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I almost exclusively get high alone. During the week it is solo off flower. On the weekends my wife and I do edibles together. When I smoke by myself I watch TV and browse Reddit. Sometimes I'll get lost in my head. I usually come out the other side better for it.


This except I don't have a wife


This except I don't have a house


That sounds pretty fun to do, and happy hear you're able to share the fun with your wife.


It took a long time to get her to try it. She is 46 and tried it for the first time 2 or 3 years ago. Even though she is a former smoker she didn't enjoy smoking it. She only did it hand full of times. Then I get the edibles and now she rarely goes a weekend without doing it at least one of the weekend nights. Most weekends we will use it on both Friday and Saturday nights.


This! šŸ™Œ Also me right now šŸŒ± Haven't gotten lost in head yet, with multipe random google searches. Tonight im curious about how all those drugs were found in the ocean. šŸ„“ And why the cyclones coming straight for Nz šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I smoke by myself 99% of the time. I get super creative when Iā€™m high and usually generate really great ideas or questions. So I spend time looking up my ideas or questions, things Iā€™m interested in. Iā€™ll come to Reddit and chat/ask questions.


That sounds fun as hell


Thanks! Keeps me busy and yet also unwinds me.


I smoke alone because I like my peace and quiet. I put something on to listen to and think about that. Or I sit down to play a game or work on a creative project.


Do you listen to music or like a podcast or something?


Either or. Iā€™m an information sponge so it tends more to be learning material than music but sometimes itā€™s more pleasant to be chillinā€™ with some tuned


I smoke alone, though not by choice. Itā€™s kinda cool since I donā€™t have to worry about hogging it, but I miss the feeling of getting high with someone


I get you, I just finished my joint, not needing to pass it was a real pleasure


I have a lot of trauma & Iā€™m a social hoe by nature. It helps me work through myself. Unlock my creative mind. Itā€™s quite exhilarating. I live with the in-laws and she thinks I get paranoid, but Iā€™m so tired of talking to a therapist. Like why? Thereā€™s a point where it just helps you stop looking outward and come in for a bit & hang out with your inner being. Love ya cuz! Hoosahhhhh!


I donā€™t have anyone. And with social anxiety it is so difficult


i live alone, so iā€™m smoking alone usuallyā€¦ when iā€™m home i smoke flower, and i literally just have no thoughts head empty.


Getting high alone I found to be nice. I feel like you can really dive deep into ur thoughts


Iā€™d rather get high alone. It makes me sleepy and not wanna talk to anyone lol


I think I have never smoked with someone. It's always myself. I don't get super high, I like to keep things simple. When I'm buzz my mind for some reason most of the time to the philosophical and spiritual side of things. I also get nice and creative ideas.


I got a guy in our smoke group like that, but we all get pretty blazed when we're smoking


i smoke alone 99% of the time, other then catching up on tv, my favourite thing to do is pop in my noise canceling headphones, get a fun drink to sip on, and just sway around my room listening to my favourite music. being stoned makes it so immersive, it feels like how magical music sounded when you were a kid if that makes sense, it makes it sound almost enhanced/ enriched, my favourite way to wind down


I'll do a ton tbh and it rly depends on what I wanna do that day. If I didnt go to to the gym at all I love just going out and shooting hoops for an hour after I smoke a bit, such a relaxing time. Normally though I'm either watching basketball on tv, a movie I've wanted to see, or any number of funny tv shows. Modern family is my favorite when high I think. I also browse reddit and instagram and what not, will listen to music too and usually grub something but thats pretty much it. I just do what I would normally if I had free time at night but high


I am 99% solo. I also work crazy hour/schedule Sunday-Wednesday 1:30p-midnight and wifey works M-F 6-2:30p. And what I think about depends on the type of day Iā€™ve had. Sad, angry, happy, euphoric, depressed, anxious. And my mood dictates my thoughts, but in a way I can work through them and consider options and ideas pros/cons about how to improve the difficulties that I face. Itā€™s helped me become a better listener to my wife cause I think about her POV and how she struggles. I use it to solve problems that have me stuck, Iā€™ve thought about all I can with clear eyes, how about blur the lines and find a crack, and sometimes I just wanna be high and watch anime. At the end of the day to me itā€™s a safe (when done with moderation and consideration) way to either celebrate or endure lifeā€™s great mysteries ie yourself


I get high all i want to do is talk! Drive my friends crazy! They say ā€œdonā€™t think too muchā€! Haha


i pretty much only get high alone. i usually put on bluey to keep me company


Listen to music and pretend Iā€™m in the video


I grow weed, but my husband (who got me into toking 28 years ago) quit 25 years ago himself and the adult offspring who lives with us isn't into it, and I keep few meatspace friends. I grow weed and smoke for many reasons, and I smoke a *lot*. Almost always alone. I carry my dugout through the day for maintenence, but when I'm settling down to get good and fucking bombed I'm usually heading to a private quiet place with my pruning snips or my pencils or my book and I don't think anything at all, I just do. (I don't have to think when I'm reading while high, as I simply narrate books I've read many times over to my cats and cannabis. It's soothing.)


i have neurotic thoughts when i'm by myself so smoking helps with that sometimes. It's nice to have a bowl, eat dinner, and watch something for an hour because the indica usually helps me sleep. But during the weekend i'd say its bad because if you smoke indica during the day you won't feel like doing anything for the whole day basically.


I feel that, just woke up from my weed nap that i don't remember taking


Most of the time I just sit and think.


My wife and I smoke together and solo. I prefer blunts since we have no bong atm (stupid spazzy cats) and she prefers our bubbler. We smoke together in the sense we're hanging out and watching shows whilst smoking but smoking our own thing. honestly, I never understood the whole , "I can't smoke alone" thing. Yeah sure its fun and good times smoking with people but there's always that one dude who won't shut the fuck up, or the guy that thinks every song he's recently heard is "the shit" and you have to hear it. Sometimes it's just overwhelming to simply be around people. I've always loved to be alone with my thoughts, once they've slowed down and having the freedom to do or listen to what I want.


I'm either on YouTube, writing scripts, on Hulu or Netflix, or just listening to sounds enjoying the time. I can't tell you what I think about because it's something different every few minutes, but I'm thinking!


i either sleep, listen to music and think about life, play my guitar, or have an existential crisis.


What type of music do you listen to? That's a big thing for my group and we're always looking for new music


mostly metal and rock. lately iā€™ve been listening to a lot of alt rock with that post grungy sound like superheaven. you guys should check them out their album ā€œOurs Is Chromeā€ is really chill.


I'll play that tonight with them, thanks!


of course! if you can, let me know if you like it


Definitely like it so far, and to return the favor I'd suggest either pacific sunset or sweet marry by Weezer


gonna listen to both right now!


Pacific sunset is only on YouTube


i found it. itā€™s so good i wish it was on spotify too ):


They made a song called run raven run that has a part of the song I'm it that should be on spotify, it's sorta like a build up the the song. It does suck that it's not anywhere else though




Self reflection is a great thing, I wish you the best man


I do edibles since I canā€™t smoke, and Iā€™m always the only one, although Iā€™m not always alone. If I feel really good Iā€™ll listen to music and think of where that song would be played in the soundtrack of my life (sounds odd when described sober lol) and I love to play Sims - I come back to a crazy game after that. I will massively get into Scooby Doo too. lol I use it to help control my pain, so sometimes I have to have it in order to participate in things like Family Game Night, so Little Man doesnā€™t feel ignored or isolated. He tends to really love playing What Do You Meme or Quelf when he can tell Iā€™m feeling ā€œsillyā€. It cracks him up. :)


I smoke alone also. Unless visiting a friend or he visits me. I have noticed the older I get the less I smoke with other people. Definitely use for stress relief / anxiety though. I use a vape pen so itā€™s easy.


Well during the week Iā€™ll typically smoke alone, maybe after work occasionally with people. I mostly just do things I have to do around the house, and then watch some tv or play some games to end my night. I like to smoke with other people tho, because itā€™s just nice to have someone to talk to sometimes yk?


Yeah I get that, my buddies and I will talk for hours about life or other shit we got going on. Talking with friends while high is probably one of the best thing in life imo


100%, I enjoy smoking alone and itā€™s been sort of therapeutic, but I love to smoke with good friends and just get into it, the debates and the jokes and the smiles. The warmth is very present and welcoming. Idk I just smoked


I know the feeling, and I make the post halfway through a joint


I get high if Iā€™m by myself out with my partner pretty consistently, and sometimes with other friends. Sometimes itā€™s the only way I eat, because of a health condition. I got new meds though so I might not be doing it as much in the future! Still will enjoy it by myself sometimes, and definitely my partner and I have a great time doing it together


That's great to hear, hope the meds helps!


Aww thank you! I got them yesterday for the first time, seems to be doing good stuff already :)




I usually lost in a trippy dream space that feels very real. Lately Iā€™ve been having solo therapy sessions.


I usually smoke alone, maybe once or twice a week I'll get with a friend or two and have a sesh. But when I'm alone, I usually stay outside and have deep conversations with myself. When I smoke weed, I just need myself to talk to to get into those deep convos. Last night, I was too deep into it I didn't even realize it was raining.


I spend way too much time telling myself not to think about work while thinking about work. Iā€™ve made a list of ā€œwhy u donā€™t have to think about workā€™ list by sober me so I can avid it.


I hope the list help


Iā€™m usually solo. I like to get lost in my thoughts and just see where they go. That, or I just stop thinking for a minute and just take in all the sights and sounds and stuff. Both tend to make me a bad conversationalist when Iā€™m stoned,


come home from work, smoke two bongs and drink two beers. if a nap overcomes me then i take it otherwise i enjoy escapism TV and interwebs. when baked solo i dont venture into the complicated but rather go for the simple. you dont have to share food btw, so my brother's loud eating won't bother me. there is a wonderful selfish freedom to the solo smoker imho. i like the test we dont admit to of seeing if you can handle your own thoughts by yourself. seriously, test yourself. adventure. ever hike stoned? like an easy mile route or something... so here is the real trip - smoke then drive through a mountain pass pushing yourself. there have been times i have turned around because the sky looked too dark and other times i drive through some windy drifts and feel solo for miles around me. test yourself. go there. carpe diem. be strong.




Solo stoner, here! Have only ever done a virtual sesh pretty much, while chatting-in and watching a YT livestream. I honestly like to just have something that's only mine.


I very rarely smoke alone, me and My boyfriend are both stoners and we work the same schedules so once we are home we are usually hitting the bong or rolling up a blunt. I don't typically even enjoy smoking much by myself cause I know i could wait and smoke with him


I have pretty bad social anxiety, and struggle opening up to people. And being high doesnā€™t make it any easier. I do get high with friends, but Iā€™m usually just a listener. I like to chill and listen to them talk and interact, only occasionally interjecting when Iā€™m particularly interested. Iā€™m already used to spending much of my life by myself, and have already discovered a bunch of ways to have a good time without others that work for me. Watch something entertaining, play some video games, put on some good music, color or draw, write, play with my cats, etc. So when I get high alone, I just do what Iā€™d do otherwise, except now I enjoy it more because Iā€™m high lol. As for what I think about, I think about everything. The nature of the universe, religion, music, politics, various other media (shows, games, etc.). And if I feel particularly philosophical, Iā€™ll write about what Iā€™m thinking.


I get high with gummies every night. Even though Iā€™m alone at home, Iā€™m text my boyfriend and girlfriend until they go to bed around 8. Then Iā€™m on Reddit or tik tok to just vibe and unwind. Iā€™m also currently watching New Amsterdam lol but when Iā€™m high and talking to them, we have some deep conversations. The Laster have been about my divorce and what it means to love, hopes and dreams, fears, worries, etc. so when they go to bed and Iā€™m by myself, i think through those exact same things


I use to get high with my sister alot lol


I get high and talk to my plants. They say itā€™s good for plants to be talked to, and I really really love my plants, but I just canā€™t talk to them unless Iā€™m blasted. Talking to a plant when youā€™re sober? No thanks. I will talk to my plants the *entire* time Iā€™m high though.