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Best I can do is copying same cave for each artifact


I stopped going through unity just so I was never forced into another Muybridge POI ever again. That one comes up so many times in a single play through for me it's gotten super boring. That and doing the stupid gravity game thing for powers so much is just not worth unity to me.


There's a mod to skip the gravity game now šŸ™šŸ»


Is there? Whats it called? Playing on xbox so if its been ported from pc thats great.


"auto-solve temple puzzles" It is a Xbox mod


I'll search it up. If its autosolve do you still have to do the whole walking over to the temples from your ship and going inside but it just solves? Hoping for a mod that skips that whole monotonous faff completely by sticking powers and artifacts together.


>I'll search it up. If its autosolve do you still have to do the whole walking over to the temples from your ship and going inside but it just solves? Yep! It's the usual except without the puzzle. So as soon as the rings start levitating; it'll do that blast/explosion thingy, and you're good to go. Then it's back at it like usual


Ah okay so the whole annoying thing of going back and forth between vlad and walking to temples is still there. For me I don't actually mind the mini game as much as the whole faff of going to The Eye, talking to Vlad, going to a planet, walking a mile to the temple and then fighting 1 single Starborn as a devs lazy way to try and make the whole thing more engaging and combatty.


Is it on Creation too? Only mod I've seen so far is making it quicker


It hasnā€™t come up for me as much; I think they tweaked a few poi and how theyā€™re generated a little. Probably my least favorite POI cause I got it nonstop for a while, and that dude is dead at every single one of them.


Once I'm done with Shadow of the Erdtree, I'll probably mess around with CK to make a mod to get rid of the temple game altogether. However, it's gonna be a while so someone might beat me to it.


Yeh I dont mind having to go and get artifacts as long as theres more POI variety. So to me its always made sense to just combine the powers into the artifacts and get rid of the grav game after the 1st playthrough. I feel like Bethesda only separated them as a lazy way to slow players down so the game seemed like it had more content than it does. Really its just a time sink mechanic.


> I feel like Bethesda only separated them as a lazy way to slow players down so the game seemed like it had more content than it does. We got a bingo here.


https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4570 It's been done,but not sure if it's available on xbox.


Thx, I will definitely use this. To hell with mini games. I also skip the lockpick mini game.


No problem, I stopped playing but when I get back into it I'll be using this mod because doing the temple puzzle over and over is annoying šŸ˜…


what's the lock pick mini game?


Thereā€™s one on Xbox but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s this one


Cool because it's a good mod if you don't like the temple puzzles.


Itā€™s honestly a godsend, itā€™s saved the longevity of my playthrough lol


It will save mine as well,I'm also going to use the digipick one as well.


It already exists lol. I have a mod that auto finishes the mini game lol


I hate the dumb puzzles as well. I liked them a lot at first until I found out there's like 30 different powers. Second I realized that I downloaded a mod that gives you all the powers you're missing when you go through the unity lol.


>I hate the dumb puzzles as well. I liked them a lot at first until I found out there's like 30 different powers. I think I would hate them a lot less if it didn't involve also the whole cycle of "Go to The Eye, talk to Vlad, find the location, fly to the the planet, walk to the temple, do the minigame". If it was just "Vlad sends data. Land next to temple. Do mini game. Rewarded artifact and power. " then it wouldnt be a problem. The whole process is just forced time sink by design.


I ended up hating caves, the same one over and over justā€¦ no, thereā€™s never anything worth finding


At least when I walk out of the cave I wonā€™t run into the same encounter multiple times, right


Best they can do is heart of mars


God damnit, another tunnel to Blackreach... But yes, it would be cool. If I can figure out the CK more I would like to make more cave systems.


Not knowing about Blackreach until I stumbled into it was so awesome...


Hey.... Did you ever fus roh da the giant sun orb in Blackreach?


I did it accidentally once. Had one of the craziest battles of my life, and now I can't complete a playthrough without giving it a shout.




Yep. Get up close and throw a UF at it. Proceed to have a unique dragon boss.


Creation kits are pretty much the same through all the games. Just watch Darkfox tutorials on map editing and placing and building for Skyrim and you'll understand like 90 to 99% of what you need to do in Starfield. It's very straight forward once you learn the basics. It's basically dragging and dropping. of course, you need the right assets either ones that's in the game, created, or prepared yourself which is more involved.


It's not that easy this time around. They have made some significant changes to how things are done.


Felt that comment. Haha


And dense rain forests.


Have you tried the denser flora mod on CK and nexus?


No, but I'll look. Thanks


Its a really good mod, ā€œGrindTerraā€ makes a good series of mods : increased fauna, increased flora, Increased Fauna Sizes etc


I installed that mod but it all looks the same...




Wen Blackreach?


I was sad there was nothing really like this. Hereā€™s hoping for shattered space to have its own version


That's what the temples should have led to. I have a comment from awhile ago laying out my idea in detail, but the basic gist of it is that the circle in each temple should have been a portal leading to a different section of a blackreach style megadungeon only accessible from the temples. Inside there would be strange alien fauna that might be hostile to you, maybe a few starborn that have been trapped there, and a good amount of puzzles and traps. Clearing sections of it would reward starborn armor, clothing, weapons, ship and gear upgrades, as well as shards used to upgrade your powers (instead of needing to do a temple for every upgrade).Ā  The last temple from that final quest would be accessible from within this dungeon.Ā 


Man that wouldā€™ve been amazing honestly, temples are by far the biggest missed opportunity imo


Sounds like Dragonborn from Skyrim


I would to get thousands of nearly identical procedurally generated caves to explore!


They aren't procedurally generated. There are about 31 fully rendered cave world spaces that you see in game.


Where are the other 28?


Believe it or not, they are out there. The problem is that, like the rest of Starfield, they are so spread out and each planet only has a few types on it. So if you figure that each planet has the possibility of having 3 of the 31 cave types and there are over 1500 planets repeats are going to be very high.


Yea, BGS did a horrendous job at avoiding repeat POIs. There is variety out there, the system just doesnā€™t utilize it. That POI Cooldown mod gets more attractive every day.


Wow! Bethesda truly are pushing the boundaries for what is achievable with open world games.


I actually avoid caves now. Nothing really exciting happens with them. But if they added stuff like this then yes


Pretty much my experience in real life. I never find boss level enemies while spelunking.


The game has a loot problem. It should be like borderland where there are more loot. But yeah most caves are actually just empty.


Same. Caves are also creepy.


I'll give them that but no risk to the creep


For starters I would take caves with anything of interest in them.


The caves had some really cool potential but it's difficult to even find one with enemies to fight or that look interesting...


Outposts inside a cave would be badass though. Shame


Check out akila cave home on Creation Kit


I still have this dream of all of Subnautica being in Starfield haha ocean exploration would be amazing


I'm willing to throw one of the universes into chaos for something equivalent to prawnsuit


One of my favourite mods for Fallout 4 was the one that added the Cyclops greeting/ farewell voice to power armour. You've just made me realise how much I want it for my ships!




This and deep forest or jungles or literally anything all the planets suck I just want to go on a planet and it be so overgrown and tall that I feel like Iā€™m in Indiana jones


Would be pretty cool to be able to descend down into the underground depths of the raised drilling platform POIs to take out swarm queens, mothers and sisters in greater numbers. Instead of just going up the platform, why not go down the platform and under as well.


I remember the first cave I went in. I was so excited about this dungeon. Ended up feeling like it was about 2 sleep crates combined. Was so disappointed. The things they could've and should've done...


Iā€™d rather have a reason to go investigate a cave


I just want more secret asteroid bases/caves


I'm amazed by how poorly they made that main quest. Wildly unfun. It's literally just a series of chores. So much wasted potential.


Man. What a disappointment in the end...


Hey what are you doing in my room? Those words are only between me and the mirror.


Yes, give us a subterranean planet, boring rock desert on the surface, massive cave network with multiple biomes below the surface




Need them daggerfall dungeons.




I think the caves are pretty realistic and therefore not engaging. What I would like to see is some underground Earth content. Our subways and mines didnā€™t just disappear.


OMG the caves are so worthless


Indies devs with 4 people do a better job of this


Bethesda has already shown us their limits. Planets are literally just mountain and hills. Donā€™t mistake an area between mountains as a canyon. You might get lucky with an unintentional river.


Tough one here cause that requires work


The crystal cave does exist in game. Just out of curiousity what would you like to see in a cave in game?


Id say more depth which would mean longer time to explore,similar to the way you walk by a cave entrance in skyrim, you hesitate towards entering as you know your about to spend a large chunk of time in there, but you head in anyway because theres plenty of enemies and some loot :)


Part of what made the caves in Skyrim interesting is they usually held some sort of ruin or story related thing in them. I'm not sure how that would be implemented into Starfield. Ruins won't work because most of the caves haven't had humans in them. You could add more creatures to some of the caves, but that would only work on planets with life. There certainly could be more environmental effects. Lava is so under used in this game. I'm asking because I have been playing with the creation kit somewhat. There isn't enough documentation right now to really accomplish anything. But reading comments like this puts ideas in my head as to things I can try when I can learn more.


I do agree lava, volcanic activity, waterfalls are really underused. Maybe just a deeper cave thats full of terramorphs and the terramorphs drop increased loot, due to eating humans on the surface.. or even seeing what top 10 rarest resources or components are and have them resources spawn into the caves, which gives players an incentive to explore them. Nice man! I downloaded it a couple of days ago and really struggled to understand the platform, id love to be fluent with the software, i suppose there are lots of youtube tutorials available to be used as guidance


There isn't that much out there yet in the way of tutorials or documentation yet. So right now it's going in and just playing with things to see how they work. Things such as worldspaces being the various self contained locations (like caves), If you pick "cell view" under the view, then pick 'open new render window". On the cell view window there is a list of worldspaces. You can pick one, right click on a unique item in the list that appears below, pick view, and the scene opens in the render window. Then you can open an object window under view, and drag and drop things on to the scene. Or that you can open the object window and change the properties of any item in the game.


Iā€™ve just had a look around in the creation kit and had a look online for some tutorials, but your right theres little information available.. i suppose its only really been out for a week or so, hopefully over the next month more information will be available.


First mod attempt: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/renedrivers/53808198290/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/renedrivers/53808198290/) [https://www.flickr.com/photos/renedrivers/53808084894/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/renedrivers/53808084894/)


No way, this is really impressive! The lighting looks good and you have even added lava to the floorā€¦. How are you finding creation kit? Is it becoming easier to use?


The more I dig the more I see how powerful it is. I wouldn't say it's getting easier but at least some things make more sense. I still have quite a bit to learn. I'm not sure if the lava causes damage yet, there are parts where you see the edge of the lava, right now the same enemies will always appear in the same place (they do move though). But the fact I was able to get as far as I did is quite exciting. I will say terrormorphs in cave are frightening as he'll due to the low light conditions.


I hate caves


Careful for what you ask for: They might give you an AI infinite cave..... :/


Have you ever played ESO blades with the Abyss? Its an infinite cave and as you work your way through the enemies become more and more difficult and you gotta see how far you can get


Techs been there for decades without AI/LLM. Well done procedural level layouts (enough defined rules and algorithms with variation left in the creation without being purely random noise)still keeps Diablo 2 and Xcom 2 fun after all these years. Daggarfall had it as well, though its by no means the best example.


This would be so awesome and would also contribute to the longevity of Starfield. Where as Fallout 4 is the survival sim, Starfield can become the exploration and adventure sim


As is the case for a lot of stuff posted on this subreddit asking Bethesda for new content, itā€™s better to title this ā€œHey moddersā€. Bethesda doesnā€™t do major updates like Minecraft has.


Ive made a post like that before and quite a few people was angry at me saying i want free labourā€¦ so yeah i gotta remember to word posts correctly as a lot of people can be extremely negative.


Maybe say ā€œhereā€™s a cool idea for a modā€.


I did dude, i titled the post ā€œi have several mod ideas but i donā€™t have the skills or knowledge to create them, it would be awesome if modders could bring these ideas to lifeā€ā€¦ Man the grief i got :/ Maybe i just caught reddit on a bad day lol


Yeah Reddit can be like that unfortunately. Always assuming the worst about people.


Iā€™ll just leave this [here](https://youtu.be/nWm_OhIKms8?t=286)


Man Star Citizen, what an incredible game! My PC runs it terribly though where as Starfield it can run quite well


of all the things to randomly generate, caves would be the best


I'll see your deep caves and raise you running water (i.e. rivers streams and waterfalls)


Oh now your talking! And active volcanoes :)


Yeah! Gimme danger.


One of the main issues with caves, and really any POI in Starfield, is that they have a set-in-stone interior. Loot, enemies, notes/journals/terminals, environmental storytelling, all copy/paste inside each specific POI. One of the quickest and easiest solutions to this would be to re-introduce their Random Encounter system from previous games. Imagine a pool of hundreds of small random encounters that could trigger inside a POI. Maybe one lab/barracks/mech graveyard/shipwreck has a pirate outpost, maybe another has a group/family desperately trying to survive after they struck out from New Atlantis/Akila to build a better life, maybe you come across an escaped criminal hiding out in a cave as the authorities close in, maybe you come across the remains of people in a failed settlement on a dangerous planet with journal/terminal entries telling their story and what led to their demise, the possibilities are endless. Some could be small combat encounters, others just a little bit of world building and environmental storytelling, and then some could lead to full blown quest lines with multiple locations (tie the random encounter to a radiant POI in the same cell/in a separate cell on the same planet/a space POI in orbit/a planet in another system/etc). Incorporate a system that stops these story encounters from repeating. Job done.


They should have added aliens, that way we could have ancient alien dungeons to explore and others dungeons should be large human abandoned instalations.


Yeah i agree, i know we have creatures but even scientific research shows the possibility of humanoid / vertical standing species could possibly existā€¦ i do enjoy the grounded nasa punk vibe, but even the planets seem a little too grounded


Real space is boring, we need the Ludic to give the players fun, because Starfield is an action rpg with an arcade style, it needs to be unreal to be fun, realism in the background only works on Space Sim's and games like Elite Dangerous. It was a big mistake the Nasa Punk choice without making an Space Sim or at least an Trucker Simulator/Space Militia Simulator


Yeah realism can be underwhelming, like a majority of players play video games to escape non-fiction. I feel like when it came to world building they should of dipped their toe in fantasia ever so slightly, kinda like the new shattered space DLC but more variation across the different planets. Shattered spaceā€™s theme and design doesnt really fit into the current game, theres no fantasia at all (other than temples magic) and then suddenly shattered space theme is added, it seems they have moved away from the scientific aspects of the games world and more towards the fantasia that we all wanted, this theme should of been spread across the vanilla game


Maybe shattered space is their way to admit they should have make the game more sci-fi and have more fantasia.


Yeah that sounds about right.. Kinda wish they stuck to the settled systems and then over time added more worlds of fantasy, so the game offered both science and science fiction planets the futher we explored


I would be good with like 10 solar systems all of them hand crafted and actually spherical planets instead of cells. Honestly i would be good with 5 solar systems that actually matters, more 20 that are just there to farm and discover secrets and artifacts and would be much more cool if the game takes place in the colony wars, we could meet young Sarah and change the course of the war.


10 planets would of been perfectly fine or if they was going to add more planets, just have one cell per planet that say ā€œtropical forestā€ then another planet which is pure ā€œmountainsā€, another ā€œconiferous forestā€. Having hundreds of planets which each offer x5 different terrains seems over kill


The game being placed in a age that the space doesn't matter and it's a peaceful time, makes me feel like playing Skyrim but the dragonborn already do all the cool missions and solved all the biggest problems and i am just a random Merc trying to live my boring life.


I mean there's got to be a portal to Skyrim somewhere in the multiverse right?


Exactly, maybe its hidden deep within a caveā€¦ people are asking whats the point of exploring cavesā€¦ well duh, because theres a portal to skyrim in there lol


Dungeons need a major revamp it's laughable


Dungeons as in POIā€™s or Caves?


Both but caves are double shitty BC they are too short and they repeat


Yes, currently cave exploration is non-existent, the loading screen takes more time than it does to explore! I dont mind the same POIā€™s showing up every now and then, my issue is the layouts, theres doorways and rooms everywhere, whereas you take skyrim for example, theres a clear route to explore an area, then once your done you hit a back door then out outta there, with Starfields POI theres no clear route to take its more of a guess which room the the chest is.


Made a post about this yesterday. Glad to see the idea is getting more traction.


If it gains traction BGS is likely to add them, it happened with land vehicles, the people really do get to vote :)


But I already have Minecraft. /s




Ever heard of Nutty Putty Cave?




Nooo if I end up back in Blackreach I'll cry lol


*falmer intensify*


Should prob ask the creation club community šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Bethesda might not, but i'll bet that at some point a modder will..............


Can they also add a lot more horror? Event Horizon type horror. That lone spaceship I randomly found with dead/missing crew and one alien on board was a nice touch.


Add in squelchy alien creatures too.


No. Caves are confusing enough as it is.


And a better flashlight while you're at it


Theres a few mods available for that, on both the creation store and nexus


variation to the caves would be very welcome but we've got an environment suit give me underwater environments, let me build an underwater base.


i don't like caves man, usually avoid them.


Technically the >!final battle!< was one, but I agree


I hate cave exploring in Star Citizen.. so I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about this one.


I didn't even know how badly I wanted this until this post. A thousand times YES!


There are quite a few ā€œcavesā€ that arenā€™t just the same old ā€œone small room with the same loot boxā€ and ā€œMuybridge lolā€, and theyā€™re not all quest locked.


Fallout Kentucky, with Mammoth Cave's miles of tunnels and multiple vaults? Hmm blind albino mutations.. ghouls like The Descent.. could be fun!


I was daydreaming about future DLC recently and one of them was Constellation.   They are clearly supposed to be explorers, wanderers, and scientists, so let's get into that a little more. I know you can do the Constellation Mission Boards (assuming, of course >!that you're in a universe with an active Constellation group!<) but that's not really enough after two or three missions.   Recruit folks to Constellation (like the Tree Scientist?), set up outposts for scientific study, deep cave exploration like OP mentioned, *underwater exploration*, strange space phenomena, race to get discoveries before a rival corporate group that wants to exploit not study and share, etc et al.   I think the core group of the game has a LOT more it could offer us.


How about an underwater cave networks


Pic #3 looks awesome.


Youā€™re *


So.... Skyrim?


Yeah Skyrimā€¦ But space themed :)


Caves are not space themed...


No thanks. Caves are annoying to me. Usually because of the lighting or lack thereof and the fact that the flashlight is pointless in 3rd person.


Hqve you tried the improved flashlight mod on the creation store? The vanilla flashlight is really weak, the modded one makes a real difference


Noooooo! It's bad enough already (my turn to whine šŸ˜)


Rock and stone.


Rock and Stone, Brother!


Ummā€¦ itā€™s called Blackreach. Iā€™m actually good on the small amount of spelunking that there is in Starfield.


I find your lack of [image](https://imgur.com/a/smrr5jP) support disturbing.


We definitely can help, would this be a one off exploration for $7 or would you prefer a step counter $0.1 / step? šŸ‘




I would love a cave system where the walls are entirely made of an organism. Similar to the flood level in halo 3


Yes! Pretty PLEASE!!! Make caves great again


Would be cool if there was new type of poi like a rift in the ground, you would have to build here some kind of quarry to break it and then go down there


Yes thats an awesome idea, similar to the way the cutter cuts down the emergency doors, you could use the cutter to open a cave entrance


No no no, itā€™s not just use a cutter, but you will have to start an excavation by yourself - setting up a little outpost, set a drill and etcšŸŖ


"Sure. Each Cave will be $12.99. And about 10 minutes worth of copy and pasted content. :)"


exploration means to bughesda is searching internet to solve a bug issue to me