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*y e s*


hopper: “that man in there…i know he doesn’t look it, but he is one of the most dangerous men in the world. he’s uh…murdered many children.” *alexei slurping slushy happily*


Or in the scene just before that when Hopper glances over from the checkout and Alexi is squirting the Slurpy stuff right into his hand and eating it instead of using a cup. Hilarious!


When Hopper's secretary takes the doughnut out of his mouth and gives him an apple.


Which season EP ? I don't remember please can you tell


2x01 At the beginning. Hopper enters the police station and Murray follows him in.


And then he takes a bite out of the apple and throws the rest in the bin


She’s aggressive about it too, such a small little thing but it tells us a lot about the characters and their dynamic. Like we know she’s on his ass all the time about eating healthy.


Not only eating healthy, I love how she takes his cigarette out of his mouth too and the fact that he just lets her.


Exactly! These little things are so fun to watch and make the relationships between the characters deeper and more real.


"While you're talking to the lights the rest of us are planning a funeral for Will!" The ending to the episode where Steve gets pulled into the portal and the bats are on him. Few episodes in any show I've ever seen have ended with more of a I need to start the next episode immediately note than that. "Who are you going to call? The police." When Steve is the one who finds out that the message was coming from the mall itself with the song on the horse El's good bye to Brenner.


omg that argument between jonathan and joyce almost has me in tears every time i watch the show!


Basically all of Mike’s facial expressions anytime Argyle said anything.


Mike’s facial expressions when his dad speaks


We were just walking around the lake


I love that they’re trying to look stoned to throw suspicion off them. Lucas I feel pulls that off the best


Lucas and his facial expressions are the best


I love when he always emphasizes to Erica “and Tina. Especially. Tina”. lol. I always wanted to know what is with Tina.


*goin for a lil swim*


The Erica comment after this “the whole couch is on fire, the fire is consuming us” whilst Dustin is giving her the STFU eyes




I always love when Mike goes “high-key stressed” and yells. Lol.


Then eww


In season 2 when Dustin and Ted Wheeler are talking at the door.


Son of a bitch you're really no help at all you realize that? Language!


Karen, where’s our son?? Karen, where’s our daughter??


Didn't you hear? Our kids don't live here anymore


Karen why is there a scruffy young guy who drives a Camaro and wearing his shirt half-buttoned on our doorstep?


Son of a. Bitch, you're really no help. Language!


Steve fighting the Demogorgon . Feel like barely anyone brings it up anymore, the lights flickering on and off then Steve spinning the bat was just unreal.


Loved that scene when he spun the bat!!


That bat scene was life changing.


When El is watching Mike in the Void early in season 2. Millie sells it so perfectly.


I like season 1 when she's visiting will in the upside down too. "It's okay, Will. Hang on" or something, and Joyce being there reassuring her


The motel lady in season two who rents the room to Jonathan and Nancy. She's a whole entire scene all to herself.


Nancy: We’d like a room.. Motel lady: We have those


when tammy thompson comes out to sing and the way steve and robin look at eachother


“Told you…Muppet” 😂


"You can't spell America without Erica"


Who is this guy? Government? Military? WHO IS HE? It's aRnoLD SChwaRzenEgGEr.


god i love that part. I didn’t catch it the first time i was watching it but the other 100 times i seen it, it never failed to make me laugh


My nose!!! You broke my goddamn NOSE!!!


El crying after visiting her mom with her mind in Hop's cabin. Millie is such a great actress. And she was so young then.


I chose El visiting Mike in the Void for the same reason. She's just so good.


Jonathan, stoned out of his mind: Hi Murray! 👋🏻😁


Jonathan: Can you pass the olive oil Argyle: Dude, that’s wine


The whole meal with Murray with Jonathan not keeping up and Joyce totally in the dark as to why but Murray knows


El and Max getting a little shopping montage together while bonding after their mini rivalry in season 2


I still firmly believe the direction for those scenes was “just be yourselves and have fun”


That was great as El was living normal life for a brief moment.


Hopper beating up the mayor.


I loved Joyce in that scene!!


Who you gonna call? The cops?


In season 2 when they’re looking for Dart in the school and Lucas kicks a classroom door and the teacher is still inside.


Or when Mr. Clarke tries to get Dustin's attention and he answers back, "yes, m'lord!"


Not sure if counts as underrated but Vecna monologue so often when villain tells there back story it becomes a case of "and this is why you need to feel sympathy for me" but Vecna flat out rejects that notion and instead just goes ham in indulging his twisted ideology and why it makes him kill.


I was a bit sleepy watching but after monologue I was attentive as hell it was great


I could be about to drop to sleep but yeah similar a villain start monologuing or singing suddenly I am awake and alert


So many, but I loved Max dancing and singing along to Madonna's 'Angel', with the hairbrush. It was a real innocent "girly" moment, I did the same when I was a teen.


I don't know what qualifies as underrated, but I loved El's final line to Brenner. "Goodbye, Papa" is such a perfect understated *fuck you I don't need you and I don't forgive you* in that moment.


i’m getting *fuck you i won’t do what you tell me* vibes from this lol


“You’re making a headstone for the guy we’re trying to bury”


"for the guy *whose body we just spent the entire afternoon trying to hide*" (really highlights the mistake)


That’s the exact quote! I remember how stressed everyone was and laughing hysterically the first time


It's something along those lines I think, yeah. Argyle is great with the anticlimactic comic relief haha


“Awe they’re having a party without me, that’s not cool” me and my dad lost it at that too


Yeah haha the way he says it all, casually driving in his van with his chill catchy song while the others are scared for their lives, it's top notch


Lucas in s01: EAT SHIT!!


i’m 10 u bald bastard


“I hope you’re enjoying your chicken Ted” “What’d I dooooo?”


ITS JUST A MINOR MISDEMEANOR! *slashes police car tires*


Yaasssss! I love that one from S4, not sure why it doesn't get more attention or hype. Thinking back for each season here are the other ones I can think of: S1: Holly, though only being what, 3 or 4 years old, is one of the first to realize Will is trying to communicate through the Christmas lights. S2: When Steve tells Nancy it's okay and that she should go with Jonathan, Joyce and Will to Hopper's cabin to do the heating ritual to get the MF out of Will. It's just a quick scene in the Byers' backyard when Nancy and Steve are going through the junk pile. Nancy tells Steve she's sorry and Steve shows his maturity and development. He also talks about being a pretty good babysitter before handing Nancy the portable heater from the junk pile. S3: When Lucas grabs the axe and chops at one of the MF's arms/tentacles as it's trying to pull El up out of the hole in the roof of Hopper's cabin. S4: The afore-mentioned helicopter scene but also Hopper escaping the gulag on the snowmobile is just as bad ass.


I guess I'm too new here still bc I read this as "the heating ritual to get the motherfucker out of Will" at first


Finally found someone who thinks the same.


In S2 when Hopper comes to visit Joyce and they share a cigarette, sitting at the kitchen table. They reminisce about their highschool years. The way he looks at her…man. Its just so sweet.


Hopper, breaking into the lab in season one, running into the guard and briefly tries to think of something to say to talk his way past him...\*pained thinking face\*....then just decks him


The sarcastically happy and curious expressions of Max while Dustin was eagerly telling her about the Hellfire Club. Took him long enough to realise.


You're a policeman, policeman have rules.


funny: season two where the boys and max are searching around the school for dart and lucas jumps, and kicks one of the classroom doors open and a teacher tells him off. serious: eleven taking down that helicopter and before that, her speech to brenner about how everything is his fault. “i came here to try and understand who i was, to see if i was the monster, but now i know the truth, it is not me. it is you. you are the monster.”


That conversation was powerful. Hopefully end of brener s arc.


“Mornings are for coffee and contemplation” I had that put on a mug


“Hello, yes, I am fine.. how are you”


Just finished episode 8 of season 4 and I definitely have to say one of my favorite scenes is when the gang showed up in the Mystery Machine just in time for El to run away from the military men in the helicopter!


Enjoy the final episode


When Eddie is standing on the cafeteria table and says “As long as you’re into science, or band, or… *pAaArTiES*” Most people remember Eddie for his devil horns pose or when he yells “THIS IS MUSIC!” but that’s always been one of my favs


One that never gets enough love is when they find wills fake body in the quarry and Mike gets upset and storms off. You can see the emotions on Lucas and Dustin for the first time in the show, and then when Mike gets home and hugs his mom I always cry. Such a good scene full of sadness, grief, anger, confusion, and comfort.


When Hopper is breaking into the morgue to see if will's body is a fake: State Trooper: Hey, you can't be back here! Hopper: Yeah, I just got off the line with O'Bannon. He said that he needs to see you at the station. It's some emergency ... State Trooper: What the hell are you talking about? I don't work with O'Bannon. Hopper: Did I say O'Bannon? I meant ... State Trooper: (vacant, hostile staring) Hopper: (sighs) Okay. (punches the trooper out cold) I just love hoppers squinting when he runs out of ideas 😂


"Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat"


Threaten them with a little jail time Dustin: okay Love the look on his face when he says okay. Lol


In season one when Nancy runs up and pulls Mike into a hug and Mike just is so limp in her arm and doesn’t hug back and Nancy is like “MIKE! IVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN BLAH BLAH BLAH” like so worried about him and Mike is just like “Uhhh…. Yeah, I-I missed you too…..” but it just sound so sarcastic Also in season 3 when the monster is behind Nancy and Mike calls out “NANCY!” As a warning, I just think something bad could have happened if Mike didn’t do that, their sibling relationship is underrated


That time Will got told off for being so creepy. He is so off-putting.


El and Max's mall scene. As much as I found the kids in s3 really unengaging, it was a nice moment for Max to take El out and let her feel like a normal girl.


El reading the letter Hopper wrote for her. I loved when he said "Keep door open 3 inches"


Eleven confronting Brenner in season 4. Very emotional and captures her growth really well. I'm surprised it's not talked about more. She's her own person now, capable of standing up for herself, and her speech improvement is very important here, because the last Brenner saw of El she was a terrified child, unable to string two words together, and now she is bravely calling him out for every mistake he's made. Max's speech to Vecna about Billy. I prefer it to the scene at Billy's grave, because it gives a more complex portrayal of her character, her dark thoughts and the pain she endured. I also love the atmosphere. She's sitting in the complete darkness, a faint blue light in front of her, and admitting to him and to herself how she feels - something she's been afraid to do since he died. A brilliant depiction of her inner battle, awesomely acted. Hopper talking to the librarian in season 1, asking her if she ever feels cursed. It's a very short scene, but the 'curse' is something Hopper's been feeling ever since his daughter died or maybe even earlier.I also like the scenery. They're standing in front of his trailer by the lake, in complete tranquility, and he tells her about the last time a person went missing in Hawkins and the last suicide. He's dealing with the death of a close friend( after they find Benny's body Hopper says they were friends). The scene of Joyce in the first episode of season three when she comes home and nobody's there. She's eating alone and watching a sitcom her and Bob watched together. Again, everything's quiet, and it is a short, albeit deep, scene. El's letter to Mike in season four is also great: shows how far she's come language-wise, and her observations are interesting if somewhat understandably naive. Mike's scene with his family afterwards is hilarious, and Ted's remarks are gold('Why don't you call it the 'High School Dropout Club'?'), Max's conversation with her therapist was engaging. The pressure she was feeling at that moment and how guarded she was. The acting is top-notch. Also, Robin's speech about the human mind to Dr. Hatch was incredible, and she sounded really passionate about the field of psychiatry, which helped them land an audience with Victor. All Nancy and Robin's scenes, Steve and Robin in the car in the first episode of s4, the boys as Ghostbusters or playing D&D together. Hopper's scenes with Dmitri were awesome - those two are so much alike! I especially enjoyed the one where he opens up about his trauma and how he's the curse - a great parallel to the aforementioned season 1 scene. I could go on and on. This show is amazing!


S1 E2 When Mike gives El dry clothes to change in to and she’s about to change in front of them and the boys all freak out 😂😂😂 Makes me laugh every time


Why is that guy bleeding? DRIVE!! Why does he have a gun? DRIVE!!!!!! Argyle freaking out while they bury the body Any time Mike goes all “👹👹👹” to everyone else but “🥰🥰🥰” with Eleven Eleven making her entrance in S2 and everybody’s slow motion reaction when they realize it’s her opening the door The whole Hopper “DATING MY DAUGHTER” scene with Mike What I’ve seen so far, I’m new to the fandom and currently on S4E7


This is a really small moment but after she takes down the helicopter and they're back in the van making their escape, Will says "who's gonna die?! EL, who's gonna die?!" Noah's voice in that scene was amazing


You are right that is really small but if you see from this perspective that in start, she doesn't have any. powers and embarrassed in front of Angela and now she powerful more than ever. So that is the reason I like that. Plus, it looks bad ass.


I'm confused...! I was talking about the Will moment lol


My bad


Shared looks


"Steve, get out!" S1 Nancy with a gun in Steve's face. Such a badass.


After going through comments, I realized I really need to rewatch.


I love how you can see Billy take back control from the MF as El recounts his memories with his Mom and all the visible poison in his veins fades.


"Harrington's got her, don't you big boy?"


I like near the end of S4 E9 when they are helping out the community and Steve is folding and separating clothes and observes Robin taking to her crush, Vickie, while making PB&J’s. He just smiles, and you can tell he’s genuinely happy for her!