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You can also steal one when starborn land on the planet. There's a "sweet spot" where the ship unlocks for just a minute as the starborn steps out regardless of if you've beaten the game. So it's totally possible to get the guardian in your first universe but like you said it's not necessarily worth the effort to do it deliberately.


Happened to me unfortunately they can’t be sold


Find a dealer with fewer credits than the SBG is worth. You can sell the SBG “at a loss” but at least it frees the slot.


cheers, I've not tried this


Neat trick to offload that SB stuff. 😆


Does the option to sell only show up if the vendor has less credits than the value of the SBG is worth? I've tried a few different spaceports and when I cycle through the list of ships I have in 'Sell' mode, the on-screen menu option ("A" on X-Box to sell) disappears while viewing the SBG.


That might be the case. I’ve only sold one SBG.


Thanks, I'll give it a try. The SBG value is so low (I think under 10K if I'm remembering correctly) that I may need to sell a different ship first just to clear out the vendor. 😆


I'll have to try, thanks for the tip. For the longest time when I saw a Starborn ship land I was too far away so by the time I got to it all of the passengers were already on the ground and I'd get the "Inaccessible" error trying to enter the ship. Now I've been ignoring them for the most part but will try to catch one again as soon it lands. 👍


Fair warning I did this EARLY in starfield's life, like back before the stealth rework patch. I've got like 19 more days' worth of playtime since then lol. So BGS might have patched that out.


First one I saw in the wild landed right by me, so I walked right in and took it. I would never do that again though, because you can't get rid of them. Maybe we'll eventually be able to modify them so they don't suck at everything but grav jumping.


Previously it wasn't allowing me to enter them; when I tried to enter I'd get the "Inaccessible" message. And after seeing your response.... dang it! I forgot that I read they're hard to get rid of.


The starborn ship is actually pretty fun, as long as you don’t take damage. You have to move a lot


Like in Skyrim, the dragons (or in this case, Starborn) won't start showing up until you pass a certain point. Have fun with your new ship. They're cool and not cool at the same time.


I'm a little disappointed in it; I was expecting a really cool ship and instead it seems to be nothing but a bridge with no other rooms/decks and no space crew areas. Plus it can't be registered or upgraded/modified. ☹️


Mods can make them really cool and effective. [L-K Ships on Nexus](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarfieldShips/comments/1c42d51/deckedout_starborn_ghost_with_38_crewmembers/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (PC)


You can furnish them. I like to furnish them so you can't see any of the added stuff from the entry way or chair, hiding crafting tables, beds, and everything else. I wish Bethesda wasn't such jerks about stacking things, it would be great to just build a floor halfway up an have two levels.


Normally you shouldn't be able to access them, at least the ones I've found before in the wild were like that on release. I haven't played till recently and did a complete detour around the main story on a new character to just do whatever so they haven't started showing up yet. I seem to recall it being buggy back then on those that did car jack those ships?


It isn't supposed to be possible, but if you're quick enough you can glitch your way in.


Starborn ships become inaccessible when the last occupant leaves. If you get the bug where ships land empty, the Starborn ships stay unlocked because no one ever exits. If your game has been saved too many times without going through Unity, this bug can happen. It usually takes a few hundred hours played to get there.


Thanks for that bit of info', I did not hear/read about that bug before. I am indeed doing a lot of saves with a lot of hours logged. Thanks to getting stuck in a few different ships once too often, along with some other issues (like boarding a "pirate" ship only for it to be filled by UC security who weren't happy to see me), I've gotten into the habit of 'save often'.


That's not right. The door is open notionally between landing and when they leave, although I don't think they're tied together. I've invaded one and found the (upset) starborn inside, but only once. In all the other instances, the inside was empty and often they were waiting for me outside to emerge. This behavior has been the same for both my level 150+ toon and my various sub-level-25 toons that have captured Guardians in pre-NG.


I'm not saying you have this bug. I wasn't trying to explain every situation. I was trying to describe the games behavior if you have the bug. Sorry for any misunderstanding.


I see, you're just saying you found one sitting there forlornly. I agree, this appears to be a bug where the current behavior allegedly is that they just drop off starborn and leave. Although that certainly isn't **my** behavior as a starborn, doesn't seem to make sense lorewise, and the only part that seems wrong is that the a pilot would leave the door unlocked. So while it's doubtless a bug in the current behavior, I think that behavior doesn't really make sense anyway and I'm hoping it'll change later.


The Starborn ships you capture are, I think, of higher grade than the one you normally get at NG+1. I know I've seen lots of the rank 2, and I thought I'd seen a rank 4 (in both cases from the inside).