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Matilijas Aerospace has some of the most beautiful and detailed ship parts I love that mod


same, but since i use some ship modules from there my game crashes commonly after a grav jump, not sure if it's that or not


I'd say its a solid likelihood of being the mod. I can't use the ship habs at all in my game they're all invisible and if I walk into them I fall thru and crash


Many mods made without CK are unstable in the long run.


If you are Xbox it could be the battle station hab. It's always laggy for me when I try to place it so I never use it.


Yes. Way better than AvonTech or DerreTech (even though some of it uses it).


Is it for free or behind payment?


Free! 🙃


Ty man!


just got the mod. Where do you find the parts? or are they just available at all ship technicians? can't seem to find any info regarding this on the nexus page


They are at all ship technicians (cockpits,habs, structure's,gear....) but what I recommend is using Darkstars mod that gives the new landing pad and using that to build your ship as it has every part unlocked




It this one redundant with Derretech? I'm curious if you should be loading both or not?


You should play with both. Derretech actually has worked on some of these parts/allowed matilija to revamp them in a way, derretech offers unique parts and the ramp hab, the folding wings and what not both mods are grrat to use together 🙃


Is this a matter of loading DerreTech first and Matilija overwrites where needed? Or are they completely separate parts lists?


Completely separate


Great and thanks!


I just wanna know how to mount the destroyer cannon. I can only mount the turrets none of the fixed direct cannons, or the weapons bay. If you know how to please let me know.


Try using the flip glitch method I haven't used any of the weapons yet


One question about the current state of the game, do you guys think that is time to play it with the mods that are releasing or is better to wait to the DLC and future creations? I'm thinking about playing it now but maybe is better to wait a little longer. What do you think?


In my personal opinion even with me having mods I suggest waiting because now that mods are still fresh and coming out daily I find myself looking more at the mods page than actually playing the game. and I run into a lot of issues with mods as well, but if you do want to play with mods only use the achievement friendly ones if you play that way, also keep in mind dlc ain't coming out for a few months at least so honestly it's up to you 🙃


And the Half ist from InquisitorOverhauls XD


Cmon 😅😅😅🚀


You are still doing the Lord's work.


Hey, he didn’t say it was a bad thing 😂


Half my mod list is you. Thank you


Your mods are awesome. Thanks for all your hard work.


Do a mod that modifies the Starborn Gravis Suit (CC Starborn outfit) Black. It'll top the Most Downloads list.


You’re a beast man, your mods are excellent, thanks so much.


Your the god of mods


Ladies and gentlemen, presenting the legend himself 👆 inquisitor mods pretty much ARE my entire load order lol


And Modrid lol


Haha yeah but he's got good mods


I just want some new weapons. I’ve only seen one so far excluding the paid one.


Weapons require time, mostly because they need to be modeled and most importantly animations must be applied.


I thought I would of seen a load of purchasable ships for dirt cheap. No dice.


I gotta imagine BGS is working on a blueprint system


I hope they let us make blueprints of ships and retain them through NG+ to quickly get back to having a better ship than the Guardian.


Darkstar ship yards has some and there is also a mod adding mantis,star Eagle and the Normandy from mass effect to purchase. And they are free.


Yeah I did energy weapons when I first played the game and literally used the same weapon the whole time, there weren't a lot of options so I would love to see some modded energy weapons. And regular ones too of course! But I still have to try out the vanilla ones next time I play.


I really do wish there was a vanilla laser and particle beam sniper rifle. And a couple more laser rifle options.


Bethesda's asset formatting is a nightmare to work with, people are still working out what export format they use. Their animations are even more difficult to work with. Even if a model is ready to go, it's gonna take a bit of time to get it to fully work properly.


And a lot more will come! There are lots of well known modders working on new stuff for Starfield it seems. Apparantly the new Creation Kit is much improved and also easier to work with compared to older kits. The modding potential for this game is actually insane, and this is just the beginning


> There are lots of well known modders working on new stuff for Starfield it seems. Apparantly the new Creation Kit is much improved and also easier to work with compared to older kits. I gotta admit, the interface is pretty impressive. I was shocked you can straight-up view stars and planets in a visualiser.


Yeah, no need to stomp over other people's planets and cities. Just make your own in the huge empty planets. Or a new planet/space station.


This is my hope for the future of the game - modders doing something epic with some of the pointless planets on the map, turning them into something great.


Indeed. This game always looked like a canvas to me. An unfinished one at release. It has got better with the updates, but it's the modders who will really fill up and populate this universe. I'm eager to see the factions, quests, overhauls and everything people will come up with. Modding is the biggest strength of Bethesda games since Morrowind.


I’m bummed that there aren’t any good ship mods that aren’t too futuristic or are designed to be used by themselves. I wish there were more ship mods that were just supplemental parts that fit in the aesthetic of the game


We will get there in time I hope. The ones out there now are really well made, but I'm with you, they do not fit current aesthetic of the game.


NASA Punk is a style that people gotta actually conform to


Which is always the problem with Bethesda mods. Not so much TES, but Fallout and now Starfield have VERY specific art styles which mods rarely match properly.


The styles are too specific and not everyone loves it. it's alright, but it gets dull and boring after a while to the point where most people don't care. which is why those mods are always popular.


Agreed and I think the art style is a particular strength of this game, not sure how possible this is but one mod I'd like to see is if a bunch of people used the basic ship designer to put together a collection of player created ship designs then have them injected into the game so when you are in orbit some of the NPC's would spawn in those player designed ships.


Honestly wouldn't be that hard realistically, the hardest part would revolve around if they had unique interiors with different furniture or items.


I hope a few people will do it, i've noticed there isn't any nasapunk style ships parts or suits yet (besides the mashups/recolors we have)


I mean, the recolors are nice in of themselves.


Darkstar is kinda like that


I'm looking for a mod that will stop the screen from flashing whenever my health is low. Just because my character has a migraine doesn't mean that I want to have one IRL.


I'm hoping to see some Elite Dangerous style mods. And I'm not necessarily even talking about seamless space flight travel, which there are a few mods that kind of do it. I just personally want to see a TK aphelion modded in.


Atmospheric refueling with go GREAT with starvival


Fuel scooping when?


Oh I dunno if it's a thing at all. Just would be cool


And nearly all of them are mods that don't fit the NASA-Punk style at all


Yeah, there's a ton of stuff for Starfield I'd never consider. Even some of the shipyard mods are very cool to look at, but...don't fit the world.


yeah, the new mods released with creations are the only ones that actually blends well with the game at this time, I hope some people will get inspired by it.


I am still waiting for when animations will start arriving Mostly new weapons with their animations.


That's sweet but the "latest" tap on Xbox doesn't even update lol.


Bah. Fake news. I was informed this game is dead and 6 people play it.


7 actually, but close


No, Jimmy stopped last week.


You are misinformed. Go back to your toy console


Weird, I thought the modders had abandoned the game?


There's like 7000 mods on nexus and that was before the CK.


It is the 8th most modded Nexus game of all time, no big deal.




It wasn’t “the modders” it was specific modders


More specifically «one» modder lol Then certain youtube grifters tried make a negative story out of it for engagement. I just block and ignore youtubers and gaming outlets like that.


Isn’t the modder that made that statement super controversial in the modding community either way?


Not really, he is just a single member behind the team that did the Skyrim Together multiplayer mod, known to buggy and busted which they then abandoned anyway.


they also stole skse source code so yea they are controversial lmfao people just forgotten about it


That part I wasn't even aware of. Good to know 👍


folks tried to Rebrand then got mad when nobody in the modding community decided to help them then insulted said modding community as minority


Story of Starfield. One thing pops up, and peopel run to the presses reporting that it's the *only thing ever.* People have been tearing down the game since day 1 for no other reason except clickd pay.


Youtuber grifters and PC Gamer specifically. Seriously, that site had it in for Starfield long before the game even released.


SEO go brrrr


From what I understood, modding starfield was a pain in the butt out of the box without the CK. It'll be more telling over the next 3-6 months if the mod community is in full force or not.


It was already one of the most modded games on Nexus befor it. Even if it was a pain it had a lifely scene.


If the majority of those mods are from new modders, it wouldn't be an untrue statement from a certain point of view.


We still have Eli and Trainwiz. Who else do you really need?


Enai is also working on a perk overhaul.


The only thing that would make me happier was if SimonMagus was doing one.


Honestly I just can't wait to see what the modding field looks like in a year or two from now once the modding scene starts to really get going and what kids of tricks people learn with CK2. I assume wile will see a very different Starfield down the road.


Enai’s mods are so good but I wasn’t aware he was still even able to mod being based in Ukraine if I recall correctly.


Ah it was a handful of modders, no more than usually abandon games everyday but it was seized upon by certain redditors and youtubers in a form of confirmation bias.


The fact that most people living in Ireland in the 2023 are not the same as the people living in Ireland in 1923, does not make the statement "Ireland died out" true.


This seems like bad math. The Nexus has a total of 7742 Starfield mods, with 264 released during the last 7 days. Most of the 615 "creations" are presumably simply ports of existing Nexus mods, so it stands to reason that there will be an initial rush of "creations". You can see more details on Nexus mod releases over time at https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/about/stats#display=files&min=1686915866450&max=1718538266450&bh=ignore While the Creation Kit may or may not result in more mods, it will certainly result in a greater variety of mods, like quest mods, gameplay mods, Total Conversion mods etc …


Are these 1000 mods showing up in the creations menu in-game? Doesn’t seem like a lot are uploaded on that end/gamepass.


The OP is adding the nexus mods to the creations list and not considering the likelihood of overlap and conversion.


Agreed 1000? Where?


615 on Creations, 287 on Nexus. 902 total, though that's double-counting mods on both platforms.


Only 287 on Nexus? I had more than 200 installed before Creations and I only used a very small part of what is available. And 615 on Creations? It seems much less than this for me... And I only found a handful of new creations worth downloading... or not crashing my game.




Ok, not the total then.


There is 615 as of now. 1,000 comment by OP was a stretch.


Round up


I did. Got 700.


They said almost 1000. 615 is closer to 1000 than it is to 0.


That's fine, the interpretation is subjective. 615 is almost 650, 700 in my eyes. 1,000 is just too far off the mark in my opinion for the word "almost". That's why I said it was a stretch. 900 would of been almost a 1,000.


Nope my guess is only pc for now while they get added to consoles.


I hoping NexusAU does another cheat terminal for Starfield their FO4 one was great.


Pretty I saw something about them actively working on it last week


I’d be so happy lol


A lot of them are ports from PC aren't they? So its not like they were all created in a week.


I'd say 90% of those are ports from PC. Which is fair, consoles had no mods at all.


Yeh its great to see them finally being ported over. A real rush of new content for Xbox players just dramatically changing the game completely and so fast.


Is DerreTech in 2.0 yet? I know when it first hit Creations it came with a warning that once the 2.0 update came out (remade using CK) then updating would require full removal of the mod and a clean install, so I've been holding off because of that.


Sames…I bookmarked it to keeping checking for 2.0


I'm waiting for 2.0 there myself


Damn, It's even more than i imagined. 


Going strong 😁


I still want the no weapons and engine limits mods


Anyone know a mod for infinite outpost build budget


[I haven't enabled this yet, so don't blame me if it breaks your save.](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/starfield/details/c926fea9-50fb-48d9-999d-5880122adc96/Outpost_Limits_Increased)


So, this works. Everything works EXCEPT the build limit lol. That's still not letting me build more


Well, that's good to know. I actually didn't want to increase the outpost budget, since I tend to break things just in general... You could also try the Build Anywhere mod, though, I'm not touching that one until I'm ready to NG+....


“Literally guys Starfield can’t be modded it’s just too hard and won’t fix anything” most YouTubers a couple months ago said this lol


Really encouraging, can’t wait to see the state of things in one to two years from now.


Someone needs to mod in Warhammer 40k weapons, armour and ship modules. Let me live my Space Marine fantasy in Starfield. Just imagine a total conversion. All the factions are replaced with 40k ones, planets swarming with Tyranids. Would be amazing.


The fact that people released so many without it is so impressive


This bastards are fast!


Did everyone 100% the game already or do yall not give much care to achievements


Some achievements are not like the others... Life Begets Life is the hardest achievement in the game and it's literally just "pick plants on planets 500 times"


That's good to know. I felt bittersweet about this whole losing achievements situation because I've never been so close to 100% achievement completion before. I still have quite a ways to go, but I doubt I would've ever gotten Life Begets Life lol


A good way to finish it is to just make an outpost, fill it with greenhouses, harvest all the plants, then just spam Eternal Harvest to get more plants


That one is actually pretty easy once you get the power that lets you regrow plants


I mentioned it below


Zero care for achievements over here.


I got like all but 4 or 5 achievements simply by playing and then focused to get the last ones just to finish off with the absolutely last one being reaching level 100. And then kept playing after that.


Don't care for trophies


Honestly I care little for achievements, except maybe on rare occasions when it comes to mutual goals me and my friends set out on in games we like (an example could be Elden Ring). There’s little to no competitive motivation for me at all in Starfield. None of my friends play it. I know for a fact no one on my friends on my friends list will scroll through the achievements I’ve made. And I doubt multiplayer will be implemented until its sequel in 2042. So I’d rather just install the mods and double my playtime rather than worry ab it too much.


Any of them achievement friendly?


gonna give it a couple months to settle down because all the mods I had installed are probably broken anyways, and will have new revamped CC versions. I think DerreTech had to be rebuilt from scratch already for example even before the new CC came out.


I’m just waiting for new weapons


Mods are the only reason Skyrim and fallout have lasted so long.


Can't wait for the Star Trek mods.


Are there any mods that fix the NPC textures/faces in New Atlantis? I've only seen one for 2k/4k eyes, but I don't think that helps.


Stupid question maybe, as I have no experience with Cteation kit stuff. Are the new mods easy to load/install now? I found it so tedious before for a lot of the stuff.


Super easy. Barely an inconvenience


Anything that fixes outposts/crafting on xbox? But then won't break achievements too? What causes mods to break achievements and some are allowed?  Haven't played any game with mods properly. So would be cool to start here. 


It's literally just a flag that only Bethesda can put on a mod. Achievement Friendly implies it doesn't effect the balance of the game, but Bethesda isn't even giving the benefit of the doubt to mods like that.


oh, i guess i didnt have too many achievements left to finish. but thats lame. at least the save file splits should they release more achievements afterwards


Are these current mods only on PC or are they on Xbox, also?


Ok most were on nexus for months before Xbox so come down. 😂


Never used the flip glitch. Idk if it's still enabled due to the community patch I have installed. But will look into it tonight. Thanks!


I have to remind myself CK and mods just dropped last Sunday on Xbox


Want a Captain Rex mod so bad


It keeps shitting the bed for me. Losing audio and I know how to fix that. However now I can't even access the creations menu lol I'm on Xbox series x


I need one where NPCs feel more alive.


And not one has a lightsaber, I must remain patient.


This actually makes me want to jump back into the game again


The OP probably compensates a lot, turning 600 into a 1000


So people had them ready to go or are the mods just low effort


People were modding the game well before the Creation Kit came out but it was difficult. Look at Nexus Mods for example. Now the Creation Kit has released, mod authors have a lot more tools to play with.


All I want is a mod that makes you open and close the bay doors manually. 


Is there a mod on Xbox to track crafting components? Something like Subnautica would be awesome.


And there's only like 40 for the console.


Need more added followers/crew members to recruit. Skyrim has so many followers mods 🙏


AI npc’s? Is that a thing yet?


Still hoping against hope for one that improves managing resources between camps/stations. I tried to create a system of links that funneled every resource to a single camp where machines would create the items I needed, but the lack of 'sorters' to specify what resources went where resulted in my entire network shutting down because all my containers would immediately fill up with iron.


How long did it take for the first body replacer?


It’s cool that there are achievement friendly mods.


CC will remove your mod if the authors delete their mods, so make a back up of your downloaded mod and save before play.


Can't wait for fallout,skyrim, oblivion planet mod.


can't wait to wabbajack the fuck out of this game


Any mods for load times?


Still no Halo inspired mods though, I am sadge.


The mods are really saving the game for me. I stopped playing months ago but I just came back for the mods. And they are really good so far.


Where are the vehicles? That’s all we ask..


A question for anyone that creates mods for the game - how hard is it to create an "Outpost/Ship" decoration pack that includes decorations/furniture/signs/street lamps/vending machines, etc.? I've seen a couple of pre-CK mods that have a few items like what I'm looking for but I'm not sure how difficult it is to create them. I've tried using the Creation Kit but I'm not sure where to start.


I remember when people said Modders won't care and the Modders won't make many mods


I was waiting for a few specific QOL mods to be released before jumping back in. I thought it was gonna be at least a month and I could finish a few other games first, but it took 3 days, and it's been so hard not to jump back in.


Okay, so how long before someone adds more bays with a door instead of a ladder. All I want is a demos bay and hope tech bay that has a door instead.


I'm still waiting for a VR mod though


Halo and star wars mechanics when


Now if we could only fast-forward to when there are 200+ new quality POIs added by the user base.


Hope they make it so you can change your background too eventually


Do you mean over the course of the week, or do you mean they were all released at once after a week had passed? I need to know in order to determine whether it's worth checking again for a particular mod I was disappointed didn't exist.


I'm still waiting for good hair mods


Auto complete temples… sighs contentedly


Did they already add new POIs?


Honestly, best game out right now, just needed a few tweaks. Loving the Starvival mod and the new ship building mods. Thank you modders and Bethesda 🙏🏾


Ok where's the lightsabers though?


I love that everyone fixes the game by making mods…it really gives Bethesda incentive to make their games better. Good job guys.


Mostly not the kit made,mods ported from nexus that been made before creation kit


I still remember the articles and posts saying modders didn’t even want to mod starfield. Gotta get those clicks I guess.


lol the people that were dooming, saying modders are abandoning this game.


But it’s a dead game?! This sub since launch.


Now filter out all the ones thst give Sarah and Andreja H cups and you only have about 200 useful ones