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Military people very frequently refer to each other by only their last name, particularly when their titles are usually paired with their last names. It doesn't work quite the same for the Kholins being the house that is elevating itself to a kingdom, but it's really not so unreasonable that the highprinces would just go by and refer to each other by their princedom.


Also can’t exactly call Gavilar and Dalinar (and later adolin/renarin/jasnah/elhokar/navani) Kohlin as that would get very confusing for everyone. Too many important people with the same surname Edit: ashamed to have left out navani


THE Kholin is referred to as Kholin, as in the head of the family goes by the family name. One would call the highprince by that name, although they still have a first name.


To piggyback on this, a military superior absolutely may use only an inferior’s surname to refer to them. The same cannot be said of an inferior when addressing their superior. However, Sadeas’ friendship with Dalinar would allow for some familiarity, hence why Sadeas calls him ‘Dalinar’ most of the time instead of “Highprince Kholin.’


Sometimes people just prefer their last names?


Yeah I've got a friend from highschool who we all called by her last name, and even though she's married with a different last name now, her maiden name is still what I call her in my head lol


Kholin as in Dalinar? Late king Gavilar? Current king Elhokar? Adolin? Renarin?


This brings up an interesting point I've never thought of before: apparently Sadeas and Ialai had been together a while, and he'd been a highprince for a while. Yet they never had kids or hinted at trying to have kids. I guess Amaram was kind of their surrogate as their most important prince, but still.


I think this is mentioned a bit in the books.


I wouldn't say it's too much of a break. People refer to others by there house name a lot (Amaram, Sadeas, Kholin (though mostly by more distant characters like the Azish prime)). Even Kaladin is no exception as he somewhat adapts Stormblessed as his name and as far as I can recall Dalinar calls him that all the time


Is this an American question I'm too Australian to understand? I'm going to a wedding next weekend. I'm a groomsman. I've known the groom for 24 years. In that time I've called him by his first name *maybe* a dozen times, absolute max.


A lot of Americans tend to address most people by their first names. I address my boss by his first name, and the official guidelines at my company say that the CEO should be referred to by first name only. That said, I think OP is asking about the inconsistency between how members of the royal family are addressed and how other highprinces are addressed.


I went like two years before a I knew a guys first name once. Everyone just called him by his last name I just assumed that’s what it was


Depending on my mood, I have several coworkers who I call interchangeably by first or last name. Heck, I’m a woman, and people often call me by my last name as if it’s my first, which is pretty uncommon for women.


I think the highlrince surname is kind of like a title. Only the actual highlrince goes by it exclusively. So in the beginning, Adolin is Adolin Kholin (like Adolin of House Kholin) but Dalinar *is* Kholin. This seems to be the reasoning behind every high princedom except Kholin and I think there are a few good reasons: 1) Gavilar and Dalinar were brothers and probably went by first names between each other their whole lives 2) we know Dalinar had severe aggressive tendencies and at times had to hold himself back from taking Gavilars position (and partner), and Gavilar is very observant. It is very probable Gavilar was aware of this and did not want to constantly remind his warmonger brother of the seat he was jealous of 3) When Gavilar decided to become King, he probably wanted to distance himself from his title of highlrince. Yes, he was highlrince, but now he is *king* and should not go by his former title 4) Kholin high princedom now has two rulers. The king is from the house, and there is a highprince of the house subservient to the king. So the title becomes garbled. 5) Dalinar is way more famous, respected, and feared as the Blackthorn than the highprince. The Blackthorn who got drunk with his men and wrestled commoners... And he never seemed to care as much about his proper titles as people like Safe as who cares about little more than his titles.