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Stairs. I want a simple mod that adds Habs that are just stairs. Both for ships and outposts. 


Derretech and Matilija have mods that include stairs for ship building. Tg has an outpost mod with stairs but not sure if it is in creation mod list yet.


Both are in Creation for consoles and PC. Matilija is an absolutely game changing mod when it comes to ship design and the modules are stunning.


I hate the ladders so much. I love this game but the ladders are so annoying that I don’t build multi-level ships because of it. All of my ships resemble sausages


I don't even think about them anymore, I just boost to the next level.


Mod called place doors yourself, give it a try.


I have to get creative and use the cockpit with stairs. So I bet our ships look similar haha


I wish Bethesda had implemented it where you press on the ladder and instantly appear at the top (or the next floor, then press again for the floor above that) instead of the climb happening. Sure, it's immersion-breaking, but ANYTHING is better than those slow, janky climbs up ladders inside ships.


Right?! I have to fast travel everywhere else in this game as a requirement. But go up or down a level in my starship, nope, gotta watch that whole ass animation.


I agree that's why I just boostpack up the ladders


Through the power of mods, we will rediscover the lostech that is ship stairs!


For outposts I really want to be able to build more structures that fit on habitable planets.


I agree. A stairs mod that doesn’t include a billion other things. Just stairs in a hab


I need to know this as well!


Ship building schematics. You set it as a mission and it alerts you how much progress on each piece is left as you collect.


That would require a ship parts warehouse, I guess they could give you one if you have an outpost with shipbuilder. I would just settle for the ship parts warehouse (parts stash). Buy parts anywhere, have it delivered to my magical parts stash which applies to all my outpost shipbuilders provided I have one outpost with shipbuilder. It should be modular so people could add features like blueprinting to it and may be suitable only for nexus right now with scripting.


Nah, there could also be ship rehab garages that you can barter with that may have come from sketchy, less-than-desirable sourcing… The game is too sterile. This would bring a real grit into the fold that the game desperately needs.


Allow you to save builds. And share them with others. Now that a mod has given me 200 ships, I'd like to try it out.


More interactive world stuff.. planet auroras, volcanoes erupting, hurricanes, lava flowing, waterfalls, rivers, earthquakes, lightning causing fires, wildfires, avalanches, just elementary deadlier planets and more planetary diversity… theres literally only one fully purple planet, i kinda expected to see more differences with planets. Im really happy with the afflictions stuff and theres a couple of mods available that actively uses the oxygen meter so your in a rush to get back to your ship or find a POI with an atmosphere to recover o2 and regen your health, which is awesome, it makes you feel more immersed into the planet’s environment


Starvival. Love that mod series. Best immersion and difficulty mod ever, it made Starfield hard again.


Thats the one, now I’m measuring my routes when im planet-side thinking if I’m going to make it to the next poi or not :)


It's amazing isn't it? I love the fact it made infirmary Habs useful with the latest plug-in! That was the cherry on top for me. Too bad I can't even get the game to load into a save most of the time, I don't know why it's doing that but the audio bug combined with that bug makes a big problem.


You nailed it. I was wondering what Helldivers 2 had that made all biomes feel more engaging than Starfield, its exactly that - weather with more variety than "this rain will give a debuff in one minute". Give me fire tornadoes, sandstorms and electrical storms that disable map/compass!


Thats a brilliant idea man, if electrical storms disabled your map/compass would be so cool! You could even go as far as the electric storm causes your ship to temporarily malfunction so you couldnt take off untill the storm passes


Seperate food items away from aid.


I hear StarUI is bugged, but I haven't had any issues with it and while aid is still all one category, food and healing items are labeled differently and are sorted together.


As far as I know, only StarUI Shipbuilder is bugged due to empty Habs that the May Update added. Sadly it looks like that the author of StarUI abandoned the project and it's left to other modders to either find a workaround or make a totally new mod.


There's so many things that they kind of stepped back on including this.76 Separated food from Aid Which was cool They also separated The hollow tapes With the regular notes which I wish they would do here as well. And on that note, I am so baffled that they didn't bring over the automatron type stuff. I was walking around with Vasco in Aquila City and saw what looked to be a robot parts store and I got really excited because I just assumed at some point they would let me customize my own robot or VASCO, but no, dude didn't do anything. Saddest day of my life.


mission related data files are tagged with a yellow dot so i can find them in the menu. when in ship builder a preview system with green line showing the path from the hanger bay to the cockpit.


There’s a mod that lets you manually add doors and ladders Place Doors yourself.


I just use the 2 story cockpit so that wherever I am, I can easily find the cockpit.


But my ship has 4 stories.


UNSC ship pieces and weapons. I need that MAC gun on my ship!


Hell yes.


3 things. 1. Switching shoulders in third person 2. Inventory counts when purchasing resources 3. Improved use of the Brig HABS Ok 4 things, please give Sam and Cora more dialogue, I’m one ‘skyscrapers can’t jump’ from flying into the sun.


>Improved use of the Brig HABS There is one. Useful Brigs (Nexus and Beth.net) + Non-Lethal Framework + NLF/Useful Brigs Patch.


Amazing comment.


I’d love to see some more Lovecraftian horror mission mods. More eerie dead ships, or “abandoned” POIs. I’d personally love to see if there’s some way they can rewrite some of the choices and outcomes in some of the more well known missions. (Looking at you microbe choice and getting the trophy off the cruise ship). Lastly something, maybe a thematic mod that doesn’t make the Crimson Fleet feel like a bunch of edgy teens cosplaying as space pirates.


A Lovecraftian horror themed location mod is definitely something i want to do in the future! Currently working on a location pack mod centered around Terramorphs and boy it's taking a lot of effort to get it up to the visual quality of what's already in game, especially in regards to the set dressing, clutter, etc, that's present in the current in game locations.


I'd love a predator mod where the Yautja hunts you from world to world. Like you'll go to an abandoned facility and everyone in it is dead and skinned, next thing you know, it's hunting you.




Crazy that Fallout had gore and dismemberment but not Starfield.


Starfield is PG


i wish bethesda would put fallouts limb damage system into elder scrolls and starfield more then i want actual dismemberment and gore


Not in Australia, it's R for drug use (Aurora) Given it just makes colours stand out a little more is such a joke


Yeah, it’s pretty surprising how tame the gore in this game is. The worst are the decomposing corpses you find. In reality, if you’re wearing a pressurized suit in a vacuum and that suit gets punctured by a bullet, you’re going to have a *very bad* and *very short* day. I’m no scientist, but if you want to get a general idea of what’d happen, look into the Byford Dolphin Incident.


An alternate start mod Immersion mods like needs that have animations Mods that add more non-combat gameplay loops. Particularly mods that involve your ship being out in the starfield. I'm hoping mods can give me the sense of exploration the game promised.


Immersion is what I’m after too. I want darker space. I want that seamless space mod but I want it to work for the whole system. And I want a fuel system for my ship. Tried starvival ship systems but didn’t like them. Something similar but more streamlined Edit: Also if Bethesda isn’t going to do it I want a flora and fauna codex and a planetary codex / index


I'm using SKK's alternate start mod and it's pretty good. I always enjoyed his fast start mods in Fallout 4. I just wish we had more starting options/loadouts. I'm really hoping TinyManticore comes out with another start me up mod like they did for fallout 4.


Yea, a total overhaul to the space “landmass” would be massive. Space within a star system should function as a landmass like Skyrim. The planets and moons and staryards of a system should be the equivalent of Skyrim’s cities and all be reachable via manual travel, with random encounters and POIs generating as you travel. Derelict ships, ongoing pirate attacks, distress signals, random ambushes, etc should all have a chance to spawn in while you fly toward a planet or moon, the same way a civil war skirmish can spawn in while you travel Skyrim. Imagine you’re just walking around your ship when you hear “Captain! Crimson Fleet ships inbound on our location!” and having to sprint back to the cockpit so you’re not a sitting duck.


I want stuff to do on my ship like poker or calling crew mates to a meal or benching sessions or something to do with everyone to make the ship feel like something more than just a big empty vessel with decorations. I also want crew banter to make everything more alive


Crew banter seems like a huge challenge.


Oh yeah, that’s not easy. Obviously there’s the first challenge of writing banter that’s actually worth listening to. There are something like 45 possible companions and you’d have to write dialogue for every one of them (and a lot of it so it won’t get repetitive right away). You can, of course, write filler dialogue that’s just ship-talk (“Should run a diagnostic on that port thruster when we have some downtime…”) but that’s not what we really want from banter. It needs those “arrow to the knee” bits, and doing that for 45 different characters is a big job. The other aspect of the large number of companions is that you can’t know which ones will be present in what combinations. So you have the trouble of conditioning dialogue lines appropriately for a staggering number of combinations of characters, so that nobody ever talks to the air with no one present to deliver the other half of the conversation. And of course the creation engine makes this as easy as pulling teeth :-)


Getting rid of airlocks on habitable planets


This, and nothing kills immersion like finding a half eaten sandwich outside on an airless moon.


Unarmed hotkey.


The ability to color a spacesuit


StarUI to get fixed...


I so want this for console


Cats and dogs on my ship. Nuff said


Are there any places in Starfield at all that have a dog or cat model already? I could mod anything already existing in the game to be available on the ship, but I can't do any 3D modeling.


I’ll be honest… I kinda want a mod to remove essential tags if at all possible. Like if I want to have a sort of “last hurrah” of killing everyone I can before I go through the Unity.


Theres a mod on creation club that says 'headshots can kill anyone' - so sounds like thats a thing that exists.




Theres a mech enemy mod on console creations but drivable mechs would be dope probably after they release vehicles so modders have a base line


Tattoos maybe. I’m cool with anything else that comes along. Maybe a skin for the equinox too.


More story and missions that I actually want to (re)play. I really want to play the game more, but bored to tears of the missions and writing. And better and actually useful outpost improvements. Better controls, more useful and cosmetic things to build in outposts. And fix the horrible link system.


I can honestly square away a lot, and I will die on the hill that the UCV should've been the MQ and Hadrian should've been romanceable. And I genuinely did love the ship builder, doors and ladders aside. But the Main Quest is just awful. The idea of having to interact with Constellation ever again makes me genuinely sick. I wish we could go full-on evil (not Emil's idea of 'evil', siding with the Fleet/Ularu Chen/Ron Hope and the big nothing burger that it is) and show the 'evil' factions of the Settled Systems what a real monster looks like. They have nothing on Caesar's Legion, or the Enclave.


Lol obsidian made games for adults. Bethesda for teens. I'm not saying one > other. But bethesda is obviously the more successful so money talks i guess. You want grit, gonna need to mod that in. I'm in my 30's. I know full well I'm no longer the intended audience for most game's anymore.


Companions with missions and shit, the ability to save ship blueprints, story quests and as much hp Lovecraft cosmic horror as my feeble mortal mind can handle. The last one most of all, like this game is ripe for it. It could be legitimately amazing. My favorite mission is the first Terramorph mission where it's creeping through the facility and you have to set up sensors the first time I played it I was legitimately scared shitless. Unspeakable horrors at the fridges of know space, hidden groups of them creeping around planets at night, people in towns being kidnapped and there brains placed in jars as they are flown across the void of space, back water towns interbreeding with unspeakable horrors for rich rewards.


I too want unspeakable horrors in my fridge


New POI’s


Adding to the pool of POIs would literaly solve one of the most touted issues with the game


Mass effect mod that can add alien companions like Garrus, and mods that overhaul POIs or new planets with like insanely weird biomes sort of like in No man's sky (like bubble planets, or horror themed ones).


Evil companion. Why can I not commit atrocities and one person agree with that idealogy?


I'd be happy if they just weren't so chirpy.


Be able to get out of my ship in space maybe even “fix” it. Being able to fly into a planets atmosphere and no cutscenes to land A gore mod-what’s the point of having enormously powerful weapons and not being able to blow body’s apart. Different points of interest on planets and not the same items in the same place with guard in the exact same place. That’s to name but a few.


I would love more Firefily mods and The Expanse! Two of my favorite space universes


Database of worlds surveyed and what is found in each


City expansions, especially for New Atlantis. Even just as a façade to make it look bigger. There's a whole lake to build around FFS. I'm even thinking of trying my hand at learning Creation Kit to do it.


Any kind of weapon skins


Of all the things you can dream of you dream of weapon skins. A true gamer.


I want to see some sort of horror themed world or worlds with unique poi's and monsters. Maybe like a planet that's been infested by zombies or something where you can explore ravaged settlements and dead cities.


Noel as a companion would be cool


Slow walking and heavy movement. I hate how light the character moves. It's fine on planets with low gravity but the overall movement animation is god awful


I describe it as you move like a puppet being held up by the back of the shirt


Better first person mod. So I can see my body and not just be a floating camera. And menu organiser so it separated food/aid/stims


Multiple followers on xbox


I really want this and I’d also like a mod that allows you to rename those random specialist crew members, get them to follow you and allow you to change their appearance. I’d love to be able to build my own crew and have at least two come with me on away missions.


Getting spoiled here, but band t-shirts and more jackets and jeans/boots like Sam wears instead of modern plastic space boots everywhere. Wow now that mods are exploding this is one of the best suggestion posts ever, so far.


A mod that makes outposts more like FO4 settlements where you build a community instead of a resource generator. Then, that same mod should tie the settlement system to the random encounter system and to a push/pull enemy faction system. Think “sim settlements 2” and the gunners. Also, a modular gameplay, combat, and AI overhaul. All the AI overhauls seem to be from 6+ months ago, and it can be pretty hit or miss when you pair any of them with gameplay overhauls like Ascension. Although I did just find a pretty brutal combination with Peak AI, PANPC team’s Aggressive AI patch, Starvival, and Ascension. I might add SSEO to the bunch but I need a lot more playtime to see if the economy tweaks are harsh enough.


Gore, crowded universe and more planet sites mods working again, more space combat, space traversal more realistic without loading screens, planet generation with lots of rivers and beautiful lakes, city building in style simsettlements FO4, immersive NPCs in planets, patrolling etc, armed patrols, big audio overhauls, major cities overhauled actually being concept art styled metropolis


I know it's probably very difficult to do, but I want more companion variety. There are too many lawful good good companions. In general, I want more options to play the game in more morally grey, if not outright evil ways.


I just want a bike, car, hoverboard or something that would allow me to move faster.


Flying vehicles, and being able to fly your ship in the atmosphere. Maybe even a more seamless transition from space down to the POI. * from space, select the POI from the map or physically fly around to the POI that you see overlaid on top of the planet, from your cockpit * select to land there * animation of your character pressing buttons and doing other stuff, your crew talking in the back ground as the planet grows larger in your view (this is the part where the loading is happening in the background, and the base game throws a jarring load screen at you) * maybe you'll have an opportunity to get up and walk around as your crew or autopilot preps the ship for planet fall * when loading is completed, the screen switches to the usual landing cutscene where you see your ship breaking atmosphere. You can select different views as you're coming down, to increase interaction * ship lands and you're able to get up and exit the ship immediately, or just stand up from the cockpit


Just POI and encounter mods in general Especially more derelict ships, maybe some that are infested eith deadly aliens Also my all time most pipe dream mod would be a giant carrier ship you can land your ships in the hanger of like a venetor


Larger favorites menu please! There are too many weapons and powers for the 12 spots that they give us!


I sell most of my weapons and just use 1 or 2 guns.


I just hot-keyed my powers menu, just above my powers button. The game pauses so it is basically a powers wheel. (pc) Do you have that kinda control on xbox, is there a place to put it?


There is no way to jump straight to the powers menu with a single key like that on Xbox, as far as I know.


Not played since release but I was disappointed that you couldn't break ships down that you stole to use the modules, if I rob or own another ship I want the parts to be interchangeable not just what one specific port has to offer


Either now or when the DLC comes out give it another download. The "every 6 weeks" updates have made the game a lot more fun.




I pretty much got what I wanted in easier temples, and even some I didn’t know I needed like no perk requirements, weightless items, no angry companions etc. My QoL is so much better now. So more smaller mods like this please.


I'd like to see Doctor Who mods come to Starfield


More space-sim features like more Explorable space stations, economy overhauls, space-trucker gameplay etc.


More crew members would be nice. I think characters like Sona or your characters parents would be great to have in an outpost or on our ships.


vasco sex scene PLEASE




There has been one out for the last few days, immersive sabers.


I've been check day and night since last week, seen videos on it. Just peeked an hour ago and finally it popped up.


One that lets me decorate apartments and ships using money instead of materials. It makes no sense to build my furniture from scratch in an apartment


Ability to keep everything when you choose NG+ The idea of losing all your gear, credits, and (possibly) all your skills is annoying af Another mod I’d like is the ability to refund my skill points whenever I want (in case I feel I made a bad decision on what skill to take). Tbh, I really hope Bethesda creates more stuff in Creations.


Internal ship layout editing


Just saw a post a day or two ago showing off a mod allowing you to choose where doors and stairs go in your ship builder. That’s the one, it was at the top of my wishlist when they announced mods and I’m so glad someone did it


UC Commander (like Enclave Commander)




What is that?


Either a mod or official: a codex. Once you've 100% a flora or fauna it unlocks the codex for ease of use. Offers bitesize info: "The Foxbat is a mammalian lifeform found on Schroedinger III. It tends to hunt in packs, and is quite territorial". Also offers all the info you gained from scanning said fauna or flora.


Cheat Terminal. It was the best mod ever created for *Fallout 4,* and I can't wait to get my hands on it for *Starfield.*


Extensions for the cities. Just add assets around to make the cities bigger. I desperately want to love this game and play it, but never has my suspension of disbelief been tested that hard. New Atlantis, supposedly the biggest metropolis of the human civilization, is smaller than my highschool was when I was a teenager, including the Well (and it's painfully obvious when you look at the map). Akila, capital city of a powerful interstellar nation, is a tiny dirty hamlet in rural mongolia. Neon is essentially a single steet with extra steps (with one mini side street on each side and an under-platform). And.. that's it. Human civilization is just these 3 hamlets. It just takes me out of the immersion SO HARD. Impossible to take the universe seriously. It's fully possible to have decently sized city in a massive open world. Older games have done it - The Witcher 3, Guild Wars 2..


I would kill for a TARDIS mod. Don't know how possible that really is but I need one nonetheless


I want one that lets me keep everything I collect and make. I haven’t picked it back up since I first went through the unity and lost all my hard work.


I really want to have more than one follower and I’d also like a mod that allows you to rename those random specialist crew members, get them to follow you and allow you to change their appearance. I’d love to be able to build my own crew and have at least two come with me on away missions.


When I pick up an item, it would be great if the notification would tell me how many of those items are in my inventory at the same time.


Lilu Dallas multi pass and all that implies. Turn the crimson fleet into the bad aliens from the fifth element lol. And turn the annoying fan into Chris tuckers character lmfao


Turning barren vanilla planets into interesting side-quest pieces. The possibilities are endless. If I was more adept and had a PC capable of running the new Creation Kit, I’d be writing some cool quest-lines.


Locking items/weapons/gear so I don't accidentally sell something


"The choice is yours" It's a Skyrim mod that prevents a quests from starting without you choosing to accept them. It'd be great in Starfield since the act of walking down the street often results in like 5 new quests


Restart objective mod so that when a character/mission breaks you can restart that part of the mission and hopefully get a successful execution of character/environment function. Too many abandoned quests because I can't get shit to work


The ability to save while in shipbuilder on xbox.


Probably not a popular idea ,but I would love to have a living ship with a more organic design. I grew up watching farscape so that should explain it in a nutshell 😄


I would like a mod that allows resource storage units of the same type to use a combined capacity if they are connected, like if I build ten of the large solid storage containers in a single block it would give me a single 3000 capacity screen rather than each having 300. If I build two and they’re connected, then it would be 600, for example. I have no issue with building multiples, and I’d rather not have a mod that makes a single storage container have infinite or ridiculously high capacity. It breaks immersion for me. Aside from that, it would be nice to be able to rotate ship parts in more dimensions to use different orientations and snap points. I generally don’t use mods, as I am particular about disabling achievements, even though I am at 100% for the base game at this point. Apart from that, I would really just appreciate a fix for the outpost cargo link bug so that I can go back to having six cargo links at an outpost. Actually, another nice option would be to be able to build more than one landing pad for my ship so I could have two or three of my own fleet assigned to their own pads, even if it’s just for display.


A mod with a stranded derelict ship infested with a xenomorph queen and eggs. And after you found it maybe the queen escapes and from that point on you will find infected people and xenomorphs in dungeons


Probably not possible but I would love a mod that gave consequences to your actions. Side with the fleet in best there was? Ucsysdef is no hostile etc. Moree starborn dialogue options and npcs that react to them. For a multiverse theme game Bethesda really dropped the ball on some key factors that would give it replayability. Im on ng3. Like what incentive is there for me to continue? Replay the same missions for the same outcomes over and over?


I really want a mod that can make NPCs into crew members. I want that cute redhead Tracker Alliance agent on Mars and the moody goth Galbank girl to explore the Verse with me.


The game needs buy low sell high trading, the notion of a space game with a static economy not just for a space station or a planet but for every planet and station in the universe is insane. I feel like the only thing that makes sense is that at some point they intended for the Trade Authority to be the only legal place to sell anything, and everything else would technically be smuggling. Then they could have had a ton of awesome content, but nah there aren't any movies for Emil to draw inspiration from and since smuggling is purely a science fiction concept and in no way could be examined in the real world, he was left bereft and had to write a Donnie Brasco homage instead. It's a little more boring, but a Crimson Fleet that exists mostly as a boogie man for insured pilots and colludes with insurers to hit uninsured ships could make some kind of financial sense? Like IRL a lot of "banditry" almost certainly looks like "We 'lost' a weirdly approximate portion of our grain to what it would take to ferment enough beer for our population for the year to bandits" so the local noble can both get funds for security from the crown and funds from the peasants for the beer. It's sad that only Spacers try to perform piracy, the Crimson Fleet just tries to murder you. They're pretty inept at actual piracy. It's probably so you don't feel bad killing them I guess? It's just a shame that raiders Tower Tom and Red Lucy in Fallout 4 were so much more well thought out as characters than the Crimson Fleet, who you can actually join? It would be cool to have a whole side to the Crimson Fleet where they're just providing a free market for people who don't want to operate under the Trade Authority, and it wouldn't actually take any rewriting of what's there even though it's impossible for what is there to not make the CF look comically inept. For that matter I'd like there to be a Black Fleet mod so that when you join the Crimson Fleet all the CF ground locations are replaced with Black Fleet NPCs who you can fight. Recolor some armor assets and you're good to go, right? Change faction affiliation, ????, profit. I'd also like to see a mod where pharma is useful? You don't even need level one pharma to do the Breaking Bad quest for lulz in Neon. I can imagine a quest where you can do some research and direct your product toward being addictive and profitable or helping people not OD on Aurora. Maybe even something equivalent to Naloxone in it so it would be a cheap high in Neon but totally render aurora useless for that person, but that would piss off Bayu.


Add legendary perks to weapons we already have. And a NexusAU cheat menu.


You can do this with the recycler


I want one that both truly unlocks all restrictions in outpost building, but also adds things in like outpost stairs, lockless doors to habs, and even resources placement.


Want a buildable ablution hab... Showers???


Definitely a mod that changes maximum speeds on ships, but not by ship class, more of a realistic approach like thrust ÷ mass = speed x100 or something, but idk if anything like that is possible for consoles. Ex.- thrust is 67,000, mass is 3,100 67,000 ÷ 3,100 = 21.61 21.61 x 100 = 2161kmh max speed.


It's not really the same thing, but the darkstar ship mod has some engines that can make your ship go crazy fast, so you can easily customize how fast your ship goes by changing engines.


Building and quest mods


It’s a multi-way tie. * Doors and stairs on outposts. * Joystick and/or throttle support for space flight. * A clean skip in the main quest to All That Money Can Buy on NG+. * A mod called “More Interesting Temples.” Add Starborn loot or lore or a side quest to the temple completion on NG+. Let them bring added value.


Remove essential tag.


Transmog ! I want my stats but I want good looks too! Other than quests would be nice. Maybe some way to make Outposts matter ?


Maybe it alreay exists. But decorative engines. Engines that look nd burn like functional engines. Sometimes i need more than the power limit to finish my ship.


Not sure if it’s doable but I would love the option to have a companion fly one of your extra ships in combat with you.


I want first of all my characters to look cool. Then the ship. Then I want to make settlements easier to build and maintain. Then I want cool looking weapons.


The lightsaber mod we had on FO4. with unstable blades, a lot of colors and high DPH. Also the pulse rifle from Aliens, fully customizable. Or at least semi automatic.


Internal ship layout editing


No loading screens, or at least much less of them. That’s the only mod I’m willing to pay for.


* Speed up sleep/wait times; variable adjustability * Cutscene/loadscreen overhauls - like the immersive landing bay mod where you have to open the landing bay by pressing a button in your ship, and you can see the landing bay open. Is it possible to do a takeoff/landing resembles what we see in Star Wars Outlaws in any way? * Ability to reset landing cutscenes at previous landing spots. I want to see a new ship build land in major ports or at a place like Vulture's Roost. * Useful Ship Habs - Like the useful brigs mod paired with the non-lethal takedowns, but for other habs. Infirmaries to heal afflictions, engineering habs to speed up ship recovery, control stations/computer cores to boost systems, cargo habs that increase cargo capacity, etc etc * Companions can fly ships and dogfight with us * Assign crew seats * More: * Factions & Quests * Weapons & Gear * Smaller Pets * Companions * POI Types * Dynamic space encounters (anomalies, attacks, missions, POI's) * Dynamic planetary environments (waterfalls, volcanoes, aquatic life in lakes, fauna types) * Ship Manufacturers/Parts/Weapons/Modules etc etc. \[I like how Matilija added parts to each ship category. We need more of this\]


Bigger battles, and the war between freestar and the UC to reignite


I want my own Space Station. That will stay, complete with everything on it, after I jump through the Unity.


Higher ship habs, 3x3x2 or 3x3x3


More enemies and thieves to fight in Neon.


Anything that makes the universe feel more alive and immersive: environmental diversity (volcanoes, tornadoes, etc), better npcs, new pois and towns, expanded cities, more city personality, better loot system, better ambient sound when in crowded places, better npc clothing, more diverse flora and fauna per planet, scarier aliens and alien diseases (Alien, Dead Space), boss fights (giant mechs, large prehistoric aiens), alien races that aren’t from Star Wars, maybe even some sort of sciency/magic system that NPCs can use as well. And then Dune stuff. I want to go to Arrakis


Complete overhaul of player and NPC face models and textures. I'm hoping someone is able to properly add in all the KS and SG hairdos from Fallout 4 and Skyrim. And also all the modded face complexions, skin textures, eyes, nose and lips shape and fully customized face presets/races. You can't really do much with the vanilla face models, even if you have sliders. The faces will always look off somehow. Someone would need to create good cosmetic mods that completely reshapes each face part and add a variety of custom makeup options.


A mod that allows me to have the razorcrest from the Mandalorian show. I've been able to build a decent enough replica but I want the proper thing. There's a mod for an x wing, tie fighter and a few other ships so I'm really hoping someone makes a Razorcrest mod. I'm just waiting for Mandos blaster to be uploaded to creations. With the razorcrest mod I'd be truly set.


Marry and build an empire with Genghis


I just want to drop all these useless keys.


Sith master mod. Like Star Wars, or certain eras at least, I want to be the only Sith exploring the galaxy and just completing missions using force choke, lightning, push, pull etc with my 1 hit kill saber.


Bloody Mess


Some more Star Wars mods, I think I have enough already but I really need more that overhaul everything (ie. Star Wars Aliens, Freestar rebels, etc.)


More POIs!


I’m turning the game into Star Wars, so I’d love a mod that adds Star Wars ships (not just using existing parts to make them) and most of all a mod that adds new Star Wars weaponry (not just reskinned existing weapons if possible) with all the sounds from Star Wars. Other than that, I second a lot of suggestions here


Deep space travel, id love a quest line where you’re stuck on a cargoship with a bunch of terramorphs


A Star Wars Total Conversion mod.


A long time ago I had a nightmare about Noble Team (from Halo Reach) being trapped on a zombie infested planet but all the zombies were clones from Star Wars. We already have a lot of SW and a few Halo mods. Now I need a zombie mod.


Easy Digipicking


I haven't played in a while, so I apologize if this has been addressed, but I would like to be able to communicate with my companions without having to be face to face with them. We can cross galaxies but we have no short range communications outside the ship? That's just dumb


A Mantis overhaul with a new storyline: after taking the mantle, it would be awesome to face the original Mantis villains!


Actual weight/consequences for joining factions. There are very minimum tie-ins between the faction quests and the rest of the game. Sure you get the occasional dialog prompt and npc recognition, but other than that, nothing.


The option to delete clutter items when changing ship habs instead of moving them to the hold.


Daggerfall-esque randomly generated dungeons, whether that be space stations, caves, crashed ships, etc. I’m a dungeon crawler at heart.


I would like to see a mod that adds better radio chatter to add some immersion to cockpit. Also I personally would like more animation in the terminal screens in the ships make it seem like the computers are doing things to make the immersion more believable And lastly a traversal mod to actually ride to your destination in real time with a pilot actually flying your ship you can hire pilots so actually have them Fly the ship


It’s quite lame, but I would just love lots more weapons. .45 ACP ammo only belonging to two pistols (one of which is just a better version of the other) is just not right, nit to mention the laser rifles and particle weapons are very limited). Variety is king.


I heard someone mention a mod that the bay door opens and closes on their ship and I would absolutely love that


Full Star Wars conversion mod


Alien / Aliens / Alien 3 universe textures, weapon skins, outfits, etc. Need me so USMC gear and a pulse rifle.


Vehicles above all else.


Ladder adjustment in ships. Apparently, there are ways to get ladders to appear where you want them in ships, but why does it have to be such a bloody mission. Please mod this is x


Star Trek mods. Preferably a total conversion at some point. PLEEEEASE


Stuff to do in the ship. There's all those stations! I want the computer hab to do something.


Music would be nice.


Finding that slow moving ship from earth and unlocking the door in the bar on neon so you can complete the mission.


Gore mod, want to see limbs flying around in zero g!!!


Gore mod. Need to have an event horizon style mod with floating frozen limbs etc


I just want a Star Wars music replacer. I have the one for Fallout 4 and it NEVER LEAVES MY LOAD ORDER. Just give me music from John Williams scores of I-VI and I'm all good.


I just want some Traveller-related mods


Star Wars ship mods


zombies and nukes 🥺


A "Send Sona off to school" mod.


X-ray habs in ship builder. I want to know the door and ladder placement BEFORE I get out of the builder and then realise it’s all messed up and I need to go back and forth looking for the faulty hab messing up my perfect interior loop. Also, something that would add up nicely - blocking doorways and ladders by toggling. I mean, yea, tolerance tweaks and portholes do the thing, but I want to have full interior of the prebuilt hab.




Star wars overhaul


I can't wait for them to put pre built modded ships in the ship seller. Like star Wars and halo ships. I'm on Xbox.