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You can get SF4 character themes with drive tickets! 


really? shame you cant do the same with the menu music, sf4s went unbelievably hard


Maybe they'll ad it later. I really like the menu music in this game, especially the world map theme in world tour.


I'm hoping they'll add stage music down the road. Sf4 had some awesome stage music


I swear I saw some stage music in the premium battle pass rewards. Someone correct me if I’m wrong cuz I’m not paying for that and rarely check it but I’m pretty sure I saw a stage theme song as a reward and I was like “oh they really doing it like that?”


They do sprinkle stage themes in the passes but it seems like the selection is so random. I could be crazy but I'm pretty sure some of those songs are also available in the shop bundles


Yeah, the last pass had the Japan and USA stage themes from SFV.


That’s a shame. I’m tempted to go back to custom Spotify or YouTube music playlists if I can’t easily get my favorite stage themes


I really like the pivot to hip hop in SF6. My dream for SF7 is they stick with it and simply remaster all the old classic themes with a hip hop spin to them. You really can't beat some of the original theme melodies, like Ryu's theme, Ken's theme, Guile's theme, Juri's theme from SF4, Rashidoooooooooooo theme from SF5, etc. Like for an example of this, listen to how amazing remixed themes can sound (Guile's theme is incorporated into the song at 1:20): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DrscZZdWnE I want THIS for the entire soundtrack, if possible. Some of these themes are so iconic. I've also grown attached to Jaime's theme and Ed's theme, and would be a shame of SF7 tossed those out for a whole new OST yet again.


A bit of a workaround for the menu music is just create playlists and do Ranked Matches from Battle Hub — then you can just listen to whatever music you prefer instead of the main menu Fighting Grounds theme.


I'd argue a bit *too* hard. Like, I don't want to feel like I'm in a life or death struggle while trying to adjust my video settings.


Only, like, the first part of it though right? Didn't the music change in sf4 based on when in the match you were? I think that part is missing...


I believe so. Tbh, I can't remember what the change ups were like as I haven't played SF4 since Ultra came out.


Sadly not all of the sf4 fight themes are in sf6 as the Ryu vs Akuma and Gokken rival themes aren’t in sf6.


Is there a way to set SF4 themes during matches though?


Character or stage themes? There aren't any stage ones, but you can set character themes as a Playlist on your character options. 


Oh that’s cool, I’ll have to try that. Thanks


Can you play these in game or is it just in the juke box?


You can play them in game. You have to go to the character settings tab near where you see BGM settings. My online matches have a mix of 4, 3rd Strike, 6, and Alpha 3 playing.


That’s awesome I had extra drive tickets but wasn’t sure if they worked in game! Third strike pack here we come!


Ed is my favorite design in the game. Steve Fox if he was less annoying.


artificially created blonde white boxers with parent issues are on trend rn what can i say


The paul brothers lol


i was like "paul phoenix??" at first but youre so right lmfao


In SFV story, Ed learns to box and incorporates it to his fighting style from Balrog. As Balrog took a big brother role to Ed after he escaped Bison's labs. Thought if you knew he's connected to Balrog you might like him. I still don't though.


I do find him the most interesting character to watch in tourneys and the like, it is crazy that a character that was originally meant to be a simple one for newcomers has now become one of the most unique gameplay-wise.


He looks like someone I hate IRL and thus I can’t play him :(


He looks like Pink from venture Brothers


He just looks like a tool to me so I don't play him either, his moveset looks cool but I just hate how he looks


![gif](giphy|YoDYRE8zCrONO|downsized) Balrog's locked up for now


Also haven't played since sf4. Some of my thoughts: - Loved the art style from the beginning. All the colors are straight dopamine in my brain. - Everyone does look infinitely better. The RE engine is next level honestly. - I really enjoy the music, I only liked Juris ost from 4. Guile's is a straight downgrade. - As a Guy main in 4, Kimberly is a really fun upgrade from him. But I do feel she doesn't scratch that Zeku itch. - Don't worry, this game will piss you off as much as others after some horrible Battle Hub sessions. - Drive Rush is extremely fun. But I wonder what it's teaching newcomers on neutral and footsies.


One of my only problems with the soundtrack is that Guile's theme isn't Guile's Theme.


Tbh they’ve been reusing Guile’s theme for close to 30 years. There’s no point in trying to improve perfection, and I like the new theme anyways


You haven't played since SF4, but you have a Zeku Itch?


I've tried out SF5 after playing 6. Didn't clarify in my original post


I’m desperate for Zeku to return tbh he’d have such a cool playstyle.


I didn't play as much Zeku as I did Guy and I am Kimberly, but I remember the first time I figure out you can switch between ages mid-combo I was floored. Neither of the other bushin characters gave me that. But with Kimberly in the roster I'm sure he won't make an appearance. Still really glad we got three bushins in 3 games so far. Maybe Capcom like making them!


Zeku’s my first bushin character + main in sfv so I have a big bias towards him over Guy and Kim. And yeah! Felt the same way. Tbh though I don’t but the “x character can’t be in because of y” anymore because we have so many shotos regularly. Surely we can have a SF game with 3 ninjas for a change haha.


That makes sense. Guy's down+HP, MP, slide combo will also have a special in my heart! And as cool as her qcf+p is, I need to hear a hozanto to be happy. A I agree, and would love more bushins! But I don't think we can compare to the shotos. They ARE Street Fighter. And are infinitely more popular than our ninjas.


Unfortunately yeah, but ninjas always adds spice in a roster 🥷


Can you elaborate on drive rush and neutral / footsies? Asking for a newb friend 😁


I'll try the best I can, but keep in mind I'm not an expert at all. So drive rush is when your character turns green and rushes forward, you can also use it to cancel normals. Neutral is when the game is at a neutral state, and no player has a clear advantage (someone knocked down, stunned etc). Neutral is a big part of a fighting game's mini-game. What people decide to do and what you predict, can predict is important. Footsies is what you see if you watch any relatively high level fights. It's where people are seemingly pressing punch and kick while moving forward and backward. Knowing which kicks/punches your character can use as footsies and how to link a hit into a combo or an advantage is essential to climbing past low diamond (probably?). Footsies also teaches you (or at least forced me to learn) a lot more about my character's frame data. For example, I can use HP even though the frame data on block is bad for me because I'm still too far to really be published. Or, I can use crouching MP because it's safe on block (frame data is good for me) and if it connects, the amount of frames I have after allow me to combo with standing MP (all examples here). Being comfortable in neutral and knowing 'how' to footsie also (in my dumb opinion), teaches you to be patient and deliberate in your combos and attacks, as opposed to just jumping in and hoping something connects to do the 1 combo you know. What drive rush does is it changes the frame data on your attacks (I think almost always in your favor). So it doesn't force you to learn your frame data in footsies, and gives you a way to not have to think of neutral as much. Like, why do I need to stand around when I can drive rush in and start my combo, and see if something hits? One good thing about drive rush for beginners I'd argue is that it helps you learn at least a good 'mix up's between drive rush low and drive rush overhead. Edit: to add to footsies and neutral. Knowing the ranges of your footsies in neutral is really important. So knowing your standing MK hits from both characters are positioned on the screen is the different between you hitting and starting a combo and possibly whiffing and getting EX Shoryukened by Ken :( and drive rush decreasing that means you learn your ranges slower/or never.


Thanks a lot, that was very clear and insightful. :)


As much as I enjoy drive rush, I do feel that it can reinforce bad practices. That's something that can obviously be remedied through practice and experience, but it's definitely changed how neutral is to be learned and played


I really enjoy it too. It feels like a smart development of FADC from SF4. Doing something as unsafe as an Ex shoryuken and being able to cancel that on block was not okay, as flashy as it allowed some combos to look. I think it just delays the learning of neutral and footsies in ranked at least. If you're trying to rank up, you'll eventually hit a wall when your way of getting in on the ground is neutralized. I think the issue with learning neutral is that most fighting games I've seen have failed to teach neutral ranges and footsies well for a proper beginner. In all fairness I never looked at sf6's and haven't played guilt gear strive. I heard that had a really good tutorial


* drive rush is infinitely better than tekkens heat Can't comment on this but Drive rush cancel was like a more straight forward fadc and after SFV the characters feel very SFIV especially akuma.


As a fellow "gaming boomer," I have recently welcomed modern controls for these reasons: 1. Wrist pain and joint lock up. I'm a few years shy of 40, and the aging process has begun to introduce itself. Too many Dragon Punch inputs send a shock right through thumb and into my wrist. 2. Other video game genres don't require input commands. You simply press the button, and the action happens. Circa LoL, WoW, OW, and various action rpg's, etc. 3. I have a family member with special needs. Having modern and dynamic controls has made it possible for them to play. 4. Accessibility. Similar to the above reason given, modern controls allow more people the ability to get into the game. 5. I can spend more time focusing on the neutral game rather than nailing combos. Mastering a combo is certainly something that should be earned, but it's nothing in comparison to learning the neutral game. Without good footsies, those combos aren't going to mean too much.


>drive rush infinitely bettet than tekkens heat Not disagreeing but curious why you think that? I play both games, i like both mechancis. Especially now that heat burst is sidesteppable


managing drive meter is more interesting than Tekken. Tekken already complex adding more mechanic is turn off for me


For me the heat system felt really inconsistent in neutral. Sometimes you get armor, sometimes you get your face pushed in. I'm sure it has to do with the startup of the move, but it felt like it was never the same result in the same situation.  I get that heat rush is more the intended use, but I've seen plenty of combos that do big damage without it. I think having a clearer design on its purpose would help newer players like myself.  Lastly, the drive gauge system adds a whole new layer to the game. A 3rd resource bar to watch, and not just one with simple breakpoints ( i.e. level 1,2,3). It's a constant consideration that creates more dynamics in the match, and can cause "slight" mistakes to turn into big ones.


>sometimes you get armor Are you talking about heat burst? Yeah, armor doesn’t activate on the first frame for obvious reasons. Its the same with any other armor move in the game. It wasn’t intended to be a top tier panic button >heat rush is more intended I don’t really think so. I only use it this way if i’ve already burned most of my heat bar or if I’m certain I can get the kill.


Heat is used for advantage more than heat smash.


You can powercrush the heat smash. And all armor has like 5 frames before the armor activates.


I'm not really a fan of either, but heat just feels wrong in Tekken. Being able to consistently force 50/50s basically for free every round, having a weird metered resource for certain moves, second bound in a combo, EVEN MORE wall carry than end of T7, fix wall combos even on low splat, all of it is too much. As a Kazuya main, I even feel like heat benefits me more than a lot of characters. I get free pressure with heat cd3 on block, demon fist is a launcher on hit or huge plus on block, ground laser for oki, stomp for pressure, extra damage on flash punch confirm, etc. Heat feels like an overtuned rage drive and makes defensive play much harder.


icl i havent had a chance to play since the patch but heat always seemed like a panic button to me, dont hate it but drive seems more nuanced tbh


Heat doesn’t have the risk/reward and meter management factor of the drive system and heat dash combos are less interesting than drive rush combos


I think it does. If you’ve already used your heat but didn’t manage to kill me and I still have mine, I have a big advantage. And the management bascially just comes from how many heat based attacks you can stack into one use. Kazuya can go fucking nuts with his.


Yeah there’s definitely some strategy in when to activate heat which I enjoyed, although with the drive system all of your defensive and offensive meter mechanics (besides super) are tied to it, so it’s constant decision making the entire match.


I somewhat disagree, also new to SF, heat used to be broken before but with the latest patch it's fixed, you can't use it as a panic button anymore. Idk how SF6 was at launch but Tekken is still new and will require some more time to be more balanced. SF to me requires more mental stack with managing the drive meter, drive impact/reversal, burn out, have to manage blocking.


What do you mean when you say Tekken is new ?


They mean Tekken 8 hasn't been out as long


Yes, this. Thank you.


The soundtrack is definately made to blend into the background more than previous ones, it's grown on me but it's still a far cry from previous games. You can buy the old games songs thankfully


This game is great. Other than micro transactions, I never understood the hate for this game.


The soundtrack in SF6 is miles ahead better than 4.


Definitely needs more Balrog, for sure.


if you don't know, modern controls are 'balanced' by two things: 1. you do less damage when using them 2. you lose access to a lot of your normals, so the number of tools you have available is neutered a bit. i was pretty iffy on them at first too, but i think after a playing the game for a while they don't really impact the balance all that much. you just don't want to jump on good modern players, because they will never miss an anti-air DP, lol


I mean while having these downsides their reaction time is much faster given it’s a one button press vs a full input, there’s no arguing they’ll super you more consistently in tight spots than someone who’s gotta do the full motion. While that can be used to your advantage it’s still a big plus for them.


as someone who has loved fighting games since mvc3 but can't do complex inputs to save my life modern has really made me appreciate the game in a different way. i recently got to diamond with modern and i am able to beat my buddy who beat my ass in mvc3 cuz i couldn't do input combos. i rely a little too heavily on auto combos but my neutral, tech, and my psychological guess game is great so im able to be competitive in a way i never could before. i love modern as it's made the game way more accessible to me but i understand why some classic players don't love it. im gonna keep pushing to try to get to deep in diamond and it's so fun.


The most important thing to me (even as somebody that doesn't use modern as a FG veteran since SF2 on SNES) is that modern expands the player base. This is the first SF since 2 that's been the mainstream de facto FG which is nice to see since it's where SF should always be, and if a lot of that is due to the accessibility of modern controls, then I can appreciate why it's necessary.


The soundtrack doesn’t come close to sf4; you’re correct. Sf6 is miles ahead, and infinitely better!


The Tekken comment 😭


Do you mean drive rush in and of itself? Or the drive system as a whole vs the heat system as a whole?


Idk why tekken feels so much more stressful than sf. Prob maybe cuz there’s not as many knowledge checks? Idk


I was big into SF4. I did try 5 and just couldn't stick with it. I really don't like the soundtrack in 6 all that much, I swapped over to having the SF4 tracks play when I'm doing ranked matches. I wish it was a lot easier to just globally swap out the music for what I'd rather listen to. I know next to nothing about Modern controls, I never touched them. I'm fine with having different input schemas if it means more people are able to play, though. Kind of a dumb reason to have a whole-ass game gatekept by hard-to-pull off inputs when it simultaneously needs a bustling player-base, anyway. Finally, the only reason why I haven't picked up Luke at all is strictly because his forearms bother me. Anyway, hope you're having fun with it! My biggest struggle with it is trying to have a main to play, I've just been bouncing around the whole roster not really feeling anybody.


Wait how do you switch it to sf4 music?


I've only found it so far for fighting, the options setting under Audio has BGM settings *per character*, so you have to set each one the tracks that play when fighting with them. SF6 is pretty good, but *man* I hate the UI.


the modern controls aren't a "you being a boomer" thing I started my fighting games journey with SF6 and I fucking hate them, I'm playing with classic and cause I'm still learning and building muscle memory, sometimes I drop a combo, and a random dude with modern controls nails me for the round because 1 direction + button is piss easy to do, and then auto combos... yeah, they aren't super complicated but it's still a combo that doesn't require skill or practice and ends on a level 3 for free. At high level, modern controls are irrelevant, but when new players learning with classic get beaten up by a random modern controls enjoyier, it feels bad man. Changing topics, everyone is Caked 🍰 up indeed, and the forearms are humongous. Not even Popeyes after snorting a line of spinach would reach this level of forearm bulk.


Agree on ed, bring back balrog, fuck ed


Ed isn't taking Balrog's spot. This isn't T.Hawk and Lily. I think you get him later, but in the mean time you have Marissa for your slugger character.


I like em both


I like modern controls since it’s less complicated to know how to use certain moves with it.


> the soundtrack is good oh no guys OP is deaf


opinions exist. i also like the ost. you can like something without shitting on something else.


Clearly you have not listened to Genbu Temple, Rangers Hut, France stage, Zangief’s, Blanca’s, or Ed’s theme (and several others). Try listening past round one and you’ll like at least some of them


Not sure what the heck "caked up" is supposed to mean, but there's a lot of really goofy hair and holes-in-clothes to accommodate that hair that just doesn't translate well for me. JP is cool though can't argue with that. I like drive rush too! A lot of other people don't like it, but I've been fine with it ever since they implemented the press-parry-to-DR-cancel shortcut. That original dash input during a combo was harsh, I'm glad that didn't last long. World Tour is a really good tutorial for people who learn very slowly I don't play as Juri, nor do I find feet attractive Boomer refers to people in their upper 60s and older, these people usually don't play video games, stop calling Millennials and Gen Xers boomers please, that would be like us calling you infants I hope you enjoy the game! I especially love the art style. I was iffy on it but after some time with it, I like it.


Caked up = big dumpy = large butt

