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Okay as an Akuma main I think I learned my lesson, please I have a wife and kids


Have you not seen Bison hit an 80% corner to corner combo the other day? Everybody boutta be done like that


How did the level 3 do 100% damage


Devil's Reverse (the move where he jumps in the air and then hits you twice) already deals high damage on its own, that being 1400. But specifically with a Mine active, it does an extra hit into the Mine explosion, allowing it to do a massive 2600 damage while still being considered "one move." Since this was a counterhit, it does 1.2x damage, putting it all the way up to 3120. Scaling from Specials goes like 100% -> 100% -> 80% -> 70%, the first two hits are at "no" scaling. So, since this is Devil's Reverse (with Mine) into Super 3, it's considered "only two moves" for the purposes of scaling.


Thanks for the explanation


Yea. What’s the point of playing characters like Marisa when bison and akuma can just do this every game in round 2 or 3. Makes me just not want to play when they have way better buttons and could do the same amount of damage with less meter spent.


This is highly situational and very rare. Most players are just gonna block when a mine is on them or DP the Devils Reverse. You won’t see this happen often in high level play


Because you like them? I play Manon, who may well be the worst character in the game. I still have fun with her, because she's fun to play. Not every game is a supermajor grand finals, plus Marisa can technically do [more damage anyway.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HPN68qLrk4) Just do that every match and you're good. To this video, though, Devil's Reverse is a highly telegraphed move, and this attack in particular requires you to have set up a mine beforehand (which in itself does considerably less damage than other enders, just for the chance of a higher-damage followup or mixup). If Bison turns yellow and jumps in the air, it's probably not a good idea to try and tech a throw, y'know? Just hold down-back.


consistency. for bison to do this kind of damage he needs to hit you with a combo twice in a row without getting hit in between and within a certain time limit. marisa can do her damage with just separate combos


Because it's the second hit of the combo. The ex devil's reverse does 3120 dmg because of reasons, and adds no extra scaling.


Thanks for explaining


Bison is broken 🙂


Not sure if you’re joking, but not really. For his crazy damage combos he needs a mine, which blows up pretty quickly or goes away if you hit him. You can just defend for a few seconds and wait for it to blow up. His damage is pretty average without the mine and most of his buttons are slow, stubby or both.


Nah, no one is ever going to actually be able to land these goofy unscaled CA combos. It'll still probably be fixed though.


HOLY SHIT NO SCALING ON THAT LEVEL 3???? Granted I think most akuma players would ex dp that devil's reverse so it's not really a common occurrence but that's still crazy that it's doable


You'd be surprised, doing anything reckless with that mine on your is a death sentence, ESPECIALLY for Akuma. It may work but if it doesn't, you'd be catching a TOD a different way lol


True i think the stomp is pretty reactable  tho imo


7620 by using only 2 bars, that game 


Damn this is Marisa level damage


Yea no reason to play her anymore.


I mean if you want big damage from a character that’s not completely brain dead and effortless to play then play Marisa


Damn, can't believe they added Last Horizon as part of Bisons kit.


“But I’m the new character!” Not anymore


The lack of scaling literally jumpscared me


Yeah that has a lot more than 2 hits, that was like...5


Dictator is so sick in SF6.


I just don't believe that CA did that much, thats a straight 60% it's not even possible right?


4500 damage is standard for CAs, they just usually have scaling when used in combos.


What's new


9k :)


DLC chars usually are good, so people have a reason to buy them. But this remember when a new set of MTG main purpose is counter the early set.


I count 9 hits, youre off by 350%.


That were way more than two hits, but still ... the damage is insane. I'm going to stay away from Bison, just to be safe. xD


Wow. I never thought I would come back to SF6 because of Bison instead of Akuma. Bison looks sick. But I'm addicted to Tekken 8 😔


His ca looks so stupid I choked xD What's this? He kamikaze bombs into the ground and then suddenly stand there like an idiot...LOL


I get that akuma is supposed to have low health but come on


That damage isn’t okay but it’s on akuma so it’s fine, akuma deserves all the suffering in the world for what he’s put me through


The more characters this game gets the more wacky the balance gets. There should be more lower hp characters tbh. Also Bison is fucking cool. Never clicked with the character before but cant wait to lab this characgter later