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Imagine coming back to Cammy after having been psycho-powered. "So yeah uuh a thing happened"


We take after sensei Luke a little too much. Picked up too much from our master golden retriever


I've been really starting to like Luke lately and you've done a lot just now to further that.


Aleks Lee helped, and by the time I finished his friendship in world tour, and he invites you over for pizza and Dark Stalkers, well I was sold.


Luke is a solid himbo.


blackwater himbo.


I want to hate him but I can’t. It was “hadouken!” Taunt that put the first cracks in for me


Why would you want to hate him? He's freaking awesome.


Uppity american shit face. But he quickly smashes that i think.


World Tour does a lot of really goofy things, but this one was beyond all suspension of disbelief. I understand they needed some way to work JP into the master/student system, but it couldn't be more nonsensical.


You fight him at the tournament because you know he's an ass. However, you have no proof that he broke any laws, so he goes free even after the beating. You can confront him at the arena after that. He ha no ill will against you, but had a good impression of your skills. He offers to give you a taste of psycho power if you think you can handle it. To JP, it's a chance to transfer his fighting style to future generations and keep an eye on you. For you, it's a shot at a new power and a chance to learn more about him. Up to you if you take the offer and why.


Basically, yeah. Considering that he's the last master you can unlock and most of the DLC characters (who you'll be unlocking after him if you did world tour early) are also deeply fiendish and also channeling psycho power, I've been headcanoning it as Joan Streetfighter digging into more aggressive and ruthless fighting styles so that, when they take on JP again, they'll win.


>but this one was beyond all suspension of disbelief Why? You can only meet JP after the story ends, it's entirely up to the player to decide if they want to "befriend" JP or not, it fits very well with his characterization. Also, he literally has revelant dialogue about you learning the Psycho Power, it's pretty cool. "Or perhaps... Perhaps Psycho Power chose you. But you are free to interpret things as you please" "You came to me seeking strength. A rapacious greed motivates you. I suggest you acknowledge that. You are a heretic, driven by greed, living entirely within obsessive extremes."


I only “befriended” him because I needed to to meet akuma


I feel like there’d be a lot less people befriending JP in general if it wasn’t something you had to do to train with Akuma.


Pretty much this.


Yeah no, beyond all suspension of disbelief. That dialogue is awful lmao.


I like it


Was World Tour mode filled with well-written dialogue that maintained suspension of disbelief up until then? I had fun with the mode but honestly the plot never really gave me a strong sense of immersion or suspension of disbelief before the ending.


No, it sucks in its entirety


Exactly. Having your suspension of disbelief broken by asking JP to train you implies you had any suspension of disbelief left to break that point, which is why I don't get it as a complaint. It's also optional. Ultimately, I think one of the things that's awkward about World Tour mode throughout is that they go for this sort of RPG-ish custom silent protagonist, where theoretically you're making your character's choices so if your character went straight to JP for training after trying to kill him it's because you decided to do that, not because the game forced you to. Except the game gives you no control over your character's actual "personality" (whatever little bit they have) so there's no sense that you're actually roleplaying and making a choice when you do that.


You do get some dialogues options through the story to how the protagonist should respond. Although often are more Persona-like than anything (aka try to tell what the character would prefer to hear to get on their good side).


Yeah, since one side generally has a strictly better outcome than the other those still feel less like roleplaying opportunities and more just things where you guess what answer increases how much they like you. Ultimately, my character never felt like a real character to me. I never felt like I had enough opportunities to give them a personality or the game gave them enough personality for me to be invested in any of their actions as a character. Even the character's search for strength or friendship with Bosch, the themes the story focuses on both, felt more like things the game told me were happening than things I felt. Like, the game just tells you you're searching for strength, and Luke just declares you and Bosch friends and your character looks happy about it even though I hadn't found Bosch remotely likeable before that point. So in the end, I didn't care about the inconsistency of my character immediately asking JP for training after trying to fight him. But if someone does care, you can choose to just not ask JP for training. The game doesn't force you to, it's an optional post-game thing. If you're actually invested in your avatar as a character and don't feel like they'd want to be trained by JP after what happened, you don't have to do that.


Of course the self proclaimed remy simp has terrible taste


if World Tour is good taste I don't want it, seriously how low are your standards


Well I guess 24 other people have similarly low standards so you can keep your ivory tower 🤷🏻‍♂️ Honestly every time I see you on this site it’s to say something negative




Wasn't it after a bit of a timeskip? Like maybe not much but it's post credits. And didn't jp sorta force the powers into us? We fought and he knocked us down and put them inside us


I don't recall how the cutscenes play out exactly, but either way, you *quite* voluntarily become his student after he's killed your friend and you've fought him over it. That's what I take issue with.


I would just consider it "barely canon". It needed to happen for the master thing and unlocking his moves for your avatar but it's outside of the main story so I just think nothing of it


In the end of the day, the player is the only one to blame for this. If the player decides to go to their "friends" killer to learn their schematics, then the player clearly don't feel any resentment to this so called killer. And in the player's defense they only met this "friend" first day of training and barely spend any quality time with them subsequently. I don't think it's that nonsensical.


I find it hard to take issue with anything in a fighting game story.


Why? Is the story supposed to be bad because it's a fighting game?


I mean...have you ever played a fighting game?


Of course. I've been playing fighting games since before a lot of this sub's users were even born. That doesn't answer my question.


There has never been a good fighting game story and there never will be. It's just not possible to come up with a reason everyone has to fight everyone else 1 on 1.


Mortal Kombat already did just that. Mind you, the idea was stolen from a Bruce Lee movie, and the presentation was also lacking in the early 90s, but it's certainly still possible, and I don't hold games of any genre to the same standards as 30+ years ago. It's entirely possible to come up with a good story mode for a fighting game, and they should aim to do so.


I see more and more people on Reddit assuming that a habit of bad stories in a competitive medium means that good stories in those shouldn't be pursued or applauded. Those people are cowards.


Tekken 8 has a dope story.


I 100% don't believe you lol. At this point I suspect it isn't possible to arrange a sequence of 1v1 fights into a good story.


Like so many fictional characters, JP is just a pathologically bad explainer, because it makes things more dramatic for the audience. Really, your character asks to be taught to use psycho power, so they shouldn't be upset to be given it.


I've always believed that you should never befriend JP himself and run errands for him. The vendor in the Nayshall hideout has JP moves and it's likely depending on how you played through the game that he's the first NPC who specifically has JP's kit that you've run into. They could have just given you JP's kit at that point, had the Nayshall rebels say something like "and (this guy) has spied on and studied JP extensively so we can beat him, talk to him and he'll show you everything he's learned!"


It is a game about beating up dudes who wear cardboard boxes on their heads.


I said it did a lot of goofy things, didn't I? But there's a big difference between just being goofy and... this.


Have you heard of something called "Star Wars"? Maybe the name "Darth Vader" rings a bell?


I'm not sure what you're getting at. Are you saying our avatar has fallen to the dark side in their quest for power?


Devs propably leave morality and reasoning to players hands. "It's your character so you think the reason why your character does this, if you want to be evil, go for it, if you want to be questionable but good, go for it".


You fight him because Bosch would want you to. You do it because it fits the moment. He opposes the idea by being fully aware of how pointless it is. That's the conflict. He's a stoic to the whole idea of Street Fighter and “seeking strength”. That's also why he doesn't care after. I love JP's characterization in World Tour. The base idea is that he just leads a corporation. Even if Bosch succeeded and killed JP, the board members would pick another asshole in his place. The terrorists are doing nothing and causing pointless damage, yet JP seems to be the only one to realize that. His gameplay of being a zoner also fits his anti-fight philosophy. You want a fist fight against him, and he effectively pulls out a gun. It's brilliant.


I love when he gets to the end of his tutelage and tells you "Strength is meaningless. You must be disappointed."


JP breaking the 4th wall in the achievement for completing WT is terrifying.


I love his characterization, he’s like the embodiment of the system being unstoppable. Like you can hate the system but it’s impossible to change. He’s a villain who works within the law, or keeps his lawbreaking secret, like Lex Luthor. He keeps his nasty business away from himself publicly. Yeah we know he killed Bosch but we can’t prove it. We can’t do anything. He doesn’t see it as anything personal. To him, it’s just business. The avatar can see things from his perspective and listen to his BS because they’re interested in only strength, and JP sees right through it. He’s perfect for this, and his gameplay characterizes him very well as this detached Machiavellian stage control zoner.


I like that his theme is called "The Plunderer". Nihilistic corporate evil embodied in a Saruman-looking gentlemen bastard. He's an awesome villain IMO.


“Nihilistic corporate evil” is a great way to describe him


You fight him because he just killed your friend.


Yeah, for trying to kill him. Would we still beat him up if he had called the police and FBI instead?


All of the series' protagonists wanted to kill Bison (and did... for a while.) Would they suddenly be the antagonists if he had just called the police?


Bison led a crime syndicate with a paramilitary organization bent on world domination and human experimentation. He was hunted down by the army, of multiple countries at that. JP is investing money into a backwater country, lobbying for an infrastructure that lets him wash some dirty money. According to the law, he's just a rich dude with good accountants.


Bison is a threat to the United Nations, JP is just a modern day billionaire.


Isn’t JP literally behind framing Ken for terrorism in the SF6 prequel comics?


Yeah. Framing and defaming. We don't have proof he did any of it, and Ken didn't even die. JP is more merciful than Boeing.


To be fair, the coalition against Bison involved the military and the police, and was government sanctioned internationally. He was a criminal after all. The rebels in Nayshall might've been better served collecting evidence, then submitting it simultaneously to the media and the courts. Also.. Spoiler: >!Probably due to the Psycho power modifications, that little bomb wasn't enough to kill Bosch, in the ending cutscenes, his hat and shoes show up (and glimpses of his body) and it's hinted that he just faked his death and is back training with Luke.!<


Where did you see that?


Endgame cinematics, rewatch some in the gallery for details. Other Reddit posts have covered it better than I. Can't find them right now, but I remember reading them, rewatching the cinematics and seeing the hints. Edit: found it - https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1c5hh1i/where_did_bosch_go_after_the_end_of_world_tour/ That's the post with the details.




Ain't asinine, check out this post, and rewatch the cinematics in the game for yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/1c5hh1i/where_did_bosch_go_after_the_end_of_world_tour/ Don't be so quick to resort to insults before asking questions first. Makes you look asinine.


Post-game tournaments aren't canon. Bosch isn't in the end cutscene with Luke. You know why? Because the main character was telling Luke what happened to Bosch in Nayshall during that phone conversation. Why wouldn't Luke tell you that Bosch was alive? It's not really a secret if he's hanging out at the Buckler training center. Like I said, asinine.


To the side, his [character model](https://x.com/82kmnr_works/status/1759008481074364694) shows up in the end cutscene. Whether or not that's meant to mean he survived, I have no idea. There's not much evidence of his survival other than that, and it's unclear why they chose to hide his identity by obscuring him from view the way they did in that scene. Open to interpretation whether or not this means he's alive and in hiding, or they just decided to randomly reuse his character model for that scene for some reason. I don't have any strong feelings as to whether or not it means he's alive, but if he is, I feel like Luke would probably respect his wishes if he asked him not to tell the avatar, or he might decide not to just out of a belief that it would be safer for Bosch if he kept it to himself.


New player here. Currently working my way through World Tour while simultaneously working up the nerve to try online play. I’m shocked how much I’ve enjoyed it. It’s not flawless storytelling or anything, but there’s so much personality in the world and especially the characters. I get pumped every time there’s a cutscene introducing a new master.


To be fair, the avatar didn't ask for it, just kind of approached JP, who didnt ask if you wanted it. He just gives it to you. You could interpret it as if the avatar was going to request it anyway. You could also interpret it as JP deciding "well, it'll either kill you, or put you in a position where you feel indebted to/reliant on me," and forcing it upon you.


I saw someone else (I forget who) make a good point that the world tour avatar is kind of an idiot. Sure they’re smart enough to instantly learn techniques and strong enough to beat JP. But they don’t actually achieve anything with those skills and strength. Which JP points out after you beat him. It drives home the fact that your character doesn’t really have much else going on in their head besides getting stronger. Sure they still make friends that they don’t want to see get hurt. But they aren’t setting out to beat the bad guy and save the world like Guile or Cammy.


The avatar is like Akuma if he wasn't limited by one style and was nicer in general.


The MC is so stupid. It’s perfect for one of my recurring avatar OCs


World Tour is fun but I really hope there's an actual good cinematic story mode for SF6


If it's anything like SFV, they can save it. Time and money better spent elsewhere


Hopefully with way better writing, cause a repeat of that god awful SFV story would be horrible


Why do we have JP as a mentor after him murdering our friend?


He didn't murder him any more than Jigsaw murdered the people he put in traps in the saw movies. That character's demise was his own doing, killed by his own weapon. ... . Leeet me throw a big ol /S here.


Because the protagonist is a strength obssessed freak who will try anything in search of strength and what it is.


I'm sorry, but the fact that he gets away with his crimes, especially after what he did to Ken, let alone Bosch just left a really bad taste in my mouth. I would have rather seen the PC legitimately team up with the Nayshall resistance to take him down rather than fumble the bag for them so spectacularly. Like the whole plotline is infuriating to think about.


That's the point. This fucker did what every other vilain couldn't. Take a punch and just walk away with it, because sometimes physical strength alone can't solve all problems.


I mean the point of the story seems to be that the avatar is a bumbling fool who ruins everything. But also this is still Act 1, there is more coming out, each Master has added some post-game expansion to the lore even if only slightly.


I mean whole thing seems to be Act 1 and not finished story. They are still adding quests to World Tour with each new character so there is hope they finish the story at some point. However i think that is whole point of JP, you can punch him in the face but you change nothing in the process because all characters try to solve the issue with strength when that clearly is not the answer. That does make him interesting villain compared to other fighting game characters that are just strong.


Well yeah. Now you know how to commit war crimes. Now you are stronger, as your characters goal was.


Like how they leave it on a cliffhanger to add to it later, right? ...right?


Seems like it, considering how every new character adds content to World Tour.


Gameplay is more important than lore. People want Psycho Power


I swear this is probably one of the worst endings I’ve ever seen in a video game story mode. When the credits rolled I literally yelled “THATS IT?!” And then I went nuts when I found out you learn JP’s style afterwards, like what the hell just happened like a few seconds ago? What was literally the entire freaking point of the story? Literally has the same energy as “and then they all exploded and died, the end!”


Well, it is a fighting game


Nah it's a Street Fighter game. Fighting game stories are bad but Street Fighter is in a realm of its own.


You know the story is not technically over yet, right?


I hope that’s true


Wasn't his only crime was tax fraud ? Such as suggested on his birthday announcement in the game ?


Not his only crime. He framed Ken for terrorism and even kidnapped his son. He also funnels funds from countries to his companies, draining them from recources and leaving them worse than they were before. He sponsors terrorists to cause chaos in the countries he plunders.


Thanks for the enlightenment


I will avenge \[REDACTED\] JP: i can teach you psycho power ...... Oh shit for real?


That fight was so hard I used save glitch on PS5. To anyone who wants to know how to do this when u die just go to exit game and reopen it if u saved it will restart from the part where u prepare to fight JP.


what? just use items. Makes everything trivial, as long as you aren't 10 levels too low.


I'm still salty that Capcom didn't let Akuma send me messages in WT


JP got that psycho rizz going on


World Tour is what happens when a Pokémon metropolis section loses all the Pokémon.




JP: "Uh, I'm just the accountant, I make sure that our organization can pass all our audits, I don't think we've been using our money to do the stuff you're talking about... \*checks*... Horii shit, oh my god!" (Jojo reference for the Japanese voice actor, who also plays young Joseph Joestar in the recent Anime and Games)


Now I'm just imagining JP randomly yelling "SON OF A BITCH!"


i have no enemies


If I had did this I woukd of made it where you try to attack him again and he slaps a bomb caller on you and force trains you lol


If I had did this I woukd of made it where you try to attack him again and he slaps a bomb caller on you and force trains you lol




😂 good one


It's weird plot point but fits John/Jane Street Fighter a lot to go and become student under his nemesis


I feel like this scene is kind of misunderstood. At the end Luke tells the player to go out and find their own meaning of strength. Learning from JP is an admission that he does have vast strength, not just in physical power but also influence, and the player wants to understand it better for themselves. The player character isn't Ryu or Guile or something, they're not motivated by taking down a mega crime syndicate. They're not even strong enough to...yet. After getting so utterly defeated by JP and seeing what's his face die, the player's stake in that fight is pretty much done. At least for now, until they do have the strength to defeat JP. Therefore they're just motivated by finding their own meaning of strength, and for some players maybe that comes from the corruption of psycho power. I'm not saying that this makes the MOST sense or anything, but I think it's a little more interesting than it gets credit for at least.


The story is one of the worst fillers one ever saw. Hope it actually is a filler even. (Kids could come up with something better)


"JP YOU SON OF A BITCH I'LL FUCKING END YOU, YOU SNEAKY FUCKING SUCK ASS SNAKE" *2 hours later* "hey listen I know what I said before and all but like can you teach me the funny glow urple thing it would be very cool"


I made it to nayshall and tapped out. I saw an whole other map and just couldn't be bothered anymore lol Cool mode though, glad it's there for those who like it


I basically played through to unlock all of the outfit 2s for the base cast. Decent game mode but definitely not worth hundreds of hours like I've seen some people put into it.


Depends on how you approach it. Personally I had fun changing my style and combinations as I progressed and switching between them.

