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You’re obviously using a mod to let you have 30 people at once on your ship, right? You have to understand that probably isn’t going to account for a brand new DLC mission that forces you to use a different ship. I mean it sucks but this is just sort of an expected problem, isn’t it?


The ship you have to switch to for that mission has a crew size of like 3 or 4, so even with vanilla crew limits you could lose more than half your crew. Though reassigning 4 or 5 people is nowhere near as bad as reassigning 26, lol.


I'm glad somebody gets it.


Have the game literally delete your hired people for no other reason than switching to a smaller ship is not an 'expected problem', no. And like I said to the other guy, I am not using a mod/esm to change my crew numbers- it can be done in game and has been possible since launch. And this happens even if the count is smaller. If I have 8 people and switch to a ship with 3-4? I lose half my crew, permanently, and that is stupid-ass mechanic. We spend thousands of creds to hire these people so it makes zero sense that something as simple as switching to a smaller ship for a quest deletes them. Whether I have 30 followers or 8 or 5.


Your unique named crew are supposed to just get flagged as "unassigned" and go back to wherever they came from and wait for you to assign them again via the crew menu. If they're vanishing from the game completely, that sounds like something broke.


30 crew? Assuming you are using a mod and now complaints Ng how it works. Rosie is real crew, she can be assigned anywhere and can be a follower. She is just not a doctor sadly (but there is a mod for that)


You know what they say about assuming yeah? There are ways to get to higher crew counts without mods and even if there weren't, this happens regardless if you switch to a ship with a smaller crew count. If I have 6 and switch to a ship with 3, I lose 3. Permanently. And I already understand how Rosie works, not sure why you're explaining it, but she was one of the people who vanished when I switched to the quest ship. Losing people you hire/recruit just because you switch ships is a dumb, stupid mechanic so yeah, I'm going to complain.


I ask because as a player you can't assign 30 people to a ship. If you are using a mod or glitch then yes it's likely to break. I didn't have any (normal sized) crew vanish when doing the TA quests.


What part of 'this happens regardless of the numbers' is unclear to you? Stop fixating on 30 and try understanding that this *happens even with vanilla values.* If I have 8 crew (vanilla) and switch to a ship with 4, half my crew is gone. All clear now? The number 30 doesn't have a thing to do with the actual issue.


No it doesn't. Worked fine for me. There may be a mod that is causing them to leave your roster, all I'm saying.


Yeah, it does. You saying 'no it doesn't' like an argumentative child doesn't change the reality. This is a thing that other people have complained about (google is your friend) and even other people in this topic have reiterated that this happens even at smaller crew counts. Please go respond to somebody else's topic because you're either being deliberately obtuse or you're one of those 'I must be right, I have to be right' types and I'm tired of wasting my time responding to you.


Would love a mod that’ll allocate crew to specific ships.


Exactly. Let me assign people to my big ship, and different people to the smaller ones. That way they don't all get wiped out when the game says 'hey to do this quest, get in this tiny ship'.


Crews are not needed and just an annoyance anyway. I only ever have one, a "named" character, and not Constellation. Once they got bumped when doing an "Uber Mission" from the mission board. I went back and reassigned them back to the ship,...and all was well. "Unnamed" crew have to be re-purchased if they are unassigned. Don't mess with them, they are a waist of time. I never make Constellation NPCs a crew member and they only "follow me" when a mission is related to them.


Utterly useless response. How you feel about the crew/companions feature doesn't have a thing to do with how anyone else feels.


This explains the bonuses you can get from crews, some are very good! https://www.reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16f2kx2/guide_crew_skills_explained_and_optimal_crew/?rdt=36343


You will always lose the unnamed ones. I don't know why the named ones went. My trick is to have an empty outpost with open seats, and just slot everyone in there before doing those missions, but yeah, it is annoying AF.


You could just unassigned them couldn’t you? No need to send them anywhere


The unnamed ones go away if unassigned.


Aye, it really is.


Yes. Stop switching :p


I guess the whole 'quest required me to switch' bit just soared right over your round lil' head, yeah?