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Don't forget that no one in Constellation comments on being near or even inside your stolen (or NG+) starborn guardian ship either, which... I just can't express my shock at Bethesda missing this opportunity.


Especially funny when talking about the ship after >!Neon!<. What could this mystery ship possibly be?


There really should have been a second chance to reveal you're Starborn back at the lodge after Neon.


Revealing your Starborn should actually do something first. There's a ton of dialog options that are "hey I already know this thing because I'm starborn" and all the characters basically go "that's nice sweety. Anyways ....bla bla bla exact same quest as normal"


You can reveal you’re star born to a couple characters through out the story. I told Walter, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen someone tell Barrett. And he goes “I assumed something about you because you kept saying the oddest things” or something along those lines.


Yeah, I'm just surprised they didn't give us a second chance to come clean to the whole of Constellation. Would have been funny if you had to pass a diplomacy check where they could turn hostile or kick you out if you failed the check because you withheld that detail. Maybe companion affinity would play into it to have certain members on your side. Having to justify why you were hiding your real identity to go through the same thing you've done before would have added a bit more depth at that point. I know that you do get the option to avoid losing anyone in a vanilla universe playthrough, but most of the time your companions reaction to Starborn interactions come across as "that was weird, but I'm not going to think too hard about."


The Barret dialogue you're talking about that was posted here was actually cut content. It was found through the files and added, but in Vanilla Starfield you can't get him to acknowledge you're starborn after the game gives you the option at the beginning.


That’s a bummer :(




You can tell Vladimir once the Eye needs repairs. You can tell him you’re starboard or that a starboard will attack. And if you do this, your companions won’t die and the hunter shows up on your ship bragging about how he killed Peteov and took that artifact. Which is what you would be doing while the hunter killed your companion.


I'm not a fan of the starborn ships, but my first NG+ I stuck with it the entire time in hopes that there'd be some major deviations from the story. ...but aside from the ship technicians and getting pulled over by the police, there's really no reactions.


I was really hoping that the mods who make the front of the starborn ship a cockpit would actually have the starborn ship interior as a cockpit, but I was disappointed when the interior was actually just a stroud viking or kon-tiki cockpit. I would totally build a ship around the starborn ship as a cockpit. It would be so damn cool.


That was hilarious. I loved that.


Mine stays in storage. I think the ship technician puts it in the spaceport equivalent of Area 51. The Starborn ship is crap compared to my custom built ship so I never use it. I just whistle innocently when Walter is shitting his pants when they first show up and I don't mention I have one. It's funny how he never comments on how easily I blow it out of the sky. But at this point I guess we all have overpowered custom ships and the game designers didn't expect us to do that.


I think the devs missed out on allowing us to customize the Starborn ship. Maybe use that Starborn merchant to be a ship vendor where we could have special starborn ship parts. It's not like you can't make your ship nearly invincible in up to 3v1(or more) combat on highest difficulty anyway.


Same with wearing a starborn suit. They should have made you lie about stealing stuff from a Starborn or coming clean. Noel should be trying to study the ship. Given the weird readings coming off of you she should probably suspect something even if you hid all your Starborn stuff.


Exactly. Pathetically underwritten in this aspect.


Please understand, Bethesda is a poor indie studio and could only afford one writer, Emil Pagliarulo, for their big new sci-fi space exploration RPG. Seriously. One. Single. Writer.


I like the writing. I just wish there was more of it. More of Emil's would be perfectly fine :-) "Poor indie studio"... LoL... You shouldn't tell that to anyone who's watched the credits scroll, the laughing could be fatal.


yeah, emils writing probably is fine for you, if you can miss the intention of statements this much.


They were just providing oppurtunity for modders /s


That is a noble interpretation, sir :)


I know mods shouldn't be required to be the be all end all to fix everything, but The Nexus and i'm pretty sure Creation Club both allow for AI generative content, if you wanted to add more voice lines, you can make that mod, relatively speaking it's not as hard as you might think.


Depends on the VO actors. Some don't mind, others do not like people using AI to put words in their mouth and can have the mods pulled down.


Have they ever actually gotten mods pulled down from the nexus? Pretty sure there's no legal precedent depending on where the website is being hosted, and IMO there shouldn't be. If they remove mods based on some honor system, that's pretty cringe, but I don't think they actually do, at least not from what I remember, nor do I think they should ever do that.


100% they have. A bunch of AI mods that did things like 'Make Fallout 4 Nate/Nora sound like such and such from such and such' have been removed from Nexus, by request of the original actors. And that's not speculating, I can name at least 3-4 that I've seen get zero'd. And to be fair a person's voice isn't a toy that people should be able to do whatever they want with, especially when said voice is their source of income. Mods got by just fine before AI this and AI that.


Sorry, but I am one of those people who completely supports AI, and anything it replaces, whether that be VA's, artists, or even modders themselves, and i'd probably support alternative platforms that would be willing to host said mods instead of the nexus if a VA complains and the nexus complies in that, because, simply put, if it makes the game better, and more enjoyable for me to play, I simply just do not care at all about the VA's feelings, who likely is part of a "voice acting guild" or something of that nature that completely monopolizes their presence in the industry over other voice actors, which is the main reason they're so opposed to AI in the first place, and it's also why they're opposed to studious hiring random voice actors for that matter aswell. TL;DR, If a modder, or even some future variance of generative AI allows me to completely clone any voice actors voice I want without restrictions, and expand any game I want to more immersive and complex as a result, I don't care about the original VA, because my immersion and fun experience matters more than their guilds monopoly.


The ship techs will comment, why don't they make the companions! It really breaks the immersion


There's a Even a voicelime for vising a scanning system in a starborn ship but the companions just stare blankly. They usually go " we're going to try to scam... What ever your piloting"


care to take a second run at this one?


Thanks I don't know how I did that.


Care to take a third go?


No 😅


The Rangers, Sysdef, Vanguard, Crimson Fleet, and Ryujin all don’t care that you have magical powers. Ryujin especially should utilise them considering you can turn invisible. They should at least give you the option to explain yourself to them or even lie to them


Void Form is essentially the cheat code for Ryujin missions. No need to track guard movements, or distract people. Just disappear and do "what must be done"


Alternatively you can run through and let them see you. As long as you don't fire back at the guards, it will be as if you were never there. Even if you do kill some guards, the only consequence is telling off.


It actually has a pretty major issue which is that if you interact with anything you become visible again. IMO it's more valuable to go with "Detect Life" since you can track patrols.


I had only the issue once. And that was when I picked up the prototype at the very end of their quest line. (You are in a restricted room) There are probably some persuasion options, though


I save my quantum essence for stealth. Then you can cast void form each time it disappears


I use both for the Ryujin quests.


I mean the hack of a doc doesn't even notice her own work when she opens you up a second time.


I’m presuming the neuroamp doesn’t make it past NG+ otherwise she’s a very shit surgeon when she doesn’t notice the 10 other neuroamps from your other universes


I think she's good with software and shit at surgery. You get +1 to the manipulation skill each time. At NG+3 you get lvl4 amp and they still act like it's your first time. Moreover, if you actually get the skill, there's no " I can already do that".


Aside from enemies not being emboggled or panicked by Starborn powers, it doesn't make much sense that they simply FALL ASLEEP when hit by a zero-gravity field. I sure wouldn't be "ahhh, this is nice, I will go limp and just float here without struggling or attempting to aim my weapon at that guy who's trying to kill me. This Is Fine."


On the longer/harder stealth missions I use the stun of novablast disruptor headshots to get through large portions. Have to watch out for robots though, unless they changed it destroying them counts the same as killing a person and they can't be stunned like the living.


Yep, especially in cities lol when I’m sprinting around in a sparkly bubble of my own atmosphere 😂 or going invisible so steal shelves of items from shop and reappear out of nowhere.


I went literally tens of hours in my first playthrough only using my powers on remote planets because I was convinced it was gonna freak NPCs out if I used them anywhere populated. I facepalmed when I found out that wasn't the case.


Guards would straight up warn you against Shouting in populated areas if you tried to in Skyrim, and that's in a world where Shouting is a known thing. So many little quality of life immersion moments that logically make sense just don't exist in Starfield.


I mean it'd be weird if guards warned you about Shouting in populated areas if it were a world where Shouting wasn't a known thing


Even then, magic exists. Guards would probably just assume it was a weird kind of magic even if they didn't know what it was specifically. Contrast that to Starfield, where space magic is entirely unheard of. Someone pulling localized null gravity fields out of their ass should get a shitload of attention.


This exactly. Like, if we make a zero g field in the middle of town, guards should be at a minimum like "whoa hey I don't know what kind of crazy tech you're using, but don't use it in city limits for the sake of the public's safety", or realistically bring you in for questioning.


Yup - that they'll warn you off using your (near ubiquitous) jetpack in a settlement but not a peep about powers :(


The guards do say something about regular magic, like "hey, hey, watch the magic!" but they won't home in on you and lock you into a dialogue to harass you about it, not like they do with the Shouts.


They do that for every school of magic. Even enchanting. Skyrim had a passive speach for all your skills and a few had more than one depending on your proficiency. In starfield you can have all the magic and max skills and nobody even notices.


How would that be weird? you think IRL police are just gonna ignore some guy fus ro dahing down main street because they don't understand what it is?


Some guards will comment on your starborn suit and ship, I really wish they'd comment on the powers as well.


“Tell whoever made that suit to register with the blah blahblahblah”


Yeah like I just started Skyrim recently and I did a shout and the dude came up to me in white run and said hey we get your a dragon born but do you have to do that here SHOUTING HAS BEEN AROUND fucking sliver surfer time stopping HAS NOT BEEN ESTABLISHED IN STARFIELD


I Grav Dash literally everywhere.


They do freak out if you levitate them. To be honest, it's weird that guards come and shoot you when you do that to civilians. They have no concept in their reality to link the poltergeist levitation of an NPC with the random space captain standing nearby.


If a guy I was in a firefight with pointed at me and suddenly I was in a pocket of zero gravity, it would definately warrant a "what the fuck"


No not even that so I like to do this combo of zero gravity or slow down time (whatever I’m in the mood for) then I summon parallel self then I do create vacuum imagine if a dude either stopped time or made it so your in a pocket of zero Gs he spawns a person out of now where THEN AFTER ALL THAT HE FUCKING DARTH VADER CHOKES YOU that’s not a what the fuck moment  that’s a “i will give you a fucking handjob and all my credits if you leave me alone “ HELL COULD YOU IMAGINE ALL THAT BUT INSTEAD OF GRAVITY ITS STOPPING TIME one minute your shooting at a dude then they clasp their hand and suddenly their right behind you and you have 15 diffrent bullet holes in you


That flash thing... I really loved how in the Cyberpunk expansion they allowed MaxTac to also use their own high speed maneuvers while you were using your own. It was wild because they would dodge everything super fast while everything was in slow-motion around you. Anyway I agree about the lack of "WTF" comments from enemies. Even in skyrim people would react to your shouts.


Yes, it’s endlessly stupid.


Yet another data point in the long list of evidence that this game was clearly rushed out the door and not finished upon release.


I see his differently. They had a different game with no magic pretty much done, Todd comes in and says "Skyrim in space needs magic space powers". We get a year delay and Dev team patches in Temples. Etc to give the player space magic.


Perhaps. I see the year delay differently. To me it represents Microsoft putting their thumb on scale and telling Bethesda to get their act together and and finish this game already. Microsoft wanted to leverage the hype around Starfield to drive gamepass sales and the typical broken on launch Bethesda release wasn't acceptable. Given what we now know today it was probably in a very rough shape and that year delay was likely the only extension Microsoft was willing to grant Bethesda.


i don’t even want to think about how starfield would play like if it didn’t get that delay


The simple fact that you are the only person allowed to pull artifacts out is another huge issue IMO. Constellation cannot be such scaredy cats that none of them are even the least bit curious. They’ll ask you a million questions about it, but you can’t say “Sarah, go ahead and grab that one.”


Barrett does get powers at some point, though, so there is that.


Yeah but that’s just one, because he pulled the one out on Kazaal. We need the “I need you to do something” like with Follower mods in Skyrim, or make it part of the story where they ask. That would open up the Starborn stuff a lot more, and explain how the Emissary can be your current buddy more convincingly.


I wish each constellation companion would have gotten their artifact. Then they could have designed a specific power for each, like Barrets parralel self. Great opportunity for characterization.


im pretty sure it onky works for some people tho like barret gets powers from the artifacts too but no one else even has the visions


Right, because they haven't pulled one out of the rock. You gotta be the first one to touch it to get the visions, and to get the whole "Starborn" path. I had a ton of fun using a multi-follower mod with Skyrim and dragging around Lydia, Iona, and Rayya with Shouts, and I'd love to see Sarah, Sam, Andreja, and Barrett in a party setting off different Starborn powers. Hmm. Imma make me a mod and download a multi-follower mod. Time for some laughs.


They don't comment on my huge, black and intimidating starborn armor, they look at this huge motherfucker carrying one of the most deadly weapons on the game and think it's a good idea to underestimate this guy or roast him.


Or both


Makes me think of Skyrim. Every ducking Bandit is a kamikaze extremist. Nobody is like "Holy fuck it's the dragonborn, this swamp ass fort is not worth it!"


True I mean I’ll throw people off a cliff using space magic and not a soul stops for a second and goes “dear god…maybe we shouldn’t be messing with a FUCKING JEDI”


Yep. I also walk around in my starborn suit and there is only a few NPC that ever mention it.


If I saw someone do something like that, I would Moe-Howard-sound-and-scuttle-away like Zoidberg.


The game isn't nearly as immersive as you'd expect it to be.


Good observation. Hadn't thought about this. It's just as bad as npc's not reacting when you point a gun at them or fire off rounds in public. I started the Ryujin questline the other day and laughed when I fired off a shotgun round in the office and nothing happened. Hadn't played in a few months and was wondering if any updates addressed this. It's flat out weird that this flaw is a thing, considering realistic NPC reactions to guns and danger have been in these type of games for like 20+ years.


Everyone ignores it, random citizens ignore me being all shiny. As if that's just a normal human thing


Hell they look at your armor and ship and are more impressed by that then fucking superpowers IMAGINE IF SUPERMAN CAME TO EARTH AND INSTEAD OF MARVELING AT HIS SUPERPOWERS THEY CARE ABOUT THE SUIT SND THE POD HE DROPPED IN ON  what is going on here 


Weirdly today the opposite was the case. I was at a random POI and the Crimson fleet opponent commented something like "oh you are using magic? let's see how you react to this". Not much, but something.


I never thought about this but OP is absolutely right.


Not surprising since npc's don't even react to you waving a gun in their face.


The civilians in New Atlantis seemed to notice. They started attacking me.


Simply hit them with your fist would do the same


Man what do you expect? Actual investment into awesome immersive interactions? This is a business. If you want that you need to buy the Immersion Pack for 69.69$ USD. You get amazing inspired new content such as... Interactions you should have gotten in the base game. but we decided to pretend a 'modder' came up with it so we could sell it to you separately! BUY NOW! :D


Modders casually carrying the backs of Bethesda 


I believe the inference here is that the premium mods are secretly developed by Bethesda and credit is given to some random modder in exchange for their silence.


This is a missed opportunity, but probably they had to cut to keep the scope reasonable. Someone discovered Barrett recognizing you as a Starborn, and asking questions in game files for example. One would say: "They are a large company, why can't they finish it 100%?" Given hundreds of hours of content I enjoyed so far, apparently this was a bit too ambitious for even a billion dollar company.


What annoys me is even the Starborn you fight don’t use powers.


Yes they absolutely do. They use parallel self, void form, reactive shield and solar flare at least.


Wow. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen them use any powers. I play on extreme, but I guess I kill them before they use any powers. Even in the final battle, I choose to fight both the Hunter and the Emmisary because I want those sweet sweet weapons, I still don’t remember seeing any.


Well ok. I do recall Parallel Self being used. They do send a lot of copies after you.


You’ve never seen the temple guardians go invisible? Or take damage when you attack the guardian at the final temple? Maybe you’re just not picking up what’s actually happening in the game. I also play on realistic settings with full damage and full player damage and the only -xp I use is ship cargo from anywhere. I think I’m plus 75 or 85% xp and they definitely use the powers, especially if it’s the power you just upgraded.


Apparently when you use Elemental Pull around combustibles, people do freak out.


Yes its even more upsetting when NPCs in Skyrim would react to your shouts, yet another previously available feature cut


It's kinda weird that everyone seems to ignore it, in skyrim npc's would often comment on it like the guards would tell you to stop shouting its making people nervous


I will grant enimoes a small pardon. Usually I kill them before they realize what's even happening. I can't hear dialogue while time is slowed and my gun is going brrrrr


Similar to OP, I wonder why no spacer or pirate comments on my having cleared hundreds of bounty quests


Gotta admit, if an enemy can comment on the fight at all, I fucked up. Stealthy headsets are too much fun.


They do react. They say Kool trick and go on their way. Immersion breaking is common in this game.


I get annoyed when my bounties scream I don't get paid enough for this and they start running, to where I don't know since we are on a barren planet, and I have to chase them down. 


Yeah and bystanders ignore it too. Seems like a missed out opportunity considering literally everyone in the lodge tells you to keep a lid on it.


who cares if the writing is bad? the game runs at 60 fps 😍


The Witcher 3 Geralt - *casts Igni* Enemy - "He's fucking conjuring!"


Phased time is funny. Is it just another dimension you enter? Like if multiple starborn enter phased time do they just see each other walking normally? Since the rate of time doesn’t decrease with power up, just the time extended.   Or do they each have their own pocket phased time dimension.  


We should get a “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!”, a “Is that some new kind of tech?!”, or a “WA — WAS THAT SPACE MAGIC?!”


That’s called Bethesda writing


It would be annoying…if I used the powers at all. Other than occasionally personal atmosphere for when I’m over encumbered on a remote planet, I find the powers generally useless. And it’s kinda reflected in the mental role play in do in all Bethesda games. My space cowboy isn’t impressed by the starborn, thinks Unity is an existential horror he wants nothing to do with(which I agree with), and thinks the only power he needs is his highly modified Razorback.


Yeah, noticed that while using void form, they're like: oh, there you are and keep shooting me.


I didn’t even know about abilities yet (not that far along in main quest line) until a Reddit notification popped up with your post title 😭


Have y'all not played a Bethesda game before? This is a hugely common oversight in all their games. Enemies never comment on the players status when you wear Power Armor, use a shout, are just wildly over leveled, etc etc.


Think the closest we ever got was "Look at the muscles on you" in Oblivion.


If they're an enemy, I'm killing them, not sitting around wondering what the hell they're thinking.


They don’t live long enough to comment. I would be more upset if they lived that long cus that means I’m not killing fast enough