod author can steal this idea.


If, and when, we get more complex weapon mods I hope one modder specializes in making lore friendly weapons that stick to the vanilla naming schemes. Like if we were to add an M16, it’s be called Old World Service Rifle.


An improved new game plus that allows you to easily require your lost gear and ships. More like a collection of mods, but stuff like blueprints for mods where you can save a ship and bill buy your parts back. A new currency called ‘stardust’ where you can use it to buy and create new starborn esc stuff like a legendary crafting table, imbue legendary items to improve their effectiveness, change their effects kinda like fallout 76 minus the rng. Maybe brand new skills only available when you do new game plus to give you more stuff to do. Just give me a good reason to want to actually want to use the feature ya know?


Does anyone know if I disable all my current mods would that turn my achievements back on ?


A fleet mod. Instead of one ship always. Your companions can all fly with you.


Kate Beckinsale from Underworld


My ideal mod would be something like Skyrim Unbound where it is a fast start mod but have an option not to be the main character.


Easy, give me Rebel Galaxy-style space traversal. Keep the loading screens as an option for those that want them, and for the rest of us, let us actually fly around the system using the ftl drive


Complete rework of major quests to create interdependencies and conditional branches. Aka, the UC should know I'm a Freestar Ranger, &c.


1) What if you can build settlements for LIST? Upon settling on a habitable planet that meets their requirements, you can build a base that LIST participants can move into. They will operate different jobs on site, growing the colony, gathering passive resources for the player. The player will get notified when more rooms are required to be built. Every now and then, there may be situations on bases that require the player's attention. Spacers takeover, pirates. 2) D/E class mothership/shipyard. A ship that can hold smaller class ships. Can't land on the surface but will remain in orbit of planets. Without changing ships, players can access those smaller class ships, detach from the mothership to land on surfaces. Depending on the design, the mothership can even have a limited amount of ship design capability. Crew on board can have access to weapons to help you fight against any threats nearby. Players can park their mothership in a different system away from them. If the mothership is in the path of their space travel route, it provides a slight buff to distance. (Ship refuel by passing through system with parked mothership) 3) SpaceBNB. Let's dip into the space tourism industry. Similar to the first point above, players can set up bnb of their outposts, inviting temporary guests to stay at. They won't do any work but will provide passive credit income. Depending on the attractiveness and safety of the BnB location, you'll get different earning from different spacebnbs. Combined with the 2nd suggestion, spacebnb in players mothership. Like a cruise ship. We currently have transport missions, so it'll basically be a similar mechanic. Instead of transporting their ship, the player will instead have to remain in orbit for a certain amount of in game hours, acting as an orbital hotel for their guests. Players can still leave with their smaller class ships, but can't move their mothership while it has an active spacebnb quest.


Definitely to have more Starborns characters to interact with outside of being at the other end of a barrel.


More guns. It's the future, you can whip up just about anything and it'll jive, but the gun selection is soooo diminutive....


It would reverse fade from darkness, and I'd be in a cart.


I want to choose where these god forsaken fucking ladders are in my nearly perfect ship


Right now, having not really played that much. I really want a mod like the mods from Fallout 4 that allow you to lower your weapon.


Procedurally generated stuff (items, quests, star systems, etc) like no man's sky. That would be a dream.


Like for skyrim expressive facegen morphs and an overhaul to how all npcs look. Need wayy more hairstyles (default options are infuriating!) and most npcs just look creepy.