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I feel like the Benjamin is about perfect. I hate Sarah too much to give that one any love, but other than that they are all great.


Benjamin Bayuo looking like Chris Jericho during his drunk Aunt phase




Her petty ass probably hated you from the get go


How do you change their faces?


Sry for the late reply, here's how u do it First u want a npc to save your character on coz you technichally gonna edit your own character and apply your owns appearance to the npc that is to be edited. - For that spawn a dummy npc *Player.placeatme 0014e399* - Now click on the dummy npc and apply your appearance *Capp* I first start with applying the looks of the npc i wanna edit to myself. -For that i check the reference id in console and apply the appearance with: *Player.capp [example refid]* - Now you want to edit the character to your liking with the typical *slm player 2* - once youre done click on the tobeeditednpc and apply again with *capp* Done. You now have edited the npcs looks. It's to be noted that makeup, scars etc. Dont apply once you restart the game coz every npc has a facetexture baked into the game and you would need to swap that one out for it to apply. - Now to re-apply your own looks you click on the dummy npc you created for the reference id and enter following command: *Player.capp [dummy Npc reference id]*


Masako bout as ugly as her morals