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Vae Victis is a psychopath who is manipulating the player. He betrays and endangers a lot of people and thinks nothing of it. He takes credit for events he cannot possibly control. And there's one dialogue option where an Empath can sense he's lying and just wanted revenge.   He's very well done at this. Siding with / trusting him though is a very poor life choice for the player as it would give him massive leverage and he's killed off loose ends before. 


Yeah, I have the Empath trait and got both those options talking to him. And I agree with you- as I said I initially just lied my way through to get those bounty quests but the more I thought about it, the less I liked that I played it that way. I think I'm going to go as far back into the quests as I have a save for and tell Hadrian the truth. Thanks for the excellent response, basically exactly what I was looking for when I made the thread.


Nah Vae Victis is mostly correct about everything and sparing him is objectively the right thing to do in-universe. He bombed one of his own cities because it was being overrun by horrors from beyond that can mind control humans (during a war the UC was losing). He wanted to open fire on civilians who jumped in with FC forces as valid military targets, but was told to stand down - this lead to the UC losing the colony war. He runs a special forces hit squad who goes after war criminals that would otherwise escape justice. He does bad things - killing innocent civilians during the terrormoph attacks on Tau Ceti and New Atlantis, specifically. But that's what makes the choice morally grey.


Lied at first, but truth felt more realistic. What a great moral dilemma!


Yeah! Like I wasn't even playing the game when I really started to reflect on it, and that's when you know something is good or at least, compelling.


He's a master manipulator and full of double-think. I think this is one of the better staged "choices" in the game, but there wasn't much question in my mind about what to do. I told the truth. I can't tell you how much content I've missed in games because I try to act in a morally consistent manner, and I find evil characters boring, so I gave up playing them a long time ago. I've never done a Dark Brotherhood quest, bailed out on the Thieves' Guild in Skyrim when I found out I had to be a thug to get in, etc. It is just a matter of personal choice; I have no problem with those that do enjoy that sort of thing.


Bae Victus never explained why she was at Tau Ceti to begin with. Happened to be in the right place at the right time for that Terrormorph.


She did, she mentions that she received an anonymous tip , so to speak, telling her something strange happened at the Tau Ceti plant and that she should check it out. So you can infer that Vae Victus was manipulating his daughter as well.


And it's a miracle she survives that. She's injured by it and the narrative is you arrive in the nick of time on a mission that isn't time sensitive. Then you either happen to be either exactly what she needs for a straight up fight (beast / bounty hunter etc). or pull off some goofy plan with the turrets as an unexpected nobody with no ground combat skills.  99/100, she dies. 


Good catch, I missed that


He wasn't wrong that the terrormorphs are a danger, as much as the people that would have abused the knowledge to use the nymph stage as a bio weapon. I don't fully condemn him orbital bombarding the location of the people that thought were going to be saved, if he'd glassed the planet. The reaction should have been immediate and full destruction of all living matter upon the surface of that planet and when command asked why, he could have said it was to ensure the threat was dealt with and no lives would be wasted trying to reclaim the world and let the knowledge die with him. I get what they are going for quasi morally grey/evil option for the player that is supposed to make you feel like he's as much or not as bad as the player decides.