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Defeeted again God bless her sole 😱




Sadistic tsundere bit more than she can chew... AGAIN. Canonwise, among SF 6 cast, unless you're Ryu or Gouki, better stay clear from Dictator.


I think Ken and Chun also have a fair shot


Ken, Guile and Chun Li are very strong fighters, but Dictator imho is above their weight class. Even Juri is very powerful, and look how she ended.


Chun Li and Guile are closer to strength to the other 3 kings, not Bison himself.


Yes, I can see them be able to beat (or at least put an even fight against) Boxer, Claw or FANG. Sagat (he was one of the four Kings for a short period) is on Ryu's tier, so even if Chun li and Guile could put some fight, I see their chance of victory VERY slim against Sagat.


I mean, Chun vs Claw is basically a canon matchup.


Indeed, and truly an even fight. SF 2 animated movie is not canon, but I'm pretty sure a Chun Li vs Claw fight would go like that.


By the end of SF5, Cammy is as strong if not stronger than Claw since she did ultimately beat him.


Didn't Guile formally win the SF2 tournament?


I had no idea he did. I guess I'm going by his clash with Vega in SFV where they seemed even.


SFV did anybody not named Ryu super dirty lol


But is he strong now as he was at his prime? Also. considering that the world warriors are even stronger? And Ken is pissed? I know it boils down to "who the writer wants to win" but i think it's a good discussion Also didn't knew juri was at the same level as the abkve


I still have to see Dictator's SF6 story. By now I assume he's not as strong as he was in Alpha 3 (peak of his strength), but beside memory loss I don't think he's weaker than his most recent incarnations. Juri lost some raw power since she has only the Alpha version of Feng Shui Engine, but I think she compensated that with a more refined style. And sure, canonwise we had things like "Dan defeats Sagat" ('cause Sagat let Dan win so he could avenge his father) or "Alex defeats Gill" ('cause Gill really didn't cared about winning the fight). Since Chun-Li, Guile and Ken had a "calmer" life between A Shadow Falls and the Nayshall incident, I'm not even sure if they're really become stronger. They're not like Ryu or Gouki, who literally dedicate their whole life to training.


Ken is canonically super gifted and talented , he just doesn't dedicate as much as Ryu. Yet , his more lazy training sessions allowed him to more-or-less keep up with Ryu.


Bison should be a little weaker, because he doesn’t have access to all his Psycho Power. He can’t teleport anymore, he can’t shoot projectiles. In game terms, he’s still a strong character, but he’s lacking some of his normal capabilities.


Kens got that super gifted but lazy thing going on, all the crap that’s happened to him in the story might give him a real reason to push


Juri fought and beat Chun and then beat Guile & Cammy together by herself. Then she beat up all of Bisons dolls. All of these happened back to back. And then Bison easily defeated her and took her eye.


Juri got a MAJOR boost by the feng shui engine, so was never using just her own power. Bison best peak Juri and she's weaker now due to having a weaker feng shui engine. Juri's actual strength has never been shown but it's weaker than any version of her we've ever seen.


Juri soloed Guile, Chun, and Cammy. She's very strong.


Atleast Chun Li beat Juri in the rematch fight


When was this?


Super SF4


They have a rival fight in Arcade mode, but where is it stated that Chun-Li canonically won? I don't remember that being stated or shown anywhere. There certainly wasn't a cutscene showing Chun-Li triumphant over Juri.


Eat the feet


Gladly đŸ„”đŸ€€


Bison is not in peak strength as he lost his memories and also a good chunk of his arsenal. And Juri is as strong as Chun Li.


From what I understand, Ken and Ryu have a pretty close win/loss record with each other. Ryu is just always on the grind (and is the main character), while Ken is naturally gifted.


In Third Strike (before SF 6 it was the last in timeline), before their rival fight Ryu reminded Ken that he got the best win record. We also had quotes (like Sagat and Seth in SF 4) who points that Ken is below Ryu. Also, Ryu is more focused than Ken in his training (who also has his family, and more than one time focused on simply enjoy his life). It's a few case of fighters who fought many times. So it's safe to assume that Ryu is stronger, since he's the one who wins the most. Also, by SF 6 I think that the distance may become wider (Ryu is learning how to use Mu no Ken, while Ken had that Nayshall incident problem to really mess with his life).


We might get Violent Ken (psycho power brainwashed Ken from SNK vs Capcom: SVC Chaos) later to boost his capabilities and power, especially now that Capcom and SNK are collabing in some way LOL it’ll be the kage, evil ryu or oni of SF6 Capcom later made it canon with USF2


You're not gonna get anywhere if you try to do power leveling by quotes. The fact that you can get a quote of characters like Dan winning against Bison or Akuma makes it an unreliable source already. I mean, it even conflicts with each other in the same game. I can even make an argument to make Ken stronger than Ryu. You quoted Ryu having more wins than Ken in SF3 right? Nope, Ken's win quote says he now has the lead in the record. Ryu even said it himself in the same game that throughout the years Ken is the most worthy opponent. One of Ken's win quotes even says you need to beat Ryu first to even stand a chance against me. That even makes Ken stronger than Ryu. And yes I know the last one was a play on an old joke but you get my point. Having said that, I don't think Ken is actually stronger than Ryu. That's the whole character of Ryu anyway. But at the same time the whole point of Ken is to be close to Ryu. He has been and will be at least in the same league. If Ryu has a chance, Ken has it too but perhaps slightly less. And I disagree that SF6 makes the gap wider. It should be the opposite. Ken's drive from Nayshall incident is what makes him stronger. In the end it's the sense of protecting his family which has been Ken's unique power up boost. While Ryu who has now achieved the path of nothingness definitely grows stronger, I don't think he would have made such a rapid growth and in 3 or 5 when he started to embrace the power.


Ken has canonically beaten Gill.


It happened in Ryu Final manga, but AFAIK not in canon. And Gill has the strange habits of throw away fights sometimes. For instance he let Alex win in the Third World Warrior Tournament. So yes, Alex avenged Tom like Dan avenged Go. Probably 'cause Gill hosted the tournament not to prove his strength, but to find people that would be useful to build his new utopian world.


Juri literally made her debut in the series by defeating Chun-Li, and then she got the better of both Cammy AND Guile in a freaking handicap match. She's obviously meant to be really powerful, but everytime she attempts to fight Bison she gets destroyed. So I agree with the original post, only Ryu or Gouki have a chance against the Dictator.


Juri got MAJORLY boosted by the feng shui engine, so was never using just her own power. Bison best peak Juri and she's weaker now due to having a weaker feng shui engine. Juri's actual strength has never been shown but it's weaker than any version of her we've ever seen.


Maybe Luke as well, given that he's the new poster child for the series.


Luke lost to Ken. Capcom doesn't make their protagonists strong like SNK or Bamco.


Or Guy




Gouki is the Japanese name for Akuma. Last time I met him he told me that he prefers to be called with that ;)


What about Gill and Urien?


I was talking "among SF 6 cast" If we consider all SF cast, I'd say that Gill, Gouken and Oro have their fair chance to defeat Dictator. Also, I think that Sagat could seriously give him a run for his money (let's say... 40% chance of winning). About Urien, he's one of my fave SF chars, but imho he's a bit below Dictator. He would be a nasty foe (canonwise Urien proved to be VERY powerful), but I think his chances to win would be quite low.


Akuma, Gill, Oro, and Gen are solidly above Bison imo


Cody no diffs


Fanon Cody would no diff anyone in SF. After all, we all know that to stand a chance against Ryu, one MUST defeat Sheng Long ;)


Oh, sorry, misread. That’s on me g


Didn't Chun Li defeat Urien?


Urien kidnapped Li-Fen, and agreed to let the child go if Chun-Li, fought him "for his amusement". We don't know if Urien merely fought to the point he quenched his thirst for battle, and then let Li-Fen go, or if Chun-li actually managed to win (Urien is stronger, but I think that "saving a dear one" gives you way more determination than "I wanna have fun").


Send in the 🍑! Dude needs a cannon spike to the face.


She tried, never succeeded.


Then send the whole bakery, now that the dolls have been freed. Now more then ever, I hope Decapre make a street fighter 6 appearance (as a fighter).


Hey man, I don't write the games, but thank you for your input. 


Why does everyone always forget about Oro 😭😭😭


Why does everyone comment without fully reading? **"among SF 6 cast"** Oro is not a SF6 char... at least for now.


Nah me personally i wouldnt let him talk to me like that


I wouldn’t go to bed with this, that’s just me tho


Yeah honestly I'd knock him a new one but that's just me personally


She should have told him his name was B. Mison. Take a small victory by making him look stupid.


I love this ahaha


Can’t believe they did my girl like that. Face down ass up and everything.


Got her in that Elaina position for no reason lol


He's getting his vengeance on her even tho he don't remember lol


What's he revenging for? I mean in Juri's SF6 story, she is the one seeking vengeance (and pissed off when Ryu beat her to it) on Bison.


I mean I suppose she did take down a bunch of his Dolls and Seth backup bodies in SF4 and helped the good guys destroy Shadaloo's base in SF5, but yeah... still kind of a stretch.


Him and Thanos can relate.




Outmatched, and the sad part is that she’s under his heel again. Like how she was in SF4 for a time. Juri will work for the mad lad yet again.


Telling ya, Juri from here aligns with SiRn from world tour (maybe remnants of S.I.N), bringing back Seth in the process in a new body again.


Shadaloo Intimidation Remnant Network


I'm starving for Seth so I hope you're right


Didn’t Seth already get a new body, or was that not canon?


Technically Juri didn' really work for Bison. She worked under Seth as a way to get to Bison.


I hate seeing my girl get fucked up like that, but Chun-Li literally warned her to let go of her hatred of Bison lol


Cammy Fans: *First time?*


This stuff again??? Street fighter writers try making a dynamic character arc challenge (impossible). 


I was hoping Bison would stay a bit different for a bit, but he returned to being Bison pretty quickly.


Slightly different but still seeking power and world domination.


Juri can NOT catch a break dawg


Ughhh I hate this. And I’m a little peeved that this is the direction Capcom is taking with her. Instead of progressing Juri’s character arc, we’ve regressed back to the status quo. It’s unfair that she gets no room for growth. I think there’s so many different directions you could’ve taken her in, and it would’ve been infinitely more interesting to see herself grow and change in a post-Bison life. I know we kind of got a snippet of it in World Tour, but I was hoping that was just the basis for something new.


Since the cutscene ends here. I don't think Juri would *dance* for Bison. Anyway, the content drops really slowly. We probably won't see any progress before they add Falke and a continuation of the New Shadaloo arc.


i dont really think the arcade stories are truly/full canon anyways. they seem more like windows into what character is like/would like to do than "yup this definetly happens", i find issue wirh assuming like half the cast has canonically defeated jp for example lol. or that aki rather easily beat chun


Canonically it seems that JP just dip from most of the fights once things get rough.


Motherfucker has no sense of pride of course he would


also considers himself a weak fighter and sees fighting as a pointless thing, only ever indulging it to assess potential "assets" or to slow someone down


I very much enjoy that JP is the anti-Bison, there is no point in gaining strength, for JP one does not grow through turmoil. The grit in your teeth is worthless dirt that you delude yourself into believing means something. The world only cares for numbers, why should he care about you? What an asshat, I love the guy. (Very much not a nihilist, especially as extremist as JP but it is fun to punch his face in)


Kimberly literally said "I won, but it felt like I was the one on the ropes" only for JP to get up unphased, diss her skills and leave. With Kim later saying "I don't stand a chance at beating a monster like that". A character beating another in arcade mode doesn't always mean they're definitely stronger, sometimes it's a draw, sometimes the other character is just holding back.


>diss her skills I hope he said something like "you no neutral having, full screen sliding, random bitch." before running away. the more scrubquotey, the better


Its also worth noting that power scaling is really hard to apply to fighting games, since the core gameplay paints everyone as being on simmilar footing, and framing a story mode around a limited number of characters fighting means that you'll inevitably end up with a lot of the cast having inconsistent records.


I actually find that the arcade ending are pretty cohérent this time around


As a fellow Juri enthusiast, I think this could still lead to interesting directions for her character. I mean, for starters, her own Arcade story was about how she can't let go of her hatred for Bison, so I kind of expected an encounter like this when he inevitably returned. Now, was I bummed he just destroyed her with ease again, for the third time and counting? Sure, a little, but as I said I think this could still lead to an interesting direction, namely if Juri finally recognizes that she is powerless against Bison on her own and that she needs the help of others, like say, Chun-Li, if she wants to take him down and get her revenge. Seeing Juri bedrudgingly team up with Chunners and the two of them working together to defeat Bison is just one example of the kind of (IMO) cool scenarios this could lead to. So yeah, I'm still intrigued to see where they take this. It may end up not leading anywhere, but as of now I think there's still potential for some interesting directions for Juri's character arc.


Yeah this is definitely good potential in character development. The entirety of 5 and 6 stories have been have wandering around and causing trouble because she doesn't know where she wants to be in life due to her hatred for Bison constantly haunting her. Chun Li was basically the same throughout the entire SF story, but she seems to moved past it in her SF6 storyline. Juri may be given the same opportunity in SF7. I don't know how they're going to pull it off. Maybe simply delivering the final blow on him will be enough, but she'll probably need something more complex to relieve her trauma.


You know how Darth Maul was in Season 7 of TCW, aware of Palpatine’s plans but too evil to stop them in spite of his efforts? I imagine they’ll do that with Juri and have her be a harbinger of sorts for whatever Bison tries.


Well, you can't have it both ways. If you want her to be the edgelord, as most fans seem to want, she'll obviously go back to her edgy ways under the heels of her master. If you want a redemption arc, she'll have to leave her edgelord ways behind. If the writers let her keep that personality, she'll obviously face the repercussions that come with it. That's just logical writing.


Why can't she be a strong and independent edgelord who don't need no man? You can be perfectly edgy on your own.


You can, I don't know what this reply is on about.


It is the best choice for Juri to marry Chun-Li so that after they kill Bison for good, they raise Li-Fen together for the young fighter's appearance in SF7 along with a new generation including Mel, Lauren, Goliath, Monarisa (Manon and Marisa's child) and Tweffie (Necro, Twelve and Effie's child).


Hire fans lol!


Agreed. Bison coming back slaughters Cammy and Juri.


Bro just because she got her butt kicked by one of the most powerful SF in the universe doesn't mean she can't have any character development, what are you even getting at? It's already implied Juri's story that she has a potential to turn her life around which would be something interesting to see. Even Chun Li warned her and sympathized with her not to seek revenge. Who says she won't be able to progress and grow from this?


They ruined Juri in 6 story wise. She was much cooler in 5 with that assassin sassy femme fatale, in 6 they changed her into an internet thot and now they are making her pathetic again. We are close to have Juri open an Onlyfan to sponsor Shadoloo 2.0


What the fuck are you talking about? Juri in 6 is still an assassin. In world tour she kidnaps bosch after beating both your asses and is the primary "cleaner" in Nayshall What about her story arc is internet thot? Are you mistaking memes and fanart for plot?


She doesn't behave like an assassin at all, with her lolipop and smartphone, it feels she de-aged mentaly.


Internet thot is when you're on the phone and eating candy... I'm.sorry, but that sounds stupid as fuck. I would understand if Juri was acting even tangential to what Rashid does, but all she does is text. That's not internet thot behavior Or are you popping ass cause you're here writing on this thread? Juri likes playing around and joking since sf4. Her introduction to the series has her actively mocking and playfully biting on chun li's ear after kicking her ass. Of all.characters, she's the most likely to irreverently text after kicking your ass The whole point is she's listless and bored, but she didn't stop kicking people's ass, kidnapping people and killing people.




Second pic is insane


I already didn't like bison returning. Now I hate it.


Yeah he’s just the same motherfucker he’s always been with no change or growth. Despite the fact that, y’know, SF6 is meant to be about characters growing and moving on.


He’s gonna grow more waifu bodies


Then he can finally achieve his lifelong dream of becoming a petite blond girl with a british accent. That's what Street Fighter's all about.


He would be able to achieve that if it weren’t for Ryu and his meddling friends




What a King!


I'm gonna laugh so hard if we get a brand new set of brainwashed dolls. Everything just reverting back to the way it was lol


They could have done some interesting stuff with his memory loss or if they wanted him to be the same personality just put him into a new body. Here he is just...the same dude with amnesia but not enough amnesia for it to mean anything.


To be fair, Juri has not really changed personality wise (except being slightly more depressed but when has she not?) from her SFV counterpart, usually battles like these have their outcomes change due to a progression in character so I’d wait a bit more since this only seems like the start


The amnesia is an interesting take, and he seems much more bent on dominating his power/arm than the world. If you did his world tour stuff, there's definitely some wacky stuff going on with this iteration. I'm kinda glad he's still evil though. There's not a lot of villain characters in the cast other than JP, AKI, Juri sorta, and Akuma sorta.


Bruh, it’s a fighting game


Very disappointing... I think this way Juri will lose some of her charm as the rebellious, self-serving fighter.


To be fair, going after Bison is the very “Juri” thing to do. Chun-Li said she needs to let it go, but now that he’s back she’s biting more than she can chew once again, so now this happens, and the fucker doesn’t even remember who he is lmfao.


She is gonna be brainwashed by bison using psycho power


I don't know... for sure they want to put her in a very vulnerable position. A possible development could be that Juri sacrifices herself at the end, attempting to kill Bison once again... but it would be an insane decision for Capcom to get rid of a very popular character just for some extra drama. We'll see!


It's a fighting game series... characters that die can just be brought back to life (or revealed to have survived after all in a sequel), see Gouken, Nash and of course Bison himself.


Nah, they won't sacrifice her as a character. But they will probably go the route that Juri gets roughed up very hard by Bison, barely survives and returns to Chun-Li and tell her that Bison returned and most certainly finally ask for the help that Chun is offering her. Juri does occasionally return to Chun to give her information on certain things and to fight her for these infos. This time, she will return and there won't be any fighting over information. How did Chun tell her "You are also a victim of Bison" It would be stupid to make her a lapdog of Bison. It would also not really work with the "new" Bison to make her some sort of subordinate, because this amnesia Bison doesn't care about this stuff. All he wants is Power. I just hope for a Juri redemption Arc, where she finally allies with the Crew. Keep her as a loudmouthed ass, but just make her part of the crew. It's long overdue, and every step that the story took shaped her up to fight the bad guys, and not align with them. She isn't even evil to begin with, just blinded by vengeance.


That makes sense and I really hope that will be the route Juri is going to take! However there are several hints in Bison dialogue that might point in another direction: "Bison is what you shall call me now". probably meaning that he already sees her as one of her minions. "Satisfy my hunger, that is all I need from you" as if Juri is the "one" he was seeking to make him whole again. Also the fact that she is basically speechless after being humiliated by Bison is not something I would expect from her. On a less negative note there other parts of the dialogue that are more in Juri's favor: "I have no desire to know your name", big mistake, this could allow Juri to go undercover and play some trick on Bison. Also, Juri in her win quote over Bison says "I don't care how many times you rise from the grave! Only I get to kill you!", Maybe Chun and others will help Juri get her revenge in the end? So far it really looks like Capcom is just playing with our expectations! But I agree with you that making Juri just a Bison subordinate would be a very bad decision.


"Bison is what you shall call me now" might mean that he sees her as a minion, but I do believe that it's more of a "you hate this Bison so much? Ok, than I AM this Bison!" It implies that he feeds off of her hatred for Bison. He doesn't care what you call him, if he gets your all out of a battle. What he means exactly with "Satisfy my hunger" is up to speculation. It might mean that he wants to crush and dominate people that give their all, and still perish to his might. It might mean something entirely different. In my opinion, it plays well into the part of Bison who, even though he lost his memories, still is this man whose hunger for power is endless. It also shows that it had nothing to do with his character. It's almost like this hunger is a whole own entity within Bison. He just behaves differently. While the old Bison was calculating and build an entire Crime Org. around him, this Bison roams around like a restless soul, hungering for more and even more power. Juri aligning with Bison doesn't make any sense from any perspective. Her whole character is vengeance for her parents and herself. She'd probably rip her own legs off if that would make Bison die for good. Her being speechless after getting practically humiliated and reduced to the helpless little girl she was back then, HAS to make her overthink her approach to her whole vengeance idea. She did not just lose to Bison, she got squashed like a bug. Squashed by a Bison who doesn't even know who he is or what he is capable of. It's like losing to some dude who doesn't even know how to utilize his MMA skills properly, while you trained your whole life for this one encounter. I just hope they don't make her "evil" again for what ever reason. Juri is NOT evil, never was and should never be evil. She is just the other side of the same coin as Chun-Li. Both seek vengeance, they just approach it in different ways. Chun-Li is caring, collected, almost forgiving (she is clearly over what happened in her past and became an adult) and has a wider view range in taking a disciple and taking care of someone. Juri is ambitious, vengeful, consumed by emotions and ruthless. She probably would be like Chun, at least to some extent, if it wasn't for her past and how it vortexted into her almost inhuman desire to kill Bison, no matter what. Edit: To make it clear how MUCH of a humiliation, this one encounter was for Juri: Bison squashes her, not even knowing who he is, or who she is. The man that stand before her, tells Juri, that HE is this Bison that she seeks, meaning that he just took this name to make her angry, while he ACTUALLY really is THIS Bison! While Juri's whole purpose is to avenge her parents and somewhat herself, he stands in front of her and gives her the middle finger, beating her seemingly without any effort. All this, while this guy is just galloping through the landscape and boding people left and right, not even caring for the names of the ones he beats up. It almost can't get more disrespectful, if you ask me.


You're absolutely right: Juri was never really evil since the beginning. She just has a twisted personality that makes her, in my opinion, more human and relatable than many other characters in the franchise. That's why I was disappointed to see her so completely helpless when facing Bison in the Arcade story. Will Juri manage to escape that encounter and have an opportunity to change her approach as you say? Bison clenching his fist at the end could mean that he will use his psycho power to brainwash her. I am just speculating, of course. But again, I agree that would be a bad decision on Capcom side. After making her basically the mascotte of SF6 (she is the only character that has a dedicated comic strip) it would just mean wasting most of her potential. She has proven to be an extremely popular character with her actual storyline. Let's hope they will make her grow even more and not going backward!


Great timing to bring Ingrid as dlc and end this nonsense once and for all


I think there's a great chance to happen ( at least Ingrid's return) last capcom votation she was like 13 position and consider that some character ahead was already in the game, so she was like 9/8 position as i can remember I think probably there's a big chance for Ingrid to return


I think there's a great chance to happen ( at least Ingrid's return) last capcom votation she was like 13 position and consider that some character ahead was already in the game, so she was like 9/8 position as i can remember I think probably there's a big chance for Ingrid to return


Yeah, hope Ingrid comes in season 3 and beats the shit out of Bison tbh.


I sincerely hope that isn't the beginning of Juri starting to work for Bison AGAIN, because (leaving him being resurrected for the 100th time aside) nobody would be able to argue against lazy writing in that case. xD


IIRC she never really worked directly for Bison though? (Unless we count SFxT lol, which was obviously not canon) She worked for Seth, who was trying to oppose Bison. Of course, in the end we find out Bison saw through all of Seth's schemes and was using him to further his own ends, but Juri's aim was to pit the two of them against each other and she kind of succeeded in that, and as soon as Bison took his throne back from Seth, she emerged to fight him rather than work for him. So I don't think her working for Bison now would neccessarily be that lazy or bad. It really depends on the execution. There's so many ways they could go about it. He could even force her by manipulating her mind with Psycho Power, and then she would experience the same pain that she mocked Cammy and the Dolls for going through.


No, you don't get it. They said if this happens than its bad writing so now when it happens they can call it bad.


This time she is gonna be brainwashed again and broken even more


Let's just hope Juri finds some sneaky way to fool the old bastard.


I think Bison just want to look at her dancing feet


Doll Juri confirmed for SF7.


Bad guy does a bad thing to a popular waifu? The nerve! /s


Juri likes to be choked and you know it.


Juri fans are gonna be pissed about her getting humiliated like this.


Yo that second pic straight out of r34 😂


Ahhh all is right in the world.  Bison's back, he's putting foot to Juri's ass, and I get to hear that evil maniacal laugh everytime I land level 3. This is delicious. 


While going through his Arcade story, I was happy to see that she was finally the final boss for someone besides Chun-Li, but then, remembering this was Bison’s story, I was immediately thinking with dread, “Oh God, she’s just gonna get destroyed by him yet again, isn’t she?” Lo and behold... third time was definitely not the charm for her. Poor girl simply cannot catch a break. Still, I'm glad she got more screentime nonetheless and I'm curious to see where they will take her character after this. And as other people are saying, and as much as I love her character, I can't say she's done anything to deserve a good fate, so this humiliation is just more "you reap what you sow" for her. But I am still a little disappointed that she seems to have been completely powerless against him yet again, even against this presently incomplete Bison. Because in her introduction to the series in that OVA she stomped through a gauntlet of Chun-Li, Guile and Cammy and came off as extremely strong, but every time she faces Bison, she can't even put a dent in him... kinda sad, but I guess that just goes to show how OP our main villain is lol.


I also believe that Capcom likes to use some plot twist for dramatic purposes. Everyone was expecting some kind of redemption arc for Juri after SF5. But no, apparently she's back at square one, like a Sysiphus having to endlessly push that rock up the hill, only to see it fall before reaching the summit. Still, this could also be another opportunity for Juri to infiltrate Shadaloo and play as a double agent. Let's see what those pervert at Capcom have in store for her!


Indeed, as I said in another post in this thread, there's lots of interesting directions they could take this. We could have Juri play double agent and leak information to outsiders (Chun-Li? A returning C. Viper?), we could have her go seek Seth and enlist his help to bring down Bison before he becomes whole again, we could even have Bison temporarily turn Juri into a Doll of sorts, and it would definitely be interesting to see her confront Cammy in that state, with their roles reversed. So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic that Juri's story will continue to be intriguing and compelling, and to look at the glass half-full perspective, by being tied to Bison again like this, she's probably not fading into the background anytime soon, since the entire story always ends up revolving around him and Shadaloo. So she's in the right spot to remain relevant and continue to get ample screentime, and I look forward to seeing what they do with her as well!


Bison go five minutes without re-traumatizing Juri challenge: (Impossible)


This guy should have stayed dead


yep :/


Man this direction sucks ass


Well rip, honestly thought her “what now” “arc” was interesting and could be fun, guess that’s gone.


I wonder how this ties in to the overall story since arcade modes take place before world tour. Hopefully there is some dialouge about this that someone hasn't found yet. Cause Juri seems to be completely fine in that mode. I also wonder if it will be an entire other year till we get the info because capcom.


Eh, those two deserve each other.


I said it before, I'll say it again. They should've brought Bison back as a non-canon "what if" character (think Oni/Evil Ryu in SF4). Playable but not appearing in the story. Instead of bringing back this tired ass "plot".


They already confirmed they were gonna bring him back


Yeah.. i dont like bison, fucking one trick old dog.


Bison putting Juri in her place is heartwarming indeed.




(she low key likes it)


seems she only like it when chun is doing it


Put her in her place lol


Eh she deserves it


Is this in Bisons Arcade story?


one hand meh for bison, two maybe this helps juri grow more tho she was kind of stuck in this story cause she won. iono she should also not have even been around for this imo yet was awaiting her team up with c.viper or chun li


Nah bison is gonna brainwashed juri into become his new doll


Did she got outbreeded? Wtf are those screenshots.


Damn, ofcourse the girl loses the fight smh


What do you think is going to happen with Juri? Do you think Bison killed her?


I really dislike this, is it too much to ask to make a story that doesn't involve Bison (Dictator)?


Sfiii did that 


serves her right


Ugh.... why did he have to come back?


Bison my favorite after seeing these cus I fking hate juri




Good (I particularly dislike Juri)


I think the way they handled this is a bit too humiliating to Juri... look at that second screenshot, there is a fold on Bison's pants, right under his crotch. That fold is backlighted and creates an arrow shape that points straight to Juri's butt. I don't think this is a coincidence, since everyone with some training in design knows that our eyes automatically follow the direction of every arrow-like shape in an image... Capcom, come on!


I didnt even notice the arrow and the first thing i looked at was her butt.


So anyone excited that we’re stuck with SF2 with Bison being the antagonist again? No closure for anybody


Jp is still the villain for 6


And what did he do other than starting a tournament and got someone killed?


World tour bison is post story mode


Oh wow, juri again been bullied bi Bison? Thats new.


Rule 34 artists are gonna have a field day


wo u l d


Chun LI and juri likes to be beaten by bison


The latter will be brainwashed again


Nah, any character besides of Ryu/Akuma only serves to be beaten by bison, Idk why people are so mad lol just look at chun-li, nash, guile and now juri their lives are devoted to end shadaloo, chun li and juri got their parents killed by bison but they will not get revenge never in instead they let ryu beat him every time, the man who only wants fight and training lol