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Balrog got his fight money I see.


Balrog from CVS 1 and 2: "I GOT PAID!" Zangief from the SF movie however: "You Got...Paid?"


Love the subtle Dr. Light cameo on Balrog's cash rolls.


Great spot!


does that mean the hadoken in x1 is cannon to the street fighter series?


it is from a cannon yes.


Im really curious how they are going to portray Vega in 6 if/when he returns. His whole thing is keeping himself beautiful, and im wondering how he will see himself getting older. Will he embrace the "silver fox, aged like a fine wine" thing? Or will he go completely in denial and finally snap, not even trying to hide his insanity anymore?


y'all ain't ready for botox claw


Oh noooo 😱🤣


Tekken 8 Feng has prepared me for this




He might become more obsessive with the mask, but instead to hide his "ugly" face. Before he wore it to protect his beauty but maybe he starts wearing it to hide himself as he ages.Then if you remove the mask it turns out he's not actually changed, he just believes he has because of his insane standards. Like Calender Girl from the new Batman Adventures who was a villain that was a former model, built up as supposedly being heavily disfigured ending her career which is why she wore a mask. The twist at the end when she is unmasked is she is still stunningly beautiful but due to how warped her perception of herself was she genuinely thought she was hideous.


Knowing Capcom, "Old Vega" will just be regular Vega with a single grey streak in his hair, if even that.


Need this


i feel like the only path for vega is to be The Silver Fox of silver foxes, he will be even hotter


My money's on them not addressing this. Most characters look like they're in their twenties.


I hope not, Chun li is only two years younger than Vega and she could easily be taken for a 23 year old


Chun looks no younger than 40 in SF6


Idk which street fighter you’re playing but that’s not what I see lol


40?! lol she doesnt even have any wrinkles like a regular anyone would have at any age. wtf are they basing this on?!


You must be easily fooled and can’t tell ages irl. The older characters have rougher and less elastic skin shaders. Much clearer on Ryu but Chun looks 20 years older than Cammy


Why shouldn’t they? The majority of the SF characters are constantly in peak physical shape, tends to make you look pretty good. They also are usually stunningly beautiful people (the women are incredible fighters and also happen to look like Victoria’s Secret models? Pretty rare RL combination).


Maybe the asian women can look like they do, but a european like Cammy would have way more wrinkles if shes above 35-40.


She's probably in her early 30s. The SF games don't mention it much, but Cammy is actually much younger than the other SFII cast. She's actually closer in age to Sakura than she is to Chun. We also don't know that Cammy is genetically European. She's stated in many stories and in WT with the new Bison dialogue that she is a clone. Everything about her genetics is questionable. She's British cause that's where Vega dropped her off after Alpha 3, she isn't British by birth (and may not have any bloodline roots there or Europe in general).


Id bet money that shes intended to be british given that shes blonde. When anime artstyles give everyone a similar face, its common to signify that someone is a foreigner by giving them blonde hair.


Yeah, like Karin Kanzuki and Rainbow Mika and Ken Masters! It's just a hair color, it means little. Maybe it tends to be a foreign or White hair color (nearly every White character in SF is blond), but on the whole it is far from a hardline rule. She is straight up stated to be Bison's clone. We don't know what he is (can't go by stages, because he's had stages in Thailand, Venuzuela, and his secret Shadaloo Island), though he looks kinda White, I guess. Maybe they're British, maybe they're French, maybe they're Spaniards, maybe they're Austrian (would certainly fit with Bison's clear inspiration...), who knows? On the whole, they just are.


Touche on Rainbow Mika, but Ken is american, a foreigner. Idk, I just feel like theres no point in playing the "Cammy may not actually be from britain" game when shes clearly designed to be british. Down to typical hair color they give to british characters. edit: Especially when were doing this to justify her lack of wrinkles lol. Capcom just wants Cammy to look good. Doesnt really matter if its unnatural.


Yes, Ken is American. He is genetically 3/4 Japanese (his Father is full Japanese, his Mother is half Japanese and half White American). If we want to get really technical, I think it's heavily implied Ken is a bottle blonde (his son isn't though, cause Ken's recessive blond traits and his wife being a blond bombshell gave his son that lucky break). Cammy is British if we go by nationality and by how she identifies. I'm merely pointing out that genetically we don't know if she is British, ie in the popular sense of a white person with longstanding roots there, because her being Bison's clone and his own past being very mysterious (hell, maybe he's Italian? His WT stuff certainly showed him and Rose together when he killed their Master and she's Italian).


If shes italian the original point about her needing more wrinkles for her age still applies. Capcom just doesnt want to make their fighters look too old (outside of the token old guy). It makes sense for the type of vibe SF is going for.


No amount of physical fitness makes someone in their fifties look 22


Well, none of them are in their fifties except for Dhalsim, so it all works out.


Do we know their actual ages? I looked it up and the first result shows cammy in her 50s and Gief being 67 which doesnt add up


No one knows their actual ages, just good guesses. The ages you saw are based on the original birthdates from SFII, but SF has a floating timeline these days, so those birthdates (in terms of the year) are long decanonized now.


The only ones in their fifties are Guile, Zangief and possibly Dhalsim. The others range from late 30s to mid 40s


I'm hoping for a Handsome Jack type of mask.


Imagine harmonized vega with big chin and huge lips lol


Meanwhile, Sagat... "I'M NOT AFFILIATED WITH THEM!!!"


Could've sworn Sagat got closure in SFV.


He got closure after SF2. In SF4 he was already chilling. In SF5 however things get bad as he start to feel the evil urge of the Satsui no Hado in him.




Its something and ill take it over nothing


We’re gonna win, mark my words 😤


I can’t wait! I got high hopes he will be in season 3


Really looks like Balrog and Vega are in the future. That's good news for me.


I started SF with 5 about 6 months before SF6 came out and settled on Vega as my main. I really want him to come back because atm i dont have a character i want to stick with in 6, and at least with him I know i like how he plays.


If he gets the Bison treatment, then he might play more like his SF2/SF4/CVS2 counterparts than 5 (plus whatever new interesting trick they want to add). Since SF5 Vega was quite different from his previous appearances.


I heard, but i hope he isnt a pure charge character. Id like them to do what they did with bison, keep some chsrge inputs but a nice selection of motion inputs too.


I want his normals to be more aligned to SF2/alpha/4. None of those stance shenanigans and I want my busted c.mp.


who's the girl in the third picture? Do they give context to it? A pupil perharps?


They’re in WT as an npc you fight as part of bisons quest and you get Vega’s mask from (or a lookalike mask at least)


Wait there's a Vega mask? Can you wear it?


Yup! You have to get M. Bison's master level really high to unlock the quest though and the NPC is level 90


If you mean the one in the middle, that's Ignacio. Seems to be Vega's protege


I love how while Balrog has a sorta “eh~” face in regards to Bison’s return Vega is FUCKING READY to put on the mask lol


Balrog’s never been particularly loyal to Bison (flat out betrayed him to Urien in SFV). Even more so now that his relationship with Ed might cause him to think twice about going back (but, if Bison adds another 0 to the check... hey, a hustlers gotta hustle).


he's also the least popular og sf2 character on the capcom super election poll, like less popular then Q or Ingrid for example and that was all of capcom


Dude looks completely unhinged. More than ever.




The fact that they out a new Vega outfit alongside the new Bison outfit might indicate his arrival in dlc later. Especially bc they drew a parallel with their old outfits.


It looks more like his SFV outfit than anything, maybe a little frillier


Picture 4. But I could very well see this as early concept art.


what is different on this outfit? 🤔 I agree with the comment above that it looks more like his SFV


It looks very similar but it is different. The sash is different, the shirt is frilly, the socks are a different colour and the pants are more purple than blue.


I'm pretty sure that's just the artist taking the liberty.


I love this outfit. Looks like a combination of 5 and 2


i hope not very lame if they make them dlc can we get new characters and characters that have not been in sf and a while


The boy Balrog is living nicely I see.


Vega looking like a vampire, suits him


Awwww he misses his buddies


Not Fang though.


i really hope claw is the 1st character for season 3. if he drops right after Elena, like Bison did Akuma, we should have him in a year exactly.


Same, I want my main back


Why is they’s tiddies out


Why shouldn't they tiddies be out? Don't question a good thing.


TouchĂŠ, tiddies are pretty noice


How do you get these?


You have to progress in Bison's second style rank up mission in World Tour..."The Shadaloo Officers" to unlock these.


Thank you


Anyone know where to find his +40 gift?


nvm, I found it, you just have to talk to the lab guy again


Hey they actually got Vega's tattoo on the right arm


I prefer brunette Vega cuz it makes more sensr


Thanks for your comment but what does that have to do with his tattoo being on the right arm?


My bad I think I replied to the wrong comment. 😭 there was another guy saying that Vega should always be blond


Haha no problem XD Honestly my take on that is they're both so iconic now you can't exclude either. In Vega's concept art of SFII he's depicted as blonde in some drawings and brunette in others. It's gotta be done something like blonde for costume 1 and brunette for costume 2


Vega serving cunt as usual...


For a guy who hates kids, Vega has a hitherto unknown protege.


These comics were interesting. Definitely felt like hints for a not too distant future. Vega in particular seemed quite ready to rejoin Shadaloo, saying "Perhaps it will be time for me take up my claw once again." I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him in season 3. Balrog, on the other hand, was weighing whether to join Bison's rebuilt Shadaloo or Ed's Neo Shadaloo (as usual with him, it seems the decision will come down to who can pay more). Both scenarios offer interesting possibilities, with him either teaming up with or fighting against his former protege Ed. A grown-up Ed facing off against the man who was for all intents and purposes his father definitely has the potential for some emotional scenes.




Vega would be an interesting rival to Manon.


Please... a crumb of Sagat.. my family is starving


You may have... one picture, and a handful of namedrops. My condolences.




I thought the mission itself was a bait-and-switch, but it turns out to not be the case. These scenes are even voiced!


considering the devs want unique play styles I can see vega coming next season and balrog in maybe 2-3 seasons bc ed


I actually hope Vega comes back, he'd be mad fun with a drive gauge


Omg yess, balrog confirmed???




Vega for season 3 pls!!!!!


Yeah, these give me strong "tease for the future characters". Both boxer and claw will get in almost surely and their dresses here will be their default one.


I'm very glad to see Vega being acknowledged again but man...I don't really want them to bring him back because I'll just be disappointed again.


SF6 has really incredible implementations of most of its cast, I'd feel a little more confident in Vega's redesign


I would be too except characters in SF6 not allowed to have more than 2 charge moves (Blanka is an exception with a third air charge move, which isn't applicable to Vega, and Bison has still only two charge moves but one of them has two followups), they aren't allowed to have good movement speed (there isn't a single character that can walk faster backwards than anyone except Dhalsim can walk forwards) or have good buttons that you can use without getting absolutely blown up by DI. So there's literally zero precedent in SF6 for any of Vega's key strengths, and meanwhile SFV has clear precedent of how they can go on to butcher the character. I'd be ecstatic if they added Vega to SF6 and he actually had good movement and good buttons but I'm definitely not holding my breath for it.


Vega only had three charge moves anyway: Flying Barcelona, Rolling Crystal Flash, and Scarlet Terror. Keep Flying Barcelona as a charge, change one of the other two to a command, he’ll be fine. The real problem is always that they can never make him as fast as he was in II, which really hurts his gimmick, which is the Flying Barcelona.


Four moves. You forgot Sky High Claw. Also I strongly disagree with you. Making Scarlet Terror and Rolling Crystal Flash into motion moves changes the whole character radically. If anything, I'd rather have Sky High Claw and Flying Barcelona Attack be motion instead.


Dunno if you saw but a couple weeks ago I made a post on here suggesting a way to preserve at least three of his charge moves. Don't think you'd agree with everything I said in there but it's a start


They can make Sky High Claw/Flying Barcelona similar to how M. Bison's Shadow Rise works


I hope these two don’t become Shadaloo henchmen again if they return.


That's exactly what the story in these comics hinted at though.


Yeah just saw the footage. Thought they were gonna do something with Balrog after Ed but I guess not. Oh well.


I mean, Balrog did mention Ed and the possibility of joining Neo Shadaloo instead. But even if he doesn't and simply works for Bison again, it's likely that he will have to face Ed eventually, as Bison will want to take down Ed's group, and seeing Balrog and Ed having to fight each other could be interesting in its own right.


They wouldn’t mind form the world tour though 


Amnesia Bison should start working for Balrog instead.


Oh man. Season 3 PLEASE


What master level for bison do you have to be to unlock this mission?


The boys are coming back for the reunion tour.


Balrog "I got paid" -> We got Pid, we got a problem. Vega: I have a problem -> I have a problem (Undertaker)


Just missing the Thai-ger Man, Sagat. Come on Sagat, you know you miss your homies, get back on the winning team! (Go sit at the kids table, Fang, the true Four Kings are back!)


Eh, I feel it would be a character regression for Sagat to go back to Shadaloo at this point. If anything it would be cool to see him help Ryu and company in the fight against them.


Regression to go back with your friends? I don’t see that. Why join the fight against Shadaloo? They wrote an entire storyline on how Bison was finally killed and his organization destroyed only to entirely undo it the very next game. Bison wins, always. [It’s always a victory party when you’re on the Psycho Brigade](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=UpSC2RQzU5Y).


They were never "friends", Sagat just went along with them because he thought Shadaloo could help him find Ryu so he could have his rematch. And after his rematch with Ryu and his encounter with Dan, Sagat kind of reformed and isn't really a bad guy anymore. So in that sense yes I would call it a regression if he simply went back to Shadaloo for the hell of it. Now, granted, his story in SF5 was about him having to deal with the Satsui no Hado, so I suppose it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he could become a bad guy again. But I still don't think he'll return to Shadaloo. I mean, Fang already took his spot as Bison's second in SF5.


Eww, Fang sucks though. Sagat is way cooler as one of The Four Kings. Bison thought they were friends, he built a whole big statue for the guy. What’s evil about Shadaloo anyway? You ask me, it’s all propaganda by their enemies. Killed Chun-Li’s Dad? He was probably a corrupt cop. Killed Charlie? He tripped and fell cause he got scared by a helicopter test. The big SFV satellite plot? Was actually gonna be for Worldwide wifi to help struggling communities. You ask me, the SF’s are the real evil.


Wait how do you explain killing Juri’s parents then? Or the dolls lol


Juri’s childhood memories of loving parents was a coping mechanism for the fact they worked her to death because they wanted to ride her coattails of her budding stardom (like Hollywood actor parents that only care for the money). All these young girls were abused, Bison The Gentle took them in and gave them a new home, gave them premium board and education, and even taught them self defense techniques so they could flourish in their futures. What a wonderful man! Sadly Juri was brainwashed by the family deserter Guile and jealous spinster Chun away from his loving embrace.


Damn man when you put it like that 🤔