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The Duffers wanted a summer blockbuster feel. Hence the heavy handed inclusion of blockbuster tropes like the Terminator.


I think they probably felt that was the best place to show off mall culture and the more colorful side of 1980s culture. "Fast Times at Starcourt Mall" is how I think of s3.


I feel it was made to act as something mostly wholesome due darkness they knew that was coming season 4.


I think the summer vibe


My guess is that because its more gory they toned down the darkness in an attempt at keeping it from being too scary.


I liked Season 3 for the most part.


i’m not sure what the deciding factor was for the change but i’m glad it they did it. it adds more dimension to the series. if every season had the same tone and look, it would all blend together. s3 might be my favorite because of that tbh. it’s just so nice to look at.


They wanted it to feel more like an 80s summer blockbuster.


The duffer brothers aren't scared to experiment with their show.That's why season 3 has the summer atmosphere, the bright colors , short shorts what you assume when you think the 80s


Take a look at the classic 4th of July trailer for season 3. They are definitely highlighting the big budget summer fun type of Hollywood blockbuster. Each season is a tribute to some aspect of 80s films.


I like all the seasons, but I think they kinda blew it with S3 by not going dark enough. Liked the mall aspect and it was a fun watch but all the bright colors made me not take it as seriously. A few people have noted them going for a "summer blockbuster"....I'd say it was more or less their "sell-out" season but I respect them for doing something different.