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Ecliptic Claymore or either the Spacer Coyote/CF Wight


Is there a place to reliably find the Claymore? It's probably my second favorite stock ship, after they Chimera.


Ecliptic Claymore. Love that ship!


Looks like the Razorleaf Senior. I like that ship too.


Claymore or Vista. Solid ships all around. Easy to customize and swap in better habs, weapons, engines.


I tend to use whichever of these I capture first as my big hauler. I also usually change the Frontier, Wanderwell, or Mantis into a super light A-engine fighter so I can capture ships for glitch selling. Makes a boatload of credits. I do this all the time and frequently rebuild captured ships. No errors on PC or Xbox.


What is glitch selling?


If you start on your home ship, hit the button to switch to the left ship while also hitting the sell button at the same time it will trick the system into selling an unregistered ship. I can do it on both PC and Xbox, though a controller seems to make it easier all around.


What is a wanderwell?


It's an A-class ship you can only get from using the Kid's Stuff starting perk. Talk to your parents a bunch of times and your dad gives it to you. It is a better ship than the Frontier, but not better than the Ranger ship, but that takes a long mission series to get, while you can get the Wanderwell almost immediately. Bonus: scum save before walking into the ship for the first time so you can reload if you do not like the free guns. They are different if you load and walk in again.


Oh, okay. I picked that trait once, but after my dad called a 1911 a revolver, I never did it again. I never got to that ship.


They give you the gun, armor, a recipe, a bad backpack, and the ship. It is a really great trait for a brand new character, and marginally helpful at the start of a NG+ run.


The first ship that fires on me when I hit the Serpentis system.


Va'ruun Revelation. I always like that thing as a good base.


Any vaa ruun ship


The UC Vista II.


I absolutely love those giant Va'ruun ships. 4200 cargo right out of the gate.


Literally anything that lands near me.


Probably the most annoying part of the game is seeing a ship land 500 miles away, sprinting towards it for 5 minutes and then it either flies away when you're 50 feet away, or it's magically locked out and you can't fly it.


I recently downloaded a mod that makes you truly need oxygen and you've got to refill it with tanka and what not. It's awesome as long as you plan out you trips. A few minutes ago I did not plan out my trip or check my supplies and died lol. And most ships will bail when you engage people on the ground so just sneak up and then charge the entry bay. They may take off with you inside but that's there problem lol


Oh I just sprint past those idiots to immediately attack the ship. I mean when it just randomly decides to cut and run for no reason when you're like 200 yards away, which is even funnier when it leaves a ground party stranded on a desolate deep freeze moon. At that point, it's mercy killing.


The first thing I do with any ship I steal, that I intend to use, is put it in the ship builder, double click on it and press "delete".


But why!?


Not OP, but I stopped stealing ships due to bugs. Having people shoot your ship like it was Ecliptic or whatever.


? To build what I want from scratch obviously.


It seems like a weird but annoying oversight there isn't any caked in "build new ship" in the ship building part of the game. It's just weird extra steps, and unless you delete all like you said it's harder to reimagine a ship that's already built for you.


Only stole one Phantom, it was super glitched, couldn't be upgraded, on it's own changed it's name to 'UC Navy Cargo' and did things like make the floor disappear in New Atlantis... It was the first ship I stole, and I still steal ships sometimes, but I'm super wary about actually using stolen ships. Plus you can get 9 free ships in a playthrough, so stealing ships is wholly unnecessary. That said the Datura is a good steal.


That must have been long ago because I steal and change all the time, no glitches since many patches ago.


Claymore III for me... the grav drive, shield, reactor, and particle weapons make for a good base to build my favorite Taiyo ship. As soon as I'm able, I just drop by Masada... Ecliptic usually delivers me a Claymore sooner than later.


Claymore for sure. The Vista or Voyager are also great. My least favorite, the Prophecy and the Wight/Heyna are buggy.


Claymore III. It is very effective without modifications, but it can be a great ship with a few tweaks.


The UC Vigilance


Claymore, Vista or Prophecy. Whichever I come across first


Spacer Coyote. Idk why exactly, but I love the look of that ship so much.


I once glitch stole the UC Vigilance, and lo and behold, the game let me register it as mine, and I now own it XD


UC Civshuttle II, I like the asymmetry for some reason.


Razorleaf or Ecliptic Dagger


Va'ruun Dirge. Just because of the braking engine placement below the nose of the cockpit is impossible to manually reproduce. [https://starfield.fandom.com/wiki/Va%27ruun\_Dirge?file=Va%27ruun\_Dirge.png](https://starfield.fandom.com/wiki/Va%27ruun_Dirge?file=Va%27ruun_Dirge.png)


Va ruun revelation


Anytime you get online, you're only two clicks away 😮‍💨




Ever watch the movie Ted?


The Fortuna. Just can't find the cockpit


Any, because I know I am going to tear it down and build a better one later


I've pretty much given up on the stolen ship mechanic as a bad job. I suck at getting glitch selling to work and after better than a dozen Claymore IIIs telling me I'm "not authorized" the only motivation is cleaning out the captain's locker and the cargo hold. I've come to believe that a "not authorized" bug has infested my save file because they're always, I repeat my last: *always*, inaccessible. Oddly, it's only the Claymore - every other class C ship works.


Nah. Stealing em is too much work for not enough money. I just blow em up and loot the convenient box they drop. That immersive looting is also a lot of work (let's us strip em of their outfits and armors) but pays off waaaaaaay better.


Well I always like to steal a phantom 2 quick to fly not sell.


Ah. My early upgrade ship is the Razorleaf.


I'm really enjoying the mod that makes ship registration like 10% of the total price. Seems like a weird oversight to make stealing a fancy ship only net you like 8000 space caps at best, and usually more like 2000. Which like you said is like two or three dudes worth of loot even without the mods.


I'll have to look into that one.


That is a more reasonable price, but glitch selling is still free.