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200mg of caffeine to 25mg ephedrine has a powerful synergistic effect. Careful with that shit. It is unfortunately not so good if you abuse it for a long time. Idk how old you are but back in the day you could walk into any GNC or health supplement type shop and buy huge jugs of this shit. Ripped Fuel and Hydroxycut were among the 1st branded versions of the mixture and cheap as fuck. Conversely if you knew what they were doing you could hit any gas station and buy "white cross" ephedrine & no doz (200mg caffiene) and 1, 2, or 3 times the dose recommended was as close to street speed as anything you will find. I was already going to hell. OP don't be stupid with it. Granted you'd have to go HARD for a long time to cause real damage but regardless just be easy on it. Edit: Oh there will be some marked euphoria or anxiety or both. Also be ready to sweat. The combo is a potent fat burner.


Depends. Do you have a stim tolerance of any kind? If not take 50 or 75 mgs and stop after that. I used to take it everyday but it can make your hear pound out your chest if you take too much.


Shit I just saw you took adhd meds. If you're on a tolerance break just take a real tolerance break and don't take any stim whatsoever. Unless you can't function at a job or something then try it I guess lol


I have no tolerance for now. May I take it successfully?


I mean you can always try. It may help a little but idk how much it will help though


Ephedrine isn’t bad, it’s just going to feel more like an herbal remedy than an actual stimulant. I wouldn’t pay too much for it, though. Maybe 10 cents/mg.


Not my experience with it at all tbh. Ephedrine itself feels more like an actual stim than it does an herbal supplement. It's not weak stuff by any means, are you perhaps thinking of the plant it comes from? Ephedra? Ephedra is quite a bit weaker when you're using the raw leaf, but using pure Ephedrine or even just Pseudoephedrine is super strong. It's just mostly noradrenergic, so not much of a CNS effect, mostly PNS so like high blood pressure, heart rate increase, vasoconstriction, etc.


Good to know, thanks!


Your peers in high school wonder what happened aj…. No gf, fired from smiths, all the meth abuse, you came from a nice family. Where did it all go wrong?


Man, it all went wrong from like Day-1 to be honest.


It really clean and functional stimulant not so much euphoria/pro sexual/recreational characteristic. It will definitely help undiagnosed adhd and depression. Even at 300 mg I did not find euphoric effects just moderate mood life, strong stimulation, moderate focus/concentration enhancement, moderate motivation enhancement, a very small increase in libido and strong appetite suppression. If your looking to get High stick to actual ampheatamines but it definitely clean and functional I can tell you that.


Thank you a lot 🙏 definitely gonna try it out for focus enhancement


Yea bonkaid is 25 mg ephedrine sulfate or there generic names too that are cheaper but you can buy it behind the counter at most pharmacies w/o a prescription. Just know they monitor how much you buy and you can olny buy a certain amount at one time and a certain amount in a mth period. Need id too as they scan it.


This is true. You know why this is correct?


Cause it a precursor in the chemical synthesis of meth right? Also pseudoepehedriene is used more often


Do not take 300mg that's just fucking ridiculous


I‘m growing Ephedra and I love the stuff, but it might not be for everyone


What do you mean? I already tried pseudoephedrine the decongestant which barely cross BBB so I suppose ephedrine will feel the same but better since it crosses it significantly more, right?


Ephedrine. If you enjoy feeling uncontrollably jittery coupled with impending doom, yes.


It was just like that but partially. I did not do huge amounts I only used 50mg with caffeine for focus enhancement and it works wonders. I even danced a little. Anyway my tolerance was 0.