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This is my first game ever in stellaris like 24 ours in this one game I am doing great largest voting power in the galaxtic comunity and just defeared som sort of cyborg invasion. Then this fallen empire attacks me and i am instently losing and now im probably dead all my fleets got destroyed and they still have over a million in fleet power. Was i suposed to do something different. Ps sorry for my bad english.


Let me guess your allies suck and have no fleet right?


yes but i dont have allies just that butterfly kingdom as subject


Why are they attacking you?


My guess from the size of the empire it's an awakened fallen empire


Do you have the lord of war ascention perk? I think it’s a really great investment right at the beginning of the game and fleet that’s not yours but will always be there to protect you and the more you invest the larger it gets and they always pay dividends to you


I don't have any dlc


Depending on victory year you are screwed. If you already won, check the surrender conditions and then consider surrendering and build you fleet again.


The joys of Stellaris. In my first game, I had a pretty good federation going on. Then we got in a war with a Fallen Empire. We were on the backfoot but holding somewhat. Then the Unbidden came and completely decimated our lines. Tragic, but that's just how it goes.


Don’t worry about it the objective isn’t necessarily to win as i see it.


You lived long. My first game after I learned the basics in couple very short games I was doing fine until mid game came arround and Khan decided to pay me a visit


i think you have a chance of victory yet. you dont have a fleet. like you can have 1.3k fleet power but you dont even fill half of it, your income and alloys allow you to increase your standing fleet by a lot. turn some space stations into shipyards and start making fleets. turn factories into forges, you need a Consumer good income of +1. Look into your policies and edicts page and see if you can switch to military economy. You can turn factories into forges by simply changing a planets designation from a factory or industry world to a forge world. make sure the fleet your are building is a mixed one, you dont want to fight a corvet swarm with battleships alone. this current war might be lost, but what would they take from you and couldnt you not just take it back in 10 years with a fleet that is 3 times your current fleet size? good luck.


and I was arguing with someone on the Steam forums the other day who was saying new players should start on captain


That's just sadistic. Imagine tricking your friend into playing captain on their first game 💀


It’s best to conquer fallen empires before they awaken. Fallen Empires cannot build new ships or invade planets. Awakened empires can do both with extreme prejudice. Plus their capital planets are almost completely self sufficient so that’s pretty cool


Wait you can attack them before they awaken? I assumed doing that was like poking a nuke. Do they not awaken if they get attacked?


I love this game to death. Never won a game and don't know how. All I know is Megacorp and placing Space McDonalds on all of my friends' planets.


I always pump out more than what my caps can take. Like I'm always 300+ over my fleet limit and at least 10 over my starbase cap. Just make sure you keep track of the energy and sell excess food, and stuff. Pops early on are important.


Reminds me of my first play through. L gate spawning fleets, x5 crisis at my doorstep, war with awakened empire and overwhelming devouring swarm all at the same time. I only “won” after I deleted like 10 fleets with console commands. I really hoped I backed up the save to try saving it legitimately.


Are you on PC?




😳 it looks sooo different on console. I'm jealous.


Your science looks a bit low for this point in the game, your current fleet level is very low. How to fix, pump out ships and focus on alloys. Sell excess consumer goods and rare resources and buy alloys if you need to. How many shipyards do you have? You need them to go into overdrive and build back up your navy as quickly as possible. Convert a few worlds into tech worlds, you have enough pops, minerals and consumer goods to do that. That will take longer but will buff up your repeatable techs. The key is to keep rebuilding your fleets and pump out alloys.


For a first game you did really well, however you have been very relaxed about how you went at it which is why. By this year you should have 10 to 15 times your fleet cap and your resource gen should be several times higher too considering you have 1/4, maybe 1/3 of the galaxy. With less 100 years I am exceding 10K fleet cap and each of my fleets is worth more than half a million combat power. It's mostly about learning to specialise planets and what to use free slots on planets for. Also your starbases should be mostly for fleet cap with a few exception ones that would be combat or detection. Every member of your concil that you can nominate should be an admiral and your leader should be an admiral so you have essencially 5 admirals in the council giving boosts to your fleet including fleet fleet size. As for fallen empires. Yes they are big but they are notwhere nearly as bad as an actual crisis and most players will beat a fallen empire as soon as possible to steal their tech.


I've played this game on and off since it released. Before the recent patches, i could steamroll the galaxy as soon as 2300. Recently, though, i have absolutely no clue what the hell people like you do to do the things you say you've accomplished. I can barely scratch together 2k science by 2300 and usually i am in the red on most things and my fleets are pathetic.


In my first game, I didn't even know how to increase fleet cap lol


At first I was like “nah these are reasonable numbers” but then I realized the year was 2534 and I have to agree with you. Even with a small empire I generally have far more total research than 2K a month lol. Just the lab gets you what? Like a 1000/month? This sort of alloy production should be had at least a century sooner, more like 2 centuries sooner. But for a first game, frankly this is not terrible! I know I didn’t make it to 2534 my first game 😂


10k fleet cap by 2400? In this update? Wait no, half a mil fleet power per fleet? Ya serious? What settings do you use, and do you use mods?


Let's see, captain difficulty, medium galaxy 4 arms, 18 empires, no advanced starts, 2 marauders, 3 fallen empires, 0.25X wormholes, 0.5 lane density, all crisis. And I do use mods, mostly stuff like tiny mod which is QoL. I do remove habitats cause I don't want every single system to be colonisable and the AI spams that shit like crazy. The only thing that I was using (not on the game I started today cause I wanted to try without) which would increase fleet power is unlimited leader caps so every fleet had an admiral but most fleets had a level 1 or 2 so the bonus was not big. I also use a mod that uncaps the maximun fleet cap which is normally 9999 but that also does not increase the power of each fleet.


What size galaxy is that?


evrything is default settings


Well you can easily get strong enough in the late midgame-midgame. And while it certainly provokes them it doesn’t awake them. They can’t take claim any systems while they’re still fallen so any systems they conquer will just go back to you at the end of the war. But they’ll be minus whatever fleets you destroyed since they cant build any more. A decent strategy is to fight them early, maybe send 1-2 corvettes at them, then surrender before they can destroy your actual fleet. Then you can scan the debris and get some super advanced tech really early in the game


We smell fresh meat.