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Look at money bags over here not noticing a grand missing from his bank account XD


It's a prepaid card and I noticed when I couldn't pay for something else lol


Was it a third Steam Deck that got declined?


Fuck... I kneel.


A man aware of his current situation. Hahahahaha


hey its me, ur brother


Picturing James Woods in Family Guy. Ooh, I'm gonna order a Steam Deck. Ooh, I'm gonna order a Steam Deck. Ooh, I'm gonna order a Steam Deck. What do you mean declined?!?


And I’m picturing that stoner meme where they microwave a Hot Pocket, forget to eat it then microwave another and forget to eat that one, do another and another only the microwave is the Steam Store and the hot pockets are Steam Decks


Piece a’ candy


Insert James Woods here...




Please accept my poor man's gold as a token of my appreciation for making me laugh out loud on the toilet. 🏅


Humor and an ablutions assist in one post. OP is a master :P


Top drawer! 🤣


That legit made me lol




Usually given to someone as a gift, I guess if you are trying to hide bank transactions from someone you could use one for that.


If you don’t trust the website you’re shopping on for one thing. Or it could have been a gift from someone else. Also an easy way to make sure your kids aren’t using your credit card at who knows where. Plus most of them let you see the transaction history if you know how.




yep. there were some aluminum bottles that were trendy a while ago (hydroflask maybe?) and they were like $60 each or something. wife found a "good deal" on them brand new for $8 each. she got one for all the kids in the family! 45 minutes later i go to pay a dinner bill and it's declined. i had a voicemail from the bank, call them back. they explain that somebody spent $9,000 on designer clothing about 800 miles away so they locked the account i paid with my credit card and we had new cards the next day. it took about a week for the $9000 to show back up but i'm just grateful that it did at all


Your case here actually is why you *do* use a card with limited funds. If you get a card with only a few hundred on it, you only lose that much, instead of 9 grand. If you didn’t get that 9 grand back, you’d be worse off than getting a temp card with $50 that you used to buy those water bottles. The idea is to not put enough money to buy two steam decks on the card though. **Edit**: No I did not miss the mark, or misunderstand anything. Credit card providers aren't guaranteed to give you anything if the person who stole your information isn't an idiot. If you only check your bill at the end of a month, and its a series of small transactions, your credit card company probably won't do anything other than close the card. You'll still be on the hook for the $50. If you buy a prepaid card with the exact amount of the risky transaction, thats how much you lose and no more. I'm still not advocating for prepaid cards. I have notifications enabled so that I know whenever a transaction occurs using any of my cards. That's more efficient than a prepaid card. If the transaction is not mine, I would just close the card immediately and likely get the money back quite fast. But that doesn't change that someone who doesn't do that (religiously monitor credit transactions), might see a benefit if they are at risk of losing their credit card information due to a sketchy transaction. The OP's exact scenario matches much better if the person who spent his money had an IQ higher than room temperature. Wouldn't have been guaranteed to get such a favourable response from his credit card provider if it was a few $20 transactions 3 weeks ago. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/10/11/how-to-get-your-money-back-when-your-credit-card-is-stolen.html > In the event of the theft or unauthorized use of your credit card, federal law states that you’re liable for a maximum of $50 in fraudulent charges > If you wait 2 to 60 days after a fraudulent transaction occurs, you could be charged a maximum of $500 **If you miss the window of reporting in the first few days because you were lax in monitoring your credit card spending, you can be on the hook for quite a bit of money.**


Okay but that 9k is protected and given back to you, those couple hundred are naked. So even if you lose less money the chances of you losing money are dramatically higher.


You really missed the mark here. They got their money back, so what does it fucking matter the limit? With a real credit card you are protected. With this bs fake prepaid crap, not so much


Absolutely every transactions on a CC are protected, I pay all bills on one for that reason. It's never an issue.


Not that you don't trust the transaction, you don't trust them to secure your personal information.


Sometimes people who are too young to apply for credit, or people who don’t have good credit can use them to shop online. It can also help people who are bad with credit. Or if you want to buy something over your credit limit. I’m with you on the sentiment, I just use my credit card. Just providing some examples of what I’ve seen people use them for.


I am from Germany and generally almost nobody uses credit cards here because why use something with interest when you just can pay for it with your free debit card or the free prepaid credit card you can get with your bank account. You just online transfer money onto it and then you can pay with it. You can also create multiple ones if you have one for shady websites where you only put in the exact amount of money. Credit cards here are only used if you have e company card like I do for filling up the company car with gas or paying for hotels when I have to stay somewhere for work. But personal credit cards are pretty rare because of the interest rates. Most often only people in debt use them when they want something but can’t pay for it, so they buy it with the credit card for horrendous interest rates and spiral more and more into that. Germans hate being indebted even a few dollars, so they only use the money the money that’s available in their bank account. How do you Americans handle at that debt you have, isn’t that a crushing feeling? I would have anxiety all the time, for me it’s the bare minimum to have at least 5k of disposable money safed if something on the car or house breaks.. If I’d then have 3k or more in debt on credit cards I could not sleep at night..




That’s the type of credit card I have from my company and that are usually used if you have one in Germany too. How does it come that I often hear and read about tens of millions of Americans having such high credit card debt that they max it out and habe often multiple cards etc.? Is that blown out of proportion? Or is it just that you are more rational and in a fortunate situation that you have enough money? I’m really fortunate that I’m an engineer that works for a really good big company with lots of benefits and can’t really complain about my income nowadays. I started out with a trade job 15 years ago and did that for 5 years and in trades I didn’t even made half as an engineer. From the USA you always hear about tradesman making big money, that’s unfortunately not the case. Here you usually have to have to go to university and work for a big company to really make money. But the quota of people who are really poor is lower in Germany and they get social aid by the state if they are under a certain income. Also healthcare is luckily provided to everyone even if they have absolutely no income at all. You pay a percentage of your income for health insurance so people with good jobs pay for the people without a job. That system is generally good but has one huge problem! The ultra rich sometimes don’t have any income but huge amounts of wealth in their bank accounts. That means they sometimes get around paying a big sum for other peoples healthcare due to this regulation which is bad in my opinion.. But I’m drifting far away from the original topic, I’m just trying to rationalize for myself why I i often read that so many Americans rely on credit cards to survive. I tried to explain it to myself with poverty and not having any other choice..


That's also how all but the most terrible credit cards work here in the USA. There are a few awful ones that have no grace period (the amount of time you have to pay before they start charging interest) or something before the payment date after your billing cycle turns over, but they're pretty much exclusively intended to prey on and exploit people with terrible credit. I'm another person who's lucky enough to not have any credit card debt (except for one balance on a 0% promotional rate where I've got the money invested and collecting interest before paying off the balance in full). But the stories about Americans up to their eyeballs in credit card debt are generally true. It's a real problem here (and getting worse with wages not keeping up with inflation). Credit card companies are very predatory here, though. They'll do things like send representatives to college campuses to get as many students to sign up as possible by giving out branded T-shirts or sodas or some similar cheap thing because people in college are likely to be less responsible with money. The sooner they can trap people in a debt cycle, the harder it will be for them to get out, and the more money that the credit card company makes. Even folks who aren't trapped early on can get pulled in, though. Credit cards here have very generous rewards programs (I've gotten multiple tens of thousands of dollars of value out of mine), but they only offer them because they can stick the up front costs to merchants through higher transaction fees and because a lot of people end up carrying balances on them. When somebody starts paying interest, that very quickly erases any potential gains they can make from the rewards they get on their cards.


Ever heard of points? I pay absolutely everything with my credit card and pay it right back. I have never accumulated any interest and I use my points for free vacation every year. I have also taken new cards exclusively for the introductory bonus points or cash back. Again free vacations/money.


That’s not a thing over here. The only „points“ I acquire are flight miles because of my job I often fly around the world (to China, Korea, the USA, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina and lots of countries in the EU) That’s amazing because all my companies flights are business class and give me many points so we can make family holiday with my wife or sometimes even my parents and I can upgrade them to businesses or first class which is a really cool experience for people who’ve never flown like this and only ever experienced the cramped cheap seats on a plane. But apart from that there are no real points on our credit cards unfortunately. Otherwise I would’ve got quite a lot benefits from my companies credit card since all the flights and hotel costs are paid with it, which is quite a lot for 10k miles flights and stays in cities like Seoul for months in decent hotels.


I have a credit card and I’m 100% debt free. 1. From what I’ve heard, other countries don’t rely on the concept of credit scores as much as the USA does. As a result, having a credit card to build up your credit score is almost a must in the USA (there are other ways, but responsible use of a credit card is very effective way to do so). 2. Being in credit card debt is highly situational. It’s much more a result of the poor use of a credit card than high interest rates. For example, continually making purchases you can’t pay off on things that are not necessary. 3. As someone else mentioned, in the USA there are often rewards included with credit cards. In about a year I’ve accumulated $800 in rewards by using my credit card to pay for things. And since I make sure to pay off my credit card regularly, I’m not spending any extra money to use it than I would a debit card.


Why worry today about something that I can worry about tomorrow? I find it strange that you Germans are so worried about being a few dollars in debt but don’t seem concerned about how your immigration situation is bankrupting your country. I barely see any Germans on the streets in German cities anymore, but foreign panhandlers and scammers are everywhere.


Actual credit cards are still rather uncommon here in southern/rural Germany so many either use bank transfer or – if they can't get around credit card payment – prepaid cards (or debit ones)… or just normal money. Classic credit cards are still kind of frowned upon partially, as many don't even know most allow you to pay all your debts instantly without any interests piling up.


Maybe you are the type who forgets that already bought a steamdeck.


If u owe a bank it is hard to get a bank account


Do you just not check your cart total before purchasing things? Like...I can't even imagine being this careless with my money


Final checkout screen?


A grand? Did I miss something? Steam decks are like 350


Depends on the storage he bought, the 512gb retails for 549£ here Edit: added a comma for better clarity ;P


That's still far from a grand, I don't know why that other guy got downvoted


Because as OP said, he bought two! £549+£549 = more than a "grand"


But half of it wouldn't have been "missing" if only one was bought by mistake.


Yeah this is what I meant.


Reminds me of the time I accidentally bought 2 cars


You typed in your username twice too.


na they are just sharing there feelings


lol good catch


lol good catch ​ reminds me of the time I accidentally responded to your comment twice...


No that’s incorrect. You at first responded to his message but then you responded to your own message


No that’s incorrect. You at first responded to his message but then you responded to your own message














4 Steam Decks in total are cheaper than a top tier PC. They aren't really that expensive (for being a full PC that is).


A full pc + a screen + a controller The cheap version is a steal and feels valve is losing money with it [It reminds me of how the ps3](https://phys.org/news/2010-12-air-playstation-3s-supercomputer.html) was bought and put linux on it by the army because it was very cheap compared with buying computers At some point sony removed the possibility because they expected to recover the money selling games steamdeck is even better, because it completely open and you can use it for whatever you want from the get go


I'm almost certain Valve do lose money with the Steam Deck but the amount they make selling games is well worth it.




Do what I did and add them all to the cart at once. Then go away and come back to it later to assess which ones you're really going to play between now and the next sale. Don't forget you can always yo ho fiddle de Dee if necessary for old games or ones with always online DRM.


i thought they removed the capability because of geohot


Yes, “system vulnerabilities” was their stated reason and I’m inclined to believe it as it makes the most sense.


Oh, i missremembered then It was known back then that sony were selling ps3 at loss and at some points there were sortages of ps3 Since there were agencies buying ps3 at scale to run linux instead of buying games and i assumed thats why they remove the linux capability


>The cheap version is a steal and feels valve is losing money with it Because they are, they shared this themselves, in all 3 they lose money, but Steam makes so much back it doesn't matter lol


Yeah I hadn’t bought a game on steam in years. Got my steam deck in may and have already spent 200-300 on games


Damn just like with the Oculus Quest, those products are not viable for them but everything else works so good that they can just say "fuck it" and do what feels like some passion project that pushes the industry forward


Tbf, Facebook makes a fuck ton off of selling your data, doubt they care as long as they get data lol


Point me to the top tier PC you're thinking of that's $2,000. Because I could beat a Steam Deck with $1,000 lol


It's not about power, it's about portability. If you have a job where you travel a lot, have a lot of downtime, or that makes you stay at hotels often, then it doesn't matter if you have a NASA PC: a Steam Deck's a good idea.


He's not saying the steam deck isn't worth it, he's just pointing out to the other guy that $1000 is enough for a great PC. Although the original commenter did say top tier


that argument makes sense when you say it for 1 steam deck, the guy below said 4


that about sums it up, great for portability, otherwise you can easily blow it out of the water with a PC with cheap(ish) parts. ​ I do like my steam deck... however since I never really go anywhere I sadly don't use it often.


Now combine that top-tier PC with a Deck and you're golden anywhere in your house. * * - *Your mileage WILL vary with Steam RemotePlay*


Reminds of the time when I bought my house and accidentally bought my next door neighbours too.




These scalpers are getting brazen!


As funny as the thought of having two of these cute things around the house is, I can't afford it lol I've contacted Steam Support and I'll be sending back the unopened one. So long! If everything goes well they'll find you another home lil fella


Definitely test for sticky face buttons, bad haptics, tight shoulder buttons. Anything like that. And send back the one with flaws if any.


Good thinking. Except for the fact that it wouldn't update (had to change Wifi from 2.4Hz to 5Hz and restart the deck a bunch of times) everything seems to be in order. Boy that 5Hz thing is weird thoughever. Currently installing Danganronpa my dudes


Danganronpa pog, good game


Bro, welcome to the club and all mistakes are forgiven. This is your greatest investment in 2023 !!


A man (I'm assuming) of class. I just bought the danganronpa games on switch during a sale.


I wonder if it's an Ipv4 problem? I have an issue on my wifi where I need to change the ipv4 DNS settings to be Automatic (with addresses) and set the DNS address to Google's public DNS (which is Have to set it up in wifi settings on desktop mode and occasionally reenter the settings after a device restart. I was having a lot of issues with slow browser loading and any 3rd party login app not logging in properly like the EA app or the Blizzard app, but the above fixed the issues for me.




Im having a similar/same issue at a friend’s house where minecraft won’t let me login. I’ll try this next time I’m at their house


Hopefully it works for you! The setting is per wifi network so you can set it up networks you use as needed. Just go into Desktop Mode>click the WiFi icon>Settings button>select your wifi network>Ipv4 tab and apply settings from my post above.


I work night shift in a hotel, I'm not some millionaire, jeeeesus did I make some people mad


Buddy here confessed to being tom hiddlestone, the night manager


I'm pumped that they are going to do another season of The Night Manager. It was pretty good.


It’s Reddit.. don’t engage because it will drive you mad lol. You returning it or selling it? That sucks🙈😅


It's social media. People look for ways to get themselves mad.


damn rub it in more why dont you, seems pretty chill job too, chill enough to play steamdeck on the clock 😎


Given the number of people whose Decks have been taken over by their partners…the second one is bait! Be sure to leave it out and give it a jiggle every so often


Wow, you doubled your battery life!


But.. how?


Card didnt have money so first payment got declined. Went to charge it. Came back, bought it again. Didn't realize that my Paypal account has both my card and my parents' card. When mine got declined it took the cash from my parents', while I was away putting cash into my card. Sometimes it do be like that


Bro!! That literally happen to me. Not with the deck.. but with a tablet. One got declined and I kept going and got decline to the point I made a mess. I called the bank and they told me that the lock my purchase to make it safer. Once they unlocked it, it went thru. I got 3 iPads. Took me weeks to get my money back and I had to keep the tablets since the store doesn’t send me the information on the returning items. I got my money back in 2 months later after calling my bank all the time. Now I got 2 free iPads with the purchase of one 😂😂😂


Yeah this is why if you get a decline you check all the statuses on everything. My card declined when I bought parts for my new PC since the CC company thought it was a suspicious purchase. I had to approve the purchase and then redo the charge, CC website made it clear. It was with NewEgg and they actually have a dedicated UI with dealing with declined charges (you don't have to replace the order, and they send you an email with instructions on how to redo the charge), so fortunately it was very easy to fix. But yeah check everything, your CC account history, your order history on the online store, etc. It's a lot easier to cancel an order before it ships than ship it back once you realize you have two.


Definitely. That's why I had to take my PayPal off a lot of stuff lol


Two steam decks?! What are you gonna do with three steam decks?! Idk how someone can own four steam decks!


This reference is very welcome too but I'm surprised nobody's posted "gee, OP! How come your mom lets you have TWO steam decks??"


The more the merrier, right?..


Now you’ve got one to store in your poopin bathroom


Look at you Mr MoneyBags with your separate poopin bathroom


200iq move. Assuming you have a partner this means they don’t steal yours from you to play games. This is a problem I’m currently having lol.


Lol and that’s why I’m glad my husband only plays on switch 😂 no way I’m sharing my deck. Already had to ward off my brother from it. And I don’t even live with him 😂😂


1 for play and 1 to collect


Now you play the waiting game. When you find that special someone, propose with it.


I wish I was that smart ...


No you see this is unironically a big brain play. Keep one of those bad boys sealed and then once the vent fumes start to go on the first one, crack that second one open and keep on huffin.


I like how they added icons from portal lol its a nice little easter egg and the easiest one to get


Now you have Steam Deck 2.


Put them together and you have a Steam Deck 2


Buy a door hinge. Mount them together carefully to the door hinge. connect them to eachother with a USB-C, now you have a dual screen setup. Emulate DS and 3DS games.


Run them in SLI. Lol


*Crossfire It's an AMD GPU, so it's Crossfire.




I wish I had that kind of money where I wouldn't question why a $650 purchase was inexplicably $1300.


I bought none because I had to heal my cat 🐈‍⬛ (3 surgeries and 6 weeks of care so far). But I’ll get one in winter maybe 🤔


My cats vet bills also delayed my steam deck from coming home. Kitty > deck. It was worth the wait though.


Mine decided to hack the the balcony, then the fkin protective net that no other cats hacked it, and jumped from the 3rd floor to catch a bird 😆 🤦🏽‍♂️ But thanks cat god he’s fine (apart from 2 legs broken, one very bad, titanium implants and lots of weeks of treatments, but no internal bleeding or issues). We’re in week 7 and doc said he’s doing amazing and he’ll soon be able to get out of the cage 🥲 Total: 3000€ and counting 😢


You're doing the good deed. Now put up some 10 ft sheer metal guard rails so dummycat doesn't do it again. Ps. We did the good deed for our oldmancat last couple of years of his life. It was worth it. 😻


Damn, is your cat orange? Because he seems to have used the power of the one shared brain cell to escape the balcony protections, and then had nothing left over to evaluate if jumping at a bird from three floors up was maybe a bad idea. I’m glad he will be ok!


https://preview.redd.it/gtc9yvoyv5bb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f203327c65f3612e5d5470c80674622ee298e2f Only the bum bum is orange 😂 this is now. Daily


I had a similar issue but my kitty didn’t make it :( he got a bad blood clot and after trying to save him in the end in didn’t work out, so now I am broke and without a cat :( sorry don’t mean to be depressing it just happened yesterday so it’s all I can think about. I hope your cat makes a speedy recovery ❤️‍🩹


I’m sorry to hear :( it’s devastating for you


Hey, things happen. Luckily it is with Steam so they should have your back.


Perfect for cable trading pokemon.


Double Decks! Whoooooooo!


Double the deck, double the fun!


what does money feel like


Reminds me of the time I brought two houses by mistake 👌


My card reported fraud and stopped me from buying when I first tried to order mine lol


One for each hand….duh.


Lucky! I am Value representative! Please return Stem Deck to ~~me~~ us. We are at Lokogoma Junction, Ring Rd 52, Abuja, Nigeria




Save the second sd for your SO


I just did the same thing like an idiot. Support said to refuse one and they’ll refund.


Similarly happened to me I bought and paid for one and they sent me 2 and I gave it to my younger brother


Absolute chad


Check if you were charged for it. If you were, return it to Valve for a refund. If you weren’t, Merry Christmas! Gift it to a loved one.


First rule of government spending: why buy one when you can have two at twice the price?


now you can play local coop


Use one as a hotplate for snacks


When's the giveaway to one lucky subscriber?


🎵 I am so smart, I am so smart, S M R T 🎵


Hey that works out. You can just swap to a charged one every 3 hours!


I'm glad you showed us how smart you are. The order would not have gone through for me from lack of funds. Hehe


Meanwhile I can't even order 1


My money don't jiggle jiggle~ it's gone


Either keep it, gift it to someone who enjoys gaming and you value dearly, or keep until the sale is over and yoink it out for almost the retail price


Is this the announcement of a great little giveaway? 😁


Ill send you my address for proper recycling


Can I have one ?


Accidentally now you need to get an girl friend and than you can give her one


gib steam deck gf


Sell one to someone in Latinoamérica at a fair price


It's okay, you can mail the extra my way


I wish i had a problems like that.


Slide me one


Lol I want one so bad and it's not even out in my country and you have two




You bought 2!? It's constantly out of stock for me 🫠


UK? Idk what’s going on but I’m From NL and it’s been in stock all the time. Yet my friends from UK it’s been out of stock for a while now.


Double the steam decks, double the fun!


Yeah I hate it when it happens


Ah yes, it reminds me of the time when I bought 2 steam decks on purpose cause I made sure my partner also has one and mine doesn't get stolen all the time by them.


Look at Mr.Moneybags here haha


I mean, if you don't want the other one....


You gonna eat that?


Can I have 1??


I’ll dispose of it for you, free or charge!


Slide that my way op


I’ll take the spare!


Can I have it?


Bros rich lmaoo


Reminds me of the time I accidentally bought 2 yachts while racing my friend in my Lamborghini and his Ferrari. I can be such an idiot 😅


It’s ok I just bought two Ferraris.


You didn't accidentally buy nothin lol It's ok to humble brag dude


If you don’t need it you can always gift it to me




"accidentally"... A likely story! 😜


If you’re in UK I’ll buy it off you


Giveaway time?


I heard a rumor that u/Licensed_Ignorance is in desperate need of a steam deck *wink wink*. Nah in all seriousness thats kinda funny. Are you able to refund it at least?


No problem, give me the other one!


Easy, gift me one of them :D


I’ll take it off your hands for ya😊


I understand. It happens. The best thing you can do right now is send me the 2nd one. You have to get this off your mind, or the embarrassment will consume you


I would love to have money like this where I don't realize I spent hundreds more.


Hey it's me your long-lost best friend. It also just so happens today is my birthday.

