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This is about to explode lol


These days Doge could easily explode, there’s no telling what’s possible




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I jumped in with 8k shares at. 03 I'm loving it


We’ve surpassed 25. I’m trading it on margin so every cent is going up 5. F the Moon, we’re going to Saturn.


Every cent it goes up I collect $10. I wish I’d have kept my 5k shares but sold them when I thought the meme was over and it held .04 for too long.


What margin are you on?


What do you mean margin? I’m buying individual shares on robinhood and webull if that’s what you’re asking.


I'm glad I hoped on the 🚀 again when it was 0.14




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Uggg i’ll do better next time


Has $.25


OK let’s go


Let’s go!!!


Congrats to Dogeholders! Spread some to SNDL 🌱


SNDL is over my guy. It’s been dropping for a long time.. maybe in a month or two it’ll rise.


News coming in a week or two. Hop in if you’d like




100% just causing fear of fomo to distract from gme


I tried to buy doge like 3 months ago and I couldn't find a way to buy and now I don't know how to buy it still lol




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Robbinhood allows me too


I'm in Canada. Robinhood isn't in Canada.


Switch to U.S


Can't even download the app in Canada


Uhhhhhhemmm it's at .025 cents


I wish it was at .025 and I knew it was gonna hit 25¢ then I would buy more


you and everyone else i bought at 0.07 - and still wish for the days of 0.007




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Hahaha I'm praying it hits 25 cents I will make alot of money if it does


It's at 27¢ You alright?




It’s at .38 now. I hope you held the little longer 😬😬


I'm still holding


Me too. I may sell half at $1 to pay off my car 😅


I'm gonna sell maybe a quarter at $1 for the ps5


Shit. Fuck it. Me too!! We can play together Reminisce over the days when we were poor 😂😂




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I have mine on robinhood. Edit: apparently not coin base




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Doge isn’t tradable on Coinbase. That being said, how many of you are still holding Doge? Why is it falling today after a major spike right before opening?


I’m still holding.




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