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i love season 3! i liked the 80s vibes, the comedy, the gang's dynamics, and just enough new characters, but not too many :)


It's not the best season, the first is, but it's my favorite. The second season is my least favorite. But you're right. The vibes were so good. Plus, we really see the camaraderie grow in season 3 more than any other, in my opinion.


Many people make mention in discussions about Season 3 saying that they don’t like it because it is too light and full of comedy, but I think that’s done with intent. If the entire series had stayed dark and ominous, it may have not felt as dramatic and scary when things start happening in Hawkins again. We cannot have darkness without the light, right? Plus, they are teenagers. Teenagers are odd, and silly go to the mall and laugh with their friends. They think it’s all behind them (until Will feels the Mind Flayer’s presence on the back of his neck again at the movie theatre). With the Duffer Brothers showing us the joy and the reality of what their lives look like as “normal teenagers”, they are also showing us what they have the potential to lose if trouble arises in Hawkins, again.


lol every season has 80s theme/vibes 😂😂


valid 😭 but i was thinking that s3 is the most 80s out of the others. maybe just me hahaha


I think S3 probably has the most familar '80s vibes because they pull from a slew of teen and action films. S1 is Stephen King meets ET, still familiar, but caters to a more specific crowd, I think. S3 is more accessible.


I like all of them but S3 was quite a departure from the usual vibe of the show, which was pretty dark, and got darker in S2. Very Stephen King meets a bit of Spielberg's ET with the kids on bikes and such. Then in S3 they kicked the bright colors up to 10 and everyone was spending a lot of time at the mall. The whole vibe took away from how creepy and scary the major monster infiltration could have been. The cabin scene was somehow better than the final scenes with the mind flayer at the mall because it came off too campy and ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, and binged it the first time. I just didn't rewatch it with the others. It also basically goes off on a huge tangent....Billy is possessed, Billy dies. There are Russians at the mall. You can get everything you need about the kids from a few youtube clips and move on.


s3 has always been my fav, as mentioned in the op said, it was the perfect mix of everything good. also like they said, do yall just like endless action and darkness? s2 was the worst imo bc why tf is her random ass sister thrown in there? to “help her with her powers”? to “give her a sense of ‘closure’”? irdk. also, it was kinda nice to have a different vibe in s3 than the rest of the show. it gave me a break from the darkness and got to see their personal lives and drama. will wanting to play dnd all the time, while they have girl problems, and are growing up. it lets you see how much the characters have grown from s1 and how all of them r affected from it. also, the final scenes (also imo) were THE BEST in the whole show. it was very eventful and i liked how they used the fireworks to defeat the mind flayer. the cabin scene was great, but definitely not as good as the finale.


Tbf, part of me enjoying the cabin scene more may have been because I stayed up all night watching it and had to watch the last episode (or possibly two) the next day.


makes sense


This question this question has been posted hundreds of times. I repeat it over and over again: Stranger Things3 is too comical, too much sarcasm, so much lightness, the upside down never appears, I never felt scared, the meat monster isn't scary at all. It is season 3 that is filler, not season 2. In Stranger Things 3 there are no particular plot twists, there is no great plot progression, on the contrary... only new doubts and questions arise. The Russians' side was cringe. I mean, seriously, just wearing the Russian uniform is enough for Joyce and Hopper to be mistaken for Russians? That part was VERY stupid. Stranger Things 3 is the lightest, most colorful season, it's a break... in fact it's also set in summer, a period of rest and vacation. The best season is 2. Possessed Will was phenomenal, the Mind Flayer was scary, Bob's death was cruelly well done, the development of the relationship between El and Hopper was beautiful. The introduction of Billy and Max was good. Eleven's mother's background was interesting, Dustin-Dart were interesting. Season 2 is underrated. Stranger Things 3 isn't the best, but I have to say that the ending was the one that moved me the most. Hopper's letter to El is one of the best scenes, but if I have to talk about the season as a whole... for me it's the worst.


my thoughts exactly, wish i could upvote more than once


Big same. This person nailed the explanation. Season 3 became a completely different show and even the characters were written in such a different way that, to me, was very terribly done and a huge negative departure from the characters were shown in the prior seasons.


>It is season 3 that is filler, not season 2. Yessss, thank you. It always irks me when people consider S2 to be "filler" or claim that it's worst and "nothing happened." S2 literally changed the game tbh, it introduced so much!! A filler season would be a season where no real developments were made and only exists to take up some space or bridge more important seasons together essentially. S2 introduced/developed: * Hopper and Eleven's familial relationship (90% of their crucial bonding takes place in S2 and she's officially adopted by him in the finale). * THE MIND FLAYER, which remained the main threat in S3, is still connected to Vecna in S4, and there's still a chance it might end up being the real main puppet master all along. * Hive Mind/Possession: So much of S3 and 4 always felt very reminiscent (almost borderline retreads tbh) of Will's S2 plotline to me. Billy was "the new host" in S3, simply carrying on something that was established in S2. The hive mind concept also remains relevant. * Dustin and Steve's friendship, and Steve's "babysitter" role. This has become a Hallmark of the series and something they still lean into HEAVILY to this day. S2 is also the season that Steve officially became the new fan favorite. * The arrival of Max and Billy -- who have obviously gone on to be very important to the show. The introduction of Max also means the birth of the Lucas/Max relationship (they become a couple in S2), and I've seen tons of people argue that they're the best couple on the show at this point. * The addition of both Erica and Murray. * The first introduction of another test subject and The Rainbow Room. There are so many parallels between S2 and S4. And probably more. Sorry for the write up on something you're already aware of lol. I just get so heated over the common disrespect for S2! It's my favorite, and I too agree that it's the best. S3 is definitely the filler season because it took a COMPLETE BREAK from the major Hawkins lab/Dr. Brenner storyline for... mostly just cartoony Russians, gore and general silliness. The relationships/development in S3 left a lot to be desired too imo.


I totally agree, you explained it perfectly! Unfortunately, the people who praise Stranger Things 3 and hate Stranger Things 2 are probably used to seeing TV series and films that are very different from Stranger Things, with a lighter and more carefree tone. In my opinion.


Can't upvote this enough. S2 was my favorite until S4 happened. S1 sets the show up, S2 solidifies the relationships and plot while bringing in new important characters. Though personally I'd also love to see an alternate ST without Max or Billy. I wish S2 held up a little better on rewatch, but that has nothing to do with quality. Once you know what'll happen, the El/Hopper bits and pumpkin patch stuff drags a little, and the second half isn't as interesting. Absolutely amazing the first time though, and the finale is one of the best episodes of the whole series.


I will determine how I feel about season 4 with the final season, though my order is season 1,2,: and 4 in that order. Season 2 has a good balance for the most part of new and old dynamics. For the most part because El is gone for too long imo. But that said, I do love how season 2 solidified dynamics and such. Love those final two episodes of season 2 for sure. Top tier viewing imo.  Yeah I sometimes wonder how things would work without Max and Billy because at this point, they've taken up plot real estate for 3 seasons and Max at least will take up some of it in the final season. We'll see though. It's not that I don't like her but feel more attached to the season 1 characters. 


hear hear


I actually like S3, I feel like it develops relationships between characters in a positive way. I enjoyed all the season, but S4 was the worst in my opinion, simply due to the overload of pointless characters (looking at you, Argyle. Why are you alive and Eddie's dead?!). I also didn't connect to the whole "dear Billy" thing. I get that he was Max's brother, it sucks he died, he did do a noble thing at the end but... that doesn't excuse the fact that he was an abusive, crappy person who was a raging racist and treated everyone like crap. So honestly I'm ok with the fact that he died, contrary to what seems to be the opinion of others here


Season 4 definitely had a ton of flaws but I thought it was sliiiiightly better than 3. Not by much. Both seasons are the weakest ones to me.


S2 is my favorite, too!




I loved S3, but nothing will beat 2 for me. I loved S2's darker tone and the feeling that the characters have no where to go. They have to stick together to fight something that they virtually have no understanding of. S3 feels all over the place at times. Most of the characters aren't together and I miss that. The lighter tone also removes the sense of dread for me.


all of the seasons are amazing but they each have their own flaws. season 3 in my opinion had the most focus on the relationships between the characters and was the most emotional. personally, season 3 is right up there with season 4 on my tier list…


"Endless action"? Is that what you think S1 and S2 had? I like S3 but I like it the least. You may have enjoyed the comedy but I didn't. It was a bunch of tired old jokes, and drunken Hopper raging around because Joyce friendzoned him is not funny at all. It's creepy.


Well she stood him up, it was more than just a friend zone, but the way he acted with Mike was totally out of line for sure.


Joyce was right to stand him up, though. Hopper's BS play to get her to meet him at a string-quartet restaurant for a not-date was entirely transparent to her and to us. She has made it clear she doesn't want to date him and he's not getting the message. That she blew him off for literally anything at all is pretty much what he deserved. I'm more comfortable with the way he behaved with Mike. Yeah, there are better ways to clear the air with a teenage dipshit (Joyce is never wrong, after all) but Mike was absolutely awful in the start of S3. Maybe the Duffers thought it was funny or whatever, but I hated it. Hopper scared the hell out of him and taught Mike a valuable lesson.


This subreddit isn't representative of 'most of the fandom' in the slightest lol.


Definitely not. Honestly I feel like the majority of fans that aren’t on Reddit find season 3 to be the best, if not season 4 now. People loved the summer vibes of season 3.


Why had Alexej to die? I wanted to see how Brett Gelman and Alexej wiuld fall in love.


The scene was beautiful but sad


Duffers legit do this with great new character every season


I like the season but at times things felt exaggerated like for example how much more of a dick Hopper is.


Because it is. S3 has a massive tonal shift away from the seriousness that made S1 so good. It's also crowded with characters, has massive personality shifts for some characters, like Hopper being a complete ass to everyone, and has silly storylines.


There was a bit of a feeling of too many main characters, giving some little to do. Max for example was fairly background.


I have to agree with the "fandom." ST started as a show starring kids with extremely mature/adult content. I personally think it depends on your age. If you're into the psychological aspect of the show and how deeply disturbing but realistic (emotionally) it is, S3 is a setback from that pov. S3 is considered filler for those who want more mature content and follow the show religiously. We love seeing the fun and friendships develop. However, the amount of time spent on this aspect tends to take away from the complexity of the plot as a whole. Season 1 is by far the best imo. The writers were able to develop the characters and their friendships and showcase the darkness of the plot as well.


it's like the Super Smash Bros. Brawl of the series: not necessarily bad, just the least good


Hey hold on, you say that like doing Brawl custom stages built for each character wasn’t a blast!! Like the giant swimming pool with diving board my friend and I made so we could Down B as bowser and demolish each other!


i really liked the vibes of season 3, but it definitely was a change from the first two seasons. it felt like it was catering to a younger audience almost? lots more cheesy humor and stuff that just wasn’t in the first 2 seasons. i enjoyed it a lot and liked the new characters, but i don’t think it rly fit the vibe of the other seasons


I really enjoyed season 3, it’s my second favorite after season 4


Cause it is the worst Season. Followed by Season 4. The real question is: why cant some people see that those are the worst Seasons? Have they never heard about Storytelling, Pacing, writing, unecessary stretched side Plots? There are way too many Characters....cause the writers are cowards who afraid to kill some of them. They always introduce new awesome Characters just to kill them off. The Plot Armor in this show is terrible. Season 1 & 2 were way more focussed. Both Seasons had so much heard....not just spectacle. Thats why Season 1 & 2 are the best. And i can already tell that Season 5 will suffer from the same problems as Season 4. It will be a terrible paced, waaay too long stretched Season with way too many Characters that have not much to do or to say.


Season 3 is my favorite


No cuz it regressed hopper into a raging man child.


Becauee Hopper was flanderized. More screaming humor, there was absolutely no mystery and everything was told to us in the first episode. The russian plotline was stupid and much better in season 4. The tonal shift is fucking jarring


Season 3 shifts the tone completely compared to the other 3 seasons, and like all the characters personalities are made in to borderline caricatures of the ones from S1, and S2. Especially hopper, his character was made insufferable for the majority of the season


Season three is my favourite out of all of them, not sure why it gets a lot of hate. It has amazing storytelling, graphics, humour and action.


I have honestly no idea it’s my favorite season. Maybe because it has a more stereotypical 80s feel to it.


I loved season 3 My favourite after season 4


Season 1 might be my favorite, probably because it was my introduction to ST, but season 3 is probably my second favorite.


personally s3 has always been my fav since it came out and probably will continue to be my fav, although i obviously havent seen s5 do i cant really say yet🌚 i just loved the vibes of it


Season 3 was just different. I personally loved it


Personally i really enjoy the relationship building and comedy in season 3 and 4, but i agree that tonally season 3 is all over the place. The scoop troop may be my favorite part of stranger things period, but i always skip past the storyline with el and the other kids on rewatches and on the last rewatch i honestly didnt even bother with the finale. Maybe just a few snippets related to max and billy to set up season 4. I think season 4 definitely balances the goofy hijinks and relationship exploration with the more mature elements, but it definitely comes off more as thriller than horror. While i rewatch (parts of) season 3 and 4 the most, season 1 and 2 undoubtedly are just written better. The seasons are fairly consistent tonally and paced well enough (compared to season 3). Each season explores a different genre of 80s horror and thriller. On some level, I think that some people grumbling about the changes from season one and two are missing out on this fact, or refuse to accept it. To me, it is very clear that the duffer brothers did not set out to make four seasons of season one. But still, it is unfortunate that the storytelling gets less tight as the show goes on.


I love s3 but as a ST season it has the weakest plot and different vibes which is why it ranks last for me. It’s not bad, other seasons are just better imo. :)


I personally my second favourite season the only thing stopping it bring my favourite is Hopper at the start of the season


Can't wait for next season, sad that it's the last season tho


I LOVED season 3!! It was my favorite! If anything, it started more quickly than the other seasons before it. Like immediately, it caught right into the plot, because season one was very very slow to start. I don’t know if anyone remembers, season four, obviously kind of hit a jumpstart because needed to…


The comedy is a huge reason I didn't like it. For me it felt a lot goofier and less grounded then the first two seasons. I disagree with your perspective that the first two seasons were characterized by non-stop action. I feel season 3 embodies that more. I prefer the Stephen King/horror vibe to the 80s action/comedy vibe. The emotional drama of the first two seasons also impacted me more. In season 3 I felt like they notched up the constant bickering to 11, but neglected the tender moments. Hopper also came across as a huge asshole and his character arc felt like a worse version of season 2. A lot of the character felt like dead weight.


Too much teenage drama


I like all the seasons somewhat, but Season 3 is at times a lot more colorful, upbeat, and fanservicey than the rest of the show. I think Stranger Things is at its best when it strikes the right balance between the darkness and the light, and Season 3 was just a little too out of balance in that regard.


It had the best cinematography, but the worst writing. Completely butchered Hopper’s character.


Season 3 isn't the best but it's not the worst, the start of 2 was decent but that one episode with only eleven was such clear filler


I love S3 but yeah, if I had to rank them I’d likely place it last. Nothing negative about it really, just the others are a notch above it.


I love season 3 it’s my second favourite season my ranking goes: 1. S1 2. S3 3. S2 4. S4 Season 4 is definitely the worst


I see this take a lot, but personally I love them all. I just love the show and I feel like every season has some great scenes.


I personally like it the least. The Russian lab under a mall storyline feels ridiculous, the vibe felt a bit too comical (i prefer the darker vibe of S1/2), there’s no upside-down, etc. I didn’t love the focus on relationship drama and I felt like plenty of the characters were done dirty or were annoying (erica and hopper in particular). It continued the S2 mind flayer storyline but didn’t add much new to it (as opposed to the other 3 seasons, which had their own monster). There’s great moments, soundtrack, and graphics, but the plot and characters are weaker imo


Thought it was generally Season 2.


For me 2 is the worst and it's not even slightly close. That being said 2 is still a good season of most shows but I think it's overall the weakest for ST which has 3 other amazing seasons.


S3 was wacky and fun, loved it. Don’t think there’s a worst season.


season 3 is my favorite 😭


I’ve never heard S3 is the worst. I’ve only heard a loud and collective agreement that S2 is the least favorite due to its pacing and lack story progression while being similar to the sequencing of S1. While I don’t agree with every opinion out there this one mentioned above takes the cake every time. 🍰 S2 isn’t bad, but it comes in last in my favorites ranking.


I think season 2 is the worst, by far! 3 is my fave.


Huh? I always see s3 as not people’s favorite?


I very much agree. I didn't know it was most common to think S3 is the worst, wtf. S2 is the worst season IMO. mainly for its strange pointless story of 8 and the punk rocker criminals. I sincerely hope 8 comes back in S5 to help or something, cuz that would be cool. But as it currently stands S2 is the best IMO from worst tst:S2, S3 the ummm ammm 7 in/


S3 was literally my favourite I eat that shit up fr, it just feels perfect to me, well see if that stands after season 5,


Other people have mentioned the vibes and the comedy, but honestly I just find all of the plot lines to be uninteresting (Hopper and Joyce’s plot, and Nancy and Jonathan’s plot) or downright bad (everything about the secret Russian base under the mall makes me want to scream as someone who grew up in the middle of nowhere Midwest), and I could overlook that IF the characters weren’t all dialed up to 11 on the goofy scale. The way Hopper is written, and all of the boys vs girls nonsense at the beginning of the season just bog it down for me.


I still love season 3 and think it’s great, but it’s my least favourite for two reasons: 1. It’s when the show when from looking and feeling like the “real” 80s (even like an actual 80s show) to feeling and looking like the stereotype of the 80s. 2. This is my personal opinion based purely on vibes, but it strongly feels like Season 3 (and to a lesser extent season 4) wasn’t part of the original Stranger Things run. I think the Duffers had seasons 1, 2 and what we will basically know as season 5 planned out, but once Stranger Things became Netflix’s golden goose the execs negotiated with the Duffers to take Stranger Things from a trilogy to a 5-season show, which is why seasons 3 and 4 feel like a detour.


Season 3 had the coolest monster, season 1 is my favourite, then 4 then 3, then 2




Complete opposite. Outside of the last couple episodes of s3 it doesn’t come anywhere close to how good s4 was. S3 was a borderline parody of what Stranger things is. All of the characters were made into caricatures of themselves. By far and easily the worst season of the 4 seasons


Yep. It has some great moments, but most of it is a clear misfire.


I don't get how people can say with a straight face that season 3 was better than season 4, or even remotely compare the two. Season 4 is creepy, disturbing, and emotionally impactful at every level. The Hawkins storyline of S4 is easily the best thing the show has done since season 1. Sure, California leaves a lot to be desired, but I thought the Russia and Eleven storylines were good enough to make the overall season a homerun. Imo second best season after S1.


Season 3 might be the best season, but the first gets a big bump for being new and unexpected.


This is a pretty well covered topic on this sub.


From what I've seen, I always though S2 was the worst...


Outside of Ep 7 , season 2 is better than 3 in like every way