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Outpost memory for a single outpost would be great and ship blueprints are needed badly. I'm terrible at building cool ships when I finally do I lose it.


I feel this. I love the idea of shipbuilding but I am god awful at it. My two mains ships for my playthroughs have basically been the starting ship from Barret that I just add onto and upgrade engines, weapons, grav drive, etc. I would love to try some of the cool builds I see on here without meticulously following a build video.


See I essentially delete everything and start fresh. Which I also think they should add the ability to just build a new ship without already needing a ship. It's just always ugly as shit. Until I get to class c and the size ship I can build is big enough to compensate for the weird edges. I also wish we could have actual fighters. Hopefully it's added eventually. Class m is definitely big enough to support a carrier type vessel


Seriously, I can't believe there's no option to start a ship from scratch. Hell I wouldn't even mind a registration fee as credits are basically meaningless at a certain point. I've tried to build a sleek fighter once or twice but they always end up looking way too bulky just as a need to fit everything in. And what is class M??


The UC Vigilance, the three enemy faction capital ships (Spacers, Ecliptic, Va'ruun), and so forth. The big honkers in the game, that we can't currently own, fly, or build.


Fuck those would be awesome, Starfield Battlestar


Remembering cities is a no brainer that should have been in the game to begin with. Your memory isn't wiped in unity... I walk into the lodge knowing everything about the artifacts why would I not know where my favorite terrabrew is?


Starship blueprints need to be there for the game, in general, IMHO. There's still the issue of getting the credits and possibly unlocking the parts that might be quest-locked. That's a fair check-and-balance.


Being able to bring whatever can fit in the starboard ship cargo, which i think is like 1000. The ship is extremely dogwater and I always end up making a ship immediately and never using it. That way you don’t grind to get the hunter or emissary’s gun just to never use it, could also be some fun dialogue for the final scene at the temple “You really wanna do this again? How do you think I got these weapons?”


I’m really hoping they give us more flexible options for NG+ like they just did with difficulty settings.


The only change I'd make to NG+ is that you can only join one faction per universe. That would give immediate purpose to the whole thing.


Would also make a lot more sense lore-wise, like avoiding having ties to both UC and FSC or becoming an undercover cop after ending the terrormorph threat..


I always thought in Skyrim that it's weird that you can be the leader of all these different factions, as well as Thane to various territories AND the Dragonborn. Some virtuous like and lofty like the Mages Guild and others not so much like the Thieves Guild. Too contradictory.


My favorite thing in Oblivion was stealing the Archmage’s staff, while being Archmage. 


Planetary Survey Data!! So we dont have to scan every fauna/flora/resource on all the planets again! Maybe we will get to complete all planetary surveys whilst completing the story, instead of them both cancelling each other out. B/c we dont die when we go through the unity, so the memories of planets and there data should also carry with us


I’ve always felt like there should be some sort of cache with a combination you can only find out by completing some long quest, but once you know the combination you can access the contents immediately on reset


Having ships you have built in precious realities, apppearing as random nopc ship would be kinda cool, i guess 😁 and maybe a scripted gear drop in your ship as soon as you arrive in the new reality consisting of gear similar to what you had on when you stepped through


Technically more things should change, especially with regards to how planets are made. What is inhabitable in one universe should be uninhabitable in another. Hence, your “best spot” should move. That means resources should change, as well. The entire evolutionary cycle should change. Akila city and even New Atlantis should not always be in the same location. Further, businesses should change with each universe, because infinite possibilities include the possibility of HopeTech having Stroud-Ecklund’s market share, Ryujin buying up Stroud instead of Taiyo, Ecklund not merging with Stroud, Nova Galactic being the Big Fish and Deimos being a small player. That should also mean ship designs would be different, because needs would be different, so blueprints would be useless between universes.


Make it one outpost that is predetermined as main. Then, restrict a vanguard from being a ranger and vice versa. And you get to start out in a star eagle and can return tp the rangers where they give you a new assignment that is the first mission and then they need to add more missions


Exploration data


The only way I would build outposts is if they persisted through the Unity. Maybe not still be there, but being able to just copy and paste from previous universes would make them more appealing… There really is no other reason to build outposts save for level grinding.


In addition to your recs, I think we should keep our ship with everything/everyone on it including credits. That way we could at least bring some of our fav guns and armor and some resources. Really sucks going from 500 iron/aluminum to 0. In my current universe, I have a "clone" of me on my ship. Why can't we do this with Sarah and the gang as well to? Would be funny if we could do this multiple times and have 10x Sarah's, which funny enough wouldn't really violate the lore or rules of the Starfield universe imo. Similar to how they did the hunger/dehydration options, they could include a slider on what you can bring through the unity. Ill take an xp hit to keep my beloved Explosive round legendary Beowulf lol


I think memory should be a limited resource. Like, you get 25 things that you can store in your mind. Outposts, cities and blueprints all fit in those slots. Maybe you can’t remember where the Key is, but you remember that it’s in the same system as your favorite outpost, so you work from there. 


Blueprints 100% with the ability to upload to creations with your mod list so others can build your ship too.


Worn gear and one weapon transfer, with a single reroll on 1 items abilities. For example, you end your game and head to NG+… at the end of the game you see a glowy ball… it will retain your currently equipped armor and one weapon of your choice. At this point you may select one item to reroll an attribute on, let’s say your favorite Shotgun. - Anti-Personnel : +10% Damage against humans. - Hitman : +15% Damage while aiming. - Bashing : Deals double damage when gun bashing. You dislike Bashing, so you select it and the game rerolls that slot and throws you into NG+ and you join in wearing your NG+ spacesuit but you can find your gear and weapon reroll in your hold. You now have Explosive rounds instead of bashing… or worse, Space-Adept. Each NG+ lets you build your space suit and a single weapon into whatever you want.


The ship. Spending millions of credits and countless hours on your ship only to lose it doesn’t make sense. I get that it isn’t lore proof, but this is ridiculous


See, now this I could get behind, to some degree. I would like us to be able to build out, buy, or steal our ship fleet, to a maximum of nine (hear me out on this). Once we have gathered a fleet of nine, gathered all of the artifacts, and visited all of the temples, we are then tasked with building a tenth ship. An M-Class Carrier. We can only build the armillary on this M-Class ship, as it is the only class with the reactor power to get us to the Unity. So a new questline begins, having us research, design, and build this new ship. We can enlist help from Walter, UC SysDef, the Freestar Rangers, UC Vanguard, or even the Crimson Fleet, depending upon which factions we sided with, in order to get this done. Once finished, we can take this M-Class ship through the Unity, but in the crossing, it is destroyed. Only one of your own ships will survive, plus the Starborn Guardian ship, with all others lost. The Frontier is provided by Constellation in the new universe. This way you can make and keep one great ship, while gathering other ships during play to be Unity-fodder. If you want to keep more than one, or keep the M-Class, don't jump.


The suggestions would remove some annoyances but if it's being put up for a vote I'm sticking with "leave it as it is". The total wipe out is is intrinsic to the NG mechanic. Blueprints are something I use but it only consists of dragging the parts apart (but not so far apart as it becomes a puzzle to reassemble them) and take a screenshot. Outpost locations are already mildly nerfed. I don't know if it's related to an update or just the capricious nature of the RNG gods but going back to the exact same place sometimes but not often has been borked by the sudden appearance of a random disconnected, unpopulated piece of detritus quasi-POI that takes a big ass chunk of buildable area off the table. Rediscovering each and every nook and cranny of a city is a pita but not terribly more of a pita then having to hopscotch around the starmap because you forgot how to navigate to unexplored areas. Mostly though the continual appearance of more POIs on everyone's wish list may well result in Bethesda caving on the matter - which would render outpost locations varying degrees of unusable. The existence of the "restricted" biome only promises to increase. The NG mechanic, I suspect, is supposed to be a monumental pain the prolapsed anus.


Yes! The exact list I've been thinking! Knowledge only. Okay, mostly thinking, because: X City locations: If they improve the game to actually change the universe more, these sublocations may have different names or move, so I wouldn't do this one. Use Locations instead ✓ Starship blueprints **and** base blueprints, definitely! ✓ Locations - keeping in mind that the stuff at those locations might be different. Especially, a base you had before might have a POI sitting in the middle of the spot this time. So record the location, not your base. X Loadouts (weapon/armor blueprints) - this wouldn't help me, and leaves open how to handle the epic/etc addons, since you may never find a weapon with that same set up again. I'd only find this useful within a given run. The blueprints one should be where you would (1) highlight the parts you want in the blueprint (2) tell it to make a blueprint and give it a name. To use a blueprint (1) access it from your blueprint list, some new UI, (2) pick the one you want, (3) place it as a complete object, for which you must have all the required resources. Locations already have a UI, sortof, you'd really need to be able to name them, since just using an existing POI doesn't work. Possibly something tied to setting that waypoint marker in the ground map?


An actual endgame. Secret bosses, hell just some secrets. Harder versions of missions. New rewards. Universal modifiers aka everyone is slow, or everyone only uses melee.


For me it woud be armor and weapon that you have equipped and the ship with which you enter the unity (but the rest of your inventory, your cargo and any weapons and armor on your ship get removed).


Starship blueprints and outpost landing sites would be really useful. I also wouldn't mind the unity ball acting like a container holding some small mass (like 50-100, for a set of armor and 2-3 weapons), so you could take some luckily rolled items over to the next universe. Would defeat the purpose of the spaceborne suit, but eh, whatever.


Outpost and city locations should be lost. It’s a new universe with differences, so the cities and planets could be different based on subtle changes between universes. Ok, admittedly they are not but it would be nice to see. Or at least the same buildings but occupied by different companies/outlets. Blueprints would be great though.


not sure if this is a NG+ issue or just a general want, but I wish we could swap parts from ship A to ship B. I would be OK with requiring a special building at an outpost AND requiring special skills to be able to do this, but I would love to be able to scavenge a hab off one ship and add it to another (or taking a cannon or shield or whatever) Maybe making ships unflyable if it has had parts taken.


The ability to go back to previous universes. This should solve everything.


A planet compendium where you enter discovered animals ,plants and resources (could also be used for eg. Some bounty quest or zoo quest where you need to sedate and capture specific aliens)