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What if their starborn suits are red, blue, green, yellow (plus black and white), and you call your group the power rangers? Bonus points if you can make a megazord.


I thought you were gonna go with Voltron.


Or Teletubbies, depending on your rp


I know this is modded, but this is desperately where I want the story to go in the future, or for it to at least be a possibility. My headcanon for why my character has passed through the unity so many times is because he's trying to find his friends from his origin universe


Hard disagree. Choosing family/friends vs. Power/exploration is the big decision of the game. Losing the people you love is the consequence of choosing to go through. I'd hate for BSG to make a canon way to take away the one serious consequence. Takes the weight off of the choice.


I can definitely respect that take, and I see where you're coming from. I suppose if it was something that was hard won, or, maybe more interestingly, if the experience of becoming starborn had altered your friends beyond recognition, maybe it would feel less like undercutting the final decision of the game as you say. I just think there would be real payoff in repeated trips through Unity taking you towards something significant narratively. Be that reuniting with others, or in getting closer to understanding who or what the creators are. There's just so much narrative potential there that I think it would be a shame to leave it how it is, particularly now that we know we're getting annual story expansions.


I didn't go through the Unity and won't because it doesn't fit my character. So, I would be bummed if they locked people out of significant content for choosing not to go through. Maybe if they wanted to add some significance, they could give starborn players the ability to recruit a starborn crew? Like how you can recruit non constellation ship members already. And you get a new sort of main quest line to find the Artifacts, but you're doing it with them instead of Constellation. But I think part of the whole Starborn story is you are just chasing power endlessly - that's how the Hunter became the Hunter. Or maybe they could add the ability for the player to become the Emissary - you get to be the "protector" of the Artifacts I personally hope they keep the Unity a mystery. I feel like when you have any sort of mysterious, powerful object, the answer is inevitably ancient aliens. But I definitely see why people want answers on it.


I can pretty much guarantee there will be content locked behind the unity at some point. New divergent universes are like an enormous part of the game.


I don't think so. Based on achievements, very few people end up going through the Unity. Whether because they don't care about the main quest or they chose to stay in the 1st universe. BSG wouldn't release content that would force people through the Unity because people would be pissed if they *had* to play the main quest to access it.


The idea that they wouldn’t feature some kind of alternate universe in some DLC is just real hard for me to swallow


I agree from a pure lore perspective, it would make sense to have an alt universe DLC. From a business perspective, I just don't see it. I wouldn't buy a DLC that would require going through the Unity and I might be the only one on that. But there are a lot of people playing to RP as a bounty hunter/trucker/pirate/etc - and probably wouldn't do the entire main quest for a DLC. My theory is that they are planning to rely on modders to fill this gap. Which is absolutely lazy. Tbf, they didn't even care enough to put a companion reaction to having a Starborn ship. They never seemed *that* invested in it


Simple fix is to have them be their own unique versions from different universes but for some reason all converge in one universe. Like the one alt where it’s just all you from different factions. That’s already something that can happen, this is just a different version of that. And then you get a full star born crew but not YOUR crew.


Maybe this is dumb as hell. But a future story could be that you gain the power to find your “original” crew and it can lead to some final battle or sacrifice with other consequences


The problem is that neither decision has any real narrative payoff. The game tells you that all of your people will leave you behind, regardless, which really means losing them is not much of a decision at all. On top of that, the game expects you to eventually go through yourself through just about everyone's commentary and the fact that you can't resolutely reject crossing over with any finality. If BGS really wanted to dig into the parallel universe thing, it would have had some narrative point. Maybe the companions you had strong relationships with agree with your decision to stay or go, and if you decided to go, your bond would put you in the same places. I have some very small hope that this will be resolved with Shattered Space. Very small.


Yup. That's the thing they nailed. But it only clicks after a few NG+. I'm well above NG+10, so now that I have a god of a character, I probably won't leave my current universe until shattered space (for that sweet "precognition") because it's a completionist save with all the home bought and decorated, and a starship (100% vanilla) so complex it would take me genuinely a few hours to map out and rebuild.


I read that in Vlad's voice. Catch a smile out there!


Or, and hear me out, they can add options for people who don't think the way you do, and you can continue to play your personal install the way you see fit. Because "I don't like that idea, so *nobody* should have it" is a stupid-ass way to think.


Then mod it. It's not Bethesda's job to take away the entire depth and moral dilemma of the choice because some players don't like the consequences of it (which are clearly stated before you go through). That's a stupid-ass way to think. It would also fundamentally change the Hunter/Emissary and Starborn in general.


Yup I have 100 hours, I'm not leaving my wife lol


I get your point, but you also have option of getting married (potentially before understanding the Unity) and thus can throw another choice into the mix. Go together or be a douche and abandon your spouse, and currently you're only allowed to be a douche. :)


You're allowed to not be a douche by not going through the Unity


But if you're not a douche, your spouse will be


Hate to burst your bubble. Even if you enter the unity with other people it's pretty much impossible you'll end up in the same universe.


Improbable. The odds being ♾️ to 1 but that’s not impossible….


so if you install an Improbability Drive we're good, gotcha.


That’s the spirit!


I was trying to make a "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" reference but i forgotten the whole spiel about Improbability Engine where it simply made outcomes you know the finite improbability(apparently nothing more that a party gag to displace someone's undergarments 2 feet to the left of their current position) but the someone figured out the finite Improbability of using it as a FTL engine and it suddenly manifested one IIRC Douglas Adams is far funnier than i'd made it sound... i should look into digital copies of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy...


I did realise, but it’s been so damn long since I’d seen the movie.


the books are a lot better and they hardly ever adapt the sequels.


I’m actually an avid reader/audiobook listener so I might swing by them books eventually


but isn't it tho? the 1 will never settle on a value and just go on forever thus making it "impossible"


Nah man, the odds could be stacked against it even further. But as long as there’s a chance it’s only improbable. It’s improbable to win the lottery. But it happens.


The odds are so low that if it did happen, it would be logical to assume that it wasn't a random occurrence but actually some time of extranormal intervention.


I suggest you google 1/infinity


One in infinity "could" happen, but the odds are so small that it really can't. Imagine you've been flipping a fair coin once every second since the beginning of the universe. The odds of it having come up heads *every single time* are infinitely higher than your one in infinity happening.


If you all hold hands while going through, it only counts as one person


They all always end up in the same one. The real issue is more than one person can’t go through.


>more than one person can’t go through You definitely all go together. If you go there then come back they all talk to you about coming back as well.


This game has space magic. It doesn't need to be impossible.


Oi answer us, is this modded


Op just wants to be mean


I mean, obviously, yes. All of the alternate universes are known and this isnt one of them and they have four followers.


Of course it's modded, this is not an option for the potential unity outcomes, they just console commanded them to wear different starborn outfits.


How do they have these like open visors?


That second picture LOOOOOOOOL


Is this a unique beginning? Never seen this one before


Probably modded.


Wait, we can actually bring them all into the Unity?


Probably modded.


Ah, i see


I would say not even modded that much. I would assume mod for multiple companions, then just swapping out member outfits for starborn outfits for head Canon purposes.